■ • ■ "It Is the p«opl* at > UnitedStatea who have jfot to~* " put it aero^iand' make it a tick - and they are doing it.” —General Johnson. r' Q IHIMMIMMMMMIMMMMMIMMMMlnH ,f K ■At '«*■*_ -*£*. i'&: $'' -S.J Tft jih'w* lumlSdrj-1 f*iyj >•' «*,u ,>*!H ' K| :. H !M ■ ■ }j ■ I feTlj' ■ H h| jii^ mL3 ;iiJ L_ FORMER CITIZEN WRITES HUM ' STATE OF " ^ "WASHINGTON c through ao my many friend* aometMng of my where am living in the town of have Maided for a number of year* peat of the aa one I waa iator which la •county. A county that raiaca more wheat than any ana county in the U. 8.,; more -Man 11,000,000 huahrta annually, WkidhaB county ia often called the “bread baahet of the world.” We are tilth wealtheat of the countiea of the atato of Washington. Thi* county; alao haa twice aa much farm land ah' the 19 oountlaa on toe went aide of the atato. Thia county ia the home " *f the Washington State ollege, one af the beat Educational Znatitutiona to toe Northweat We have 9700 miles of county road in the county much : of which ia highly improved. We ^nm«ftotyi milea aouto of Spokane to Colfax, the county aeat, with a good ndtod road to Opehene As I Nt and Uateoed to the. return* the repeal vote for the 18th I w*a very much pleased to haow that my home ata^e was the Ant to register a protest vote again st the repeal of this amendment I' iM fuUv convinced that the repeal of to-day, and people will been Southwest There the the last twenty-five very and sobriety. I am in tty gSU it has been my vary great the last twenty-fiv with people’s or ntendent aisationa. the lifty ag myself. At ever be weller than ever fact X am very proud of compliment my addle on the writing we are as-] » State Capital at Olym extraordinary see ded forthe legislation in Alls since my last visit, will make consider in the conditions of the county as a whole. One thing that I have noticed in some of the papers la that you' have built some vary floe highways leading through the state and counties that are very beneficial to the people as a whole. 1 see noted that the stats has nuuk aoaee my good progress education .it . . M . si 2£jkt&k' ■5* iJT't.v-:»:‘4IW8l-tr-fS^rci vmtoNirsTjg? ’a gd fife jr i Frt ^ ;'_T"„;Z ‘ ' '"*v'•**-*•'• 'utiklfaHnaiuuMMsw^ti•usuuJuut---amw4and»m, ■■■- ' r~ -*^3*ra«r^ —* f.staie and federal •fttkftieha a Eirffig p&^t&^ei&f&kt day,Thursd&y"Shd Friday? December 27, 28, 29, under thp. au^pi^es of Did Institute. of Government, according to aonoutocdm^nt by Albert Coatee, dir* actor of thi Institute. '•! T Planked aik period oif practical schooling’, the Vneetibg is to be’.atten ded by city, County, state, and feder? al law enforcing Officers 'from ail* sections of the s^teV i. . , Registrations ftfil be at State Col lege Yi M. C. .A. beginii*$*** *»*& ture, const •fPHJM&l «flulp»erit.»nd moderni anfeM* ".■ TDe japprpyal, <« *tate departments / of education of: these funds is not necessary, if is pointed out by Geor ge P. Zook, U. S'. Commissioner of Education. They may be had for re pair materials as well as for wages and school salaries. Any school or jtollege Under public auspices may share in this Ciyil Works program he declares.. , '* Furthermore, emergency educa tional programs are now considered specialised work projects, and the recently adopted rulings governing the emergency educational program specify that daily or hourly wages of teachers should equal that cus tomarily paid In a community for similar work. The weekly wage for1 teaching will he. sufficient 10 permit a*‘reasonable standard, it was stated. ] Educational projects , for which federal funds have been authorized include: (1) rural elementary schools (2) classes Tor .adult illiterates; (3) vocational education; (4) vocational rehabilitation; (5) general adult ed ucation, and (6) misery schools, all j-o be under the control of the public school system. 2 " Cooperation of school authorities throughout the United States in help ing to .put unemployed men and wo men to work .is especially urged. MERRY CHRISTMAS 1 JOHN WILLEY BLEVINS PASSES AT HIS HOME NEAR ENNICE J-'.fui,A ; yj : : . ■ Jphu Wiley Blevins, well-known and influential business man of Alle ghany county, died; "at the home of Sughtejr, Mrs. jifack Wagoner, at ? 15. The deceased, who eeri a. Merchant at Ennice for u» 15 years, was 81 years old. ejw services were held at Crab ^eek ^urch lddnday at' il:6o Al’ii. Wit^, .^lder JV’D.Vass, of Galax, in charge. A large crowd of friends and relatives and many floral tributes bespoke the esteem of the community for the deceased. j The pall-bearers were as follows: Messrs Emerson Black, Boyd Hig gins, Fred Handy, Dillard Edwards, J James Wagoner, and J. H. Wagoner, j The following were flower girls: Misses Betty Handy, Opal Blevins, Nannie Higgins, Fay Wagoner, Elso Wagoner, and Mrs. Alma Black. The deceased is survived by j.wo sons, W. Vance Blevins and Walter Blevins, both of Sparta, and by three daughters, Mrs. I. N. Higgins, of Bel Air, Maryland, Mrs. G. A. Holder, of Galax, Va., and Mrs. Mack Wagoner of Ennice. j Beins-Sturdivant, of Sparta, had charge of the details of the funeral, i NOTICE The Alleghany Times Office will be closed from today until January 1, in odrer that the Editor and family may spend the1 Christmas holidays with relatives and friends. * CARR and HIGGINS SLATED TO BE DISTRICT ATTORNEYS Raleigh, N. C.—Although Senator Josiah Bailey has made no announce ment concerning Federal patronage at his disposal except to say that he yrill file hjs recommendations next week, politicians in close tdtieh With the situation are confident that the preseni slate is jt. O. Car* OT lJfaish ington, for district attornejr for the Bast era District of North Carolina, and Carlisle Vf. Higgins, of Sparta, for district attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina. No surprise will attach to the Higgins appointment, as Mr. Hig gins, who is solicitor Of the Eleventh Judicial District, has been consid ered the likely choice for months. TOWN AUTO LICENSE TAGS NOW ON SALE TOWN TAXES. The tax books for the ^own of Sparta have been turned over to R. D. Gentry, who woll have charge of the collections. According to state ment of Mayor Crouse town taxes are past due and should be paid as early as possible. This is the first time in seven years that |.he town has levied any taxes, but it was found necessary to make a small levy this year to pay off some obli gations, chiefly lights, and to make a small investment in fire-fighting equipment. Town license tags for cars are now on sale at a dollar each and may be obtained from R. D. Gentry. MERRY CHRISTMAS k Christmas! i is the old, old greetir- “ on every side in thu ndividuals, between friends uiu which we will hear frequently in and societies and civic organizations, in our churches and our schools. ¥ ¥ $ * All these institutions have a definite place in our community life and as such we give diem our loyalty and our support. But not everyone can belong to all of them. So there may be some of us who will not have die ' feeling of sharing in the Christmas greeting which comes from them. ^ ^ But there is one institution whose interests are the interests of the whole community, of every man and woman and child in it,an institution which is devoted to serving the interests of all. That is the Home Town Newspaper. (k ^ JL A welcome visitor into the homes of this community; a messenger bearing news of community interest; a chronicler of the joys and sorrows and of the trials and triumphs of its people; a mirror held up to reflect the daily life of the community; the loom in which is woven into one harmonious pattern die varied threads of community activity... all these are the r Home Town Newspaper. If ¥ * So, through what more appropriate medium than the Home Town News paper ahould there come a greeting to all the people of our community at ' this time of die year? We believe there is none more appropriate and we are happy to have the privilege of saying to you all: "A Merry Christmas." *■* «’ f jl- • • : Oonrrl«H ItM. The Publisher [ SALES TAX BRINGS RE LEIF to PROPERTY OWN ERS IN ALLEGHANY Deajr Mr. Editor: We take pleasure in furnishing you herewith information taken from 9U5 record sho\ying' tbeamount of aales taxes .colle.Cfed hi North Caro for t^e months of , Jiily, August and, September which has been tab | tUated-^for each county in the State’. | We taiqe pleasure; also in enclosing herein tabulation showing property tax reductions afforded by (1) re moval of 15 cent levy for schools, (2) Elimination of levies for current expense for districts county-wide and special charter schools. From these tabulations you will observe that we have the following results in your county: SALES TAXES COLLECTED: July . $265.71 August . $344.71 September . $317.63 Property Tax Releif Afforded As follows: District levies, current expense—$1, 523.00 Special charter, current expense 15 cent county-wide levy — $7,818.00 Current expense for six-months school --- . $1,222.00 Total .$10,563.00 Figures given above represent the actual reductions in dollar levies which were releived in your county by reasons of the fact that the State of North Carolina took over the op eration of the entire eighj.-months school term. In taking over our schools, the State reduced the cost of operation in the schools which a mounted in 1932 to approximately $23,000,000.00 to approximately $16, 000,000.00 for 1933, thereby resulting n a saving to the taxpayers of the State of approximately $7,000,000.00 In operating cost. The property tax releif afforded for the entire State amounted to $11,476,540.00 as shown by the above tabulations. Sales taxes collected in your coun ty for the first three months are be low the average collections for the, entire year as our collections are be-' Lng improved from month to month. | But, after allowing for the reason able increase in jhe sales tax collec tions in your county which are anti cipated, it will be observed that the j property owners in your county are releived of property taxes in the con siderable amount shown and that the sales tax collections in your county will be far less jhan the property tax releif afforded. I The sales tax payments are made iy all of the people in the county rather than those who happen to be jwners of property. If the releif afforded property tax payers in your county is not fully eflected in the actual levies made n your county for 1933 j.axcs, it would not be because the releif was not afforded by 1933 legislation, it would be on account of levies being made for purposes which were not in cluded in the levy of 1932 or for increases in debt service requirements )r releif work. In saying this, we arc aot critictsing any local authorities .is situations have arisen in some counties on accoun^ of debt service requirements, releif purposes, etc., for which local authorities have found that they must make levies for county purposes 'other than schools or in consideration of releii conditions in their county. In 1932 property owners in the State were assessed $11,476,640.00 for school operating cost. This is now en tirely eliminated. In 1932 the State 1 was required to contribute approxi- ' mately $12,000,000.00 added to above amount for school operating pur poses. In doing this, in a two yeai period, the State incurred a deficit of over $15,000,000.00. By enactment of |.he sales tax and economies and consolidations in op eration of schools, the State is on a sound financial basis, its revenue now exceeding its expenditures and pro perty has been entirely releived o1 all operating cost of schools. As this information is doubtless ol interest j.o all of your people, we will be pleased if you can publish this tsatement in your paper. Very truly yours A. J. Maxwell Commissioner of Revenue Harry McMullan, Director Sales Tax Division I ~ - ■ xj ICWA TURNS THUMBS DOWN ON REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO ERECT SCHOOI BUILDING AT LAUREL SPRINGS On last first Monday the Board of Education decided to request tfei 1 Civil Works Administration foreuf* ficient 4unds; to erect' a new school - house at Laurel Springs. Word eii# received frpm Raleigh this WSei the CWA would apt participate ii the erection of a new simdblbfcriii but that some funds are available for repairs. to old buildings.1 As i result of tbe CWA decision the people of Cranberry Township will not get a new achpol house unless some other plan is found for procuring funds for its erection. Applications for gymnasiums at Sparta and Piney Creek schools ire sj.ill pending before the CWA it Raleigh, but there is a strong pee* bability that the applications will receive favorable consideration at an early date. SINGLE TAX FOR LIQUOR POSSIBLE Doughton Says Rooseydt In clined to Let Uncle Sam Df All Collecting Washington, Dec. 15—President Roosevelt was described by Chairman Dough j.on of the Ways and Means Committee, as inclined toward a sin gle federal collection of liquor taxes, with allocation of the funds to the states. Doughton, after the joint hearings of the Ways and Means and Senate findnce committee on liquor legis lation had been completed told re porters that he was “under the fin pression that the President favors the plan of having the federal gov ernment levy a single gallonage tax if the plan is workable." The Ways and Means chairman said he also was inclined toward thfe single federal collection. The question of who should col 1 lect the tax and how much featured The amount of the tax to b* levied, evidence before the commit tee indicated, would depnd on the method of collection. Witnesse told the committees that a low federal levy might be possible if agreements were reached with states on the size of their liquor taxes. j some memDers saia mat u uiq federal government alone collected the tax, the figure might be sub stantially above the |1.75 to » gallon distilled spirits tax reported to be favored by many of the com mitteemen. This, however, would be offset by the fact that state levies would not be placed or would be kept as a mfnmum. The treasury department has not waited for the fixing of a liquor tax to prepare for its collection of revenue. Officials of the depart ment said today that already twenty million liquor tax stamps had been printed in anticipation of the levy on legal liquor sales. The federal government, unless congress is setting up the new tax levy changes the system, proposes to continue its establishment plan for getting the tax money. The stamps will be affixed—and paid for—at the point of origin, the distilleries, the rectifying plants, the bottling concerns and, in case of imported liquor, at the port of entry. Officials said repeal would not bring back the picturesque figure of the revenue agent who swooped down on mountain moonshine stills n ithe old pre-prohibition days. The executive order transferring one function of the treasury department jo the department of justice pre cludes the reappearance of any large number of revenue agents. The tracing down and arrest of moonshiners from now on will be up to justice department agents The treasury, it was explaineo would concern itself with collecting the taxes. Attorney General Cummings said today hte justice department was considering the question of *P* pealing from a North Carolina Dis trict Court decisino the prohibition "ases could not be prosecuted in /iew of the repealer. The depart ment already has asxed jhe Circuit l Court at Ohio to give attj|jlfe| on the question.