'iTTSTCi Tlz Tin Published every Tharsdi'y by t irrPTrni p r i nn"Tt" r (UIU1.1 L....-Li,.i) riii1ill..J l. ..i i: " ' (Incorporated) n.ilfi t - . H. WHITE... H.H. RICE....'. ;'. . . ..President . Vice-President J. Coleman Ramsey, Editor. Rates Payable ta Advance: One Year. ,;,., fl.00 Six Months ........ 4 ..... .SO Three. Months . . , . .. .. .... .25 Entered as second-class mail matter June 18th, 1907, at the Postoffloe at Marshall, N. C, under the act of Co ress of March 3, 1879. Thursday, Feb. 25, 1909 A Sorry Phase of The Jury System, The twelve Tennesseeans ; se lected after a -ong and arduous scrutiny of jury lists to hear the evidence in the Carmack trial will be called on to determine the guilt or innocence of the ac ' cused in one of the most sensa tional. murder, cases of recent history. Intricate questions regarding V the degree of resionsibility ; for political criticism will be sub- mitted to them. They will be required to discriminate between points of law bearing on one of the most complex problems of modern jurisprudence and their decision will constitute an im portant precedent for future ac tions involving the , infliction of personal vengeances for political censure.. ' . . . x Of the men to whom this cate task is intrusted four are said to be unable to read or write two have only a slight acquain tance with English ' and some have sworn that they have not read a newspaper in years. All have taken oath they have read no newspaper since the . . day f of the crime, the law. which makes a juror Incompetent who -talks with witness ' providing 'also deli- tLa L; sior.s, rapt.".' of Education and I! .s' Hoard, of Home Mis- 1C3 Fifth Avenue, New York City, have sent the follow ing communication to the citizens of Hot Springs: , i At a meeting of the Woman's Board of Home Missions of stbe Presbyterian church pn"Tnesday, Feb. 9th, 1909. a vote f thanks was extended to the citizens of Hot Springs, N, 0., who so ener getically and earnestly , helped in saving the other buildings be longing to the Board at V Hot Springs.' The ladies felt that without their , efforts the : entire plant might have been destroyed. "The Secretary was instructed to express publicly the gratitude of the Board. Miss Ella A. Boole, Sec. ;7E, fur ,1 l; f r 1 ; BUI SELL GOODS, and witheach $1 cash pur chase or payment on account we will give you a key the correct So money box, and the one havin Uune lsi to lSth wilt get the moihy WE GUARANTEE TO SELL Y0$ GOODS AS CHEAP AS ANY COMPETITOR IN T01N This is no fake, but a straight advertising propo-, sition. Call and see. v " ; To the citizens of Hot Springs, N. C: Dear Friends: Miss Julia E. Phillips, principal of Dorland In stitute, has just informed us of the heroic efforts put forth by you during the time of the late fire which resulted in saving the rest of our property there. We wish to convey to you our sin cere thanks and to express our appreciation of the interest you have always shown in the work of the school. With kindest re gards, I am sincerely yours. Robt. M. Craig, Supt. School Work. impanu I J H NOTICE V North Carolina Madison County . In the Superior Court Before the Clerk E. S. Morgan, administrator of Avery Bay, deceased, vs. Jesse Ray, heir-at-law of Avery Ray, The defendant " above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been commen ced in the Superior court of Madi son County to sell the interest of the defendant in the following described real estate to make as The workers on the field also sets to pay debts, '. towit: known take this opportunity to express I as the H; R. Ray , tract of land, their gratitude. . I situated on the' waters of Bull The building destroyed by fire creek in No 3 township, Madison was two story and basement, 42 county, N. C; and . the said . de- by 74 feet in size, and contained fendant will further take, notice six large rooms used only .fori that he is required to appear be class room work. The fire started! fore the Clerk of the Superior that the reading of a newspape: printing verbatim reports of a trial constitutes incompetency, The effect of the statute is thus to glorify illitef acy by restricting to the least intelligent grade of citizens a most vital function of the courts. : It is a singular anoj maly of the law in a State-Turhicb in the trial ofjbhhight riders crave an itisnirinir exaninle " of ttstice swiftly and fearlessly ad ministered. Tennessee puts ban on intelligence by making Its possession a bar to one of the most responsible duties of citizenship. , . The Legislature is discussing a $1,500,000 bond issue, while on July 1st, 1910, a bond - issue 6f $1,440,000 falls due. Local Self Government is only a name so far, as Democracy . is concerned. It was verified in the legislature the past week when Representative Harshaw's bill to elect boards of Education by the people was killed : by a vote of 77 to 29. ; Only three De mocrats had the courage to sus- port it. When President ; Roosevelt shall surrender the keys to his successor there will be no unfin ished' business on the desk or in any of the pigeon hole. He has cleaned up everything and every body, even to Senator (pitchfork) lien TUman. it didn't pay to advertise, that nobody reads 'the newspapers, and so on. But just let that fel low be caught hugging "some ' !icr man's wife and if the print l 7 office is- ia the garrett of a t '.y-story building he would f r; md and cl'mb to the top ' '. 1 e editor not to "put it paper where every 1 if Yellow Jacket in the basement and the smoke had so filled the two upper stor ies that it was' impossible to save a single thing. The fire "was discovered about fifteen minutes before midnight and by 1 o'clock the building with all its contents was destroyed. The loss on the building Itself is about $6000. The furnishing had j been accumulating for a number of years and therefore it was an unusually "well equipped school building. At a very low estimate it could not be less than $2000. The loss was partly cov ered by insurance. At one time it was feared that the dormitory flesh could not be saved. Twelve girls bust. were sick with the. measles but were gotten ready o , leave, by the other girls. f The seventy-two students be haved with the greatest kindness and discretion, leaving their own belongings in their rooms. They carried water and were of ser vice in quenching the fire on the other buildings. 4 The hoys' dormitory is two miles away and over forty came up the next morning to see only two chimneys and foundation of the beautiful building where they iiad studied and recited" the day before. The school is successfully car ried on in the public school build' ing and the girls' dormitory. " Julia E. Phillips. court of Madison County, at his office in Marshall, on ' the . 13th day of March, 1909, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaiutiff will apply to the court for the relief ' de manded in said complaint. J.H.WHIT15 -Clerk of the Superior Court This the 13th day of Feb. 1909. The long winter : months- heavy foods lack of exercise decrease your vitality, make you feel mean. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea gives you yitality clears :. the blood builds 1 ut Makes yon strong and ro Great Spring medicine. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. F. Sheltajn. Special Rates to Washington,' D. C, on Account of President Taft's -' ' Inauguration 1 , s Account of the above occasion the Southern Railroad Company vili sell tickets from all stations to Washington, D. C, and return".- Individual rate from Asheville is $15.45. For -parties of twenty-live' or more traveling' on one ticket from Asheville, ' rate of $10.05. Apply to your local Ticket Agent for rates from your station. - i J. H. WOOD, District Passenger Agent. NOTICE North Carolina Madison County In the Superior Court Before the Clerk , J. B. Cody, administrator of H, fR. Ray, deceased, vs. W. S Rice and J. E. Rice his wife, Jessie Rhea, Pete Rhea, Carl Rhea, Maggie Rhea and Laura Cody. .Jessie Rhea, Pete Rhea and Carl Rhea, defendants -above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County to sell certain lands, belonging to the estate , of the said H. R. Rhea, deceased for the pupose of raising' assets to pay the debts of said intes tate:;-and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ' appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the ctounty of Madison at his of fice 1h the Court House of said Ooudty in Marshall; North Caro- lina.on the 13th day of March, 19091 and answer ordemnr tn t,h comwlaint in said action, or the Dlairtfciff will annlv to thn Court, Tjwh itieOfelWftleHMkRded - in Tsaid oomftlainl. This February 10th law; , I. J.H.WHITE. M? : , Clerk Superior Court OTIljE I KOTIQE OF SALE OF OLD CQUHTY HOME PHQPEHTT Nptice is hereby given that on Modday, February 22nd, 1909, at' 12 o'clock m.. at the court house door in the town of Mar shall, I, the undersigned chair mait of the Board of County Com missioners of Madison county, willsell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: ' f e material m the buildings of tie Poor House'' or old county hon e, the same to be immediate ly t rn down and removed at the expense of the buyer,' Those who mitrht buy -will do welt t6 take a look at the build ing before the day of sale. . J. C. Chandlev, , : Ch'm Board Com'rs Tan 'n the head engraved on it. . said: My great-great-grand-f a t h e r was made a ' lord by the king Whose picture you see on this shilling.".. 5v,-v: :: What a coincidence!" said his Yankee companion, who at once A fellow gravely informed the produced 1 another coin. "My Yellow Jacket the other day thatj great-great-grand-f atherwas An Englishman, fond of hoiist,. ingof his ancestry,, took a coin TO THE TAX -PAYERS OF MADISON COUNTY; irom ms pocnet, ana pointing to t nn'ii Ko of Mnroi .,oa purpose of receiving your taxes: on the dates named for the . V. J 1 UlCkUtS DU uixu by the Indian whose picture you see on this cent." Christian Endeavor World. The Legislature is flooded with bills for bond issues. If that body would appoint a Epecial committee to prepare a statement of the bonded indobtedcers of e counties and towns of tl.is ' e including thoe issued. au- , Monday, March 1st, 1909 .Tuesday. March 2d. 1909 Store, ' Wed., March 3d, 1909 ..Thursday, March 4th, 1909. ,', ..Friday, March 5th, 1909 ..Saturday, March 6th, 1909 ..Saturday, March 6th, 1909 . ..Monday, March 8th, 1909 Tuesday,' March 9th, 1909 Sandy Mush, Robinson's Mill, . .. . . , Spring Creek, Ferguson's Store.. .. Meadow Fork, Frisbee & Stamey's Big Pine, Wilds' Stcre,. .. ..... .... Little Pine, J. W. Redmon's Store . ; Hot Springs, McFall House.. .. .. .. Marshall, Court House . . .'. . . ; . . . . Mars Hill, Postoffice Middle Fork. Erve Briees' Store.. . i California Creek, Brown's Store ..". .Wednesday, March 10th, 1909 Upper Laurel, Harve Waldrup's Stor, Thursday, March 11th, 1909 Foster's Creek, C. W. Cody's Store..... Friday, March 12th, 19P9 Grapevine, Tilson's Store.. ....... ."j.-. Saturday, March 13th, 1909 Old Bull Creek, Fdward3' Store.'. .....Saturday, March 13th, 1909 Dig Laurel, Jack Wallin's Store .. ..Monday, March 15th, 1909 Shelton Laurel, WrB. Helton's Store, Monday, March 15th, 1909 Tills is positively" try 3 t c: 11, th you had better meet me at the above nanei pln - r , to y rcy ;;re.l to rty your taxes. I Ban!: of French Broad MARSHALL, N. C. CAPITAL. -PROFITS -RESOURCES S25.O0O.00 810,000.00 8150.OOO.OO SOLICITS ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHEC OR ON FOUR PER CENT. CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT. ::" ":; 1':: :: -::,' .:: :; ' :: . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES IN IFIRE PROOF VAULT FOR RENT Be Up To Date Have your house roughcast (pebble-dashed,) plaster the in terior, makes your house warm and 8anitory. Have your chinx- neys an' iues built on the latest style w: -n a hood : patent wind brake, plastered inside. JNo un easiness of fire, fancy fire-places, set with tile, work guaranteed, Prices ' reasonablec Estimates furnished. No cheap John job solicited Address me at Revere, Madisoia County, N;' C- Long distance rural 'phone by Walnut, N. C. ' ' J. A. LEAK, Social functions of winter, midnight lunches, loss of sleep tell on the health. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea clears the blood, , aids digestion, relieves fatigue; makes and retains your health., . Greatest tonic. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. F. Shelton lOMINISTflllTRIX'3 NOTICE- : North Carolina, Madison County Having qualified as adminis tratrix of W. R. Rice: deceased late of Madison' dpunty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said ' deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on of before the 1st day of Feb ruary; 1910, or this notice Veill be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. ' All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment This the 1st day of February, 1909. . , ; DORA . RICE,-' 3-11 - Administratrix 3lO Reward Until further notice, the Anti Liquor League of Madison coun ty will pay Ten Dollars reward to the party furnishing the names reliable witnesses who . will convict anyone for retailing whiskey or otherwise violating our prohibition laws in Madison county. Names of witnesses to be reported to T. N. James, Sec retary of the League. Names of reporters will be kept conflden tial if desired. Reward will be paid as soon as conviction is se cured. ' am , ENTRY NOTICE State of North Carolina - Madison County. - To James Smart, Entry-Taker for Madison'county, N. C: The undersigned J. B. Mc Devitt, of the county and State aforesaid, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in No. 1 Town ship, Madison county, N. C.,' the same being vacant and unappro priated land subject to Entry, viz: On the waters of Brush creek and bounded by the lands of C. A. Clark, R. EL Ballard, Jacob M. Ramsey, J. M. Gudger jr. and W. B. Ramsey. J. B. McDevitt. ' Entered this the 6th day of TV V .... 1 "I i. v i . i , X- - J. Z.v ' ; F"ta"t Graduate Barber D. O. HUNTER, graduate from Memphis Barber Coll ege, is located next door to Bank' ready to serve you-,' All work guaranteed. Honing a specialty. - ' - -: . J. C Ramsey, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over F. Shelton's Store ' ' MARSHALL, N. C ' - Practice in and Federal. Collections, all Courts State C L. Brittaln, . PHOTOGRAPHER Gallery wi'wtairs in Allison Building. MARSHALL, N. C. Send any nhotb you mav have and will put it on our post-cards and send to you with picture 3 for 25 cents. .-- Southern Railway 4 Company SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER ' " OHRAINS N. B. Following schedule fisrurea published only as information and are not guaranteed. - ' , .' -' y : EAat Bound (Central Time) No. 38, Dally.... .Due 4:30 A. M No. 12, Daily.. ......... Due. 11:40 A. M. Na 102, Daily ..Due 8:38 P. M. Bound' y. : ...... .Due 2:35 A. 1W. ': No. 101, Dally.... ...... Due 6:55 A. M No. 35, Dally No. 101. Dail No; 11, Daily. ....... ...Due 3:22P. M. Scbjbot to Change without Notice W. A. WEST, Agent - Marshall, N. GS 3. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Agent Asheville, N. C SALE OF LAND By virtue of an execution to me directed by J. H. White. Clerk ' of the Superior Court of Madi son county in the- case of W. M. uuckett vs. R. B. Flemine. against the said R. B. Fleming, I will on Monday, the 1st day of Marcbj 1909, sell at the Court House door in the town of Mar shall, Madison county, N. C, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all interest of the said R. B. Fleming in and to a certain tract of land lying and being in the county 'of Madison and State of North Carolina, on the waters of Sprinpr creek, ad joining lands of M. L. Duckett, A J. Davis, II. Ferguson and others and known as the old J. GL Fleming home tract, contain ing 70 acres, more or less. Eaid sale is made for the purpose cf satisfying said execution ; 1 ''ft - 3 ell you clove r less riic . : 3 CC dek n :;-o.J to coi': i . , m i. o 1. v r':'.' ' ig t j Co. coc t'.e sum t ' i tjunuin -. Tl:!,3 January 27th, V G. W. C ' 1 1 -1 orized p -i 1 1

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