Topia Topis, March 4.—Rev. Calvin Childers moved his family to Maryland last Friday. Homer DeBord purchased Rev. Childers’ farm near New Home church. Misses Lucille Black, Karvana Caudill, Mrs. Carey D. Blevins and daughters, Irene, Doris and Vesta Grace, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pugh Sunday. Mrs. Nannie DeBord is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Blackburn and family are recovering from an attack of “flu.'’ Rev. Mies Beulah Long, of Dayton, Ohio, and Misses Ruth Logins and Effie LaRue visited Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pugh Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Fitz gerald and children visited the • Grass Seed • Fertilizer • Garden Seeds • Lespedeza • Seed Oats See Us For All of These CASH & CARRY “Sells for Cash and Sells for Less’ — SPARTA — latter s parents, tvev. anu ana. W. B. Sturgill on Sunday. Mrs. Lula Pugh has been very sick, but seems a little improved. Mt. Zion / Mt. Zion, March 3.—Rev. S. G. Ferree filled his regular ap pointment ht Mt. Zion on Sunday and he and Mrs. Ferree were din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pugh. Dee Plummer, of Filer, Idaho, is visiting relatives in this com munity and other parts of the county. Rev. R. L. Billings and Rev. Ben Williams, of Radford, Va., spent the week-end with their families in the community. Mr. and Mrs. George Pugh visited Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Pugh recently. Ray Absher spent Sunday night with John D. Grubb. Mrs. S. E. Smith is slowly re covering from an illness,—in fluenza. Oscar Evans, of Twin Oaks,, spent Sunday with Howard Smith. Ray Fields, of Greensboro, FLOWERS ! ) for * Every i Occasion B & T DRUG CO., SPARTA This Space is Provided Through the Courtesy of Northwest Carolina Utilities, Inc. “Your Friendly Neighbor” Church Vitalization Program , ■ I The Baptist churches at Sparta and Laurel Springs are inaugurating a three months program for April, May, June which will interest every church member, and, it is hoped, will result in an increase in "regular church attendance and a deep ening sense of the value and need of true worship. STAY AWAKE with i SMOKE SCREEN By Samuel B. Pettengill Who talks to millions each week in hit column “The Gentleman from Indiana’ HITLER’S ’MEIN KAMPF’ Misted a Nation into National Socialism And Brought Disaster to Europe PETTENGILL’S SMOKE SCREEN Charts a Sale Course for America Factual Data Without Rancor or Emotion Make Your Loyalty to Your Country a Positive, Affirmative Force Make Yourself a Committee of One to support Constitutional Government. GO INTO ACTION! The Men Who Created Our Government Risked Life and Property. Will You Not Give a Few Hours of Your Time, and Make the Sacrifice of a Little Money to Save What They Created? ARE YOU An ‘Unwhipped* American! Booth Tarking ton wrote Pettengi 11 : “—Every Un- 1 whipped American ought to thank you for this book!” —Get the FACTS, READ SMOKE SCREEN Make your citizenship a sustaining influence in this fight for your own and your children’s greatest heritage—Constitu tional Democracy and the American System of Free Enter prise. — — — — — — — — — — Tear Here- — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Send with Remittance direct to AMERICA’S FUTURE, INC. 205 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Dept. B It Your Shipment Made C.O.D., Check Here. Cost Schedule Single Cony .....$1.00 2 «o 5 © . 80c each « to «0 9 .75c each 11 to 80 Q . .....70c each SI to 100 S ...._.68c each 101 or more • „.80c each A—Please send roe. copies of SMOKE SCREEN. B—Send one SMOKE SCREEN to each name and address on attached list (all postpaid). Total p umber... nemuiance m lorm ot Ut...... M.U.. Stpa.Enclosed in amount of 9 (Sign name and addreu plainly) ......... Stwef Addreu..... ....a... StfltC .. V afar include* name* under designation. 'B' please type Ux prt** name* and aidrtue* cc'"folly. DETECTIVE RILEY By Richard Lee i r~T I why, that's Silk WltSOH.i. ON THAT TRAIN JUST PULLED OUT...OPERATED MORE PHONEV DEALS THAN A SOUTH SEA ISLAND RADIATOR SALES "shk"wilson?«eu, I'LL....THAT'S THE GUV THAT SANDRA POINTED OUT ON THE PLANE... HM-M-M! lookout.kid.'i'm COMIN'OUTOF A MIST. I WELL,well: SOMEBODY i—-^TUOSu ^ /found our I WA9 IN TOWN AND j GUYS ARE V? ( SENT A WELCOMING COMMITf EE spent a recent week-end here with relatives and friends. Mrs. George F. Smith has re-; covered from a few weeks of ill- ] ness. Twin Oaks Twin Oaks, M,arch 4.—The monthly meeting of the New Haven congregation was held Sunday, March 2. After a short sermon delivered by Rev. John A. Reed some business matters were discussed and a talk was given concerning the Civilian Pub lic Service camp< for conscient ious objector's. A substantial of fering was taken up for the maintenance of these camps, Mrs. W. M. Sexton is seriously ill. “Uncle” John Poole had a couple of- bad spells with his heart last week. I Hurley Poole is improving, some. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sheets spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Janes, of Furehes. ; Claude and Jay Sexton, of Danville, Vu., spent the week- i end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sexton. Mrs. J. R. Sexton. Their mother returned to Danville with them to j spend a few days. Arnold Sturgill, of Hanes, ■ spent the week-end with his par- . ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stur gill. Mr. and Mrs. I*. A. Jones and j Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jones visit ed Mr.' and Mrs. S. F. Sexton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Handy! visited Mr. and Mrs. John Poole i Sunday. | Alex Whittaker is recovering from a severe case of pneumonia. Willie and Lonnie Bates visit ed in this community Sunday. Miss Delia Sexton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Jones. 1 Live Stock Market i WYTHEVILLE, VA. FEB. 25 j Total receipts—435 head Top lambs . 9.50 to 10.10 Second lambs . 6.50 to 8.50 Butcher sheep . 1.50 bo 4.50 i Top hogs . 7.95 Second hogs . 7.50 to 7.90 Third hogs .. 6.25 to 7.50 Best sows .,.... 6.50 to 6.70 Medium sows . 5.50 bo 6.25 Top calves . 13.50 2nd calves . 12.30 3rd calves .. 10.00 4th calves ... 9.10 5th calves . 6.20; Light and com. calves 4.00 to 6.00 j Best steers . 8.50 to 9.501 Med. to good steers 7.50 to 8.50 i Com. to med. steers, 6.00 to 6.50 1 Best heifers . 8.Q0 to 8.50 j Medium to good .... 7.50 to 8.00 Common to medium, 6.00 to 7.00 ; Best cows . 6.50 to 7.00 j Good cows . 5.50 to 6.50 | Medium cows .. 4.75 to 5.50 Common cows . 3.60 to 4.50 Best bulls . 6.60 to 7.50 Good bulls . 6.90 to 6.50 Medium bulls . 5.00 to 6.50 Little Pine Little Pine, March 3.—Lester Greene has received news that his Real Liberty! You can do almost anything you want to under the American con ception of personal liberty—just as long as your actions do not hurt others, or you don'f step on their toes! In other words, and despite the liquor traffic's misrepresentations during the campaign for repeal, the American ideal of liberty gives you no right to get tanked up. climb into a car, and risk not only your own life, or those of your passengers, but the lives—and property—of other citizens. It gives you no right to anesthetize yourself with liquor until you per petrate moral or physical crime, nor to dissipate the money necessary to the lives of others, nor to wreck your own life to the point where other citizens have to pay their money to support you or to hospitalize you, according to the W. C. T. U. -i There is a rising clamor through out the nation against the highway deaths which result from driver or pedestrian drinking. The call is to “keep liquor out of the man, or keep man out of the automobile.” The National Safety Council, dis interested authority, estimates that one of every four fatal highway ac cidents during 1940 involved a driv er or a pedestrian reported to have been drinking. The Council believes that this ratio may even under estimate the true situation! Students of the situation stress the indication that the so-called moderate drinker is the danger on the highway; that the actual drunk is less likely to try to drive. A majority of Americans are sane, sober folk and they now are de manding their own rights to life, lib erty and the pursuit of happiness— all of which can be wiped out in a flash by the action of an alcoholic, social misfit! Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors and Embalmen SPARTA, N. C. EVENTS EVERY WEEK fam THE NATION’S CAPITAL 'Read PATUfINDER PATHFINDER brings to you in words and pictures the drama of events fresh from Washington, D. C„ the nation’s capital, today the world’s news center. News, features, and facts, events boiled down into 20 interesting, inspiring departments. Complete, unbiased, non-partisan, non sectarian, dependable—gives both sides. Improved new features. World’s oldest, most-read news weekly at one-fourth the cost of others. Furnishes clean, reliable reading for the entire family. BOTH sSS-Ouly $ 1-30 .. ... I il II. nil !!■ .. I.* .If ■ .— daughter, Cleta Greene, of Falls ton, Maryland, had been in an automobile accident and was ser iously injured, but was recover ing nicely. A large crowd attended the sale at Dean Bedsaul’s home Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bedsaul plan t>o leave this week for Maryland. Mrs. Ettia Wilson, who has been spending some time in Union, South Carolina, returned to her home here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Murphy ,and daughter visited at J. L. Greene’s home Sunday. t Mrs. Ramon Andrews and children from Bel Air, Md., re turned to their home here last week. « Visitors at H. M. Wilson’s on CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our many I thanks to our neighbors andj friends for the kindness that has i been shown us in the sickness and death of our dear Mother, Edith Jane Rector. ELMER RECTOR and FAMILY “Time Will Tell” Watch Repairing Genuine Factory-made Materials and Expert Workmanship Clifton Evans, JEWELER Joines Barber Shop Sunday were J. L. Greene and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. J. R. Tompkins and family have moved to the W. C. Higgins farm. inhere Almost any* in AmcrKO One Round Way Trip M/hen? | wr*y i Convenience-! tro condor* ' W.-Salem.. $1.25 $2.25 Greensboro 1.75 3.15 Raleigh —... 3.10 5.60 Ft. Bragg ~ 3.30 5.95 R’df’rd.Va $1.60 $2.90 R’noke, Va. 2.30 4.16 Baltimore ~ 5.80 10.45 Bel Air, Md. 6.55 11.80 Phone 11 B & T DRUGCO. Sparta, N. C. Extra Special Gft Offer - - - Haven’t you a brother or a sister or a son or nephew away off somewhere who would appreciate the neighborhood news and the county happenings once a week in the Star-Times? Perhaps the boys who’ve gone to the armed services would enjoy hearing from Alleghany once a week. All right. You send us their name and address and 50c before the end of March and we’ll send them the Star-Times twelve months. Better do it now. Send Star-Times to— Name ... Address . Chevrolet for '41 is the only biggest-sellirtg low-priced car that brings you this enviable combination! . . . Why Pay More — Why Accept Less? Remember — more people buy Chevrolets than buy any other make of car, regardless of type, size or price! \ . . . becaus 90-H.P. VALVE-IN-HUD in the biggest-selling . . because its SIX CYLINDERS save you money on gas, oil and upkeep! se it’s thoroughly loroughly DEPENDABLE—as mil millions of owners will testifyl Castevens Mount Co. SPARTA “Sarpicm That Satisfies” — SPARTA .