JtJHHMISI PaiKTflffi COSIPIlSI, . (Incorporated '; V ' ; T - - . . vrrs 7.Fresideut' AT, f JMC5. Vice-President i. ljpaa Ramsey, Editor. Rates Payable in Advance: One rear.. ...... J. . . . . 9 LOO Six Months . . . Tjhree Months SO 25 Entered as second-class mail matter June l8tB,' l0f, At the Postofflee at Marshall, N. C, under the act of Cong ress or M&rcja a, i(j. . . Tlursday, Jan. 28, 1909 One of the ereatest need3 of the countyof Madison today is good roafl system for the county And we,cannot have such a sys without a good and wftpleso ne law that will do equal justice lo all yhe citizens of the county. compelling all able-bodied men of a certain aire to contribute either in labor or in cash, and who have property to pay a road tax of such amount as would in the end be just and equitable The citizens who have property have a greater interest in the road system than those who have no property, but all citizens owe it as a duty to contribute some thing to the state in the way of taxes or labor. Any other sys tem would be inequitable to one class or another. The state should not h vy a tribute upon thrift ami enterprise nor put i burden upon the less fortunate. It might as well be understood now that the good people of Madison will not stand for the open and flagrant violation of the law against the manufacture and sale of liquor within her bpunderies. We have divorced ourselves from this evil and It is the duty of every good citizen, to see that our prohibition lawsare enforced.. " , " , . - - ;. Is it the part of a good citizen to do all he can to the detriment . Qf ,his county because he has been defeated for. office? Just because a man cannot be elected of buy bis way into office is no ; reason why the interests of othr citizens should be imperiled ' But 'Rule or Ruin- seems to be the motto of some men. ' : several or our iarmers are manifesting an interest in the cultivation., of burly tobacco for the market. To those who may be interested we will say that the Greenville, . Tenn,,1. ware houses will furnish seeds to all who wish to take up the cultiva tion of tobacco. Booze-Vender Runs Against the Law. James Roberts of Barnard was . given a liearing before 'Squire Bryan jon last Monday and bound over to February term of court fen a charge of selling liquor. 'It seems that Roberts ; who is a , merchant at Barnard,' would sell four pounds of pork at the bar gain price of $1 and then throw in. a quart of - liquor ; for full weight. Cough up the Pough, Says the ' Court . , The case of . County Commiss sioners vs.- J. R. Swann, maaJ age; of . the " Dispensary, was heard before Judge Ferguson at Ashe ville on last Saturday and decided ia favor of the Commiss ioners, the court ordering that ,Mr. Swann pay into the county treasury the .sum of $300, that amount having - come :" into, his bands since his settlement with the Commissioners in December and which, he contends, he had no authority to pay over to ttje Keep the. County Intact, Says Mr. Ball. . Editor French Broad News: , I am highly of the opinion that we have politicians who, if they were in heaven would want to chop it to pieces to satisfy their insatiable desire for office. Now I see there is a move -on foot by some of these greeds to cut off the best township in Mad ison county and add it to Bun combe county. "Buncombe coun ty is already one of the largest and best counties in the State and why butcher u"p Madison for the gratification of these solons? Buncombe county does not need them for they have proved failure in" their own county. am not in favor of chopping up Madison for a certain few. This county has as good people as ever lived both Republicans and Democrats and why should we cast a stain upon her by such folly. Madison county and her capitol were named for two great men James Madison and John Marshall, and we ought to honor their names. So let these dis gruntled, self.opinioned,? one horse politicians goto wprk and help to build up their county" as Buncombe people have done that county. ' y . '' ' Now if the finances of Madison county have not been run right who is to blame? Both parties One thing that has hurt us is too much politics. But old Madison is coming to the front. - She has built a good Court House,' a good Jail, a good County Home and several bridges and if she had a good Road Law she would go to making good roads." Now I sup pose there have been threats made by some that as we have, a Democratic Legislature they will handle us any old way. That 1 all true.'. But Buncombe county has two good men in thaFhonor able body Messrs.Weaver and Gaston-who will never .' cast a stain upon their character by not giving their, sister county justice. ' So let us all live and die at home.. i r- f . - ,..;; d. s. ball MarsHjllN. C. Lynchburg Plows make good crops, uood crops bring good money. Plenty of money makes good times. Good times puts money - into all '" bur pockets. Let's start , prosperity - right, by buying a Lynchburg Plow. They are always on sale at the foun tain , head of . prosperity T. N James' store..- Our Orlgade The following parties have handed in a dollar to apply . on tbeir subscription in ' the , past few days. Join this list next week. C. C. Bruce, Mars Hill. " A. J. Shelton, Allenstand. Will West, Marshall, a:. ' ., Mrs. M. A. Love, Beaumont, Texas. ' 5 . M. M. Ramsey, Walnut The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Robinson,' which was badly burned several days ago by falling against" a stove, continues to improve rapidly. : If you wait for prosperity to come to you through a Republi can Congress s cr, a Democratic Legislature, you will be-disap pointed. Better buy a Lynch burg : plow and go after it. . I sell them. - T. N.-JAMES. One more issue of the News will complete the report othe Commissioners and then we will get down to the discussion of affairs again,- county, State and national. Subscribe now. My price is still $6.85 on besM grade sapling clover seed.' Will sell you best grade common red clover seed, same as other mer chants , are Tiandling, at $6.55 Send me your orders ' Price and quality guaranteed " .' '' r Local and Personal The Best Clover and Grass Seeds in town -at F. Shelton's.- -rW. R. Sams was here Tuesday. 1 Dr. J. C. Tilson was here yes terday ' , R. R, Ramsey wa,s here from Walnut Monday. C. 3. Bruce of Mars Hill was in town Tuesday. C. W. Cody was ' here from Laurelton Tuesday. Gabriel Sams of Grapevine, was here Monday. J. Wiley Nelson spent Sunday in Henderson Ville. W. C. Sprinkle was here from the country Monday. Jeff Bruce spent Sunday with friends at Hot Springs. ' Miss Kathleen Clark of Walnut spent Sunday inown. C.T.Garrett was here from Hot Springs yesterday. SHIPPING TAGS Printed or blank at the News office. . Ben Kincaid, former agent at Rollins, was here this week on a visit. ' t:- Mrs. Loyd Honeycutt visited at the home of . Van B, Davis this week. ; W. J. McLendon is in Green ville, Tenn., this week on busi ness. R. H. Haynie and R. P.Walker were here Monday from Barnard. E. C. Wardrup, C. L. McDow ell and others were here from Walnut Monday. . A. J. Bridges and Jim Stines left Monday for Winston'Salem with a shipment of tobacco. " 'Covert Fortner returned Tues day from an extended visit to Bridgewateri N. C. ' . ' Rev. J. M. Leiper and -wife of Big Laurel were here Tuesday of this week, , f , ' MisS Viva Rector of Sandy MuhI was . shopping &n-.,ton Wednesday. w . A- F. Shelton wiirsell you clover and grass seeds Ipr less money than the other fellow. - ' , Sapling Clover Seed ouly costs 10 cents per bushel more than red clover seed at F. Shelton's Dr. W. H. Brown uulll b here first Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. Misses Ida and Jessie Tipton of Walnut Springs school were shopping, in town Saturday, Mr. Charles Case, of Skyland, was visiting his neice. Miss Mat tie Case, here Sunday. ' ' William Franklin, Manila, Phil ippine Islands, orders a three months trial of the News.1. Thomas J. ' Murray returned Sunday from Raleigh where be has been for th&past several days. , , , - ' W. -E. King, has purchased from F. Shelton the property ad joining the Presbyterian church, where A. Mahone resides. Dr. Frank Roberts has recent ly bought from J." H. White the house and lot on the hill former ly occupied by Rev.- J, W. Suttte. Don't get" too badly embarrass seq II your wife calls your atten tion. to an item in your statement reading ribbon for typewriter The fine weather' of the past several days has given .the far mers a splendid ; opportunity , to prepare their lands and get in shape for spring planting. , A chicken became frightened at its pursuers , a few dayS ago and flew through- a window in the rear of the court - house into the Sheriff's office for protection Shop Removal I have moved my blacksmith shop from my old stand in front of the jaU to the building oppo site J. F. Candler's store, near the depot," where I will be glad to further serve my customers. rate Lincoln's Birth day. Tic '.i.l juart." Post, No. ; s of G. W. Gahagan Department of Virginia and North Car-" r , ' - olina, G. A. R. ' Marshall, N. C, Jan. 6, 1909. At a regular meeting of. this Post it, was ordered that we cel ebrate the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln in. the Hall of Bell Institute at Walnut on February 12th, . 1909 1 y Program The Post will meet in the Hall at 10 o'clock a. m. Opening song by the choir, America, The Post will then be opened in due , form by the commander. Music by toe choir, tsoio or Glee -Club, Address of welcome bylRev. Frank March. Music by the choir. Song, The Star Spangled Banner." - Response address by . S. TweAi.. : . Music by G. A. R. string band, Lincoln's address at Gettys burg; Read by Rev. J. H. Ball ard. Music by stringed band. Address by J. C. Ramsey, Life and character of Lincoln. Music by stringed band. .Address by J. W. Crow. Music by stringed band. Address by Rev. L. J. Bailey .Musio by choir. . . Song by-choir, Nearer My God to Thee." A "Cordial invitation is extend ed to Confederate veterans and Spanish-American war veterans and everybody cordially invited All speeches limited to thirty minutes. DcWby order of the Post. " S.'M. Davis, Commander, h Joseph Stines,-Adjutant. i jValnut News Items Ldyd Treadway. the 23 vear olqUln-'of Mr, and Mrs. Voihn Treadway of. Walnut, died Fri day rhtiPithe 22nd inst.. with Bral 8er vicesrarere' conducted Sunday af ternoon in the chapel of Bell In stitute by Revs. - Frank March and B. E. Guthrie. More than three, hnndrprf. nonnU rttenAoA , r rTe"" - . ' ' IV...!- . T If. j.' 1.1 uuruiK uoya s last aays ne read his Bible much and told his friends - he was ready to go. Loyd was a friendly and peace-j able young Tuan and was loved by all who knew him. TTo his 1 friends and, relations we extend our d'eeoest svmnathv: ' " and died in a . few, hours. The funeral service was conducted in the Methodist church on Wed- r,uA k t v nu; Vc i T. r-n Miss Sales of Asheville, a for- mer -teacher of Bell Instirute. attended the funeral xf Loyd Treadway last "Sunday. Loyd wa i n,mil nr oVL , . v r r . - . 7 iass yearv- t - The Chandler co rtage on Main street'is going up rapidly under contractor E. C. Wardrup. . Mr, and Mrs. Stewart of Sa luda, N.! C.j are visiting, Mrs. J. J. Ramsey this week. ; Thi6 few remains of Mrs. Dr. Weaver wefe taken up from the Walnut cemetery last week and buried beside her husband near Marshall. ."We understand Mrs. Weayer has been T dead ' thirty years;. i , MIKE. Clover. 56.63 Timothy, Orchfci J25 Craoo v.2.25 We guarantee the grade to be the BES7f GRADE. M-IOnCo, Celct; SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS. ' This is what George Cunningham of Le ' ; high, la., got from Uncle Sain in exchange . tor his pile of ashes representing a $4,000 v iTbonfire of paper currency. Cunningham r'T withdrew his roll of $4,000 and deposited : it in an old, unused stove. His wife wasn't aware of the hiding place, and one morn- 1 ' ing she Btarted a fire in that treasure box : -, ' with disastrous results. Cunningham sav ed the heap of ashes and carefully express- ed them to Washington with a plea that ' they be redeemed. He has just received $65 from the treasury department, all that was allowed him. . ,WE FURNISH A , FIre-Pcoof y Vault and j - . Btirglar-Proof Safe FRER FOR THE USE Of' OUR CUSTOMERS. The Bank o i . MARSHALL, Graduate Barber D.' O. HUNTER,- graduate from Memphis Barber Coll ege, is located next door to Bank ready to serve you. All work guaranteed, ' Honing1 a specialty. Be Up To Date Have your house : roughcast (pebble-dashed.) plaster the in- terior, mak?s your house .warm and sanitR; y. Have your chim neys an'riues built on the latest style Min fiWKpatjfcnt wind brake, plastered inside. 'No un easiness of fire, fancy fire-places, set with tile, work guaranteed. Prices ' reasonable. , Estimates lurawiea. no cneap jonn 300 M .'! -.1. - .1 T T .. ' 1 solicited. Address me at Revere, Madison County. Ns C. Long . . ' - - " distance rural 'nhrtne hv Wa nnt. N . U, ., :, , , J. A. Leak. SALE OF LAND By virtue of an execution to me directed by 7. H. White, Clerk of the Superior Court of Madi- against tne said a. B. Fleming. I will on Monday, the" 1st day of March, 1909, sell at. the Court House door in the town of Mar Ishall, Madison county, N. C, at public auction to the highest bidder for . cash, all interest of the said R. B. Flemincr in and to & certain tract of land lying and be'ng be, atZ f Madison a.nd tate of North Carolina, on the waters of spring creek, ad joining lands of Mi L. Duckett, A; J. Davis, . H. Ferguson and others and known as the old J G. Fleming home tract, contain ing 70 acres, more or less. , Said sale is made for the purpose of satisfying said execution and costs. ' ' ' 4 T This "January 27th, 1909. ' ' ,G. W. COLE; Sheriff. A X To the Tax-payers of Madison . ' I will be at the folowing places pose of collecting your taxes. . Foster's Creek, Jasper Shelton's Store. . . January 21st, 1909 Grapevine, Ti.son's Store.. .. January 22nd, 1909 East Fork, A. C. Peek's Store.....;.. .January 23rd, 1909 Shelton Laurel, WB. Shelton's oneiton .uaurei, rtosco nensiey s Big Laurel, J. A. Wallin's Store. Big Laurel, J. A. Leak's Store.. Old Bull Creek, Edwards' Store.,.. .. ........ ..January 29th, 1909 Old Bull Creek, T. A. Silver's Store.. .'.January 30th, 1909 I am calling two days in each tax payer a chance to pay his taxes, and if the people force me to go to their homes after their taxes I will charge cost. Come pre pared to pay old as well as new taxes. I mean to collect the taxes and will go prepared to levy. The and I am going to collect. . French Broad N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE : " , North Carolina x Madison County. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Amos Cody deceased, late of Madison county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having- claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Worley, N. C, on or before the 15th day of Decem ber, 1009, or this notice will be plead in bar of theis recovery. : All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, This the loth-day of December, 1908. S. C. WORLEY, - , ;. Administrator. J.v C; Ramsey, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over F. Shelton's Store ' MARSHALL, N. C. Practice in all Courts State and Federal. ; .Collections. ' O. L. Br Ittaln, - . PHOTOGRAPHER Gallery upstairs In Allison Building. MARSHALL ', N. C' Send any nhoto voumavhavaand wn " will put it on our post-cards and send to you with picture 3 for 25 cents. - , Southern Railway 1 Company , ; SCHEDULE OP - PASSENGER , , " ' TRAINS . ' ' N. B. Following schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. ; ; i ; ? . Enat . Bound ' ' - r (Central Time) ; No, 36, Daily. . . . .....Due 4:30 A. M . Nq. 12, Daily. ........ .Due 11:40 A. M. . No. 102, Daily. ........ .Due 88 P. M. v - Weat Bound ': No. 35, Dally: . . . . ,: . . Due 2:35 A. M. ' No. 101, Dally........ ..Due 6:55 A. M'. '' No. U, Daily... Due 30 P. M. ' Subject to hanqe without Nones j MAHONE, ' Agent J. H. WOOD, Dial, Passl Agent . Asheville, N. Mars hall, N. . To have good health, live lontr and happy, follow the advice of the greatest Health Specialist ; Take a physic once a week. : Do this and you wont know what a sick day is. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the safest physic. 35 bents, F. Shelton. ' E - S' I County: - ' - on the dates named for the pur . . :; . Store.. . . .. ..January 25th, 1909 otore., ......January zotn, lausj .... . ... f. .. . .January 27th, 1909 ... ; . .. ..January 28th. 1909 township in order to give every State-Treasurer is pushing ma ...... county. T N JAMES - . . . -i ' FLEET DAVIS. Q, W, COLE, Chorlrf. Su' scribe for the News,

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