ALLEGHANY ♦ STAR-TIMES* ALLEGHANY COUNTY’S OWN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER oL 15- No- 46- Sparta, N. C. Thursday, March 28, 1940. I WASHINGTON, D. C.—It has taken a war plus an Arctic winter to give Mr. Ordinary German a holiday from flag-waving, par ades and compulsory rejoicing. No torchlight procession. No Reichstag meeting. No flags. Only at the last moment are Germans informed that the Fuehrer will speak over the radio in the even ing. With the Munich bomb in fresh rememberance, the place from where he speaks is not an nounced beforehand. After six months of war, pro paganda, the best weapon of the >Jazis, is frozen up. Mass cele brations use up fuel and trans port; Hitler had to cut them out. Ipstead, Germans are consoled with hints of the great things their Fuehrer will do when Spring comes. Nazis predict sortie specta cular achievement. So confident is President Roose velt of an upward trend in busi ness that he is rejecting sugges tions for a further spend-lend pro I gram this year. This confidence is 'probably due to Secertary of the '{Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr., ■Who reports that the volume of Aiders' in heavy industries is ex panding weekly. Of great import ahce, also, is his knowledge that both Great Britain and France intend increasing their orders for comVnodities, as well ae war ma terials. * * * * Th