Ennice _iice, Nov. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. rlie Hall and children, Mr. Mrs. John Crouse, Shade idill and Eli Long were dinner psts of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. _iolds Sunday. llenn Truitt and family and Beulah Cox of Vox and Kyle and family from Galax were Isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idwards Sunday. Mrs. Edwards Who has been ill for sometime does not improve. Joe Massey is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Spurlin and family. S. J. Spurlin is still improv ing. He had five new visitors Sun day, which, he estimates, make over two hundred visitors since he has been ill. He appreciates his friends’ visits. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Todd and small daughter of Galax, visited Mrs. E. R. McMillan and daugh ter, Elizabeth. Misses Opal Edwards and Ina Jean Spurlin spent Sunday with Mrs. Opal Butcher. Eugene Andrews spent the Live Stock Market WYTHEV1LLE, VA OCT. 29 Total receipts 1,422 head Best lambs .. 8.00 per cwt. Medium lambs .. 6.50 to 7.25 Com. and light . 3.00 to 4.50 Old sheep .. 1.70 to 2.90 Top hogs, 200 lbs. .. 6.10 to 6.70 Light and heavy . 5.80 to 6.00 Sows ... 4.50 to 6.00 Top calves ......... 11.25 2nd calves . 10.15 3rd calves . 8.85 4th calves . 7.60 Light and com. calves 4.80 to 6.30 Stocker and feeder steers Good] to choice . 8.50 to 9.00 Medium to good . 7.50 to 8.00 Common to medium 6.00 to 7.00 ^Common . 4.75 to 5.50 Butcher steers .. 8.50 to 8.75 Medium and good....7.50 to 8.00 Common and medium 5.00 to 7.00 Best heifeTs . ... ..... 6.50 to 7.50 Common and medium 5.25 to 6.25 Best butcher heifers . 7.50 Medium to good ...... 5.50 to 6.50 Common . 4.50 to 5.00 Good beef cows . 5.00 to 5.50 Med. beef cows . 4.25 to 4.75 Canners and cutters 3.50 to 4.00 Best bulls . 6.50 to 7.00 Med. to good bulls .. 5.75 to 6.50 Common bulls ........ 4.00 to 5.50 Legal Notice Certificate of Dissolution Notice i« hereby given to all who may be concerned that a Dissolution of Corporation has been effected in the organization of the Alleghany Motor Company, Incorporated, of Sparta, North Carolina, as of January 1st, 1939. By order of the Board of Directors Walter Johnson Secretary Sparta, N. C. October 22, 1940. 4tc—14s Every Article^? in Our Store f Aut0 IS 1 Associa Guaranteed V s,ore \ Ufh r Home-owned Store WADE H. DAVIS Hot-water Heaters $4.00 up Exchange Prices KUI Generators and Batteries — MT. AIRY CBS Radio Reports Came From This “Nerve Center” —s ENGINEERS A. NEWS TICKERS 1 B. STATE REPORTERS C. CENTRAL DESK E. TALLY CLERKS D. TABULATORS F NEWS ANALYSTS . - - -■ - ELMER! DAVIS BOB TROUT ALBERT WARNER smernmii This view shows part of the elaborate arrangements made, by the Columbia Broadcasting System in their Studio Building in New York City to give to radio listeners all over the nation the election results last Tuesday night. There, weremore than 40 reporters, editors, copyreaders, tabulators and technicians at work, using nine news tickets, ten long-distance telephone lines and six private lines.The thioe men on the right, Davis, Trout and Warner, scanned the charts on the far wall and spoke into the microphones just in front of them the news and the comments which were heard in every nook and corner of the land. week-end with homefolks and re turned to CCG Camp at Laurel Springs Monday. Furches Furches, Nov. 4.-—Roy Wagon er has returned to the home of his step-father, George Sturgil, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Irwin re ceived a letter from their son, Bower, who has spent the last two years in the Hawaiian Islands, j saying that he is in California and! will be home soon. Misses Ruth and Ruby Atwood are spending a few days with iMr. and Mrs. F. E. Shore, of King, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crouse and Mrs. Maude Richardson spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Irwin. Mrs. Frank Atwood and sons, Darman, Deral and Danard, have gone to Winston-Salem, to attend the funeral of her brother’s son. He was the small son of Hobert Billings, formerly of Stratford. He was killed by an automobile. Twin Oaks Twin Oaks, Nov. 5.—Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Reeee Phipps and daughters, Vir ginia and Frances, and Freddie Sue and Garnet Sexton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sheets Sunday. Neal Sexton left for Charleston, S. C., Sunday, where he has em ployment. Miss Ola Ingram and Midas i Church of Winston-Salem were j guests of Miss Delia Sexton Sunr day afternoon. Miss Pauline Sexton of A. S. T. C. spent the week-end at home. She was accompanied home by her mother Mrs. G. F. Sexton and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sheets. Jay Sexton and Floyd Brady spent the week-end in Inman, South Carolina. At the New Haven Church of the Brethren, Rev. Roy Billings of Hanes, N. C., gave a good sermon Sunday morning. Mt. Zion Mt. Zion, Nov. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parsons and child GET READY FOR THE Hunting Season Buy Your Shells Here. We Have Everything You Need. SHELLS 75c PER BOX UP Western Auto Associate Store O. D. CAUSEY .... ELKIN, N. C. Talented Charmer LOVELY Maxine, possessor of the deep soothing voice heard on radio’s Hour of Charm has been with Phil Spitalny and the all-girl orchestra for the past five years. Known as one of the most beautiful entertainers on the airwaves the dark-eyed songstress combines musical talent with histrionic ability . . . having recently been featured in several very popular movie shorts. She may be heard every Sunday night over the Red net work of N.B.C. reji, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Parsons and son, Paul, and Mrs. Phoebe Culbertson, of Cross nore, N_ C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Black last week. Burl Pierce of Crumpler, Miss es Lorene Motley, Velma and Logene Pugh and others visited Edna Rae Smith Sunday after noon. David Perry and John Absher visited Thomas Smith Sunday. j Mrs. Bonnie Pugh visited her father, Rev. Linville Blevins re cently. Joe F. Cox is ill in the Wilkes boro hospital. Ofc. 124-J PHONE R~ 60-W Dr. John Mills Powell Optometrist Galax, Virginia RADIOS BUY NOW PAY LATER SENSATIONAL SAVINGS Prices Include Instal lation, Guarantee and Delivery. List Price Sale Price BATTERY CONSOLE SET . BATTERY TABLE SET. ELECTRIC CONSOLE SET ELECTRIC TABLE SET . ELECTRIC TABLE SET. PHILCO CAR RADIOS . $69.50 $44.95 $42.50 $24.95 $69.50 $45.95 $34.50 $21.95 $19.50 $12.95 $29.95 $19.95 JOHN H. MIDRIFF HARDWARE -MT. AIRY i Floyd Warden has moved his family to his farm in this com munity near Charlie Black’s home. A large number from this com munity attended and enjoyed the Hallowe’en party given at Piney Creek High School last Thursday ! night. The Hint To let his employer know what he thought about his alleged sal ary, a young New Yorker care Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and help, and for the lovely flowers, at the death and burial of our wife and mother; and also for the, courtesy shown by the church es in postponing their services. T. EDWARDS AND FAMILY ltp-7s fully wrote above his signature, when he cashed his cheek. “Any resemblance between this and a living wage is purely coincidental.1’ Surprised Youngster A church dignitary noticed a little girl weeping bitterly because she had lost a nickel. Search for the lost money proving useless he produced another to stay the tears and soothe the hurt feelings. “Oh,” breathed the littl^ one in a shocked tone. “You had it all the time.” KLOR'S DRUG STORE — GALAX — In the Middle of the Block WALGREEN AGENCY You Are Always WELCOME At Klor’s Surry Marble AND Granite Works Our Memorials are unmatched for Beauty, Quality and Perma nence. R. S. Crawford, Manager MT. AIRY, N. C. SPECIALS - At Your Buick Dealer ’31 Ford.$85 ’37 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan ’31 Chev. Coach BLUE RIDGE MOTOR CO. Guy L. Snow, Manager NORTH WILKESBORO LITTLE JOB MIDDLE SIZE JOB We Have All The BUILDING MATERIALS You Need BIG JOB ELKIN LUMBER & MFG. CO. “Everything to Build Anything” PHONE 68 ELKIN, N. C. I FREE! FREE! THIS BEAUTIFUL 1941 . . . .50 Now Or Display In Our Store. Will Be Given Away Absolutely Free At Our Store (Winner Does Not Have to be Present) CONTEST STARTS FRIDAY HERE’S HOW YOU WIN . . . 1. With every purchase between $1 and $10, you’ll receive one duplicated numbered; ticket; $10 and $20, two tickets; $20 and $30, three tickets; $30 and $40, four tickets; $40 and $50, five tickets, etc. Deposit tickets in box located at our store and keep duplicate until you learn the winning number. 2. Drawing will be at our store Saturday night, November 30th. Winner does not have to be present. Winning number will be posted on our window: and advertised in local newspapers. 3. Radio not called for by Satur day night, December 7th, by 8 o’clock, another drawing will take place. Draw Saturday Night Nov. 30 ings will be held each Saturday night at the time mentioned above until some persons calls for radio. 4. This contest is open to all, except the employees of Rhodes-Day Furniture Company and their families. 5. Watch our windows and your local newspaper for winning number. 6. Call at our store for further details. Rhodes-Day Fum. Co. CORNER 9th and “C” STREETS NORTH WILKESBORO