WOMAN LEADS NAVAJOS Mrs. Laura McCabe, at the age ot forty-three, Is the only woman lead er among the 45,000 Nava Jos In northwestern New Mexico. In addi tion, the squaw has privileges denied white women In some states. She owns property. Her children belong to her clan and upon her death her daughters Inherit her prop erty. She does the work, tends the Sheep, shears the wool and weaves it Into blankets. She handles nearly all of the barter with Indian traders and controls the family's meager supply of cash. BOYS! GIRLS! Read the Grape Nuts ad In another column of this paper and learn how to Join the Dizzy Dean Winners and win valuable free prizes.—Adv. French Take to Baseball ^^5. American baseball Is enjoying a 1 “’boom In France to the extent that a nation-wide organization has been j formed known as the "Federation j Franeaise de Baseball et de Theque.’ Four hundred teams are playing In various parts of the French nation. MOSQUITOES Inject Poison Mosquitoes live on human blood* Before she can draw your blood, however, the mosquito must first thin it by injecting a poison.Thus mosquitoes annoy—are dangerous, spread serious disease epidemics# wn t take chances. Kill mosquitoes, flies, spiders with FLY-TOX — proved best by 10,000 tests. _ “ j Accept no substitutes... demand I d sa K23 And, Alas! So Rare Kindness—the greatest thing In the world —Exchange. Man’s Inhumanity Chief menace to man on earth is still man.—Exchange, BILIOUSNESS If you have a pimply, blotchy complexion try Resinol to help nature heal such surface defects, #/L m Simply wMil» Peterman'* Ant Food along window *111*. door* and opening* through which ant* come and go. Guaranteed to rid (prickly. Vied in a million home*. Inexpen sive. Get It at your drugghrt'a PETERMAN’S ANT FOOD SICK HEADACHESl Indicate Acid Condition Chow one or more Milneeia Wafers and obtain relief You can obtain a full tike 20c package of Milnesia Wafers containing twelve full adult doses by furnishing us with the name of your local druggist if he doe* not happen to carry Milnesia Wafers in stock, by enclosing 10c in coin or postage stamps. Address SBLKCT PRODUCTS, INC, „ „ _ 44(*e 23rd St, Long Island City, N. V. Mr Nan* «.... Stmt AtUnts_........_... Tm & Shu..—--— MU Drutiot'l Nan* Jr......_............ STvl AdJrtss Torn & SHU.. MILNESIA WAFERS if /'NC 2ft—35 — — HELP KIDNEYS WHE VOI r. IEN kidneys function badly and - - you suffer backache, dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urine* lion, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles; feel upset and miserable ... use Doan’s Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended by users the country over, sk your ncighborl DOANS PILLS Solved THE FEATHERHEADS By QiW» ■rrA 3AP IS 1— WAIT-1 BAP S Soli Srt?ANS£ T t Am not LOO KINS StfeANtfE -1 WANT To TBLL— WELL, | HAVE You STfcANSER (VIBU., I \0 teutm lOU < OF SOMCTHlUS I HeARP WHILE" FINNEY OF THE FORCE SCHSstt 1 r Business Wanted <3Ree.fiM<3 ‘“T [ Ol KNOW \ V-y-THAT 7Jj > jeweler's there To^j- =s have MT watch n^_ THAT L adjusted—he I Waves Tex should be xr dollars ABLE lb VOUCH \ 1 ^ foie, the time ' —,i 7 ■piPN’1' »T USEP.TO Be Pive? WOULP PARK EMN7 MORE: so 'THE'i _j PEPOOCSO TH ) RAT&S The Big Rush ^ , V '"’1 MESCAL IKE b, s. l. huntley I MULEt bATta IS A-SETTIN' READY ,TO PRACTICE FER.-n-r)1'^ -—— MAYJG. CALUSJ* comtest yj’s/ oikik; V \<» rwwiw' 1 0\KiK, OiM<. 1 TDV-D VUM VUW k BETTER e. me. <£o am' eat (W T^e. C.o'RwEitvjit4 7 tHa cat I ,A?) \ -An* I MAHt- ^ l TKou1ii.t ATSouT/ “REG’LAR FELLERS” Bedtime Trouble YOO MAKE. MOMMA TAiKK. YOO BY THB mahd a>imc> pwtcha to BEP ON ACCOOlMT OF YOOfet 5CARB.D OF DARKNESS • THE. OINE.Y REASOH I'M SCftRW Ot= IT I £> THftT I &ET5 IN MV EYE.S ! By M. G. KETTNER Our Pet Peeve UM! ITS FORTY PRY By GLUYAS WILLIAMS THE WORLD AT ITS WORST m r> double I I " Mill, \//A\V\\\\ WHEN VOU'VE DONE ALL VOOR WEEK* I0RE6 THE PAV BEFORE , PRACTICED DOUBLE THE USUAL TIME ON THE PIANO, AND FINISHED ALL. YOOR. HOME-WORK SO THAT NOTHING COULD INTERFERE WITH VOUR PITCHING IN THE BIG SATURDAY GAME BIDS DEFIANCE TO HOT WE At PATTERN SSI* dfdt Brlk\23l9 The hot weather brings us to t! problem every woman of generot proportions must cope with—how keep cool and fresh looking on tho wilting days? Well—Looking Co goes a long way, and pattern 231 with its loose, easy cape sleeve, so treated waistline gives you a mlgh cool outlook on life. \And very fla terlng, too, are the graceful folds the cape that does wonders to equi lze proportions. The darts over t bust and at the waistline clever contrive to avoid a too-fitted look the strategical points. Pick a sui mery printed voile or other sheer. Pattern 2319 is available In siz 16, 18. 20, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 ai 40. Size 36 takes 3% yards 39 In fabric. Illustrated step-by-step se’ lng Instructions included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) coins or stamps (coins preferre for this pattern. Write plainly nan address and style number. BE SUI TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Clr< Pattern Department, 243 West S« enteentb street. New York. &£MILE5-j> MEATY PROBLEM Customer—What kind of meat ha yon today. Butcher—Mutton and yenlson. Customer—Is your mutton dear! Butcher—No, the mutton la she The venison Is deer. The Real Kick The Son—You’re putting up an a ful roar just because I contracted few debts. The Sire—I don’t care what y contracted. It’s the debts you’ve < panded that I'm kickin’ about A Ring in It Jean—Mabel says she likes t tone of Percy’s voice. Jane—Yes, she thinks there’s ring In It Safety First Fireman—Jump Into the blanket Man—No, you might drop it I It on the ground first—Pearso Weekly. Get Going Bertram—What would yon do I kissed you? Betty—Oh, grin and bear it