'J i FY. '. 4" If!'nlun, TJ CubicSeventy per ( i ..t cf the enthe world's lead supply :s to be broiiut un'er absolute con t ' cf oiio group of P parate corpor is ',.i,s, woiling tori-Uier in harmony. JMees are to advance fiom $33.75 a ten, as atgiresent, to 5 or $100 a t n. , .- ' 'The immense interests concerned comprise the Gup-emheims and other larpe American producer, the Span ish Association of Producers, the Broken ItilJ interests . of "Australia and the German Lead Trust. The; interests combined control 75 per cent of the world' lead supply, , Their position in the world's markets will enable tbem to make what prices they please. . . .... For five years the , German Lead Trust has been trying to obtain com plete control of its own and adjacent European markets; but the competi tion of American and Spanish inter ests has upset the trust' pains. About a year a-o the German inter ests made overtures" to the Broken Hill peojile, and a temporary working Kgreeruerit was patched up, but this wus not enough to secure the control ncciM to raise orices to a nrofitable b He Gugfrenlieims and other, Y.'a I t,!on, Special. Mr. Clupp, ' C I tota, in the Senate Friday, ' . ' , v; on the poIVy of protec tion "1 i " ! U (!' liicSicns be- - i n i : . i. a.a a tari.t t:. ,r" C It i -t ' 1 1 r- , j t iil 211 fCli p , m i ? American interests were approached, and they agreed to come into the com bine if the Spanish association would do the same. The. Spanish interests have now given, their assent. The American interests have carried out their part of the agreement, and the deal is complete. " .'. ' - Ko trust pr controlling corporation is to be' formed. " The deai remains merely as an agreement upon which the most vital interests of all parties concerned , are absolutely dependent. The proflts to the combine; from the increase in prices will vary from $125,000,000 to $225,000,000, provid ing the price docs hot go above $100 a ton. ;-; '-: -, -; John A. McDonald, of New York, who has arranged the deal between tho German ' and Spanish interests, left Wednesday morning by the Kron prnzessin Cecilio for New York to ar range the final details with the Amer ican interests prior to," the German trust initiating the advance in prices, which advance will be followed throughout the world. Mr. McDonald said the smaller producers would be affected only in "a beneficial way. They would get the benefit of the advance in prices and without harmful compe tition or squeezing tactics. .: - Zl Jilt TAHTf DOWNWARD went of the Dingley rates. The peo ple understood that ?rewre to have a revision downward; the men who mnJo the platform understood it; we nudt!t!.tood it. Everybody nnderaiood it and no amount of sophi.-.try can olhcrwIi Q e' - lain -the popular demand and tb nui v 's promise. "If V.- r'f ; "-" he said, "wns ' - a i r 11 -t woiil.l "' "'1 t' a ,.'!' , ; i.npii cu t, .Cl f.S r . v. '.ere v n.s rev '. 1 f 1 . ',' 9 ( V 'It t i 1 1:1 f I 'l T i 1 ' i ill '! I "S 1 l..,IMi t ( 1 ( " i t t ; a .t i , :.:!:. the caJon's tt l.Um' -y were i-t follows : The important ' "comniod ' $ clause" case was 'decided ly t!;e f r preme Court of the United fiat, a, which while sustaining the govern ment' contention that the Hepburn rate law was - not unconstitutional, held, that a carrier may own stock in a producing company and at the same time transport the product of that company. . . ' ' j-, .." Representative Hollingsworth, of Ohio, presented in tho House Monday a resolution protesting against the placing of the picture of Jefferson Davis on the silver service to be pre sented to the battleship, Mississippi by the people of her patronymic State.? .y ' . ;,'. -' The appointments of Oscar S. Straus, as ambassador to Turkey and W. W. Rockhill ; as ambassador to Russia were, announced. '; - Tariff discussion was continued in the Senate, Mr. Pyles, of Washington, speaking in defenso of the Dingley rates on lumber, and Mr. Borah, of Idaho, strongly advocating aa income tax. :?--r '' Tribute to the memory of-the late Alexander R. Shepherd, former Gov ernor of the District of Columbia, was paid by citizens of the District at the unveiling of a statue erected in this city in his honor. . . -..' Senator Dolliver spoke upon the tariff Tuesday and enlivened the pro ceedings of the Senate. Mr. Dolli ver said he had been accused, in pur suing the course be had taken in support of lower tariff duties, of a "mere cowardly acquieseence to a sentiment in Iowa," He read an edi torial critiefsm to that e'ect, siy; : he would not have done so "we- u not an authentio eclio from the I i ate chamber itself. lie said 1 . course was in pursuance of a confrnt t entered into with the l u-i -' of 1 ' Fin'.! nine T'sflrs f " w hen be i f.-.t 1t, 1'.. : !.,-. . Ml t' , 1 . i to 1 a Siiii.i.i ii from i - . . . . 1 t t V , 1,3 , t ! j r ,. i r-iu i v. '"'e liie., x : ii I i" n a i v 1 , k r, v ',i 1.3 k 1 ' 1 1 -1 i t ' j hren v ' ' ! i2 i e 1 ' a i a r f o'j ' V r. I.c' ), t, a' t t- : ! t that i:r. Lo' a 1 ', (S i . 1 f. i t ? i ( i '-'rcn, tlio cotton : f 1 I v 1 ; a , " " ' t v ' ti ! ii I i l 1," Lo s tol not 0'" , JCTEB Ja Makes V- 's, '';'. ,' ' . ' IS MIRTH r - J ' A em 1 ' T Witnesses tad's Home, 1 Sentence ? l8, charged hltla at Sha : dieted after a hours. There 3 jurr was out : a overpow- t hefore the ab- 1 i Sa ; i c :, . A ,i I if !'-k:.t, ra. ,' l .1 Kkln. ' roil last Mart1!. trial I, c- Ij . wss no delen..i, i but a f vv mli.u. i. The t J F t erlug. From t'se r duction, when he v. :,e3 In Sharon, till the time of 1:M rest in aere land, Ohio, cimosit very movement the prisoner t iatla v i testified to by one or more v!':h ?'A man frorn whom he hired a Ii si and buggy, another who m I'" 'driving with "Billy" In the hv , t;ie barber who saw the tWT t ..er and shaved Boyle's mustr eSi i r. train and elec tric railway e . .it. 'i whd saw the couple on the way to Cleveland and Identified them In court, all told sto ries which ftted In perfectly with that of- "Billy" WhiHiv and left no doubt as to the part Boyle had taken In the case. - 't. ' As a result, when the State rested, counsel for the defeu held it confer ence and announced that they would offer no evidence. f, t ' . -r Billy Whlt'a was ' first witness, and before brlns: r a caused a rip ple of laughter v f " 9 answered the question as to v iioys go who do not tell the tr. saying: "They go to hell." r he story of the man who ait iiame.wss Mr. Jones, cnlllnK i wlto a baggy at the s "'!, . ng him be bad been sent to - i away on ac count of f at he waa. to take othprn ; at Billy would i t li!s (. train. - -v - Hi e c a of Billy was very In Ing Indicating thut t;.i r.' r d attempt to r ,ove p i : r'-- Flowers, ( e ; lvely that ! i i f a the night i 1 i i J spoken e kid- r a and i -ind- h )9 . i . 6.. i v ho set. , whlc entenct jrred. . ' A 1 i i t Ci e to Eefore 5 , . - s, Cal. t ' :-t a cold sto: . . s Is a qu v i. a f Is belnT uii it is to b a ffll...' t v ul go -to Ci. t ( i i 3 dtate. i s la prodacs Pure tc.oi law reou s ii' a r '"t'y and eg ei 1 H9 swell before bfc i '.te, but the law does v. 1 lit a cold storage er 0 i tl'r.Men to arresi pin -a fre h ranch sgiji tors cvvr nisht and th 1 t t a en fresh eggl. t J9 Us rnakes no distliu ma f t nt hs been in voice that has be a i:fn hut declare' t su'i -r "iu distinguish tt t . . v tl.e that I v r 1 " t L i f 1 -j. 1 t t e d . 1., .'."'i i i. f f ': 1 L t i la c t t I. : J APANESE A Fed i I Cwrt Holds Vi.'i T.avy Make Ko Norf . "-. Va. The ; a.; in j no, a J pfosinl ot the United f..r 1 'lraii.-.'"'i'n, V ,i" " i 1 : nnn-i . nil,' . i . i : Ci-mt ' . J i f Vr " M i. i : rHl licul tl'-.t : I ! ., J ' v - i it t ot i Yield cf ::3,134,GC3 Eushels In d!c:i:d fcy Cayern.r.ent The Area of Winter Wheat to C Harvested is 2,478,000 Acres f Leas Than is 1D08. Wichlnirtnn. TV : C An average condition of 83. 5 per cent, for winter, wheat and 88.1 for rye oa May 1 last, against a ten-year average on that date of 8S and 89.1 respectively, wa nnnrninrarl In the erOD reDort ot the Department ot Agriculture. The area of winter wheat to be harvested, was M78.000 acres less, or 8.1 per cent., than the area harvested in 1S0S, and 2,161,000 acres, or 7.2 per cent., less than the area sown last fall. The av erage condition of winter wheat a month ago was 82.2, and a year ago 89 per cent Rye averaged" 87.2 a month ago and 80. S on May 1, 1908. ' The average condition of meadow (hay) lands on May 1 was 84.6, com pared with 93.6 on May 1, 1908, and a -ten-year average on May 1 of 89.6. The average 'condition of pastures on May 1 was 80.1, compared with 82.8 on May 1, 1908, and a ten-year aver age on May 1 of 8.S.- About 64. per cent, of spring plowing was com- pleted up to May 1,' compared with 66.6 per cent, on May 1, 1908, and a ten-year average on May 1 of 65.4 per cent. About 61.7 per cent, of spring planting was completed up to May 1, compared with 64.7 Ier ent and 47 per cent. on. May J,, 1906 and 1907, respectively. The percentage of win ter wheat abandoned was 2.2. Chicago. 11L Hopes of the wheat shorts that the Government crop re port would cause a break In the high prices that have ruled for weeks were disappointed.' As a result the May and July options closed at 1.29 and 1.17 H. almost the top figures gained In the recent advance, and September and December, in sympathy, showed surprising gains of 3 to 4 cents, clos ing at 1.08 and 1.07. Corn advanced to; new high record marks for the season early In the day. May selling up to 73 and July to 70V4. . , " :'-'Vi':V' Oats also scored new high records when May sold at 69 and July , at 62 . The final figures on May were at 68V4,and on July 61 tq 61. GIRL SLAYErt OF ACTOR FREIV Jacksonville Grand Jury Refuse's to Indict Jessie Brown. ? . J -Jacksonville, Fla. Two sensation al killing e win were ' 1 here w n the " )- ! i 'v ordrr th ra- of . , t " "Oivn : ' A. Ti3 cnixy rav a Arrested ia Kj Toi For ';y. 1 j Woman on Tilal in tuuibu;!i. L'dlnburrh, Scotland. Oscar Sla t alias Otto Bands, who was extra ( 1 from New York City In Fehrui I i v on tne cluirua of murder!agiiS I ; n uUdiribt, elfihty-two year i i I, ct C!row, was sentenced tq ! j. C ) i inii'i? toe sentence the r e... : ia the dock. . si r i tf t e d.'iense were de t 1 1. i . 'y to p'ovlm an alibi, I ii;? t 1 t nt i e J-o n-rer i i a i ill .New ! t ( v erin 1 ) vi . enisesl ' C . a i. iil M bv the pro,- 1-nt.r i. ! r I ; .t tld Cot euu.r t. e i i . ju. .1 (. i : . . . Justice Ar ' I . ' i, t . v. reversed Jud:.---9 Lnn!r3r. j. . . . -n4, after Ue.r.g v.w i I i i B. thort, oii.iit to i i i ) .:"!. Jus..ee Laaon C l i i fnt rings are roc y i i i are not given upon ,. a t it the girl marries, I t i.. .-r e t . . . -3 to r. .trry. .LJ..tnii"; K.:!s Eto.:. :.t. James liToriigold, of Woo -lo, v ng i'is' mitly It lib-1 f . ' t. of l.urhs Falls, 1- I ! i- r, 1 k'ii ) j'ditning E'n it r v ' 'ri t o two ifuer' ii---.-. 1 hii'i.y . . r f j Fr.i;03 te:.':3 i,:.;::eo iU FITTEE1T.3 E7.:.FT CASES Thres CDar.c!!rsn ar.d "L W. Ram sey. Car.kEr, to Pay Fines. KLEIN'S PENALTY THE HEAVIEST For the Colberts, Convicted of At tempt to Bribe , Jury, Two Tears and $50O Fine Each i v Vilsack Pleads Cnilty. .'.:-. .;, i ;. v - . f--" Pittsburg, Pa. Sentsnces were Imposed in the Criminal Court by Judgj Robert 8. Fraaer p 1 seven per sons convicted within t i, last few weeks in the municipal'' raft cases.. The sentences were: - ; WT W. Ramsey, banker, convicted of bribery, one year, andf-elx-inonths' Imprisonment "and a fine of' $1000; Captain John F. Klein, Councilman, two years and a fine of $1000 On the bribery conviction and one- year "and Sis months on the conspiracy' eon vicUon; Joseph C. Wesson and. Will iam Brand, Councllmea, each one year and six months and a fine ot $500 for, conspiracy; H. M. Eolger, hotel keeper, two years-und a Tine of $500' for - bribery; . Charles Colbert and" John , Colbert. -tonvlcted Df at tempting to bribe a Jury In the Ram-, sey bribery case, tws years end a fine of $500 each.' - - "... . - Braud waa formerly president ot the Common Council. Ramsey was formerly president of the German National Sank, ' and the charge against him was bribery. Vilsack, who pleaded nolle contendere to the charge ot bribery, was formerly cash ier of the German National Bank. - Following the pronouncing ot the sentences, Clarence Burleigh went be fore the Superior Court and asked for. writs bf supersedeas in all the cases except that of the Colbert brothers, for whom similar action will be taken later by their attorney. - Pending the decision of the Su perior' Court on the application for writs the men will be admitted to ball and it is for this reason that District Attorney Blakelcy did not call A. Vilsack, banker, for sentence, as he considered such action would be an Injustice to the only man who saved the county money by admitting his guilt If Vilsack had been sen tenced he would be sent .to jail im mediately and could not have re course to the action that will secure the oth temporary i'reedom. ' e W. V imspy mil 3 a plea for the Clemen f the toi, t, or at least poatpo tit of s"i nee, through hi at' y. He tai to th8 court for t a minutes h. i t. resented a t , i ciinniun t . liames of i i "iii:i i i i ct .tL.' nly.. 1 , -i. A C: ' -h fro'-i t;n 4 the solznio ft t i ' (;- .mer liu'.. , f t. . v "it. ty men, lor oil ( f I , ' ! ;W8. o g j iu,. i manned by ) - Wi.-i a inn pun, under ;i e. nn of t m. iiiied States Jiars'iai Tlioup, wett lronj Sitka to the Kais iu. On the a roach cf the launches the Kalsen tr"-d to escape, but was overhauled. The Japanese sy ihetr vessel ran toward shore for shelter from a storm. They admit sealing. There were ten skins aboard. All the Japanese are In the Federal Jail at Sitka, .. ' 1 DEors dead t;-VKixa, Wife cf Minister VTr.i J'aUins AJ .', Cress In '!.. :. - . Eomervllle, N. 3, T s, A. A, rtan, r cf the Sec. ; 1 ,, WHS a s-i . . ' j l V - . , i 1 ' 1 f ; f etsehl, V 3 of the p r;4 PH. ''I i 1 I 1 :i t: t 1 rt I V 1 tt. 1 be, t t 'i lie I d U 1 1 !:ml I . ft Chicago, i ty-fiva years oiJ 3. 1 i., : 'e i ;i : Am,- Jefferson f"'y, f, p-te pa i a r to tae t -;o a i Co"-;;: ' 1 f- ''..11. i i : . t ..' n v ; tV' CHESTER MjSp C'JILTY Convicted of Murder in First Da ' pes In Killing His Wife. Hie Woman's Dismembered Body -Wse Found in a Trunk the Hns.ji band Took to Lodgmg House. - . -r '' , .r"1 ' " -' '- v ' ' '. -r '-''I" y Cambridge, Mass, Chester S. Jor- , dan was found guilty in the first de , gree on a charge of murdering his r wife by a Jury In the Middlesex . Cottnty Superior Court. The Jury - deliberated more thau nineteen hour. ' Mrs. Jordan was ,, murdered on September 1 last, and Jordan "had been on trial since April . 20. v At; Jordan's side was his jtatnei, noon Kv vflrA hf nlntprii. nna.of tMa, uwub J - t ' ' 1 Him Trad r T. 2 trfinAKD' flf ' New Tori City, end other relatives bravely trying to teap oac tear, ,. 'I'ha mltfAf lifiVCI Cni ?i1prt had BOt savoi.al wnmn -unrrintn?! bezan .to : ' Bob,-(ahd the effest of this was to turn ; tne room lor tne moment iuuj of woe; Then pe lawyers, began . tmstiinv. aiinnt .Atifl Jordan. cteDDed back and resumed his chair. He bit .' bis lips and-folded, his arms tisbtly . ., a he sat Cowd. ".-. - 1 - After a whispered word with the , -young man Mr. Pratf, of counsel for me aeiense, aavioeu tuo cuun ium .. be desired thirty days in which to file .,, exceptions.'.. The reQuest was granted 'and'-court adjourned. ...Jordan was'"., led back to JaiL - , ' ' -i The defense, iaved-" "twenty-seven exceptions during lie trial, and these, a it waa stated, will be pressed, if nec- essary, to the Supreme Court, In Washington, D, C.v Tne penalty lor nrsi oegre mur der in -this State Is death in the elec tric chair. . Jordan was charged wltn navmg - , killed bis wife in a cuarrel in their dismembered body .was found In a trunk, wnicn joroan naa taaea mi y. Boston lodging house, v The suspi- bad been Stolen led to the discovery of its contents VTlifl Aatanaa vn "pnllpnttC tflAn Ity," and the. testimony ot medical , experts was one ot the features of the trial. - - , 4 , NEW ATTACK ON RAILROADS. Missouri Attorney-General Asks For , Forfeituro. of Their Charters. . ' Jefferson City. Mo. Attorney. General Major instituted quo war ranto proceedings in the Missouri Supreme Court against sixteen msl- , roads, asking the forfoiture of d ar ters or the fining of the prinruial t'-cii in -Missouri, the in forma "H charging tnera wnii v.o' ' . ' common law in consn-i -in t to . i i.clsht rai.03 la Viu.. trust laws of tho Ktale. .An r-tte -"writ was made returnable S i .- c in t ca banc on June 1. Tiis f.sio'.i in, according to t"9 Attoi""-.y-cneraJ, the result of t t . :,i; rallroaus tiUprr.r.ting to return to tne '' three-cent pas 'Psrer fare, foilow in r. Federal Judire McPberson's decinio't that the Missouri passenger a 1 ' ,:; freight laws were confiscatory. ! ' MASTLAyt) villagb cvr.rr) Historic rnedlct Practicnlly ?.'!. C J . Out by Flames. ! . Baltimore, Md. News ' rear' here that fire wiped out the fc' ii . ;v' vlllase cf Eerediet, on the Patu., River. , Thu ames started from r -oil stove In a stcre owned by A, : Bowling, and destroyed tUs lie w' 1st Church, the hotel. John, rsj store, and evnry otJ;er bundles ia ; a village except four houses ci .ra'' Ehore of the river end one ciL , 1 ' ? reaidence of Thomas Shorter. I .) r t tlmatn of the datiiags has be. r . ceived. Tt is t"i rT9'tSC!l t 1 ' f,1 tt tr- 1 I . t9 lot' 1 I - t"-e e '-i f 'i' l.r.t in r r' 3 cuy tf r .' : . t r 5 1 ' -r some t 1 ii . r ''" sort r-"nj' v i i iil more a..i V .. . t, . '. t Tp j I r- victor. I-