j -3 MOM ii liML, LEADING NEWSPAPER AND BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN MADISON COUNTY. VOL. II. MARSHALL, MADISOtf COUNTY, . C, THURSDAY, PEBKUARY 25, 1909. NO. 42. BRIEF CULUNGS Of NORTH STATE NEWS New? of Interest Gleaned From All Sections of the State and Arranged For Busy Readers THE KOEGANTON HOSPITAL. e Port of Sub-Committee " Visiting ' Hospital Find Conditions Favor- ablo. ' v.. The following report of tho sub ' committee 'of the joint committee on ' msane aaylums which visited the State Hospital at Morganton last month, was presented to the House Wednesday: . Gentlemen: Your committee, com posed of fourteen members, arrived a Morgnnton at midnight of Janu ary 21st, and spent the entire day following inspecting the building, premises and colony and making in quiries of those in authority, re-visiting on tho following morning some points to which the closest attention had not been paid, for lack of time. As the result of this visit, made with idvance information of but a few sours to the superintendent, we fsel :hat we are in a position to represent renditions as they normally exist at ;his institution. , We cannot forgeo the pleasure of referring to the gratifying results jhown during the past year's incum bency of Dr. John McCampbell." For tho two years ending November 30th, . : 1908, during the wbole of which time Dr. McCampbell was practically in authority, there were admitted 423 patients. 353 wero removed, 1,142 re . mpining. The annual death rate, ws flrid from the records, shows tho ro- , aiarkably low percentage of . 3.4, while the' percentage of recoveries, quoting from the same records, reach ed 34, a showing' that will compare favorably with the records of tho first institutions' for; the care of the insane in tho country.' The physical , condition of. the patients wag excel lent, only one of the whole number being conflend in a room, and, all have the .appearance of considerable care. 4fltb wervd for 4bwwJwhorc , mental condition permits apprecia-. j' tion, there ia a piano, games and in nocent amusements of vanoti kinds calculated to occupy and -'improve . : - the minds of the jnmates. , A striking feature of the ' interior arrangement : ia the , well-nigh perfect system of sanitation. ' Cleanliness,., whether ro tating to the perosnnl appearance, of the inmates or the institution, is' a distinguishing characteristic- . of ' the hospital. Large bay windows;' afford ing abundant and -- eheering1 light ; screeed porches : stretching.', around the buildings, from which the inmates . have a pleasing point of observation of the surrounding' country and rc ., ceive the benefit of the fresh,, open ''jair; freedom, on the premises' permit ted those not confined in the hospital by necessity all these appear to is to call for approval and commonda- . tion. ' ;. ' v-'' -''.'. - A ward for the female tubereulovs,. separate and apart from the main in stitution, is now occupied and the in mates are receiving the best atten- ..'.. tion. V . . ,-; ' '- i The dining hall was. serupuplously clean and the food ample and sub- stantial. - ' ' . . The laundry is excellently eqtii - ped, having among other, things, such modern appliances as electric irons. ''. The manual labor ia performed in the main by inmates. 'v.-, ' ; : ' ; : 7 Lights,, electric power, steam heat and heated water are : all supplied from the institution's own plants and no fault can be found with the ser vice of any of them. ,-? K . " Abundant and healthful water sup- ply is procured by a pipe line from a stream at . the summit ' of a nearby : .. mountain.- .v, V " ' '' We found all th?, fresh meats and other perishables kept in a cold stor ' age plant and in excellent condition. The grounds are kept with much . . Fire at Rocky Mount. , ' Roeky. Mount,'.. Spocial.-r-Tuesda'y night about 12:30 o'clock the home of Mr. E. L. Vick on Bassett street, ' was .destroyed bv flro. : The flames ' had gained considerable headway be ' fore the occupants of the house wore , awakcncd and they were forced to flee for their lives, saving but. little. " The loss to the home and furnishings of Mr. R; I. Barnes Will amount to $1,300, with $900 insurance. , Held on Grave Charge. Waynesville, Special. J, B. Bar rett, who'has a wife and a daughter about twelve years old in Cherokee county, was arrested on the charge of persuading Miss Lula Long, ' of Hickory, to pack her clothes in his trunk end put $125 in his possession, fvin.! that tlioy would go to Geor ;. i mid he mnrrioil. Barrett in some ...v r'r..V.l ll Long at Asherille 1 v. a ! r ' '.. ii and' money, niiihie ' ' : ' ' .'' towards Geor- i , ' r.'.p lind fare and those immediately surround ing tne ouilding ore "exceedingly at tractive. The institution ia abundant ly supplied at all seasons with fruh vegetables from the garden and col ony, products almost exclusively of tho labor of inmates, who appear to take a delight in their work and its results. : - The dairy is model in - every par ticular, comparing favorably with the best in the country. A herd of ixty Holstein cows supplies the 1,052 in mates with fresh fl rich milk twice a day. None of the milk, we wore ad vised, is churned, owing to tho desire of the authorities to provide the in mates with the richest milk to be had for its nutritive properties. Tour committee's impression if the colony, both with reference to the healthy appearance of the. pa tients and the material results, can not be adequately described. The farm itself is the equal of the best in the State and is being constantly im ported and extended. We cannot too heartily endorse the colony plan, after witnessing the success of its operations at Morganton, and recom mend that it be extended sufficiently to accommodate all patients whom the superintendent thinks would be benflted bv removal to the colony. Th superintendent advises your com mittee that at least 40 per cent of the 460 male patients could be removed with' benefit both to their mental and physical condition and that they would contribute at least 25 per cent of the cost of their maintenance through services rendered. ':'' We cannot conclude this imperfect report w of !.' bur ' observations with out commending without stint Dr.' John McCampbell. the su perintendent, s and his valuable corps of assistants. It should bo to all tho State- a 'cause for gratification that the -inittijH4Bittteininjr -such ; high' standard,. ' c .-. We consider" t!lie request of the di rectors for' an appropriation ,of $173. 000 annually for the year 3909 and 1910 altosether reasonable' and rec ommend that it be allowed. . Trouble, Man Takes His Own Life. . Statesville. Special. The dead body of Will Brown, a farmer, about forty years old, was found Thursday morning ' hanging at the end of a rope ' which had been fastened to s limb of a tree in the woods near his home in Davidson township, and as there was no evidence of foul play, the case goes on record, as a deliber ate suicide. Brown is a native of South Iredell, being a son of the late Colonel Brown, of that section, Years at) he -went to Texas and married there, a year or so- ago he and his wife separated and Brown returned to. his old hotie in Davidson town ship, accompanied by his two child ren who are not yet grown. Some months ago his wife began suit in Texas for divorce and took some ac tion through the cuorts in an effort to obtain control of the children. The papers in the proceedings were serv ed on Brown several months ago and since that time it is' thought that he had brooded over tho trouble consid erably. Invents' Locomotive. Attachment. i Spencer,'? Special. J, H. Keeter, of Spencer, has just been granted a notni mi n aafetv locomotive throttle box, which promises to be of great value : to the railroad wona. i ns device will effectually eliminate any possible, delay to locomotives from defective packings in throttle and can be attached to any locomotive, at a trifling expense. ' - 4 , Increase In Blockade Distilling. - -. Revenue ' officials say that . the "blockaded stills, are rapidly increas inir. And they say that the difficulty of seeing the outfits for the making of "moonshine" or "mountain dew" has creatlv increased ' because the blockaders have learned a new trick which ': makes detection . difllomt. Ashcville Citizen. ' V . Hancock Found Guilty. '."WinBton-Salem,1. Special. After considering the case of L, G. Han cock for embezzlement for twenty, seven hours, the jury Thursday re turned, a verdict of guilty with a plea for mercy for the reason that some of the jurors had doubts as to the sanity of . the defendant. Hancock was charged with embenling nearly three thousand dollars whilo manager fur the Lambflsh Lumber Company. iU tVmhnt was sentenced Yo the State prison for fn? jMr. Ills omn-l save notice of r ; , il to the ufi. ' (Vmi-t ad v ' 'cd on 41,ivJ DOINGS OF THE LAWMAKERS' Doings of the State LegiBlatur Con densedInteresting Items from Day to Day. In the Senate Monday the follow ing new bills were introduced: . . . : Barringer: Provide for the pun. ishment of safe-crackers. , " Wray: Require the board of edu. cation to furnish text-books for in digent public school children. Uamnger: , Relating to the com pensation of solicitors. : Dockery: Resolution revising the payment of the expenses of the joiut committee on the deaf and dumb ia visiting the State School at Morgan- ton. . ; Authorize . three millions : State bonds for refunding the State bonds falling due in 1910. Senate resolution to pay the ex penses of the sub-committee in visit ing the State School for the Deaf and Dumb. " The following passed final reading The substitute bill foe : amending See. 3057, Revisal, imposing a tax of $64 on mineral water companies do ing business in this State with a grad uated scale of taxes. , , - r Scott by request): Regulate mili tary affairs. :-', In the Honse on Monday new bills were as follows: , . Morton: Relative to the sale of non-intoxicating beverages, allowing the sale of those having not more than 2 per cent alcohol:- -;''.,;: Barnes, of Hertford: Enlarge and remodel the State house and issue bonds in the sum of $500,000 to pay the same. . s' r ' Hageman : Provide for the main-' tenance and enlargement of Appala chian Training School. 1 : Liu ney: , Require the State board of education to furnish . necessary books to indigent children. ' ' , Graham: Establish State drug commission and prevent the ; sale of adulterated drugs. v, Koonce : '. Increase the annaul ap propriation for Confederate pensions mm. puo,yjj(.to,saitii.ifuu..,-i j . , A number passed final reading, fti- ing OI iouttl or pnvuie mteiea srest. eafinp One of the most interesting : fea tures of the Senate Tuesday was a preamble and resolution by-Senator Barringer looking to the removal of the State capital from Raleigh . to Greensboro. Senators, as a rule, seemed to take the proposition anything but serious ly, and there were amendments from Senators from various quarters of the .State' to have their respective towns designated as the seat of the State government. . Senator Dockery wanted Rockingham ; Means, Con cord; Fry, Asheville; Kluttz, Salis bury; Bassett, Rocky Mount, and there were others. , The 'following new bills were offer ed: Donghton: Amend the Revisal re lating to weights and measures.' ... Blow: Provide special tax for1 maintenance of four months' school in every school district in the State. On motion of Senator Ormond the vote by which the bill for the bet terment of rural free delivery ser vice had. passed earlier in the day was reconsidered.; . Ky' :? The bill by Senator Kluttz to pro vide Are escapes and protect human life came up . as special order', and passed its final reading after a num ber of minor amendments. The following bills were introduc ed out of order: . ' v .V""-'.:-''';-'.::; Means: Prohibit the sale of liquors in Cabarrus coimty .e zcept in medical dispensary.. ' ' , . y . '' v v-:-.: Long, of Person: Amend 4789, Re visal, in regard to securities deposit ed with the Insurance Commissioner. In the House Mr. Morton of New Hanover raised a sensation under the personal privilege rule. ' A number of bills consumed the day.;:',,;.'...::.: The Honse was in session three hours Tuesday night,, and after pass ing a great number of roll-call bills on second reading and on final read me, many important local and pri vate bills, adjourned to 10 :30 4 Wed nesday, morning. ; v.-' Representative Taylor's joint reso lution is one of far-reaching import, calling on Congress to make suitable appropriation for deepening the Wil mington and South port channels, and constructing the : necessary .canals across Florida for a short route to the Gulf of Mexico and the Panama canal in carrying out the scheme of the transcontinental railway for a port of entry south of Hatteras, and esepcially willi the idea of meeting the great commercial opportunities of the South to be afforded by the opening of the Panama canaL A goodly number of bills passed final reading being of private or local nature in the - Senate Wednesday. The following are of more general in terest: House million r "' " '"-on On- reason of injuries sustained in such service. 1 - Amend Sec. 1703, Revisal, so as to allow publication in a newspaper in any adjoining county instead of in the nearest newspaper. Authorize the commissioners to employ on auditor to audit and ex amine the books of the county officers whenever it may be deemed neces saiy. Authorize recisters of deeds in the several counties to apnoint deputies whose acts as such shall be valid and the register responsible. The following are among the new hills introduced: . Fli'on: Joint resolution that tho Assembly adjourn sine die between 10 and 3 o'clock March 3d. ' Placed upon the calendar. Clark: Provide for two bank ex- Jeminers instead of one. Dockery: Appropriate $1,000 for household furniture at the Governor's mansion. It was a busy day running into a night session with the House, but nothing . of wide or .general interst seemed to have Ixten actd upon. i In the Senate Thursday the follow ing are among the bills introduced : TJiver Railway Company. Elliott: Placing all ex-Confederate soldiers on the pension list. Pharr: Amend 3390, Revisal, re lative to building and loan associa tions. . a Kluttz: Authorize directors of the Soldiers'' Home to furnish uniforms pr suits of gray for the inmates. The following bills passed final readine: V r !: H. B. to amend Revisal relative to licensing physicians. . j Authorize boards of education to pmehase Ashe s "History ot North Carolina." ': -v In tho House the following new I ills were introduced : Cox, of Wake: Equalize tax as sessment in the State, i Cox. of Wake : Erect suitable pub 1 r buildings in Raleigh for the State. karries $750,000 bonds, for', an. office jiiMinge to takethe placo 'jof tjje jlieisKft'" Aricrrruwl,J andt Supreme C ourt Building. . Julian (by request): Appropriate $500 toward'f. suitably marking the bjrthnlare of 'Andrew Jackson. !. i Morgan (by request): Adopt as.a Sftate'.song "Carolina," by JVliss Bettie Frcshwator Toole. JHagemon: Aid Watauga Railway Company to construct a road from some point on the Caldwell & North ern Railroad to Boone, in Watauga county..-,.,- .' ".':.. : Thursday in the legislative realm was given . interest by action upon two important measures. Senator Barringer 's bill forbidding , the mile age ticket pjfictiee failed in the Sen ate by Lieutenant Governor - New land 's vote, and the Senate judiciary committee voted- to 8 for ifi." favor able report on an anti-trust measure which follows the lines of the , Man ning substitute. It is termed a fln-z down of the the original bill. j; The following are among the bills that passed final reading in the Sen ate Friday: v .-. Relating to the sale of merchandise in bulk. . ' ; . Relative to salaries of bank exami ners, making the salaries of each of th two $2,400. : - V;;H. B. to facilitate the release of mortgages and deeds of trust. ' ? r Amend Revisal as to escapes. - Prevent fraud upon merchants and traders. " Amend the charter of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association of North Carolina, y ; ,v - - Xew bills, of general interest were as follows:' ' :-. ' ': 1 ,'..v7harr: Providing for the mainten ance of the North Carolina room in the Confederate Mansion, Richmond, . In the House the following passed third reading: The following are among the new bills offered: ' McDonald, of Moore:, Allow coun ties, cities and townships to purchase first mortgage bonds of railroad com panies organized under the , laws of North Carolina. ' Cox,x,of Wake: Establish a State conservation commission to protect forests and water-powers. Connor: Relieve holders of mile age books and promote convenience of the traveling publie. Campbell: Pension all old soldiers in North Carolina. Green: For the relief of Confed erate soldiers. ; - :;' . Graham: Increase the pensions of old soldiers who lost both eyes, both arms, both legs or one..' arm, one leg or one eye. ' ij;';.-1. .,' ; CATOii. ' A capon bears the same relation to k rooster as a steer to a bull, and as bull meat Is not equal to steer mei t, so are roosters not equal to cap ius. . When cockerels become cap' ns they cease to grow combs and v "!es, do nnt crow n-1 r ' . gro r..uch fa-'-r and f..t r f"' snore . . : 1 fat r ' ' ordinary tin. ; s' Journal. Items of Interest Gathered By Wire and Cable GLEANINGS FROM DAY TO DAY Live Items Covering Events of More or Less Interest at Home and I Abroad. - The Hotel Clarendon, at Seabreeze, one of the largest resort hotels on tho East coast of Florida,, together with ten cottages adjoining the house, was totally destroyed by fire Mon day morning, the 230 guests, who were asleep at the time,' being saved without injury, and many being able to gather up most of their belongings, . R. L. Patton, a veteran of the civil war and a survivor of the Custer forces which were massacreed by In dians at Big Horn, died of paralysis at Mount Airy, N. C, last week nt the age of 78. Capt. Henry McCrea of the Geor gia, and Capt. Greenlief A. Herriani of the Missouri, had to quit their commands before the fleet left ths Pacific coast and died soon after. They were thus deprived of what all the others of the fleet are justly proud. It is said that it would be difflcut for the men of our great fleet to de cide at which port visited the people tried hardest to show them respect and make them welcome. Anrelius Christian, a negro, as saulted and brutally murdered Miss Mary Dobbs of Botetourt county, Va., Thursday and was sentenced in reg ular court Friday to die in the electric chair on March 22. ; Rear Admiral James G. Green, U. S. A., retired, died at Edenton, N. C, last Friday. . J.5h Fox killed his former friend, Stephn j Watson, at . Wadesboro Thursday- night.- They had beerrvhe best of friends but were. drinking.: The American side of Niagara Falls was blocked with ice,' making almost a complete dam about Mon day, when in the South the weather was - balmy almost like May. - Once in the history of the Falls the river was completely dammed with fee and tha .t.. AiA f wn the water did not flow over the Falls. . The Anti-Saloon League of Ken tucky will ask the Governor to call the ' Legislature together in extra session to give the State a State-wide prohibition campaign. A man calling himself John Simp son, was caught in the act of trying to break open a safe at Curtain Bay, Fla., Sunday, who admits being tho pal of Charles Salas, who was. killed at Laurens, S. C, last week, after killing a policeman. . , . Miss Lina Sykes, of Elizabeth City, N. C, died Saturday of burns from her clothing on Friday. Mrs. Elida Burkhead of Concord, N. C, eommitteed suicide Friday by saturating her clothes with kerosene oil and setting a match. Gray Coleman, a negro, near Wil son, N. C, butchered a ho2 this sea son that more than pulled down an 800 pound scale. The exact weight was not given. , , ,' v: - The .cornerstone of a Confederate monument was laid in the Court House square at Lancaster. S. C, on Monday. It was laid with Masonic rites. ''-.; ,', John R. B. Can-away, teller in the I National Bank of rsew Bet n, -was arrested on Wednesday on a charge of defalcation by means of false en tries. The bank is secure. H. Clay Pierce, president : of 'the Waters-Pierce Oil Company, of Mis souri,' announces that. , the . company will comply with the terms laid down by the court in that it will pay the Una of $50,000 and ' sever all con nection with the Standard Oil Com pany. . , v' Washington News Notes. It is semi-offlcially given out that, haying been inaugurated as president, Mr. Taft .will call Congress in extra session to meet March the 15th. . The grand , jury, haa found a true bill f against Joseph Pulitaer . and Caleb M. Van Horn f of the N8w York World and Delovan Smith and Charles R.-Williams of the Indiana polis News; for criminal libel in . the Panama scandal ease. " In. a forecast v of ! President-elect Taft 's inaugural address it ; is said that he will give prominence to the Negro question and will declare a policy unfavorable to appointing Ne groes to offices where it is 'distasteful and irritating Id the white people. . ' Foreign Affairs. Sixty-seven persons were lost when the Penguin sank last week near New Zealand. , . " An earthquake dbo'-k r 1 ia --'"a and T " : ' ' "i 9100 Rrwnrd, !. . The readers of thn pnper will heplennedttt learn that thera u ai una diMMleU dia sat that science haa In-en nhle m cure in al5 tta atages. and t ba 1 1 I 'a la rrh . H all ' (.'at anil Cure ia the rmlr pnaitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being con alitutional (linenee, requires a conatituuonal treatment. tlairaCatarrhCureiatakentnier nalljr, acting directly upon the blood and ma coua aurfaeea of the system, thereby deatroy ing the foundation of the diaeaae, and giving) the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing ita work. Th4 proprietors have so murn xaitfts in its curative powers that they offer Un Hundred Holla for any ease that it tails to. Cure. Send for hat of tettunoniala. Address K. J. Cheney i. Co., Toledo, U. PoM br DrurnnlH. 7.V. Taka Hall's Funuly 1'iUa tor eonatipatunv Here and There. Seldom is a smooth tongue without a sting behind. Irish. Politeness is the essence of refined thought. Better a master be feared than de spised. Dutch. A good and faithful judge prefers the honest to tho expedient. Horace. If your blood is out of order, you run a risk of taking a germ disease.. Rheumatism.LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever are germ diseases. "Rheumacide" is an ac tive blood purifier. It. cleanses the blood of all--'' impurities. It gives tone A- 1L. d.1 1 1 u uic euure uuuy. Pure blood prevents germs from taking hold of the vital organs and ex- -pels them from the system. "Rheumacide" is Dutun f ' in tablet and liquid form, . and is sold by druggists - at 25c, 50c, and $1 per hottle. Liniment. 25c. " ' Hole ln"Fence,7Ctirl Oone. ."" A good joke is told on one of our over-the-river neighbors, who several years ago had a family of good look ing daughters, who .were smart and good workers. . They, of course, grew tin akMil 4)tfk nvvna a rt act tintnni1 aaIp ssl ' u"" tr,r thZ ' t rZIZ fjancy for them and wanted to marry them, .nit the old gentleman for some reasSn- .(perhaps best known to himself) objectedsad used every precaution to prevent ady-fif them from marrying, and especialy 8B young fellow, who was distasteful to the old man. . As time passed on this young fellow and his girl, went on ' with their courting unbeknowing to u i ii ii i n 1 1 . . i in nan ... 1 1 r. . iiuunn surrounded with a strong paling fence and there was no means of ingress ur agress, . except through the : gato, which he kept pretty well guarded : both night and day. They knew they would have to run away if they got married. So one mourning he .awoko to find a hole in an unguarded part of the fence and his girl' was gone gone to get married against his wilt, or wish. He was at his wit 's end. ' Mone or tne family claimed any knowledge of the elopement, but the old man thought differently. Turn ing to his other girls, whom he sus pected would soon follow suit, ho said: "If you want to go, go now while" the way is open." Qa fine j (S. C.) Ledger. . ; ' So. 9-'09. , PRIZE POOD ' Palatable, Economical, Nourishing. A Nebr. woman has outlined thr prise food in a few words, and that from personal experience. : Sbewrites: "After our long experience with Grape-Nuts, I cannot say enough In its favor. We nave used this food ai- most continually for seven years. '- "We sometimes tried other adver tised broakfast foods, but We invaria bly returned to O rape-Nuts as tha most palatable, economical and nour Isbing ot alt. ''P-y-;.-.-''-: ''; : ':' "When I quit tea and coOee and ' began to use Postum and Grape-Nuts. I was a nervous wreck. ) I was so ir ritable I could not sleep nights, had no interest in lite. . . "After using Grapo-Nuts a short time I began to improve and all thene ailments have disappeared, and now I am, a well woman. My two children have been almost raised on Grape Nuts, 'which they eat threo times a day. , "They are pictures of health r t have never had the least symptr i - stomach trouble, even through most severe siege of whooping c they could retain Grape-Nuts all else failed. . "Grape-Nuts food has saved bills, and bas been, therefore, economical food for us." Name ; 'vea by For' Creek, ! h. Heal, V.'o-'' :. '.. . ! i l ' '- tie c.