The Rounding-up .of Values! Grand Opening Sale—Unusual Bargains! Order To Become Better Acquainted With The Citizens Of Alleghany And The Surrounding Counties We Are Going To Pass it BARGAINS That Are Almost Unmatchabie. You’D Be Surprised And Delighted. You’D Thank Us For Bringing Within Your ich So Much For Your Money. Come Expecting To Buy. Don’t Let Anything Keep You Away From This Sale. Remen her iis Big Event WiD Last For 10 FuD Days. Come Early And Get Your Share Of These. Wonderful Bargains. Be Here Edy. TABLE OIL CLOTH oil doth, light and dark shades, yard 20c VorkSh ^ of men’s black nrk shoes, leather sole, composition >r sole and heel, price— ioes $1.75 den’s Genuine rmy Shoes rular Price $4.50 Sale Price $2.95 lose-out Prices nr Entire Stock Idies’ Id O' >’Shoes id Oxfords Children’s Shoes 1 lot of strong, service* abe, winter shoes. Spec* ial—*a pair 89« Ladies’ Dresses 2 racks of ladies' fine dresses you will like. While they last, each*— $2.69 Sheeting Unbleached, Chadwick, 36-inch, LL good qual ity. Sale price, while stock lasts, yard— 8c OVERSHOES igular heavy Red Sole overshoes. Sale Pair— 99e ad, Hoaltina light weight. Curtain Goods One lot, regularly pric ed at 12Vfec and 15c. Special price, yard— 9c Suiting In newest dark colon, 36 inches. Sale price, yard— 15c OVERSHOES lack overthoe*, good quality. Sale price— 481 Regular Field Shoes Endicott-Johnson Natural re tan work shoes with grain inner sole, composition outer sole. Very serviceable. Sale price— $2.29 Union Suits Mens’ fine ribbed union suits. Full cut. Well made. Close-out price— 75c In Our Grocery Department SUGAR Best Granulated St Lb. KEROSENE White Water 5 Gallons 60c “OK”SOAP 8 Bars 24c Rio Coffee Arbuckle's Pure OO ^ 2 lbs. Coffee Arbuckle'a Ariose 1 P j Pound package . ^ Fat Back Nice, Fresh |2^2£ Peanut Butter 2-lb. jars 25c Cocoa Rockwtood’s | Pf j 2 lbs. 11 * Hour old reliable *9 AC “Queen of the West” 100-lb seek if I I f» Staley's Golden C A Table SyruD 10-ib. bucket. w* Cocoanut lo°8 .b.19* Chocolate, rich, ..T A . UrOPS creamy lb. TV 1 Washing, Star, OP . Powders Grandma’s, do*. Chewing Gum ^'LlOe Cod liver Oil ZZX 58e Cigarettes ^T^.Sl.15 Motor Od KNIT DRESSES 1 rack of ladies' knit dresses. Your choice. Each— $1.69 Prints In the newest colors, 36 inches. Special price, yard— lOe Curtain Goods Beautiful assortment in attractive colors, 36 inches. Sale price, yard 10c Prints 36 inch fast color. Very desirable. Regular price 19c. Sale price, yard— 15c Woolen Gods 54 inches. Close-out price, yard— 79 e Mens Sox 1 lot silk siox. Close out price, pair— 10e Rayon Hose One lot ladies' hose. 22c rayon RUGS 1 lot of 9 x 12 Pabco rug*. All patterns. Special sae price— $5.25 F ull-f ashioned Lades’ Hose Ladies* fine quality full fashioned hose in new colors. Sale price, pair 48< > Men’s Leather Coals and lower-priced suits. No reasonable offer re fused. Ladies' Winter Ccats 1 rack at close-out prices. Men's Raincoats Special Price $2.95 HOSE "bbed winter light and dark 10* Are Celebrating The Opening Oar New Oar t Smithey’s Department Store NEW BUILDING SPARTA, N. C. — ■ ■