Citron Citron, July 15.—Farmers of this community have gotten very badly behind with their corn hoe ing on account of the rain. J. B. Roberts from Columbus, Ohio, spent the week-end with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roberts. He also visited his sister, Katherine, at Black Mountain. Uncle John Taylor is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Roberts. Mr. Taylor is feeble. Mrs. U. S. Myers had the mis fortune to have her eye hurt Sunday when she came in con tact with a> broken wire which cut her eyelid badly. Little Delores Myers has been with her grandfather, U. S. Myers, for the past two weeks. Wilma Long is spending this week with Mrs. W. A. Pruitt. Mr. Pruitt has been called to the bedside of his brother-in-law, B. B. Plummer, of Huntington, W. Va., who has been very ill for sometime and is not expected to live. Rush Long is remodeling his old barn. “Uncle” Fielden Caudill was a visitor at R. G. Taylor’s Sunday. The people of this community are always glad to see “Uncle’’ Field en as he was formerly our es teemed neighbor. Citron, July 1.—Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Taylor, Sparta, spent the week-end with Mr. Taylor’s par ents, Mr. and' Mrs. R. G. Taylor. Mrs. Bill Stone and small daughter, Billy Sue, from Spring field, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Taylor last week. Mrs. Ruby Walsh, Damascus, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Taylor last week. Barbara Moxley is visiting her cousin, Tommy Sue Moxley, this week. Okey Sheets, who recently un derwent an operation for appen dicitis, is at home and improving rapidly. Clay Roberts has erected a BUS To N. Wilkesboro and Statesville Where there are direct connec tions for all point East, West, South and North. No layover to Winston, Greensboro and Raleigh. Morning bu3 from Laurel Springs allows an hour for shopping in Sparta, and return on 9:30 bus. - Daily - Ar. Sparta 8:30-Lv. 9:30 a.m. Ar. Sparta 4:55-Lv. 5:10 p.m. filling station near Citron on Highway 18. Billy Murphy and sister, Autumn, Winston-Salem, visited their uncle and aunt, H. B. and Lydia Pruitt last week. R. G. Taylor visited his uncle, D. P. Taylor, Sparta, who has been ill, Saturday. “Uncle” John Taylor is ill at his home near Citron. Miss Cessie Mabe. is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. A large crowd attended the Sunday School Convention at Pine Fork Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Moxley visited his sister, Mrs. Effie Pruitt last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Miller and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Dixon and children attended the Alex reunion at Shatley Springs, Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Royal and daugh ter, Hazel, were in West Jeffer son Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donnely Andrews and children, of Sparta, spent Saturday night with Mrs. An drew’s mother, Mrs. Laura Mabe. Miss Dora Sheets and Everett Hoppers visited Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Taylor, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ross and Steve Osborne visited at the home of R. G, Taylor, Sunday. Laurel Springs Laurel Springs, July 14.—W. S. Smith left Sunday morning to go back to his farm in Tennessee. A large crowd attended singing at Pleasant Grove Saturday night. Crops in this part of the county do not look so good, due to cool rainy weather. | Several from here attended com munion services Sunday at White head Union Baptist Church. C. O. McCann and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brinegar made a business trip to North Wilkes boro Saturday. Mrs. F. M. Osborne does not improve much. Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove, July 15.—Sev eral from this community at tended the funeral of Mack Ir win, near Wolf Branch. Rev. E. E. Wyatt is visiting friends in this community. “Aunt” Julia Osborne is slight ly improved. Carlyle Anderson and Rassie Crouse spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Anderson. W. S. Smith from Bluff City, Tennessee, returned home Sun day after spending the past week with his wife who is employed here. Mrs. Hurshel Anderson from Washington, D. C-, is visiting relatives here. Nile Nile, July 15.—Mr. and Mi's. J. F. Cockerham and children, of Mountain Park, were guests of Mrs. Cockerham’s sister, Mrs. Ethel Maines, last Thursday. Mrs. Ethel Maines and Edwin Maines visited their uncle, W. P. Poole, at Galax, Saturday. Mr. Poole, who has been sick for sev eral days, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Maines and “...THAT’S WHERE WE’LL GO!” I You add to your own enjoyment and protect your right to drink GOOD beer when you choose to drink it only in those retail establishments that are clean, inviting and LAW-ABIDING. Investigation has proved that the great majority of North Carolina's retail beer outlets are decent, re spectable places of legitimate business. However, there are bound to be a certain small number in the group who are “black sheep” in that they per mit anti-social practices in their places of business or indulge in them themselves. Desiring to eliminate the objectionable places, the Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Com mittee has cooperated fully with law enforcement officials and to date 90 of them have lost their licenses and several score others have been denied new licenses because they refused to “clean up” during the past year. So . . . when you say: "That's where we’ll go!”, be sure it is the RIGHT kind of retail beer outlet. Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee EDGAR H. BAIN, State Director 813-817 Commercial Building Raleigh, N. C. son, Dean, Mrs. Sarah McGrady and brother, Mr. Tolliver, of Eugene, Oregon, attended com munion services at Zion Baptist Church Sunday. J. W. Maines spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John son. Miss Alice B. Little, of Raleigh, came up Saturday for several days visit with A. A. Woodruff’s family and other Alleghany friends. Little Misses Elizabeth and Janie McCann are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Woodruff. Forty-one per cent of the ped estrains killed last year were kill ed while crossing between inter sections or coming from behind parked cars. FLOWERS for Enry Occasion BAT DRUG CO., SPARTA Skilled WATCH I REPAIRING on fiat I WATCHES All work gnat I an teed. Lot est prices. See our line of Jewelry. ALLEGHANY WATCH CO. Sparta, N. C. 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