if :f '-atThe Court; iportx! .. ,; . v.. Published every Thursday bji th . H. WHITE ..;..... ...... .President If. H. RICE ..,4.... ... y&.PMfei J. Coleman Kanisef, - - Editor. jSates Payable in Advance: On Year....... ...... ....$1.00 Six Months . . 1. .50 Three Months ............ .25 Entered as second-class mail matter ; June 18th, 1907, at the Postofflce at Marshall, N. C, under the actor Cong ress of March 3, 187. .. - jThg following cases iwerd dis posed of at February term of court, 1909: 1 State against -"- Frank Dockery, et al., nol pros with leave, . -rr James Johnson, et. al., affray, nol pros with- leave. - James Roberts, cruelty to ani- ! mals, nol pros with leave. Charles -Tweed, larceny, nol pros with leave. ; V ' Thursday, March 4th, 1909. vv;ertbe Grand Jury, : on g for the .February: Term', , 190," submit to his honor, G. S. Fer guson, Judge presiding, our re port, which is is follows: We have visited all the public buildings in the county,' Jail Court House and County .Home, We find that our county has new and splendid County Home building, which is well kept with all the inmates well cared for, Susie Baxter et al.. keepins Tn j ul --j, . guilty, judg- weU supplied with penty 0f food on payment oi j a . a nnr .Tail in a, mrul sa,nit,arv mn wiii;n r..n. . it. v . I ' i w witn leave. disorderly house; merit suspended cost. The Republican Party Free Schools. and The Democrats have killed Mr. Britt's bill to let the people elect the county board of education, and in killing it the News and Observer says the Democrats just took the hide off of the Re publicans in their free school record. How they did this I am sure I do not know for it was the Republicans who first put the word free schools in our State Constitution. It was the Repub licans who put the term for the free schools "at four months in our constitution. It was the Re' publicans who first gave the County Commissioners the right and the power to levy the taxes to run the. schools-four months. It was the Republicans who voted for the constitution that had all these free school provisions in it while the Democrats voted against it. Besides this, it was the Republicans who first raised the tax for free school purposes to 18 cents on the huudred doll ars worm or property, it was the Republicans who passed the first law to encourage local tax ation for-a longer term of free schools; ' This law saying the State would suppliment any tax levied for school purposes in any township school district by the in state' same giving that amount) that ,';';V,i;'Ji";.o -'!' district the the district gives, It was the Republicans who passed the first flexible school law under which the school term was lengthened two weeks the first and only year it was ever tried. Yet ' with all this for school legislation a . matter- of history to the credit -of the Re publicans we are told by the News and, Observer that our hyp ocrisy on the free school question was fully shown up when Mr. Britt's bill to allow the people to elect their school committeemen came up for passage. If it is right and best for the Democratic county of Cleveland elect their school committeemen why isnt it right for the Republican coun ty of Madison to elect theirs? . If it Jsnright for the Democratic county of Rutherford to elect their free' school officers why isn't it right for the adjoining county of Henderson, which is Republi can,- to elect theirs? 1 J ' ' Yet the Democratic Legislature of 1905 gave Cleveland and Ruth erford and, some other. Democrat- Dock Taffer, carrying conceal ed weapons; nol pros with leave Burgis Hensley, carrying con cealed weapons; nol pros with leave. Dolphus Bryant, trespass; guil ty, judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. W. L. Carter, removing crop; nol pros with leave. L. A. Sprouse, arson; guilty, five years in State prison. . Will Rector, k.d.-w.; no true bill. ' Wayne Peek, affray; guilty, cost. J. H. Baker, sawdust in stream; guilty, $10 and cost. James Wright, f. c. w., guilty, cost. Jack Reed, procuring liquor for minor; guilty, cost. Peter Ray, affray; guilty, cost, Jennie Grooms, carrying con cealed weapons; no true bill. John Gowan, carrying conceal ed weapons; guilty, $10 and cost. Robert Roberts, carrying con cealed weapons; guilty, $10 and cost. , Anna Ogle, larceny; guilty, cost. s ' Anderson Blankensbip, larceny; three years on road. , ; Will Roberts, carrying conceal ed weapons; guilty, $10 and cost, WiHiam Johnson, breaking into house; guilty, 1 month on road, Charley Gammons, throwing rock into train ; 3 months on road, Pe ten Ray and Josiah Shelton, larceny; continued. b Vick Massey, carrying conceal ed weapons; guilty, $10 & cost, C. G. Gentry, assault; no true bill. ; W. S. Lawson, larceny; twelve months in State prison. U Lawson Waddell, iarceny; four months in jail. 1 Mitchell Randall, carrying con cealed weapons; $10 and cost Ldna Gentry, Killing hogs; no true bill. ivatnanne Gentry, assault; no true bill. . Pat.McLain, larceny; guilty, six months on road. . J. R. Mull, failing to provide We also visited the Register of Deeds, Clerk of the Court's office and find these offices with all the record well kept. We also, vis ited the Sheriff's office and Treas urer s office and find that tuese offices are well kept, with all our officers courteous and polite, to all. ,7 - 7'::: We also examined ; the bridge at Marshall and find it in a good safe condition so far as we were able to ascertain. . ... .,: Respectfully submitted, W. C. AMMONS, Foreman Grand Jury. Report of the Solicitor Fer- State of North Carolina, Madison County. In the Superior Court Febru ary Term, 1909. To the Honorable G.S guson, Judge Presiding: ; I have examined the offices of the Register of Deeds and Clerk of the Superior Court and find the same in good order and con dition, ' I recommend that, an order be made directing the Clerk to issue the proper process to enforce the payment of all unpaid fines, costs and judgments on forfeited recr ognizances. . , This February 26th, 1909. : j v Mark W. Brown, i Solicitor It will be'xi inU ;c as w.t information to, the pubt.-ral large to know that a recent postal law" passed, prohibits the-use-of . al postage stamp that has been torn in any way. . If a stamp of th4 above description is -used on a letter the postofflce department can'hold it up for postage due." Whether Unclfe- Sam expects to give any rebate when a stamp is torn is not learned, but it is. a common occurrence for someone to tear a stamp accidentally and stick it on a letter. ' - MONEY IN CABBAGE si George H. Blair tells us that from 1 H acres planted in cabbage last- year he has realized the snug sum of $500 Of course the cost of marketing the product about $100 comes off of this, but when that is done he has made more off the small plot of ground than many -tillers of the sod make off large farms. Wa tauga Democrat. - 2 he Bank of French Broad MARSHALL N. C. CAPITA. PROFITS 'RESOURCES ' S25.000.00 610,000.00 '':..' -l V -. -. 'f 6150,000.00 SOLIQTS ACCOUNTS SUBJECT T() CHECK OR ON FOUR PERCENT, CERTIFICATES- OF DE-; POSIT!' ':: ;l y. " . :: - ' :: ' :: " Gov. Kitchin. issued a rush pardon to Walter Moore, of Mc Dowell County, who was serving four years for manslaughter. The poor fellow died m the peniten tiary four hours before the par don arrived. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES' IN FIRE-PROOF VAULT FOftRENT NOTICE North Carolina Madison County In the Superior Cpurt v Before the Clerk E. S. Morgan,'' administrator of T Avery Ray, deceased, vs. Jesse Ray, heir-at-law of Avery Ray. S.The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been commen ced in the Superior court of Madi son County to sell the interest of the defendant in the following described real estate to make as sets to pay debts, towit: known as the H. R. Ray tract of land, situated on the waters of Bull cceek in No & township, Madison A county ,"N. C : and the - said de- . Upon consideration of the foiiffitw?I, fartherltake notice going report, .it is ordered that e is requirea w appear 9e Be Up To Date Have your house roughcast (pebble-dashed,) plaster the in terior, makas your house warm and sanite; y. Have your chim neys aw" jues built on the latest style M: .n a hood patent wind brake, plastered inside. . No un easiness of fire, fancy fire-places, set with tile, work guaranteed. Prices : reasonable. Estimates furnished. No cheap John job solicited. Address me at Revere, Madisofl County, N. C. Long distance rural 'phone by Walnut, N. C. J. A. LEAK. NOTICE the Clerk issue executions and other . process necessary to en force the payment and satisfao tion on ' forfeited recognizances, fines and costs. . -.. This Febmary 26th, 1909. : . G. S. Ferguson, 1 ; Judge Presiding. A spring tonic that makes rich, red blood. ; Brings strength, health and happiness to the whole family. Nothing equals Hollis ter s Kocuy Mountain Tea as a Spring regulator. 85 cents. - F, Shelton. v ,- for family; guilty, two years- on road. . Clement Henderson, , assault; guilty, cost. " Lyda Trollinger, d. p. w., not guilty. ; i John : Garrett et all., assault, guilty, $5 and cost.' ' Why the Preacher was oik the Gang. The overseer of the Gaston county chain-gang, working on the road near Cherry ville, tells us that he has every trade and profession represented in his icuhtiestherightto elect their chdol officers and refnsed it to cost. the Republican counties. Geo. Gahagan, carrying con- vTbe free schools are " for the cealed weapons; guilty, - $10 and npinlf anrf tJiotr elinii'M : K C08t tmlMI them it th "i,- i ' Bei Marler. r slander, ; , .T contendre, cost ""'iu "iwwwo.pin,jrou oi tiorace Wilson, carrying con power, to , ao it. Justice" in cealed weapons; guilty, $10 tod union republican. - ; , - L 1- 3 1 a TCrwin Fnrf,ner; Urconv- i.trolvo rew except lawyers, ana ne can t months on the road. - . , see now wiey always manage 10 Will Price, carrying concealed If305 Wieir Just, deserts..', He weapons; guilty. $10 and cost. . nas iwopreacners; one wniteana I tue otuer coiorea, ootn gooa ai both cealed weapons; guilty, $40 and praymg and preaching. He said the white preacher' was the best worker he ' had " worked, and while at it steady, industrious and quiet. We thought it strange for a white prea mer to be sent - to the gang arid on enquiring "how come?", were told that , he had nolo Prohibition Prohibits. cost. 1 ' I three living wives . in - Gaston In the case of Murray vs, the county. Then the 'mystery of Southern Railway Company the his being so quiet and contented plaintiff recovered judgment in was easily understood. '. Any man North Carolina Madison County In the Superior Court Before the Clerk " J. B. Cody; administrator of H R. Ray, deceased, vs. W. S. Rice and J.' E. Rice his wife, Jessie Rhea, Pete Rhea, Carl Rhea, Maggie Rhea and Laura Cody, fore the Clerk of the Superior Jessie itnea, i'ete -Knea ana court of Madison Countyj at his Carl Khea, defendants ave office in MarshaU on the 13th actiofl 'entited ag aboye haabeen day of March, 1909, and answer commenced in the Superior Court or demur to tne complaint in said of Madison County to sell certain action, or the plaintiff will abbi v lands belonging to the estate of J. C. Ramsey, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' Office over F. Shelton' Store .. MARSHALL,' N. C. Practice in all Courts State and Federal'. . ' Collections. ; p. L. Brlttaln, PHOTOGRAPHER . Gallery upstalw in Alflson Bulldiny. MARSHALL; . C. Send any photo you may have and we will put it on our postcards and vend to you with picture 3 for 25 cents. .! $10 Reward to the' court fdr the relief de manded in said complaint. J. H. WHITE Clerk of the Superior Court This the 13th day of Feb. 1909. ENTRY NOTICE State of North Carolina Madison County. ... To James Smart, Entry -Taker for Madison county, N. C: The undersigned J. B. Mc- Devitt, of the county and State aforesaid, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in No. 1 Town ship, Madison county, N. C, the same being vacant and unappro priated land subject to Entry, viz: On the waters of Brush creek and bounded by, the lands of C. A. Clark, R. EL Ballard, Jacob M. Ramsey, J. M. Gudger r. and W. B. Ramsey J ' J. B, McDevitt. this the 6th day of 1909. ' ' ' - James Smart - Entry-Taker. the said H. R. Rhea, deceased, for the pupose of . raising assets to pay the debts of said kites tate: and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before- the Clerk of the; Superior Court of the county of Madison at his of fice in the Court House of said County in Marshall, North CaroH lina, on the 13th day of March, 1909, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the .Court fof the relief demanded in said complaint, ' This February 10th 1909. J. H. WHITE. vClerk Superior Court H. M. FAGAN & SON, contract ors and drillers of water wells. AH patties, wanting a well will save money by corresponding with' them at Mars Hill, N. C, Until further notice, the Anti- . Liquor League of Madison conn ty will pay Ten Dollars reward - to the party furnishing the names - or reliable witnesses who will convict ., anyone for retailing whiskey or otherwise violating our prohibition laws fit Madison 4 county. Names of, witnesses to " be reported to T.jC James, Sec-..-'-, retary oLlhe League. : Names of reporters ' will be kept conflden-. tial if desired. Reward will be paid as soon as conviction is se cured.- - t X ' Southern Railway Lompany "., f SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER "' TRAINS , . N. B. Following achedule flirurea published only as information and are not guaranteed. - - . , East Bound (Central Time) No. 36. Dallr .Due 4:30 A M No. 12, Daily.,... Due 11:40 A. M. No. 102, Daily..... .....Due 8:38 P. M. Ue0t Bound v No. 35, Daily........... Due 2:35 A. M. No. 101, Daily. . .Due :55 A. M. V No. U. Daily.... Due 3:22 P. M. Subject to Change without Notice W. A., WEST, - Agent," ; Marshall, NO. j; H. wood,, ; Dist. Pass. Agent AAiheTille,N.a j Entered February, 311"' I axes' mmmnin notice TO THE TAX -PAYERS OF MADISON COUNTY: I will be at the following places on the 'dates named purpose of receiving your taxes: , '- - 'C-'S- :'' for thd Fertilizer. - fronioiuon s evidently pro hibiting. Not . before in years has a court been held here with out the presence of scores,' and judgment for plaintiff, $107. even nunareaa or aruniten men. It was so bad in December that Judge Allen took a hand in ail effort to stop it. The writer up on ojie occasion stood without moving and counted - fifty in toxicated jnn. Not , one has been seen by the writer this week. . The- police have had nothing to do. the sum of $775. . Peek vs. Redmon; mistrial, v J. F. Carter vs. JY. Gardner; that was fool enough to supply himself with three ' talking ma chines should welcome a sentence to the chain-gang for the rest he would get. Lincolnton Times. 5 Don't wait until your blood is have, just received a lot of impoverished and you are sick and ailing, but take ; Hollister's Rocky; Mountain Tea now." It will positively drive but all win ter impurities. 35 ceLts, Tea or I the well known : Anchor Brand and Mammoth Corn Grower Fer tilizer and will be glad to furnish Greene County you in any quantity. ' North Carolina, Madison County. ! Having qu alifled as adminis tratrix of W. R. Rice, deceased, late of Madison county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons 4iaving claims against Big Pine, Wilds' Store,..,.. ThursdayJ March 4th, 1909 Little Pine, J W. Redmon's Store. . ... . .Friday,"Marcb. 5th, 1909- Hot Springs, McFall House. 4. ..'Saturday March 6thJ909 ' Marshall, Court House '. . . .. ... .... . Saturday, March 6th, 1909 Mara Hill, Postofflce. .-'. , . . . ... . ; . . v . . . .Monday; March 8tli 1909 Middle Fork Erve BriggsV Store,".. . .. .Tuesday, March 9th, 1909 California Creek, Brown's Store V.Wednesday, March 10th, 1909 tho estate of said deceased to Upper Laurel Harve Waldrup's Store, Thursday, March 11th, 1909 exhibit them to the undersigned Foster's Creek, C. W. Cody's Store. . . . . . Friday, March 12th, 1909 on or before the lstday of Feb- GrapevineTilaon's St6re-j..'i.';. ..Saturday, March 13th, 1909 ruary, 1910, or this notice will Old Bull Creek, Fdwards'; Store.. "....Saturday, March 13thr 1909 be pleaded in bar of their recov- Big Laurelj Jack Wallin's Store., i.w..Mondayf March 15tta1009 Shelton Laurel, W. B. Sheltbn's Store, Monday, March 15th," 1909 This is positively my last call, so you had better meet me at the above named places and be prepared to pay your taxes, I am determined to collect them, as the law authorizes me to do. ' ery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment.- '-- ;". ',-;'-. This the 1st day of February, 1909. DORA RICE, 3-11 ' ' Administratrix. r ,G. 17. COLE, Slicriff. Standard- Laconic, ita-iy K. H. WARD. Tablets." F. Shelton. '

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