IMIIIIIIIIIIMI Local Ne\%& r. and Mrs. J. Frank Click ' r and Mrs. Hein Brinegar, Mocksville, were week-end of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. ._. John Click, daughter, ibeth, and son, John, Jr., Sunday guests of Dr. and J. L. Doughton. Walter Doughton, Washington, I' C., is spending a few days isiting relatives here. Miss Evon Eldredge spent last with Miss Mabel Todd at Creek, Va. Mrs. D. C. Bledsoe went to the forth Wilkesboro hospital Tues ly for treatment for sinus rouble. I George, small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Roe, underwent an iperation this week for the re loval of his tonsils. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Halsey entertained at dinner Monday iight on the occasion of their ;eventh wedding anniversary. In cited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bledsoe, Mr. and Mrs. Sdwin Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. tobert M. Gambill, Mr. and Mrs. Peer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark, Mr. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE J All Work Guaranteed I w. L. PORTER & CO. gfe Galax, Va. Spartan Theatre SPARTA, N. C. Friday Only—June 5 On The Stage W SM Grand Ole Opry p Delmore Brothers George Wilkerson Curt Poulton Special Screen Attractions Saturday Only—June 6 Bob Steele IB “ABas John Law” Chapter No. 9 of Serial “DARKEST AFRICA” AWo Comedy _A Tuea, June 8 4 9 Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy "Rose Marie” Selected Short Subject Wedneeday Only—June 10 Ross Alexander and Patricia Ellis in "Boulder Dam” Selected Short Subject Thursday Only—June 11 ranchot Tone and Madge Evans if in elusive Story” Selected Short Subject and Mrs. R. E. Black and Miss Betty Halsey. The lovely, modem home was beautifully decorated with peonies and mixed pastel colored bouquets. Mr. and Mrs. Brite Burgiss, of Elkin, were visitors in Sparta Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Burgiss were married in Wash ington, D. C., on Sunday, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landreth, of Washington, D. C., are visiting relatives in this county this week. Attorney and Mrs. Tom King, of Washington, D. C., are visiting here. Mrs. C. W. Higgins and Miss Pearl Fields went to Elk Creek, Va., Sunday for the commence ment sermon by Dr. Shuler. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Gambill passed through Sparta Tuesday enroute to Chapel Hill where Mr. Gambill expects to attend sum mer school. Mary Sue Norman, Dobson, is visiting Virginia Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caudill, Miss Louise Caudill and Carl Rector spent Sunday at Blowing Rock and Grandfather mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Richardson and daughter, Virginia, of Roa noke, Va., spent the week-end here. Mrs. J. D. Whitener and son, Jackie, of Boone, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Edwin Duncan was in Charlotte during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, of Winston-Salem, are spending a week visiting relatives in the county. Edwin Duncan spent Monday in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baucom and daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tucker, and Carl Tucker, of Concord, were Sunday NOTICE Under and by virtue of power vested in nte ns Commissioner for the Federal Land Bank in the matter of the Federal Land Bank of Columbia vs. W. G. Morrison and wife, Pearl Morrison, and I. P. Pipes and wife, Mn. 1. P. Pipes, in the Superior Court of Alleghany County, I will offer for side at public auction to the hi (Hast bidder at the Court House door in Sparta on the 18th day of June, 1936, at 11:00 a. m., the following described land: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 165 acres, more or less, located, lying and being in Cherrylane Town ship, County of Alleghany, State of North Carolina, being bound ed on the north by lands of Re becca Wood, Fannie Royal and die Company lands; east by lands of Wm. Vannoy and Felix Finch er; south by lands of Marshall Higgins; and west by lands of Harrison Royal; and hairing such shape, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by L. E. Edwards, Surveyor, 12th day of December, 1925, which plat is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. Foregoing land was conveyed to I. P. Pipes and wife, Pearl Pipes by R. N. Holloway and wife, Bettie Holloway by deed dated 5-7-1921 and recorded 5-12-1921 in book 32, page 13, in the Registry of Alleghany County. Terms of Sale: One-third cash on day of sale, and balance in two equal annual installments. This May 18th, 1936. R. F. CROUSE 4tcp-ll AT Commissioner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Left Joines. Miss Jennie Joines. Elkin, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Joines, Whitehead, Sunday afternoon. She had as her guests Misses Alva and Edith Gentry, Jake Osborne, Wilson Boles and Ted Long. Miss Mary Gambill, who has been attending a business college in Winston-Salem, has completed her course and accepted a posi tion with the R. D. Barringer Distributing Company in that city. R. E. Black spent two days last week at Lake Lure attend ing a meeting of the county agents from western North Car olina. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Richard son, Lenoir, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Isom Wagoner, Ennice, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks, was taken to Martin Memorial hospital, in Mount Airy, Sunday, where she is expected to undergo an opera tion as soon as her condition permits. Miss Iva Grace Doughton spent Monday in Sparta. Mary Lucy Gunter is spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Waddell in Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Gambill spent last Thursday night as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wagoner and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Wag oner visited relatives in West Jefferson Sunday. Bryan Wagoner is attending a convention of radio dealers in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cheek and son, Ralph, attended the com mencement sermon at Elk Creek, (Va.) high school, which was preached by Dr. R. P. Shuler, of Los Angeles, Calif., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Doughton and daughters, Alice and Jose phyne, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Doughton. Miss Josephine Inskeep is vis iting relatives in Clarksville, Va. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Douglass and daughter, Clyde Virginia, and Miss Virginia Taylor, of Newton, and Mrs. J. K. Taylor, of Fur ches, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Taylor at Glade Valley re cently. Judge and Mrs. J. C. Padgett and Mrs. Leona Koontz, of In dependence, visited in Sparta re cently. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carson went to Jonesville recently to attend a Methodist conference. Mrs. Worth Smith and Mrs. Rosooe Smith, of Roaring Gap, were in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Joines and children, Faye and Harrell, have returned home for the summer from East Bend. Miss Faye Joines graduated from high school this year and was salutatorian of her class of twenty-eight. Miss Evelyn Cheek, eighth grade pupil in Summit school, Winston-Salem, was awarded the prize for making the highest grade for the year in the school. She will be remembered as the daugh ter of Foster Cheek, Whitehead. Eugene Fender is spending the summer in Havana, Cuba, where he has a position. Mr. and Mrs. Tom King, of Washington, D. C., are visiting at the home of Mrs. King’s parents. Mrs. Caroline Taylor, widow of the late Cas J. Taylor, is ser iously ill at Mooresville hospital. Mrs. Robert Fender has just returned home from visiting her mother, Mrs. C. J. Taylor. Ira T. Johnson, of Jefferson, delivered a splendid address at the Baptist church, Sunday. The county meeting of the W. M. U. will be held Thursday at Laurel Springs Baptist church. A large number of persons were in Sparta Monday attending Com missioner’s court. Or On The Radio “In three years,” says Herr Hitler in his Rhine speech. “I have done as much as any human being could do.” That sounds as though it ought to have a Wash ington date line.—The Chicago Tribune. See' Caatevena Motor Co. for radio batteries and tubes. tfc Valuable Farm For Sale I am offering for sale, my farm on Little River, 1% miles Hast of Edwards Cross Roads. Will sell all or part of farm to suit purchaser, with small down payment and plenty of time on balance. This fann is in a high stage of cultivation and can be bought at a bar gain. W. B. COLLINS, BOONE, N. C. If interested, see D. C. Dun can, Sparta, N. C. JOHN WADDELL IS GIVEN SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER On Sunday, May 31, a surprise birthday dinner Was given in honor of John W. Waddell, whose 75th birthday fell on June 2. A large group of relatives and friends gathered on Sunday morning at the home of Mr. Waddell, who lives alone on his farm near Nathan’s Creek, and found he had gone away from home for the day. A car was tent to bring him back and on his arrival he found -the crowd waiting to greet him. Tables had been placed on the lawn under a large cherry tree and covered with food from the well-filled baskets and boxes brought by the visitors. After a few preliminary remarks by Sid ney Gambill, the delicious dinner was fully enjoyed by those pres ent. The list of those attending fol lows : Mrs. Eliza Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tucker and sons, of Furches; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Waddell and Pauline Richardson, Whitehead; Mr and Mrs E. A. Waddell, Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Waddell and Janie Wood, Laurel Springs; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Waddell. Miss Elma Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Waddell, S. C. Richardson and J. D. Williams, Scottville; Guy Waddell, Nora Waddell and Wil lard Waddell, Piney Creek; E. F. Gambill, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Gambill, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fen der and Phleat Fender, Crump ler; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Little and son, John Clifford, Nathans Creek, and Mrs. Ollie Edwards,' M.ary Lucy Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gambill and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gambill. Sparta. To Hold Memorial (continued from front page) buried at Cox’s Chapel should also send a request to Mr. Cox, giv ing the name of the person in whose memory they desire the song to be sung. The choir does not promise bo sing any song requested, but an effort will be made, it has been said, in the limited time and from the limited supply of' song books, to sing the songs requested. Requests should be forwarded to Mr. Cox not later than Satur day, June 30. You can have greater am bitions, finer ideals and increased powers of self-expression by want ing to, willing to and keeping at it. Want Ads Rate: One cent a word. Minimum charge per insertion, 25 cents. To Let: Pasture boundary of about 50 acres.—Mrs. E. V. Rich ardson, Furches, N .C. ltp-4 New Shipment: Talking machine Records. Famous Blue Bird make. Double face. 35c each.—Alle ghany Watch Co. We repair watches, clocks, sewing machines, and talking machines, ltc-4 Used Electric Ranges: Three good ones. Excellent condition. Priced low.—Pless Electric & Furniture Co., Galax, Va. tfc $50.00 Reward— for information or evi dence leading to conviction of parties stealing wool from farmers in vicinity of Laurel Springs, N. C., with in the past few days. , All buyers should watch for suspicious parties offering wool for sale. See o r communicate a t once with Glen Taylor or W. M. Transou, Laurel Springs, N. C. Sparta P. 0., June 1.—In last week’s issue there was an error. Misses Ruby and Pearl Woodruff were visiting someone else instead of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bledsoe. Miss Josephine Wagoner is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maines. The Sunday school here is pro gressing nicely. Thomas Johnson has been appointed superintend ent and Miss Stella Billings, sec retary. Piney Cheek H. S. (continued from front page) State Organization of Young Tar Heel Farmers. This is an organi zation of all boys studying Agri culture in high schools of the State. This organization is North Carolina’s branch of the National Organization of the Future Farm ers of America. Hash is the only State Y. T. H. F. officer that Alleghany county has ever pro duced. Control Of White (continued from front page) conditions are generally favorable for the spread of the disease be cause wild Ribes and white pines usually occur on the same areas. Ribes species vary in size and habit of growth, but workmen are able to effectively distinguish them from other plants after a few days of In white pine dangerous weec stroyed, severe damage to the pines may result before the pres ence of the disease is discovered. Since the rust strikes without warning, pine owners should promptly destroy the Ribes on their lands, even though the disease has not been found in their locality. CARD OF THANKS The children and grandchildren of Mrs. John F. Watson wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many friends who so willingly assisted them during the illness, following the death and at the funeral of their beloved mother and grandmother. NOTICE ! During the season of 1936, I will stand the Famous Ten nessee Jack, at my barn. This is a purebred Black Spanish Jack. His colts are his best advertising, bringing prices from $75 to $100 at weaning time. Fee $8. L. S. Richardson TORCHES, N. C. VOTE FOR LISTEN IN! To Honorable Clyde R. Hoey, Democratic Candidate for Nomination for Governor State-Wide Hook-Up Thursday, June 4th, 7:30 P. M. Smithey’s Store The Place For Barg&ihs SPARTA, - - . - NORTH CAROLINA Specials For Friday and Saturday Ladies’ Wash Dresses 2 for $1 Children's Swimming Sfflt»~i $1-48 Boys Overalls R*J £ Bovs Overalls0'"E£* 391 Men s OverallsRcd 68< LL Sheeting ^ 7Vzt Umbrellas 48e PabcoRugs S4.9S Feather Ticking £519« Mother’s Oats 2LZ 25e Baking Chocolate 10c Tomato Juice 5c Port & Beans d", 5c Sauer Krant wr=T25« Certo bottle 29e Grapefruit Juice d 25e Wonder Tea 2 ^ 25e fl I P| Swantdown OA . take Flour p«k*ge 29c Special Free Offer with each Pkg. 171 Queen of Self-rising if . flour the West 12-lb. bag 45£ Flour IT $3.10 Kerosene $ ,.u.n. 60e Crocks, Jars And Churns 0 11 flUj " j • JJLi Fruit Jar SPECIAL Famous “Ball Brand Jan One-half gallon size.... dozen 85c Quart Size ..dozen 63c Pint Size.. . dozen 50c Fruit Jar Caps....dozen 20c