iMBW>oWcwaTOg»»owy HR1STMAS *« » . i*jr r *• ^ Martha Banning Thomai ft*: * v> c YNT]S1A tried to b« gay over the holiday partiea, but- somehow she Just f couldn’t get Into the spirit of things. . With jsun. shining, flowers iwlng, and fe*whrtnJ'#lndAfrotn 1th4<' growing, and _ _. _ ■ea, nothjbg seertdd rlgttt. “1. Hkfe ■now andfislelgti-belis.and feet creak ing. Can’s help‘it; ‘this Is tofely; but she wiuld./all'tato wlstful silence, and her daneiBg' partner would" be gussied aid a little hurt. Cynthia jfhad not heard from Sam tar a long jvhye. Pefhapij^e was fpr gifting bet They-iitld beetfsuCb gtfod Mends alvteys aqdjytgixif nflWiWkribUv, and tendeifiess had crept Into their re* lationahlp-ethat is Just before Cynthia had left fo| the west coast. But prob ably 8am-was very busy^ JtajabaMy he didn’t fettime to write. ^Oh. Well . . . And -her eyes would becojue misty with; looking, not at the lmitte-^ dlate beauty of Shore and sea. or late ly gardens,but at tar .aWajtHhlhgs. fam Uvs^ggsyjoor In vthe oliUia/g... a rough little boy who tumbled her ourla, made Jm,. of thd .^way she. twitched ‘hashed' her face with the gtyfUest rudeness In snow, accidcntgj-'tiearly once, rfttlte by fcwM. z*7 %*/4> ^ 4 > Sitting ofte day * under an orange tree, sbe ^viewed that episode; and If all came^hack to tier as clearly as If ahe wer^tfiffg ys*P rq. Instead' Of twenty-two^’ifeam had called to her to eeate out j '^."playP&hi? i tieslfated; knowing hbw. rpugb hpd; .unmannerly ho might Wbomh.? Sh£ was wearing mujKwlth § ribbon round her and l;a Ijttle^W^e bonnet that matched , eyes. "'She did not wish -*g % w 7 ” *-■« A CfcHatmfi Pageant will be.civ is at the GlAdc.Yihley.6t&M9cftooi auditorium JpLurday night and community titmm&ft fte* u..... Millions Fot^ &>]( ^ jiCKfigtlnas Gregfings] • fu - f /• Charles frt&rkk )fab>rorlhj~ 'TtfTfflf -TxjUinkn" ddtfv^f*. lllilfl . another alfttaf of Ch^lstmia ' cards'ftt the door during, th#w 'few days 4uatf. 'before Christmas, how many of the recipients gtve a though^ tft’fte jdwaWM® Of the .job Of pre paring sentiments for ttttdlagfolk»'to - express a cheery word to friends and frln at thgt season? /•' A.iwdrd -AtfioQt tfie’origfn ;©f thb Obrlstmds gcnetlug' wlU be jntwjeatlsg.^ Thomas Skorrock of Leith 1> credit** ed-. by an English Journal, published Vrlos to 1§46 as the originator of the •Clirlatmas card, but as no copy of hla card cam«: to public notice, an 'ether source nbist be found! '■ R. A.. acting upon J\e, isuggeiSloi - gEfr (thou Mt-.-X* Henry • Cbla* produced-a drawing which was lithographed by JobbjRu of .Warwick .Court, ;Uolborn. Put one thousand curds, were printed. Caad 'JNiifrHvsg "tjoloredt ^-’'h'ah'ifc- *• > Wfltil JlM#,; beginning the;cusfom;pr.< '.ienqfog greetings at Christmas has * spread, tovth6 eHittre '^hftsUan wth-ltT* In ap gyeragg. jjear -t7»,e output of these concerns approximates’$06,000,• 000 at gptail pclce< of 'which a large proportion.: ‘consists of Christmas greetings. ".9eut.lpients'"jSsua|ly are purchased from free-lance writers, who submit them .to the editorial department of ' -the pubttshlng oompaii^, Jiist ae'-ftetlofe “ and other manuscripts . are submitted t to editors of magazines', though some concerns maintain a .'writing' itafcf^vc Natui^lly, writers try to express a sentiment better than- the purchaser ,*■ hi inself .cei|$*$f»d jtljlo pro-tide a? variety, qf .sentiments' wh^ch. indlvidut afs might" ®ntf apropos for a particu lar frletttl or relative. x . Besides . tfte ‘Christuja^jMWls found (n<he stores (called “counter cards’'), j-lndivldktal designs ‘ ■□a sentiments tire prepared to order for - personal tise' by society people and others. Some * the srreetTngs of’ thig character af .'/ecfed hy tba: Wt»^1 lywopd moyle^cyl*. otiy affe vei^y efab ’ orate and expon Ethels ;Uear. a •‘•fortnal vejigravtfd j tfneetiiig with the iuirue of ■Ih^.tteuder. v > class of I’liristnias greet lugs is that provided by tjie telegraph , fyawpbtn iftlieBy lit litu*u£* :'U£li#. ben*: lu writ ten .opt iu.fulj jrur tfce Vhtfipi&its <ur sptV-tal blank's ‘decorat 'JSfJU* .('hrlstmus designs. Telephone .trttftiftjts Ulso^hfoth ‘. lo^rfl <g„d distance, make Important additions to the big mu.lti million dollar wish for Joy to the world and a Merry Chrlst miste^Jl. ,i,^ , ii( W- ttlS. WWi'n Neivflpa|jerUnU»n. •4: l tiikte ■ — ! JBLU hardsUob'* I Announcement is of the irufrriagfe^of MiW kiAy Rdeh^lrdson having been performed at Martins ■ **«&£££& ;^iy • Rev;. J. P. McCabe of the First Baptist y, LOCAL NEWS v».Mr. Bryan Collins was confined to his home with an attack of appen dicitis |ast week, . vV. ±t.rMr»- Finis Wagoner and daughters, (Mildred and Kathleen, of Statesville, are visiting friends here. ..'..Mrs; Cv W. Higgins and Mrs. R. H. Hackler and daughter, Doris, were .shoppers in Winston-Salem Tuesday. ■ . •• ji ’ j * * * * * • Mrs. Guy R. Duncan was taken to the hospital at Statesville, Deo. 14 She was assisted by Dr. Q. F. Dun can. • ♦ • r • • f -i - ; V- . v The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Ira Good,man,, who baa been 111 j wi,h. Cerebrospinal meningitis, died last Thursday eveningi December 14. Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Warren and daughter,. Florence, spent Wednesday in WinstOtaP&alem. * Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Doughton, of Statesville,~ Mr. Claude Doughton, of Wllke&boro, and Mias Pauline'Tomer, of Winston-Salem, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Higgins, Sunday. • •' . Mrs. Rush Thompaoav Who has been ill, is reported to be doing nicely. . : • *;V +%£ Mrs; E. F. Murray, left last week to Join her husband in Beckley, W. Va., where she is undergoing a seri ous operation.. The little daughter of Ur, and Un. Clennel Richardson, who haa had Scarlet Fever ia. also doing' nicely. j£": Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Osborne and family-spent Sunday at Turkey Knob. Mr. knd Mrs. Charlie Petty visited Mr. and Mrs. ;C.. M. Pruitt, last week end. \ Mrs' Blanche Vorman ia confined to her We with flue. • —--■^r . V . . - i Birth Announcement Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Dou glas,' of Piney Creek, a daughter, Mary fluq. -• »?■'. 1 Whitehead news ' Miss Ella Caudill, of High Point is spending sometime with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. bleve Caudill. The revival meeting at New Salem which has been going on, for jhe past week has been largely attended.' Mr. and Mrs. Reece Catron,' of Galax, Va. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Crouse of this place. Miss < Carrie Hamm of Laurel Springs, spent Saturday night with Miss Loueva Edwards of Whitehead. « 1 i , 1 LAUREL SPRINGS NEWS LAUREL SPRINGS NEWS John Pugh, who has been very if; is n$t very much better. Misses Blanche and Eva Pugh dropped in Wiliston’SaJem Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Brantley Fender and tpro little daughters, of Stratford, were visitors Sunday and Monday with Mr- and Mrs. Wilmer Fender ugd .Mg. and Mrs. D. H. Fender. Elmer Hendrix Is on the sick list, •^ifirs. -Cora Dancey, Mrs. Wilmer lender and Mrs. D. H. Fender were shoppers in Wiikesboro Friday. Mrs.pBob Pugh was also a shopper n Wiikesboro Friday. A Christmas program,iW&l b* given at the jrchool hou^e FrWay afternoon. .. The baptist and Methodist Sunday Schools will holjd their Christmas .program at th$. $M$)ti8t* Clutch Bun lay morning before church., &F. ind Mrs. Troy Miller and tit le son, of Tberman, visited. their »arent ’Mt-- Joss Miller Sunday. Mr. Caa 5Taylor>.of White Top, Va. rMsiting Mr. >pd Mrs. Mitch Tay lor. STRATFORD NEWS C&tts. R. 'Johnson and daughter jliss Betti6 of Gllfton and Mr. and 4rs. Wk-.R, Johnson and daughter sflss Annie and'son Chas. Ross of Jefferson attended Services at Shiloh Sunday,'spending a few hours in the tfd&jioan With .their sister, Mrs. C. M. Sanders. , . Mr.. John. Reeves Watson has re ' .arned from Winston Salem, where . )C.baa &€)n for a- few days with his .vife, who Is in the hospital there reports her improving. Mr. and" Mrs. George Wagoner and Mr. and" Mrs. Rex Wagoner visited Mr. and'vMrs. C. M. Sanders Sunda> eyentag.,, ; : Chas. Sanders has been very sick -Jurhig the ipeekend. v - ^ -a. r 1 ' ? ' r*C*‘**T Churcr. • ‘ >>, •^Jtfra. ChojEL^e is the daughter^ of Mr. and^jUrs. S. C. Richardson, of k3pArta. J|he is a graduate of Sparta High Schdo|, Jdr. Choate is the son of Mr. ufcd .Mrs. Greely Choate also of (Spirt*. their home in Mr. Choate has a position. They Will make Wtuiton-Salem,' where NEW FORD V-8 for 1934 THE UNIVERSAL CAR The New Ford V-8 for1934 is now on display at the showrooms of Ford dealers. Surpassing even the great Ford of1933 in economyf beauty and comfort, it is truly the car of this mod em age—the culmination ofthirty years Fordprogress. It combines the provedperformance of the V-8 cylinder engine with two important new features—Dual Carburetion and perfected Clear-vision Ventilation. See this car today and drive it at the first opportunity. OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE NEW FORD V-8 BETTER PERFORMANCE. Greater power, new speed, quicker acceleration, smoother per formance, more miles per gallon especially at Ihigher speeds, and quicker starting in cold weather—all these result from the new dual car buretor and dual intake manifold. New water line thermostats enable the engine to warm up more quickly and to maintain an efficient oper ating temperature. Added engine refinements reduce oil consumption, further improve operat ing economy and reduce maintenance costs. NFfP VENTILATION SYSTEM permits clear vision, prevents drafts and provides desired amount of fresh air in any weather. Individual control for front and rear side windows. When ventilation is desired the window glass is raised to the top. Then the handle is given an addi tional half-turn. This slides the glass back horizontally to form a narrow slot. Through this ilot air la drawn out by the forward motion of the car. Thi* simple ventilation system main* tains draft-free circulation, insures passenger comfort, prevents fogging windshield in cold or stormy weather. Both windshield and cowl ven tilator can be opened to supply additional air needed for comfortable warm-weather driving. DISTINCTIVE NEW APPEARANCE enhanced by the newly designed chromium-plated radiator shell and grille, new hood louvres, new hub caps. Interiors are attractive, with new tufted uphol stery, new mouldings, new cove-type headlining, new instrument panel, new arm rests, new hard ware. Swivel-type sun visors in De Luxe bodies prevent glare from front or side. FENDERS IN COLOR. On De Luxe cars fend ers are in color to harmonize with body colors —wheel colors optional. New enamel finish on all bodies and fenders has greater wearing qnaL ity and more enduring luster. GREATER RIDING COMFORT remits from increased spring flexibility. The spring leaves am newly designed for quieter and easier action. Shock absorbers are improved. Seat cushions are deeper, with new, softer springs. New type, individual bucket seats provide increased comfort for front-seat passengers in the Tudor Sedan. Adding to comfort is the new driving ease of the 15-to-l steering gear ratio. PRICES REMAIN LOW—Tudor Sedan, #335. Coupe, #515. Fordor Sedan, #583. De Luxe Tudor, #575. De Luxe Fordor, #625. De Luxe Coupe (5 windows), #555. De Luxe Coupe <3 windows), #555. De Luxe Roadster, #325. De Luxe Phaeton, #550. Cabriolet, #590. Victoria, #610. (All prices f.o.b. Detroit.) CHURCHES CD Methodist Church News (C. W. Russell, Pastor) Sunday, follwoing Sunday School at Gentiy Memorial, the Sunday School children will reender a Christmas program. Following the program pre- j sen»s will be * presented from the Chnstmas tree. I will again announce services for this week-end. Hoping to see these services well represented, as I will endeavor to bring Christmas mes sage*. Please remember to bring our gifts for the Children’s Home. Any produce that these children can eat will be accepted. Friday afternoon, Dec. 22 at 2:30, Walnut Branch, Sat urday morning, Dec. 23 at 11:00, Shiloh, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 23 Piney Creek, Sunday morning, Dec. 24 at 11:00 Cox’s Chapel, Sunday after-noon, Dec. 24 at Potato Creek. The first Quartely Conference for the year was held Sunday by our newly appointed Elder, Rev. A. C. Gibbs. A splendid sermon was preach ed and the Conference was held fol lowing: the sermon. SLOGAN "IT IS NOT CHRISTMAS WITH OUT CHRIST" CHURCH NOTICE At the request, of the Church at Icottville I will nold a service there it7:30 Sunday night, Dec. 24th C. H. McKnight DEATHS CHARLES WESLEY RING ~fcharles Wesley Ring, 38, of Inde pendenee, Va., died of heart trouble at his home last Thursday. He was a son-in-law of Judge Kirby, of In dependence, and for some time had been engaged in the merchantile bus iness. Funeral services were held a^ 11 A. M. Sunday at the Methodist church at Independence before one of the largest crowds ever in atten dance there. Preacher Brownings con ducted the service. Reins-Sturdivant of Spartft JjItd charge ojapie details of (he funeral. » * awe ■ ■ ■» ■" • XMAS GIFTS TOILET SETS . . FOUNTAIN PEN 50 CENTS BRUSH SETS . . DESK PEN SETS . POCKET BOOKS . COTY SETS . . MANICURE SETS PERFUMES . . . SHAVING SETS CANDY . . . PRICED .CIGARS AND PENCIL SETS TO $15.00 .STATIONERY . KODAKS .WATCHES . COMPACTS .FOOTBALLS .BATH POWDER .FLASHLIGHTS . . . 25 CENTS TO $5.00 REASONABLE AT B&TDrug Co Sparta, North Carolina Rev. O. W. Marshall will conduct a Christmas Service at the Baptist church Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. Every body invited. Misses Thelma Osborne and Eva Rector spent Tuesday in Galax. Miss Betty Fowler, Mrs. R. A. Wagoner and Mr. andMrs. G. Glenn Nichols attended the funeral of C. W. Ring at Independence Sunday. See Castevens Motor Co., for radio batteries, tubes, and service, adv. COLDS—and allied troubles quick* ly relieved by RU-BALM, the eootk* ing, healing salve for external u*e» Ask your druggist or grocer—Ad*. See Castevens Motor Co., for ndk batteries, tubes, and service.—adV*

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