First Baptismal Ceremony Held at Night “I baptize thee, my brother ...” and a moment later Howard McGee became the first man ever to be baptized in open air exercisers held under floodlights. The novel baptism climaxed a revival conducted near Gainesville, Ga., under the direction of thirty-three-year-old Reverend C. E. Vaughn, who is said to have given up a prospering furniture business six years ago to convert souls. A crowd of 500 persons watched the ceremonies. > WORLD CROSSROADS TO 1C YmO; Stf&MGHfrg Here is the international sign post erected on Treasure island in San Francisco bay, site of the 1939 Gold en Gate exposition, showing dis tances from the world’s far cor ners. Gaila McEntee acts as inter national “traffic cop.” Start Moving $1,290,000,000 in Silver In one of the biggest trucking jobs ever undertaken, $1,290,000,000 worth of bar silver is being moved from Manhattan to the government’s new storage vault at West Point. One truck will move out of Manhattan each day, five days a week, for about ten months before all of the silver is moved to the big reinforced vault. A company of 55 coast guardsmen are assigned to serve as a protective convoy on the 50-mile trips. Photograph shows one of the trucks being loaded with 350 bars of silver. A Gas-Masked Holiday in Switzerland The Swiss public is becoming so air-raid “precautionized” that strange sights are often to be seen these days at this “home” of the League of Nations. Two gas-masked holiday makers were photographed »s they enjoyed a row on Lake Geneva. ADMITS MOSCOW LINK The Communist party in the Unit ed States is ‘‘part and parcel” of the Communist International, Earl Browder, party secretary, admitted during his testimony before a legis lative committee inquiry into law observance. Browder is pictured as he testified during the hearing, held in New York. Girl Sailors Do Everything but Cook The gaff-rigged schooner Yankee, manned by 14 Girl Scout mariners supervised by four experienced seamen, prepares to sail from New York on the first of eight one-week cruises. Here are six members of the group raising the anchor. The 102-ton schooner will be almost entirely In the hands of the Scouts, all of whom are in their teens, throughout the trip. The girl crew will stand watches, swab decks and assume all (be shipboard duties except the preparation of meals. In the World’s News: War, Business, Sports 1—Soldiers of the “lost” division of the Loyalist army, who escaped into France when driven out of the Pyrenees passes they had held for months, are shown being inspected by Alvarez Del Vayo (saluting), Span ish foreign minister, following their return to Catalonia. 2—William McChesney Martin Jr., thirty-one years old, elected permanent president of the New York stock exchange with a yearly salary of $48,000. 3—Capt. George E. T. Eyston at the wheel of "The Thunderbolt” in which he broke the world’s land speed record on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. The car has Just been remodeled for Eyston’s forthcoming attempt to better his own record. ■ * 1 GOLF CHAMP WEDS National Amateur Golf Champion Johnny Goodman and his schoolboy sweetheart-bride, the former Miss Josephine Kersigo, as they posed for photographers during the wed ding reception which followed their marriage in Omaha. Motherhood at Ripe Age of 16 Here is Lizzie, a sixteen-year-old Spitz dog:, with her newborn male pup, both of whom are doing: well. Dog: breeders in Detroit, where Lizzie lives, had never heard of a dog so old having a pup. A humane society officer said that a sixteen-year-old dog is about the equivalent of an eighty-year-old human. Mike Vella, Lizzie’s owner, named the pup F. D., because it was born when President Roosevelt was making a radio speech. Evangelist, 78, Weds Pupil, 26 A “December and May’’ romance resulted in the Hollywood mar riage of Gipsy Smith, seventy-eight-year-old internationally known British Romany evangelist, and Miss Alice Shaw, twenty-six, of London and Los Angeles. The evangelist met his bride when she attended music and evangelist studies in England while a child of twelve. HE’S ‘MIBS’ KING Frank Santo, thirteen years old, of Throop, Pa., who was crowned the marbles' king of the United States at the conclusion of the na tional marbles tournament at Wild wood, N. J. As a result of his vie* tory Frank received a $150 radio set and a wrist watch. His father is an unemployed miner. Mysterious Case of the Stolen Run This third inning mystery was solved by the base ball Sherlocks daring a Boston Red Sox—Athletics game in Philadelphia. Villain of the piece is Billy Werber, third baseman for the Mackmen, who is covering up his run-filching machinations behind a dust screen. Victim is Gene Desautels, backstop for the Vermilion Hose. At left, as though groping for a clue, is Inspec tor—beg pardon, Umpire Moriarity. If you look close enough you can spy the outline of Gene’s shoes in front of the approaching batter. Moriarity is calling Billy "safe!” P. S.—The Bed Sox won 6 to 5. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT CHICKS MARYLAND’S FINEST BLOOD-TESTED CHICKS 8c and Up Eight popular breeds and crosses. Started chicks: also Ducks and Poults. Hatches twice weekly. MILFORD HATCHERY. Milford Road nr. Liberty Rd., Pikesvllle, P. O. Rockdale, Md. Plkesville 88-R. Add Radiant Beauty to Your Bedroom There’s grace and beauty in every detail of this cross-stitch motif which you will enjoy em broidering on a bedspread—it’s quickly done and so decorative when finished. The bluebirds are in ten-to-the-inch crosses, the greater part of the rest of the de sign is in five-to-the-inch crosses. Motifs to match make a lovely bolster or scarf. In pattern 5940 Pattern 5940, you will find a transfer pattern of a motif 15% by 20 inches, one reverse motif 5 Vs by 5% inches and one motif 43/4 by 5% inches; a color chart and key; material requirements; illustra tions of all stitches used. To obtain this pattern, send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W. Fourteenth St., New York City. Women in Baseball One of the few women holding an executive position in major league baseball is Mrs. Barney Dreyfuss, chairman of the board of the Pittsburgh Pirates. She was married to the late Barney Dreyfuss in 1894 and has been connected with the game for more than 40 years. Miss Dorothy Hum mel, assistant to Will Harridge, president of the American league, is another woman who has suc ceeded in this line. She has had nearly 25 years’ experience in the American league and handles all details connected \yith contracts, assignments of umpires and finan cial matters. i—ECZEMA—a We offer a remedy under positive guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded. This is the most annoying and yon might say terri fying disease on earth and we guarantee to glv^lmmediate results. The price of our rem edy is 60c postpaid. Ton send and get a Jar and use half of it and if not satisfied retnmthe other half to ns and we will refund the fide and return postage. We refer you to The Peoples National Bank. Bedford, Va., as to our responsibility. In writing them inclose stamp for reply o r they willnot answer. HENRY THOMSON, AGENT, GOODES, VIRGMM Everything you want in NEW YORK! • is right around this quiet, congenial hotel. Rooms with bath from $2.SO tingle, $4 double. FAMOUS FOR GOOD FOOD. Woodstock 43rd St. East of Broadway TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK WNU—4 29—38 HELP KIDNEYS To Get Rid of Acid And Poisonous Waste Your kidneys help to keep you-well by constantly filtering waste matter from the blood. If your kidneys get functionally disordered and fall to remove excess impurities, there may be poisoning of the whole system sad body-wide distress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may be a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging backache^ persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffiaeae under the eyed—feel weak, nervous,'all pltyed out. In such cases it is better to rely on • medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor ably known. Use Doan’s PiUa. A multi tude of grateful people reconuasod Dean’s. Asa tour neiahborl _ Doans Pills