Ennice * Ennice, Dec.2.—-Miss Opal Ed wards left Saturday for North East, Md., where she Wilt spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. RADIATOR Repair We fix ’em right VOGLER BATTERY & ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Banner Town Road MT. AIRY, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ^purlin spent Thanksgiving with Walter Cheek and family. Mrs. Earl Smith of Dalhart, spent the week-end with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex And rews. Mrs. Erdine Ree Edwards is still improving slowly. Mrs. John Jarvis and children, Mrs. Earlie Smith, Mrs. Kemper Jarvis and Wanda Jean Wilson visited Wiley Andrews and dau ghter, Estelene, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews and son Hoke had Thanksgiving Lineberry’s Jewelry Elgin - Hamilton - Bulova Watches New and up-to-date merchandise Scientific repairing of all types Watches and Clocks SOUTH MAIN ST - - - GALAX m mz ^ .nil »»*•*” ** I0M « 1941 ill • Compare this new 1941 two band Sentinel, feature lor lea* tare with any other radio. You'll find—in cabinet beauty ... hir quality . . . sensitivity . . . low operating cost . . . this 1 takes all the ribbons in its class! • Has every up-to-the-minute feature—a dial that Illuminates without drain on the self-contained radio battery pack ... tone control... battery economiser ... plus a dozen more. AND it's easily adaptable to HHine use! . . WILKES TIRE STORn 305 10th St. Phone 322 Next Door to Wilkes Hatchery N. WILKESBORO dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds. Miss Martha Mae • Smith of Dalhart spent Saturday t. night with Misses Evon, Eura Lee, Elaine and Emolene Spurlin. Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Reynolds and family of Maryland spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds. Miss Mildred Wagoner of Spar ta spent the week-end with her father, I. W. Wagoner. Steve Spurlin made a business [trip to Sparta with Charlie Rey nolds Saturday nad it was the first trip Mr. Spurlin had made to Sparta in over three months. Twin Oaks Twin Oaks, Dec. 2.—A hot air heating system has recently been installed in New Haven Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Poole were visited by their children from Goodwill, W. Va., during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Reed and family visited relatives in Dan ville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bogers and children of Winston-Salem spent the week-end with Mrs. Bogers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim An TRY■ 2 GOODYS’ doses TODAY 1_— ders. “Uncle” Calloway Cox ' doesn’t show signs of improvement. Miss Nancy Reed, Hanes, is spending a few days with home folks. Mrs. Lee Petty and Mr. and Mrs. Hayte Petty, of Galax, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Irwin. Mrs. Lebert Petty and Mrs. Lon Reeves went to Jefferson Friday on a shopping tour. Hooker Hooker, Dec. 2.—Vance Choate and Walter Cheek had a wreck On the stiff curve on the north road just beyond Hooker Satur day afternoon. No one was badly hurt. Mrs. D. Wagoner and Mrs. John McCann, who were riding in the Cab of the Cheek pickup, suffered several bruises, while Lonnie Cheek, who was riding in the back of the pick up, received a slight cut on his face. Mr. Choate was driving a! ’41 Chevrolet Coach and Mr, Cheek a Chevrolet %-ton truck. | Both vehicles came out with very badly smashed fenders, and it has not been decided who was at fault. VISIT GALAX’ NEW BEAUTY SHOP and give us a trial Permanents $1.50 to $6.50 j Finger Wave . 25c Shampoo and Finger Wave .. 40c i Bertha Spurlin, owner ! Located across from Town Hall Main Street, GALAX Livestock Auction . ; ■ . • ■ . Every Mond ay You’ll get more money here because the prices are set by more than one buyer. "™“——— ' PLAN NOW to Attend Next Week’s Sale Wilkesboro Livestock Yard R. P. RILEY, Mgr. Kellie Edwiii-ds spent Sunday withe, his invalid father Hasten Edwards, who lives in the Vox community. A very large crowd attended the sale of M. L. Gentry Satur day. Everything sold at a fairly food price. Mr. Gentry and his son “Dick,” will leave this week Cor Florida, where they will be engaged in the trucking business. Miss Nellie Mae Miles was un able to return to school Monday morning on account of an at tack of tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anders announce the birth of a daugh ter. James Miles has purchased a '41 Chevrolet % ton truck. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Collins and son, Leo, spent the week end with Mrs. C. Hendrix. Leonard ' Hendrix, ' formerly of this community, who now lives in Maryland, was the victim of a hit-and-run driver one night last week, while walking on the highway. He was knocked down and dragged about 50 feet. Later he was picked up by patrol men and carried to the hospital. He was badly braised but no bones were broken. “Bucky” Wagoner, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Wagoner, has tonsilitis. J. C. SUTHERLAND Elgin and Bulova Watches Gifts Easy Terms Watch Repairing Independence, Va. The concrete used superhighway built American state woi four pyramids equal famous Cheops KIM'S STORE Gift Headquarti — GALAX In the Middle of the WALGREEN AGE '' I Hi WILL BE HERE SOON Toyland Now Open With a Complete Line of WHEEL AND MECHANICAL TOYS BICYCLES GIFTS FOR EVERYONE TOY DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR VISIT US BEFORE YOU BUY! ’ * Western Auto Associate Store 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET - - GALAX, VA. SLIM JIM AND THE FORCE HAO AN OLD HEM i AND HEP NAME WAS POLLt AWH. I f ^HE i_A(C> A DOZEN E*4> r} AND » PUT'EM WAPANJ(LSJ ' .—( HEV'! £>j V HtOT'5 I OFF HERE? " p HAV> MffTtS 0O«K *}-JlAND H»5 NAME WAS UMPXOOOOCf ■ ^ JWAWEO H\M FOR AJ'.'JF. , 7 THAT WAS OvPPT 'M HOOtH-F 1 .1 HAC >rou or_ |M5E\> ©Atftti- I A.NO MOLD oe <-(D OOW^C-' me-r vont look J i HUfctT1.! \ WTO TV*’ 1 HE wz HEAOeO THl-5 WAT ^ AL^lfcHT. BETTe«fOLL,T^a*< TY&X BA.«eEL OOTA. TH' ^ T MiiHT ©e vhocrj IT »> uemw'WH - -t*>- ol* oe^t ia >*Wnlu) Co^.* I'kiNKfc Ct> Luciv, Mo I