Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Giuseppe Motta, who has been elected president of Switzerland for the fifth time, 2—Artillerists of Gen. Franco's insurgent army train guns on Madrid. 3—John D. M. Hamilton of Topeka, Kan., campaign man ager for Gov. Alf M. Landon, who has been re-elected chairman of the Republican national committee. Poster for Boy Scouts’ Jamboree -^y Howard Chandler Christy (left), noted artist and illustrator, pictured as he presented to Congressman Sol Bloom of New York, his poster of the "Ideal Boy Scout” The poster will be placed in every post office throughout the nation, as well as in other public buildings, in connection with the Boy Scouts’ Jamboree of 1937, to which scouts will come from - all over the world. COLLEGE TRUSTEE * sfxmmtimmKmsam Mrs, John Appleton Clark, twenty four years old, of New York city, who was recently elected a mem ber of the board of trustees of Sarah Lawrence college. She is a mem ber of the class of 1S32 and the first of the college’s alumnae to be elected to the governing board. Mrs. Clark is also believed to be the youngest member of a college gov erning board in the country. POLAR HERO HONORED Brig. Gen. David L. Brainard, the last survivor at Gceely’g tragic ex pedition to the Arctic in 1881-84, who was recently named by the American Polar society to be its first honorary member. The Polar society presented General Brainard with a scroll on his eightieth birth day recently. Wins $2,000 Argentine Air Trophy Dewane L. Wallace, Wichita, Kan., (center) receives the $2,000 Ar gentine trophy, major prize award of the ninth annual All-American air maneuvers at Miami, Fla., recently. Wallace won the 25-mile race for planes with motors of 500-cubic inch displacement Awarding the prize are the original donors, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Silva, of Argentina. Kelley of Yale Receives “Most Valuable Award” With member* of bis family as proud witnesses. Yale university’s grid star. Lany Kelley «*apgressnted wift the John W. Heisman trophy, symbolical of toe designation “best all-around player of the 1938 football •eason," (Left to right) Lawrence W. Kelley, father; Larry Kelley; Walter CwiweU, president of the Down lom A. C,, who made toe presentation; Mr*. L. W. Kelley, mother, and Virginia Kelley, sister. Improved Uniform International ] SUNDAY SCHOOL #« -LESSON By RKV. HAROLD JL LUNDQUIST, Dean of the Moody Bible Institnt* of Chicago. • Western Newspaper Union. M Lesson for January 10 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST LESSON TEXT—John GOLDEN TEXT—Verily, verily. I ley onto thee. Except a man be bom again, be cannot aee the kingdom of God.— John 3:3. PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus Answering a Man's Question. JUNIOR TOPIC—The Most Important Question. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC—How the Christian Life Begins. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—New Life In Christ The only entrance into the Chris tian life is by the door of the new birth. Regeneration is the act of God whereby the divine nature is imparted to the believing sinner and he becomes the child of God. - He who has not entered by this way has not entered at all. He is still dead in trespasses and sins, with out God and without hope (Eph. 2:1, 12). Men are seeking to enter the household of God by almost any other means—culture, reform, char acter building—and are neglecting God’s way. This lesspn should there fore be studied and^taugltU, with j earnest prayer that this fouhdation ' truth may lay hold upon the hearts of the hearers of the Word. Let no one who is not bora again attempt to teach it to others, lest the blind attempt to lead the blind, and both fall into the ditch (Luke 6:39). The coming of Nicodemus to our Lord took place the time when he was in Jerusalem for the Pass over. Jesus had chosen six of his disciples, had been at Cana of Gal ilee, where he performed his first miracle, and had made a brief visit to Capernaum, after which he came to Jerusalem for the feast. In high and holy indignation he had driven the money changers out of the tem ple. The Pharisees who looked for the coming of the Messiah as a secular conqueror wondered at this new spiritual leader. It was prob ably as much on their behalf as his own that Nicodemus came to in quire of Jesus. In answering his questions Jesus reveals the neces sity, the nature, and the method of regeneration—in other words, the Why, What, and How of the New Birth. L Why? (w. 1-7.) Jesus was not unduly impressed by the dignity and high station of his visitor, nor by the visitor's cour teous acknowledgment of his own position as a great teacher. With decisive boldness Jesus declares that this man, a cultured and dis tinguished ruler of the Jews, must be bora again, if he is to see the kingdom of God. God is no respecter of persons. This "doctor of divinity” must be bora again, just as was the illiterate fisherman. D. L. Moody once said that he was thankful it was to such a man as Nicodemus that Jesus presented the necessity of the new birth—or men would have said that only the down-and-outer needed to be saved. Two reasons are given by our Lord for the “just” of verse 7: (1) The Kingdom of God is a spir itual kingdom, and cannot be en tered by way of our human nature; and (2) "That which is born of the flesh is flesh” and is radically and essentially bad. To learn why the flesh- is bad read Jeremiah 13:23, and Galatians 5:19-21. Scripture on this point is almost diametrically opposed to much Of the teachings in our schools and colleges. But God’s Word is right; let us follow it n. What?