f.- .' J.J...... t . :. FT) Li U, LEADING NEWSPAPER AND PEST ADVI-T(S(NQ MEDIUM IN MADISON COUNTY. VOL. III. MARSHALL, M ADISON COUNTY, NC.y THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1909. no; S3. O1 .- With a Christmas Gift. At Christmas tlme lons years am -."Good will to men" the angels sang, "And peace on earth" their message rang Across the sky's celestial glow, At Christmas time Long years ago. At Christmas time that comes today This message of good will I send .. I1S1 mm m6 mm Blight oyes and Dorothy Jane met . for, the first time on Christmas Eve. - They were being hurried over ;the .:City stroete In a delivery wagon, and their intimate, association with each other In a big. wicket basket aattirallj ilod- tc a 'Conversation. ".They were ... dollg-i-jjorotoy. Jane a big rag baby, bomcly. .ftud HJptirly drer, Eves " a flnply-' cloth'ed " j Whose bright tints of ' Bright WW ( JSV?51 ner-motner I am go!nS to :V her." iiiiiiiiliiM IP I. . -E- ' .fiii i liwn hp nnt nv 'Miim. ; - ma" to the only daughter -of a rich - ".j- merchant ,. '.'Af-f,-Trr;j'. 5s' Bright Eyes, did not deign to notice poor Dorbthy when ahe remarked that fie nclsy animals In toe Noah' Tk, at the other end, of ; theboi, , were worse th4n those In. 'the Zoo,, and ' rather crudely crowded the poor little rag baby, In the corner as she; turned V away in disgust. At 'the- next-corner ' the drfiitr removed the ark, With ltc - coisy animals,- and there Was more -. room In th6 basket. Dorothy lifted her head and put her painted face close fa the ear of Brighr'Eyes and whispered : '."You. are prettier, than I am, I know; but can't we be friends, anyway? J never talked to a forelgn pr before. We had Soma dolli from China " in our department ' several wcelts ago, but I couldn't understand what they said. How do ' you shut your eyes that way when you He down? How nice It U." Bright Byes eat up and looked at the flat little painted face of Dorothy Jane with evi dent amusement. ' : "You don't pretend to call yourself a Christmas present,' T'ljopeT" she said. "You must have been put to gether In the dark. ; I don't see what pleasure you can And in existence." . "I believe that I am happier than you are tonight," said "Dorothy Jane, but her Hp quivered. . ' --t ' - - "Why?" asked Bright Eyes, "Don't you know that I am going to live In" one of the finest houses in the city, and "be shown to members o Uw '.'- 400?'" ''":'-':y- .'-';: 'A ' "What do you mean ijy tile 'OO?'" Queried DorotHy Jane, r r ; "You poor, teglected, uneducated little thins," said Bright Eyes. L "Tell . niei where are yotr going, any way!" --r-v., j am g0ing to little Jennie Reed, ' whose mother does washing for a llv Ing. I am so anxious to see her, be- cause her mother, when she bought me, told the clerk that Jennie had not been very well since her papa "died, and she hoped that I would cheer her up on Christmas Day. If Jennie 5s 1 11CCSS The loving wishes of a friend That cornea today. Af Christmas time In future years And all jtbe other days beside May life for you always- provide; "' Its laughter all unmixed with tears s At Christmas time . - - In future years. : W. R. Murphy, , In Christmas Nicholas. -. . -v.. St. love Bright Eyes wa3 lauguing. by this timo, and interrupted to say, "You must be a missionary rag baby then. How funny!" - "That's what I am," cried Dorothy, "and unless Jennie expects too much of a rag- baby, I believe that I will make her happy. Do you think' that the little girl . where you are going will love you?" . , . . Bright Eyes moved uneasily in. the box and was slow, to answer. Finally she said: "I don't know whether she will love me or not. I don't care. I am pretty and they will show me to everybody. I like the in high society, and won their loving use." . '1 Dorothy Jane knew nothiug about soctety and did not fully understand Bright Eyes' ;idei-of life.. All she M A DONAgCON TIJ MPLATION could thlnU about ' was tfenuio Recti, and whetheror Vhot . thevwould . be k.nnu AMntUf . urn that lfcr Piwnrh. r-rirtTto assistant, a, the wagon sudden pea,; it ; siartieff'JJoroioy., sane, .r she had about made up. her mind to j tell Bright Byes that sha bad missed. entirely the "object of llfo-when she made love secondary. -All she had time to say. at she put art unshapely rag hand in one of Brfght Eyes, was, "Make that little girt love you." But Bright Eyes tossed her head scornful ly as Bill ran with her up the brown etone steps." "If you ever get up into High society call jdn 'me " were her parting words",j.J!;ri 'Vv'- C-'jr 2 Bill-"complained ;s bitterly HoS the driver about being overworked, after ne naa nanae(( roiny jano overw Mrs. -Reed, on.,ie ,Bfth IftSf df-the East Side .tenemant .bcu's?M.rS,' Iteea took the rag baby'and tiuletly-'fatfher fn the flreplac. facins Jennie's little bed. .'."' - '. ; When Iri'ee'liad iilsaert the sleeping chUd .titjk .Wjitoed.'oiit of 'the room, Dorothy Joekcd around f6T t1ier Christmas wlvalat -. M. flrst;she;Bai. no one elsei nd bean.to.le.e the,r: sponalbllity which had been, thrust up on her of beingVlittle JennieJa1 whole Christmas; Finally "however, ae spied a little piik capdy -dog, and he told ber that he, too, was therelor Jennie.-. . . The next morning Mrs. Reed peep ed Into the room in time to- see Jen nie jump- around In' an ecstacy of joy. with DorothJ Jane clasped -close to her breast and the pink candy dog in her hand. .- The affection of tbehild for Doro- thy' Jane grew from day to day, until the neighbors talkeiabout It. Wher ever Jennie went, iQorotby Jane wai with ner. ' ' 1 Bright Eyes', on the other hand, had a hard time" of It. When she arrived' at the house she found that there were many other, presents costlier than her- self,, and, moreover; a little old rub- ber.doll was the favorite of her mis-V tress. ; . - " V. . ' ' I liiiiHi ill show me to ' Al1 ner- visions of coming out Into ments were $3,582.197.10,. leaving -a Idea of moving fashionable society faded away before , balance of-$112,95. la .the Edura n't worry about a week had Pa8?ed- Sno nver went . tion Fund the 'USiHyeit-began with out of doors, but ley tucke'd away in , a balance on; hand Jdf $7,392.08, re- a closet, one aay, jip, a nuie iot terrier, ' mistook -her for something else. Before he . was through the 1616-1688 jioom was 'gone tfropl her cheeks and heT hajr ahd one arm- nvere chewed off.- So the next day--Bright 'Eyes was AH lookine over the top; of the ash ZTSS Jennie Reed, with Dorothy Jane. In her- arras, rang the basement bell. She -had come to get the washing. Bright Eyes recognized Dorothy at once and called out with all her for mer hautlocss crushed and broken: "Oh, you dear old rag baby; you were righf ..after , all." , Thea Jennie "Went away, and the dolls never' met again. New York Mail and.Expsss Christm Chimes. ' By Arthur Stringer. m . f. From town and' tower, with taOA ' tune. ' ' - 31 Where that dim golden boat the.mnLttU.ty'be returned as to Dan ''Foot'' ': Drifts iiow:j' down the night. . il I ?oble, the-aged fastest of the dead . '-. I Like: startled birds,; it BWlhES - 1 'climbs. Alone, aloud, afar;- - A V 'A thousand-pinioned flock -pfv-thltilfts - Tia't Joat (raht star to stjtr.-4 1 So'tf rfrf-tt'-Atldf.' tlWQ.'tl!j5 Vbfdtm' -V .of .peaes ,t 4est hf -gifjSTf meni ' t ,C . .' ' -.. ". --.',;- Mount .'.isporis, - near , Clenwood Springs Colo'. H.S0O feet above aea level! is To" be made Into a summer to sorf; Arrtftng the unicue attractions will bo the perfection of a nat'tra) to bossau slide. .- . - NORTH CAROLINA INjBRIEF dootob 'ajxpe to jail. Well-Saown Birtherford County Man Gets 15 Months ia Federal Prison. ' Charlotte, Speeia'lllr'. ' IS. A. W. Haines, well known'" in Rutherford county, where be it, a practiciag:' phy sician, haa been sttUenced ,io spend fifteen months in a feilesal, prison for violation of ihe internal .reventnt laws. ' The case of Dr. laines-is-a father unusual occurrence, and as be is a man of some prominence iif' bis' sec tion, his sentence will come all .the more as a surprise,, but Judge Boyd has demonstrated tat hewill ;Hbw hew close to the. line, -and -let the chips take careof tlieincelves. . ' Dft. Haines s,TvoreJha't he had gone in search of a'min to coHeet-moneys and that he 'had beffn directed, to the. spot, where the stiil Va8" f oniid,' and tlint he had nothin; '.whatever to do with the operation oft ,tlie spine; H was not arrested.J'uit'il 'iiumrtiml af ter this, wlien he iv;. bond x'or his appearatiafe' jW..U;rnt.b.. court here. The go'v.erTi&eaC'iitcsst's however claimed that the -dj! tor was' interest' ed in the disiMsititfi of the whiskey: He was also fined.' t lie sum of one hundred dolrars. .'i ' "' State Treasurer's Book Examined. The Legislative'f'ominjttee' having iii charge ihe examination- -of-, the books, accounts; ami voiiehere-of -the State Treasurer' oflice.. conjpletfld their work last" wet k and found no errors. ' . 1 -'f;"':. The financial .report is as to the General-Fund, starins; tte fiscal veiir on December flj-st, 1(I8, with $o5Cy 020. 34, recciptsV'xit $:),i30,087.21, total of $3,695,108.15. The disburse- I Mna TO AlUt M ''inairinv tntnl at $79,828.89. ,',The. disbursements were $08,909.40, leavjiig'r balance of $10,. 919.43. The .total 'balance in the treasury1 aftc? the. transactions of the past hveft-e'HfaWna-is $123,830.48. Confessesdiceyir Yeats Ago. Aaheville, Jeciflifter -ft lapse of sixteen years ir.ertin the mur der of. Ling Gin,J Chiftnan, who. was killed in the tijoimtal&i of Madi son County late r ipvember, 1893, C. Morria. ' resigns in oeke Coun- - . 7 ,5 p- . ; fy, Tenn.,1. made a confession giving the names of thos concerned in the murder of. the Chinaman. . , : It is said by Deputy Sheriff B'.: A. Green, of Coeke County, that Morris supposing himself i to be dying, - re cently confessed to bis physician that two men, whose names he gives, kill ed the Chinaman, and that he (P. C. Morris) then hauled the body into Tennessee to conceal -it, and that later two Madison County men drag ged the body to the place where it was found. To Survey For .New Road. Wilmington, .Special. It is learned here from a very authentic source that the Atlantic Coast Line direc tors at their meeting in New York recently authorized the survey for a new' line of railway from Harts ville, S. C, via McBee, S. C, to Monroe and thence to Charlotte, also another survey from Wadesboro to Monroe. It is" believed that these tire preliminaries of important railroad developments expected to take place in the two States within the near future. ":- The Cpast Line? and Norfolk ft Western are now bnilding the South bound from Winston to Wadesboro, a connection of tbe. Atlantic Coast Line, and the surveys now authorized are regarded quite significant in the same connection. ? . A Large Purchase of Sugar. ' Winaton-Salera, Special. The larg est sale of sugar in one lot ever made in North Carolina, :'proably, was that made here by J.' A. Glenn, of this city, representing ft St. Louis concern, and tbe R. B. Horn Com pany, candy manufacturers, were the purchasers. The firm purchased in one order 547,500 pounds of clarified sugar. . f,t i-v.::- ; --v.,-'-. Elliott Oatt.Tin Years . Greensboro, Special.The jury in Guilford superiors court returned & verdict ' of ' ' manslaughter against TTiram Ellintt;. whn'Wnfl inrliotpH fnr n,nJa in i ha flat AarrnA fni, IXIIImw i his brother-in-law, Simpson Cobles in Greene township, November 9.. Iu his ' charge to the grand jury Judge Biggs instructed that- a verdict of not man .aiiVtk Ttat llwLiafAH a a an aaaaej r. utter, the "EllibUwas sentencefl 'the peni- ufiary .for. five years and will euterj nrpofrhls.sentence at once. ? LVnK-'ror-rnoue Bniidings. - .Washington, v. Ca Special. Sena- tot. Overman has introduced bills for' publie : buildings at , Waynesville,4 Shelby and Rocky Mount, Appropri ations of $3U,ouu are asked on. each of these buildings. , j .- ri.. Kew $10,000 EoteL", . -Korth Wilkesboro, Special. -A company, has been organized here to build a new .fl0.i ' J hotel at Lithia Springs. Work t the. braiding. U to be begun at o Southern Educational Associa tion to Gather Th's Month. MANY SUBJECTS ON PROGRAM. The Associations is Almost s Exten . sive as That of the National Edn- Cational Association. Charlotte, N. C, Special. The next meeting of the Southern Educa tional. Association will be held here 6pthe 28, 29 and 30 of this month. This J will be one of the largest, irio'Sf important and notable educa tional gatherings that ever assembled in the South. The last meeting at Atlanta .was the largest in its his tory. The association has been large ly reconstructed and . has now de veloped .-sin, organization almost as exteuswe as that 01 the National tt ueat&n&l Association. 'Amo"f(gJfhe subjects that will be dwssed in the general session are ifi'eYollowing: Educational ideals and problems of the New South as com pared with the Old South', the indus trial development of the South the .development ot Southern rural lite and puLlic schools in relation to it: the movement for the improvement of school houses and grounds; the 'call for 'educational citizenship; nat ional aid to Southern schools; educa tional legislation and jn-ogrcss during the year; 1 lie trend of state admin istration to public schools; present status of illiteracy" in the Southern Slates; methods of state add local taxation for public schools; present conception cf negro education in the South; methods of educational cam paigns; the service of 1 he state uni versity; present status of college ed ucation; higher education of women; the movement for the education of adults; the supervision of rural Jk)o1s; the improvement of teachers; Southern summer schools; develop nien.t 'Of rural high schools; second ary agricultural, education in - the South; secondary educatiou in. Eu irope; European and American trade schools, e't.e.. Tbe most progressive Southern university,-cojleges and normal schools will make " exhibits of their equip ments, special, facilities, etc., hear ing : especially upon the professional preparation of teachers in secondary -and elementary scTTffpls. ;' Some of the Southern inEITial h.' " "l "eraniary -.. derearten schcolsill- v exhibit the. work' they liave done. .': '-v;:,,,".-: The railroads have granted half rates and hotels-will also give special rates. Charlotte, is a large com mercial and industrial center, and an excellent place for meeting. Madris Will Accept Office. Managua, Nicaragua, , Special. -Jose Madrid, judge of the Central American court of justice, at Carta go, who has been put forward as can didate for the presidency to succeed Zelaya, received an euthusiastim re ception on his arival here. Long be fore he reached the capital Madris was the object of cheering crowds. He was met by delegations from var ious departments, and acclaimed all along the way from Corinto to Mana gua. I shall accept the honor which has beeii offered me. I am not the candidate of Leon,, but of the entire republic. My chief concern will be to appease the ancient sectionalism which has divided certain localities." To Meet In Charlotte. Charlotte, N. C, Special. There is to be held in Charlotte Tuesday, Jan nary 4, a meeting of all the cotton yarn spinners of the South and rep resentatives of the leading commis sion houses of the North, for the pur pose of considering conditions in the cotton yarn trade with the view to securing a better price o'f yarns. Superintendent and Guard Indict i Atlanta, 'Special. -After a rigid in spection of conditions in . the city prison a grand jury indicted Super intendent D. M. Vining and Guard P. Corner, and pronounced the con ditions "inhuman, incrediable and rile." The jury's report told of overpowering . stenches, ; itifectious filth, torture machines .and-Other al leged horrors seen in tie, men's Bnd tbe women's quarters, white Paid Homage to,. Leopold. Brussels, By Cable. The body ot King Leopold lay in state in the roy al palace Sunday, while thousands who had patiently waited their turn 'to be admitted, filed silently before ; the catatalqua and paid nomage . to their late sovereign. In the' pres- j euce of Prince Albert and the officers sod dignitaries of the court and gcv enmeut, the coffin bad been borne to the mortuary chamber, while priests chaflted the Miserere and a .proces sion, of nuns, .with; C.-bended: "heads, told the" rosery; for the .dea."!.The eeermonie8 werS 'eTabcrateC , ' .: .- ; Standard OU Tilas Appeal ' St. Louis Special The appeal of the. Srandarcl ;Oil Company of .)Iw Jersey, its subsidiaries and the seven individuals, against whom the goveni "iceat recently won its dissolution suit in . the United States circuit, court, was .filed here. : Sixty-fi ve instances in which the circuit court is alleged to have erred are cited as-reasons for taking the case to the supreme court of tho United States - -, iki ipnonin nisiQ IllilU LLUI ULU U1LJ IS SUDDEN COLUPSE f Belgian Crown Passes to Albei A. Leopold, His Nepiisw. sr. I HEW RULER IS VERY POPL'LS Ti'lncc Albert nnd Oilier Itelatives Ii.vcludcd I'rom (he Itooin of (tie Dying Monarch S:i?cuint)S to Shock of Itec-cnt Operation. Brussels, Belgium. The death cf Kins Leopold is being mourned throughout Belgium, hut it is with Ereat relief that the -people v.-elcome thcr ascension of rria?o Albert I.en- pold, and hi3 beautiful wife, former Princess Elizabeth ct vatla. The Kin; ilisrl at 2.."" .". r.i. ngej .".nil wasted body being in to stand the strain jiut ii!):i it. tbe !.'-: , 1.; :aol' T in niti- collacse came suddenly r.nJ rt nient when the (locloi-3 fcminsly had the greatest hope fu:- his rernvery. Thrcnshoiu tbe nijlit lml!et'i:s is sued from til? sic:; rnniii I'ldicat .1 progressive iiiiprnv.-r.K-nt. Apparent ly the drainage of ihe wound was fect, as no fever was present, and liir Kins had h?en able :o take no-.irish-ment. The public at I.t-; was satisfied that the KinR was on the io."d la ;e covery. but nl:;.in the pavilion v.'heie the Kinp; lay th-:-e was a feel ins of anxiety, chiefly became of Leopold's feitfiii asc Af!:-v a reslful day Ih" patient was able to sleep for a brief reriod. Eut toward 2 o'clock alarm lug symptoms appeared. Suddenly the Kin? turned and called to Dr. Thlriar; ".rctoufie, rioc teur, J'etouffe" (1 am sufocating). Dr. Dease wa? suuimnned and the two physicians did cverythiUR possi lile to prolong life, but without avail. The end came quickly end, after a spell of weakness, pearnfuJly. Prlnre Albert arrived at the de!ftn bed about twenty-five minutes later. He was accompanied by Princes 1 Clementine. Albert kissed the Cer.cl King and left the chajnber ween-In;. Baron Goulnet. the Kings pecretary. started immediately for Brussels to notify tbe members of tbe royal fam ily. I H appears that the enactors "were totally unprepared for sweh a fatal termination. It was a .nnk acting a a nurse tone first notlcedlthe heavy breathing of the King. Khe called Dr. Thlriar to tbe bedside Both Doc tors Tbirlar and" Dease Ltea t Injections of morphine, butt hese ha. no effect. -'': -, -'' I cini- lo-arri-vs iu ins aeHLUcuar i being the royal chaplain, the i iRters remained In the ehanfber for a considers bl e fime. discusstfig the and- den death an inu matters pi state in sut- dued tone. . C J There beins no dJrecUheredltary heir, the crowu passes to Prince Al bert, . the only .son of Leopold's brother, the. late Philippe, Count of Flanders. 'The' new monarch -was born April 8,xltJ5, and ou October 2, 1900, married Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria; They have three chil dren, Prince Leopold, eight years old: Prince Charles, six years old, and Princess Marie Jose, .who was born August 4, 1906. Prince Albert is one of the most popular members of the reigning house of Belgium. His wife-is equal-: ly popular, their home life being such as to attract the admiration and love ot the people, - FOUB DEAD IJf EXPLOSION'. Powder Blow-Up Starts Fire at Mine, M..ki. ta vi.nn Hnmeie... Making 70 People Homeless runxatswney, Pa.Four foreign ers were, killed, seventy others made homeless and one mortally injured In a fire which destroyed House No. 0 at the Frostburg mine of the Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Company near here. Shortly after the explosion of a keg of powder into which a spark had accidentally "been dropped a greater quantity " of the explosive blew up, anil the two-story building was destroyed. Six families lived in the building, but nearly all succeeded in escaping before the second explosion occurred. The hodles of Joseph Mango, his wife and two children were found In the debris by firemen who were called to the scene ta extinguish the fire, $33O,0Q0vFItpM MISS DODGE. . American VjTeman Made Donation For 'itaiespeare Memorial. ton'doji4 Eng. The pally Mail says it understands that7 the donor ot 1350,400 toward the Shakespeare Me morialTbeatre Jit'-Lbndon was Miss Mary. Hoadley - DoUgc, a wealthy American woman who a year or two ago leased Warwick House at St. James", :,- Miss Mary Hoadley Dodge has lived abroad in recent years. - She is- the daughter of the late Wil lim Earl Dodge, of New York City, wh was long tbe president ot the Young Christian Assoclatioo. - ' "--"-i -: - - - r . Gulcide AfterHQnarrcI With Sister. - After a. quarrel ivlth his sister, at Middletown, N.. Y Ieonard Freer, a former member, of Company h of the Seventh United States Cavalry, Shot himself dead. ' He attacked his sister during 'the .quarrel, ftad -.-Injured her evereiy. . . ,.; . :. . s- : ; Coy Kilh His Grandmother. ffirry Endalr,' Jr., ten year old. 01 fit. Louts, Mo.. accidentallyBhot sad killed his grandmother. Mrs. Jouhl'.Pavne. - Mrs. . Payne was the wiaow ot former RairesentaMve James L, Payne, of Kentucky, one came for St. Louis from her- home in Kentucky to spend Christmas with. Harry's parents. ' "' ".''' To Share King's Estate " S V it Mp.nx - cM -re--In f vJf p'rUed vhn t a larger I handling tbe 1. The Princess louUe, now has begun action to recover share cf King Leopold's estate, l7i:ijivRi:ciPA'QPiQ0FmnP ILLLHin IILUIUIIU IlIU Ul 1 1 iwu. Quit, to Brinj Peace h Ills U.i l;a?py Counlr. j '-I'lcnrngim's Itult-r Unable to Willi" J 6ta.-.d On; ricssirre of Defeat aal iiiii-nean JIo.-si.lii; . iranagua, Nicaragua. Josj Santos Belaya has resigned fro-n tho Presi dency of Nicaragua. Ho plr.crd b'.S leFlgnation iu tne hands of Cjngress. Apraienlly llioro w;-.s m other course fov him ta ta';e. The peophi were at last aroused. The guns of the revolutionists threatened. The warships of the United States lay in -Nicaragnan portp. Managua lias lieca Keethlag (or The si-U-it of revolt haa spraf '1 even to tao giti ot t'.i ralae?. Be laya fiurrcunded hiniseif with an arr.i.il guard. Uaf'.ifel;e-'. th.) vopu !jf ! have r.' a rc'i e 1 i '.r.r.i' -'h thi sc-'ci?, c.-ji::g fo.- t'.i; en I of tue olfl, iiroeiaimi-.g lhs n -.v regiin -. Acconn aniug hi.? r?s:auai;on 55? l.iya pent tho foHo-vinj; jnccingJ to ( ,ot!g;TSS : "Tli3 pairf il circuni-Uai'.e? 11 v. bir'i v cuiintry is p 1 u i: 1 rail :'.-!: :!-is of a'i -icgaiinn anil V.at rioiisin on ht part of good iliizens-who'aro ih" v.ii!itsies iu the opprstsioii or the -i;.';.ub!ic i.y '.be heavy bund of fate. -The country Is stagsc-r'n:; ifnde;- a . shameless revolution wbioh thr;atens the Nation's' sovereignty, and a tar oign nit ton unjustly intervenes-In our nffnlrr, piib!i:-ly providingt,he rebels with arms, which has only resulted Igaspw their being defrate-t everywhere through the hero is ui of cur troops. -To avoid further b'.oodsied,. and for the r?ason thai the lrvo'utioplsts ? have declared that they wouldjpufc down their arms when I aiirrsnder tho executive rower, I hereby iiiace-,.. In the hands of tho National Assembly w the abandonment of the remainder ot r my term of office, which is to be lifted by a substitute of their choosing, with . ' . the hope that this will rpsult in good to Nicaragua, the rp-estaTjlisiinient,t' nFa"C. and particularly the suspension of tbe hostility of the United States, v tD which do not wish to give a pre v I text fo:- Intervention." J(- . .' v.'. A committee of five Represenfa-' lives was appolated to draft a bill tm i accept Kelaya's reaignatioa, which Is v , now considered a- niero formality; , r V There Is no Coubt that Congress will ' t act quickly on ths resignation; for the . l' people nave aemaaaea u.----- '" . H.l.p.-. AALinn I,.. Hnl a r V fl' Zelaya's acsion hsa not eerved'to abate the publl"ppoaitloa ta Dr. lUadrlz. now senzraiW-TOoteea us" ce,rtala to be trlr-r J,iiHXTfT - r iSpfefidHr Court. federal Ciifirt oi Fraiid' m Kew York Clty. Tea' hours "after ; it retired the Jur that had been tr in Ing tbe sugar underwelghlng -frauds casea In the Criminal Branca ot ton United States .Circuit Court returned a verdict of guilty against all the de fendants except James F. Benderna gel. On Bendernagel the jurors were unable to agree. The verdict of guilty-: returned against the other men was tempered by a recommendation to. the mercy of the conrt. Those convicted are Oliver Spltzer, former superintendent of the Sugar Trust docks in the Williams burg refinery, and Thomas Kehoe, John R. Coyle, Edward A. Boyle and Patrick Hennessy, who were checkers employed by the company to assist the Government weighers In weighing car goes of sugar Imported by the Sugar Trust. Stlmson had told the Jurors before they retired that unless they convict, el the men it would be useless for the Government to attempt to go ah ter men "higher 5" in "0-8um Trust. WOMAN DEAD, K .TEEN HURT. v Mrs. Alice D. Bennett, it Hartford, Victim of Arizona Wreck. Flagstaff, Aris. In a railroad wreck at Winona, Ariz., Mrs. Alice D.. Bennett, of Hartford, Conn., was killed and eighteen other passengers were Injured. A Coroner's jury 13 trying to learn what became ot a large sum of money said to have been carried by Mrs. Ben nett. The collision was a rear-end. one between Santa Fe Limited and the . ; Overland Passenger, both-east-bound. 1" , . Hartford. Conn. Mrs. Alice D. Bennett was the -vtfe of James B' Bennstt, ot East Hartford. She let? it ' here on October 4 to visit her sister In Le Grand. Cel., and. had started for ; home. She leaves a husband and two -SOUS, Vv :-'A " iMgMMSkMMSSHMSWal - v S 2 KILLED, 8 HURT IN.GEOBGIA. ' Northbound Passenger 'Train Crashes. - Into a Second Class Train. Macon, Ga. Two persons were killed, one fatally injured and seven - more or less seriously hurt when a Central ef Georgia northbound pas senger train at Harris City, Ga., s crashed into the combination second class baggage and mail car of train -No. 42, eastbound, of the Macon and Birmingham road. -' The dead are: W. A. McCaurde, a . ; brstrnder, of Harris City; J. L. W'Wtv iams, a bystander, ot Harris City. . Fatallj- .hurt: - H. C.;Rwls, joint ticket agent, Harris Clty t The accident occurred a't the cross- ing of the two roads ami ve -due tp a froeUd track. . , - "' ''' ? " '- NEGP.O jnXS TCri50riCfi"TIiACK " ;-' ''-.;' "; ; '. ': :-'.''- ,: first of ills J.r Jo'.C'et "SrtiCll-a Pcsli tioa la Etaui.i.ii. W. 'Eloonfla:. K.. J. V't: ' the tv Urns la the hist-ry off. ' r!no-.J!e'J, postoffics tiers is a: nr. o c- .:. 3.3 is Edward Da'-al an1. ie H t ' Of Newark. DnvcV r service examicat age, jObMv' i 1 (