r.iT fv. ". .1,1 t. A i t THE - Publithtd vry fhwday by tht. J. N. W. E. FlNLEY, EDITOR. On Vr. . Six Month ' I.OO Enttred ht &tm?-tlm mmX wviHpT Jn la. 1907. aithaJTutorftce mi Marfan. N. i Caufcr THURSDAY, sDJJC, 23rd, J9&. The First Chrlstmat Tree Tbe meadows .glistened, white aiong. the 'banks "'of. the river Moselle; steep hillsides blooming with fragrant r forget-me-nots, where the' glow of the setting sun ' cast long shadows down " " their astern slope, , near the cloister, of Pfalzel, still blue in the east,, violet in the west; si lence all. : ' ''-' id the Cloister, too, there , was silence at the sunset hour. AH day- there had been. a joyful - stir amongst the nuns. "A breeze of curiosity arid ekcitement" had sweptJ"alontg the corridors and through -'eVery quiet celt. A famous visitor had come ' to the convent.-. It - was V?infried ,.o( England:-: whose . Roman name was Boniface and whom men cal led the apostle of Germany. A great1' ipreacher. ' a " wonderful scholar;' but more than all daring traveller, a venturesome pilgrim, a priest of resource. He bad left his estate in Wes aex'i he . would hot stay fn - the ajich mcttasteTy; he ' had' refused abishobric. " Nothing. would con tent him but.to tfo. out into the wild wopu and. preach to the heathen Through the wild Woods and fprests4 he had wandered for years, witn. a nanaroi or com panions, slepin'g under the trees. crbsaWg mountains and marshes, now hrei D07 there., never satis . fid with) ease ,,anq piforft aT waysrin, love with hardship &n'& danger.:;"' ' ' -'-,'!? Whsrfarinatf' wasMief': Fair anclsfight ftutatraight as, sjga,r and 'strong' as an oaken sta,ff. '., ' t.Wbafe taie8ie,tolf .that, day! ef mireces,wr6uglit' by a ced relKs; Jtot "bfcoiirteAnd . counsels andp7endid cathedrals, tho' he knew at - these, things. Jnt 4&day;iVhf epoke: -of. . long eea and Una; of flood; of wolves Vctegnowstonr- 4 and .narrow escapes from mur 1 The1 "little Novices gathered uroirrid hinvSffcb 'fear in.. their faces. The older nuns patv.turn e4 from their tasks and .paused; ; But 4tae- .tfondeitful ..flay., was .(OSWnd alJ, gathered around for ,the scrlpturs.pf the hisfht. ' It is"my granddh's turn today1, - said the stately Abbess: wc shall . Xtid thfe'tioy'read from;. Jerome's 'version oi the scripture and . the y oag; ypice yang . out without slip J3B stumbling' to the end 'of ;"the chiptet." " ' ' j ': ' " . ' I'"'- Dnderstain'dest thou "what thpu -'readresi, BBy 'Soni-.said Winfried:- .H.SurelyiiatherjrWiid. the, boy, j it1 i(4t was tanghtjme.by the, niastersi . at Treves and we have read the ,epistre from begidniritf'to ;;end.1 ButWinfHed stopped 'him with; I'-a friendly ' lifting- bf the hand.; 'X Not so, 'my-lad, when we pray '"we-ifipeafei to God.:, When we r rei -jGo4 speaks tp us and the C,jboyhlushe4 i anj4" said; talked th& - jl-ltaer, ahd( read it, tome; I, cannot .see tbe i&eanftig iA&ln. J-, Jbpugh ,r Ibe the found, of 'the . ikfiO , w miriea wok mib dooh- ana .i'rt ,closed it ciaspibi the bby's -TL'itheif vesoers i. Tbeo iWrnfrJed begfti tOtrnsr 1 ?o ktte.the parable : of. the ; soldiers Jrinto the reaHtUf 61 Me. ; ,; , i At very turn he, knew bow to . . - . v . 1 - . .j ; nasn nw . nni,,into. toe . pic. tnTA but of his o wn exberiehtieJ -. t - - - .u.;.l-Li; 1: ni-.n. 1 ...u 1 ir u . r . w.iiim niirtiLi so peacefuf ana,, qiiet...; if )$ V -garden of Jlower,in the heart bf 't wjnter.,t4d ti ;s reugton wild hills -of central' Germany. At' the head marched Winfried clad in tunic of fur. Close be side him, keeping step like a fa miliar comrade, was the Young Prtuce Gregor. ;'' : Behind the leaders came a pair' of, teamsters guiding a rough sledge, loaded with food', 'Cast of all came the rear guard arm ed with bows and javaliris. The travellers were surround ed by an, ocean of trees. " . .Woulds't thou not camp here, said:.Gregor. Nay, said 'the father, we must go on. And so he wink the trees that Had fallen in the way, they pres sed on until they came to a vil Jage.of houses but also silent and atul. though the Silvery moon shed its wierd light over all. They passed it'arid oh thi-ough the deep forest until they came to a huee oak tree that crowned a knoll, v Here, cried Winfrled, is the .Thunder Oak and here the Cross Of Christ shall break the hammer of the false God.Thor, ' A' great throng of people bad fathered around a . great fire whose smoke obscured the moon. 'The' travellers paused lor a while at the edge of the thicket and took counsel together. ,. It is, an assembly of the tribe of which I had news three days ago said one of the foresters. They will feacH8ceira horse, drink the blood and eat its flesh to make them strong. It is at the peril of our lives if we go near. '. Nay, said Win'ried. Hide me no cross, for I have come to show it and to make these blind people see its power. Then Winfried's voice rang out, '.'Hail, ye sons of the forest! A'stranger claims the warmth of 'your fire in the winter night." 'Who are you?". . said the old prest." "Your kinsman in the brotherhood from far off England and a message I have from the 11' Father whose messenger 1 am.': . '' . ' ' What miracles do you work? None have what he has done by his Son-. . ' Stand aside, thou common man. .This nigM'fentbe 'death flight 'of the sun God, Baldur, the beauti ful. 'beloved of Gods and men. ThiS!n1gfc the greatoTChor.the God; of . tmfader. and war, to whom this .great oak is dedicated iif grieved tnd dexnandS:.rBv.Sacri- nee: 'aid the old. man, is the here is the chosen one; t son of the Chief, tbe the . people, and .the ught .forth a comely utiful ot form and jfeca ..daHir-, and bear a ' message .to -Here, sacriaci the eld' darling priest. !ad,: in each sid of the oakv Firmly they ttrasped tue axe helves aud Swung ttie shining olades. Tree godj cr.ed Wiofned, art thou angry?- thus we smite thee! A uugtuy rumoliag noise came overhead and seized the mighty oak and laid it low. And here his eye Xell ou a. young fir tree strait and green.-. Here is the living tree, said he... No more shait ye go into ..the forest to keep your festal time but in your nomes. ... 1 The thunder oak has fallen and X thins the. day is coming when there shall not be a . home th alt Germany where the , child ren are not gathered ai-ound the green tor tree to .Tejoice in the birth night of Christ.- So thev. took- the little fir tree aud joyfully bore it to the glade and village and when they came to the house, of Gundoar he bade them throw. open the doors of the hall and place the tree in the midst. The, .children en- circled .it, . .wopdei:ing, and the the j 'thfi 'oth'eW td r leat' tbeir :liecotDe .rf tnd.meditatidn. - . ' ' , 1 '" ! 5be'caIledfV6v',;;,.;.,.'; 'I tie boy's eyes, t ; a tied, -: He 1 f i Li3.-rrand,at.therr phe , it. s .. i reea mm. , . ' ia-ait into her r-'said, b. dear . L:-tbou wilt not ' i ri la I -will, go 1 lvafoQt.s,.; : - - " i w - t-, t ! ; ' "Tsy s i ' the 1- 1 i a .t Yes Priest, I -will go if.; my. father bids me. Is it far1 away?: Shall I run quickly The - boy's father, Cbiefton Gundbar, leaned upon his spear until it craqked. His wife,. Irnia, bending for ward from .the"'. ranks-of the women pushed back the -golden hatf.'with one. hand from her forehead. , Yes, my Prince, both bow and spear-sbaltthou have, for the way is dark and for time.it must be made blindfolded.. . . . s ! .. ', Naught fear, said the boy, for I am Gtrndbar's son -ancL defend- , 1 . er of my folks. The old man led the child itt'his''raiment:of lanb's wool to' a broad stone ih'frbnt' of tbe fire.' He bound his eyes; all drew ..fleaf;, Wihfried inoved noiselessly uhtil 'be' stood close behind the priest. ' .. The old man stooped to lift a black hammer of stone from the ground-rthe sacred hammer of ThOr. . Summoning his strength he whirled it through the air. It paused for ah jlnstant above the child's fair fcead then turned to fail." - ' .' ::' ' '- : ' One keen cry shr-lled out where the women' stood: "Me, take me, not Bernhard." ' ; T T The flight of the' mother to ward her child was' swift as fal con's fjgjop. , Rutswifter still was the Mnd of tpis..deliverer. ' '- : Winfrieds heaty staff thrust hnhrhtily against' the hammer's nndie M It ieMoniae corner 01 . .. The old:i?ie'st crouched" doWn awestricten. Then the cbiefton struck the ground vjrith his spear and gave. his decision. , . . All have spoken .but none are ttgnrai lucre la uu ( . iu the council. Keep silence bow and let the stranger speak. Hfs words shall give "Us" judgment whether he is to Uye or to die : Winfried lifted himself high above the altar and drew a roll of parchment from his bossom. A letter from the great Bishop of Borne. :'-;""-' -' . - " "' ' .-A -munnur of 1 awe. swept through iua Assembly .-. It was a splendid message, proud, Mti-ong, eacvfal, loving. Tell us your message, jsaid the chief. v': My message, safd .Winti ied,; is that hot a divp of blood' shall fall tonight save that which, pity has drawn f-vm the heart of your prince.i in love for tier child. ' ' Noi a life snail be blotted out in (iickuss lonijctit 'out fie "treat "it' -jw of the tree w I ich liid you from the Mht ! vti su i:l be swept away. 'i . j i.-.fu t thur places, one by' f ncrljfetion' ' paays-trylp? uxapy dociort nd'2U0.00 worth' .of medicine ta vin,-B. F. Aycue, of Ingleside, If. -C.. .t last used Dr. Kinir's New Life '.Pitts aud writes that the wholly cured ness, Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver Kidney, and Bowel troubles. 25c. at Reddion tt. RoberU' '. . ; ' odor of the balsam Jfaid honsp: . Then Winfried: stood beside the chair of Gundbar and told the story ;of. fBethlehem; of the br be in the manger, of the shep herds On the bills, of the host of angels and their midnight song. Ail the people listened, charmed into silence. .. But the boy, .Bernherd, on Irma's knee, folded in her soft arms, grew. restless as the story lengthened and began to prattle soitly at bis mother's knee. Mother, whispered the child, why did you cry out so loud, when the priest was going to send me to Valhalla? Qh hush, my child, answered the mother and pressed him clos er to her side. ... Mother, whispered the child; agaib laying his finger on the stain upon her breast, see, your dress is red! What are those stains?. Did some one hurt you? The mother closed his mouth with a kiss. Dear, be still, listen! The boy obeyed. His eyes were hea-y with sleep. But he heard tlie last' words Of Winfried as he spoke of the angelic messengers flying 'over -the huls. of Judea and singing as they flew. The child wdnderedand dream ed and' listened-. J Suddenly his face; grew bright.- He put tys hps close to' Irma s cheek again. Ql.VmbthinYtte whispered very low, do not speak:' Do you near them? These angels have come back again.' - They--are singing now behind t1i'e"'t'iteei And some saythat wastraey' but others say flint 'it waaVaaly Gregor and Titampi6ns at Mie lower 1 l-itlAnJu.nU. ilieir Annual KipCi i ,ct the BoarH of County ! - 'Y . . ' .11 Annual Report of the receipts and disbursements of the County of Madison for the year beginning December isv iwo; ana "ending November 80th, 1909, made pcrsnant to . Section 1388, Kevisal of 1905. r:-rz ' General County Funcl. ' i f 'w'-fihJ Aim ; :irj;ii Mm !:. ; - i;) '.' " , ' -rii"V.fiv-ii um Iim.',v. IV-. ... ;.V.,i .ii-l from ll' iii-y vs D.. . 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 :8; 8 8 8 8' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 28 28 28. 28, 26. 1 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 '5 ': 5 5 5; 5, 5 147 68 C Ramsey, services as county attorney (4 , DECEMBER, 1908. v, . To balance from hist report.. .-, f,. ii.r. . ,-,0.00 Rv ftmonnt overdrawn from last reports P'd W. C. Ammons and W. H. Henderson, expense atend in nourt at Charlotte. J. E. Reillv warrant of at . tachment , " fvi ....30 60 P'd R. L. Metcalf, fees and half fees. .. . .. ..... ?6b W. C. Ammons; services as commissioner, W. M. Edmonds, fees and half fees"?'. . , .: . John Lisenbee, attending clock . .. 4 , ., ,, ,.8 00 ..iu 00 ..30 00 . ' 4 5o . . 7 00 ..6O60 b pMnu RmiH Munra nnhlihinff Trptlrt reTMirtS . . . .'.17 OO . . 7 6o . . I '50 ;.1685 ; . 6 80. 7 60 , 7 25 ..'20 75 ..12 60 ,.' .'9 bo Sam Buckner, work around court houses G. L. ,Mc;Kiriney, taking' returns to Burnsville ... ' P.' A. McElroy, services as county attorney ... . . French Broad News publishing-Treas. reports., .'. Frencl.Bnod News, stationery Treas, .pffice , . . . French Bi,-oad News, 8tati"bnery,v Register s office. J.. H. White, fees, stamps, "ete-.vw .i ' C. F. Cassada, services as commissionei ... . ... : ... .. H. j.'Jervis, services as. commissioner. James Smart, clerk to board, etc, . Uf-. ....... ... R. J. Rice copying election returns, etc., . . J. .C. .Cbandley, services as commissioner 3 days.'. R. V. Deaver. arasolene tvv .. . . ..... G. L. McKinney, member County Board of Elections" 4 oo Covert 'Fortner, supplies for well house and jail fence 1 25 W. Ht Redmon, feeding jury .,.....'.... . . . . . .'.. ; ' 3 oo Frank. Hamsev. hauling dirt from court hbuse. . .. .. 2 50 G. Wt.Bryan, fees and half fees. . . . ;'.'. . . ;v. . 1 15 .Tampa Guthrie, fees and half fees.... ; -. . . .. 75 Oscar Rector, wood for court house 2 oo John Hdneycutt, janitor.. .. ;.., J26 oo Redmon & Roberts, sponge, etc., supplies for C." H.s 3 35 C. Fv-Cassada. commissioner l.day . .'. 3 80 J. O. Ohkndlev. commissioner ! day.. 4 9o VLJi Jervis. commissioner 1 day . .,. ... N Jam lart, clerk to Board . . . ..... . . w. v . . . .:.' . .' ' - . - . . " JANUARY, 1909 To cash' from G. W. Cole ...... :-iZ ..... ...1000 oo By amount brought forward from last rejwrt. . . ... tU IV. y. ' wit. , i-uj .... - - - T. N.J'Jffles,' step' ladder and lumber; . . . Redmon A Roberts,-toilet paper?'.''. .-. JohntJSf nbee; tending clock four weeks Johnlloneycutt, freight on"coal.V..:; J. H, White, stamps, drayage.'etc . . ... Capitola Mfg. Co., light account jail and Court H'se John Boneycutt janitor. . .. .. S. .? .v.". . . ;.i .'.. .:. ... Geo., Lowe, hauling ....... ' ;V. i"; i a'-'. -.' - H. J Jervis, services as commissioner;. ..'.. i. l. .4 C. F. Cassada, services "as commissioner.--; . . . ....,.,.' J'.'C jQhandley services as commissioner ......... . . 'J. S.- Ray, registrar of election.. .... .... .,..'.-. S. Ray r balance registrar of 1e"ctionV.';'i j .- r James Smart, clerk to Bard, etc isrf 4 60 2 oo 469 78 469 78 50 oo 2 74 1 60 4 oo 66 oo 17 24 50 36 30 oo 60 760 .680 7 90 16 76 5-25 34 91 Freiich JBroad lilews,. publishing Treas. reports, etc. o oo Broad MMJs, gasolene.; .. .. 2 ... , 4 oo 6oo VVil iit'rt French ... n ' ' r.i: vl k-'.L.A. . Vj.FDWPns, services r inairce vmmivw,:. .,,.. -( FrankRpberts, " ;.. -.y'V Zi-l't V r: , ..,l"ff"'V, . ...... 5 -'tUn.SiiljltfllififecB and half teea'H'A CF-Utssa! le 11 annual rwort ., 19 80 da. commissioner ?T?t. . ,V, , trr . u Mj. Jcacoas for; Safety; The Bank of French Broad; MARSH AXJL, N. O. 1 $as,ooo $28,000 ta,ooo Una cpii or - ' Accumulated Profits ' ' ' ' MHLlnc at Toual Of .. which stands, not as the total security, bnt as the irjla tf Mcnrity protecting our depositors. , : . : , - ; 5 ' Every dollar of this must be lost before any depositor can 'lose a penny.' .' ' . ,'. V1--""' ' ''"''' This is a STATE Bank; operated under tbe ' strict baak-. ing laws of North Carolina:- v , ; : ' ' - At least four sworn reports are made each year and this, Bank is examined each' year by the State Bank Examiner Its funis are protected by a modern Burglar Pjroof bteel -safe and vault, and are insured against burglary and sneak'' ' thieves. ( -.- . '.. i"-,.!-, - All of these things, coupled with careful, conservative management, assure the patrons of that supreme safety . which is the prime essential of a good Bank. ... , , . '.i; C. J. N. Ebbs, -A DM JNiJs'nj VTau S NO l a & .H-iji-Mfiililied ,as admiiis .lrjttot'' V -.V-i A..-t'.'K,; 'eceaeu, Inteol yiM,.;..ii 'pajiiy. North Ji'iXHyi.iv7Jii'j'j iojr notify afl fie rsoi i i vu, i ng ) vlauis ugj ititi the estine oC sa U deceased' to exlMOit Uieu to ilie uiulei-signed on Qi' vekxrv tue ).n da,of December 1910, or lb s notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, . .AII; pei,soiis indebted to said estate Will please make immediate. payment;, ' . ' ' f This the -iuin day of Dec. 1909 W. J..Lusk, Adoiuiistrator t-. '.' TU 1 Warth Btatabariar i Wljenaygr you have couyh of bplo. juit.rfoaember that Foley' Hone iuiid TarMfUl.ourelt, Remember the'mude-, f oUsj ' Jionejr irad Tar, aod refiUe !-1 1 onCE ; 'if Koith Carolina 11 11.' 11 11 ii,; 16 18 . 18 .... 21 2i 21 ! 22 22 31 i: 3. Ci'Gharfdlfey, HI J'.'kJervhw . - - . i . t . n -i ... r Mmes'jSmart, ciers: w nor.it.,i; . . ,. ; j Garrett. Franks, fees. . .. ,- v' ; li. B.-ner, putting coal in cells.;.;.. ,,1..!:, . C. J . '.Ebb'Wvices Finance Committee ; Frank Robertsservices Finance;Comniittee. ' W C Ammons, " " . ;-" : " ' Fi'-anktRamsey, unloading jcoal... S. C.; Worley registrar of eifictipn.;:. iifHiei . . J .QChaiydiey...commissitw t; if' tssaaa. .Tamei Kmart., clerk to Board . . f-'-P A. McElroy, fees.in Sann case James Sniailt, clerk to Board -Balance:..;.,'' . . . .' .''. .a .-'S"'T -1 FEHRUARY, 1909 1 ,To baJance,rom last report if . . J, An't from J C'i0baftdlfey,'ccl sold 1 " Am Vf totit S CChandley, fo pump . . . . 28'Anibunt o'vei'drawnyyeij;.;. R ..., . sS-ar of election ISeorge Koenson Dai9J-T: regmirr crviivni . F-SheUon,jrandries cbnrt house.. .. .. r F Shelton, for small poj patien , . . -.T J Henry Roberts, registrar election 2oo 8 bo 1 55 4 60 3 oo 4 oo 33 25 ...:TvTv7: 15 85 uWi;.4 90 7 90 8 80 ' VtK. ....... 25 oo ....... 2 oo "1 !. ...56 46 ... 8 12 .-v. . 5 oo .,.732 17 801 75 1000 oo ; 'Ma'disbn County'.f?.! ,i,, iu buc upct lur jVUitTb ' Bonnie B. Fowler vs. Charley1 Poivler.i i. ''4 ,'Tbe ' defendant above named will take notice that an acti6n entitled as above has been, com menced in the Superior Court: Kfadison eddhty tof dissolve 4 Uuiius VI . UJaviiiuvujf nun - vjifBb; ittg between, olaintiff and .defehQi an. the said defendant will fart.? her take notice that he is required to appear at tbe next term of the Superior- Court of said county to be held tm the; 6th Monday before 1st Monday in . March 1910. at the coart bouse of Sari 4 cbunty -in Marshall, N. llnl ansWeV or demnr :. to the- plair.t in said action, or the t fi tiff will apply to the court i r the' relief demanded in said c'ui-l - This 2uth day of Dec. 19o9.' J. H. WHITE . Clerk of tbe Superior Court, ....,13 83 . . ,.' 6' oo .... 9 6o 4...10 95 ;.:.2294 H n Wnldruu. registrar: of. election. '. ....... t... ., .... ; 21 64 'Arthur Brownr-judge oX.election.. '.,.;....':'."."..; 2 oo H.T Hackney Coal Co. .coal.. ... ..................0000 225 860 J H WbJtjrta.mps,eXT.eWv.....x.....vViw C F Rnnhioh; Indvlnrr dM- fc.VA'i1iV.V?i.;wstt 00 l.n. A Wnrlov ml irt of election ....... . '. . . . . V. ' 4 OO vm; y ' ,7" . . .. .. . . . ;V7". '890 195 Van S$niWjade otele tion ty, v V " Frank'Ramxeymovlfigdirt .. ;.y . J . L.. ..;. if. . f M iiJoh Uwnb.ee, tending clock and electrical glooes . , 4 40 2. .,'. Rnv I. Giidirer. fees-ahd null tt;-!iAvt -ii.i I9 W 2 t 'VrH:a6nyedtti Jttofe?v.wp-ntA-4v'VV.'! 9 .1 r. Runapv. rtiuntv attorney . . . . '. 9 1 n w1i.A7LAii fe(i-ifr'woiMity attorney. 40 oo f w H HeiidepwnTexpensetiltfMwahh'caaeVpeW 45,1 2 . "Bftlf.'THrish & Co.vsrt grate bars for -.boiler . . . ,81 da 4 , (bounty CbnYh11stOers,.twdyl f '.TiviitiiiKn frortneui1 T N Janw: fws.and half fees'.'.,.. ... i'-.C.' W R Odell, fee ;'!'4 'arf1feW.V..Vl' ..'-a; Ju.su-. 1, .' 5.5. and 81 ays, tor one j.. . ....... James smart, cieru 10 pu.'. .t .. . .. ... ..h.. ''M'-Jataes B;TAddbrson, bailifl( oBcer election. . . . .. . .L . , C Worleyv balance rexiMrat'' election;. !i , EW HensLey , judge of May elect ion. ... . , .,v .',26Tto 8i5 1 25 525 1 25 : w H hderson- tvpewraing, postage, etc;.. 5 80 Patterson Reece, judge of election . ."V :i . f 4 00 Walkeiv Evan & Cogswell DOOKsw Kegj onioe maw th;r Wardrup, registrar 01 ichoq, v .,iw,v 3 Chahdley; commissioner., .i.-. . .. -.. 4 90 T.' it Mhrtnkte.' iadife 6f election '. ;,';. .Yivt. 4 ..... ; 4 00 - B B Guthriev t j "-1- t......j4..: 25 - RfaryCantrelt fees ad talfJees ;. 44.;.t 90 Atnuionsj work tjmalerial, Pawner Fardbrrlde 10 49 rwA;cs.i, iauy ' ' h 7 r f i 17 n . . .4 . .i . s 1 o . .;.romeetlw.v-.'w.iM ..U-4?.2 . - - -;-cf wWcttojkyjj-. 5.25 , , . ... ..,.1 .-v. v.- :f 00 amount ovc U S T. IJ C w' NOTICE North Carolina, Madison County. In Superior Court. administrator of I. Ebbs, deceased, vs. Mildred E. Ebbs, W. S. Ebbs, Hattie Brown and. husband, Arthur Brown, Lillie Hill and husband D. B. Hill, E. B. Ebbs, Horace Ebbs, Laura Martin and hus band McBee Martin, Dora Ebbs and Mary.Ebbs. Mildred E. Ebbs, W. S. Ebbs, Lillie Hill and hfisband, D. B. Hill, E: B. Ebbs and Horace Ebbs, defendants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above bar been com-, menced in the Superior Court of Madison: county to' set aside and cancel a certain - deed executed M by tbe sajd I, K. Ebbs to Mildred E. Ebbs bli the '15th day of Jan. oary, 1900, .which said, deed is duly, registered,, in th 'office of the Register of ;; Deeds; f be j b M county in -Deed Book Oo ii', ' pajje 861; and to sell f 1- Idesg-ibed inSii di!. 2f to pay tne :3i 01 m akuu , Ebbs, and" paid dfifend, ta will furtberteffWtiotbat tf y are renlreaVW appear at iu next termof Auperidr Court o said cpnuty, to lie held on the 6th Mod$ before the 1st Mon day in March, 910, at the Court House of said ounty in Marshall, fS mBirer or- detour,. to the complaint in said actionor the p)aintiff- fill .aply to the court for tbe relief demanded h said complaint. ' r This December 6th, 1909. ,. . : 4'. J. H. ,WHITB, Clerk Superjpr Co;urt. . NOTICE'-. -.), North "Carolina. , Madison-County . j. a. neece vs j. rr: troner and J.T. Hubbard; .- I' . w V " V.J ... U ,UV1VU . has been made by G; W. Hens. ley, assignee of Plaintiff in above enutiea action in tne . superior. Court of Madison County before the Clerk for the purpose of re viving a dormant, judgment for $75,00 ta favor of the plaintiff and against tbe defendant; Said v judgment having deen- duly- a'1 signed to G: W..Henisley on-' thfc 7tb day- of' November, .,1.1908, whlrh 1ni1ffiTU4iiV mur ilnAlrAtorl in the Superior Court of - Madisonv County on the th day ' df Jan. " 1900 on J. ,,i:, nag4i, 199 arid the said defendants will , firther take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the offlce. of tto Uerk-of'the Superior , Uonrt Of Mad'son Coonty on tbe 2nd day cf January 1910 at 1 o'ctoctc p. m. at tlie Court House in said County -and. show IH i . . HiaptkiMMittfaaaia The above U the name pf Gerui chemical, which li onrf'nf the many Valuable inredlenw W Hole'a.KldBe7 Remedy." Hexaroethylenetetrmmjiie is recognised by medical text-hookp and authorities as a' uric acid advent and antiseptio for the urine. 'Tiko Foley's Kidhey Remedy as soon0 M you notice, any lrrejrularitiea and aroid . a' serioot malady. X B. Burnett. " ' ' , Tbls thfr Ist-dV Of - leca)br -.-Jt. .. ...... .'i V X.- H.aWHTTE. . 1909. C: 6. . .V'YNOrTICS.-.,,.., Having qualified aV. administra tor of Sidney Lunafordt . decfaa ed, )ato of Madison County N. C, this is to notify air persons haying claims against fie estate of said deceased to exbibrt them to the undersigned on. or before tjbeitStfeuday of November 1910 4 or thja notice will b6 pleadtdr in bar. of their recovery All pr- (sons indebted to aaid estate, will pieasemaite immediate payment. . This the J7th day Qf Kov.1909. AdminlMrator. jaacnes6btliStwDsaUI, 111., wrteK ''inoroTer'eheseanoatha I. M.a. sufferer, from kidney and blad der trouble. Durtnr. the whole time Was, treated by atveraJ 'doetorjand tried several duTejreat- kdaky''UU. Se.vm weeks, afo f, ommeMeakin(' Foley's; Kidney:; Pills' and ara fcsllnr better every day and will be f-lad to tell any one intereated just what Foley's Kidney PUUdid for me." I.E. Burnett. X ( a Lv-ci F'". I0T1DE If 33LE CI2I UEI3T1CI North Carblfna Madison Confttyy In tbe Superior Court Before the Clerk. ;-, ' ; J. H. Guthrie vs. Georg bagan, Jr. --jv-. ' i.'.f !Bx Virtue of an Eieontloq "directed to the, undePiijfned from the' Superior courV'-o Madison county in the'abovj entitled aciioo, I will, on Afonday the 3rd day of Jan. 101, at 1? o'clock Mi at te court louse door in sakf coimty sell M the highest sWder fbciMsh o satisfr said esecutton. all the. i-irhL title and Interest Wkiob 4h4ild G40. tjnifiin, tne aeteudant, has tn the ioowinr described real esute, td wit: v'v--' A pne-Qfth undivided biterest. It be- In the defendant's one fth undivided interest in all tbeeal ette oj which O.' W. Oahattan, died setsefl end poe sessed f, situated In - lladiaob' county, N. q,r and more folly - deseribed as Mtors':is-''Ko,'Mulstlnff c t'.i tbe lands belgnlar (a tfto utd G. W. Gabagan, deceaaed, Mas' Between the WillUm.KiD bmcSrind Jewell Hill and beiog designated and Jet apa. i. to O. W. Gahagan who wm h latber of thie dtttendant in a dltio of the lands of 0.' V. bahagafr fe'(f.fc grund fMbef of the-eroaant, a ong t"he Beltfor RlWId C4. W. h ni Kr,l I we l itB-dy of AugiK. a4 d- 6. ed in book X at page QM ta the Regis ter of Deed's offlce "id MadUibn, aemty, N. and mppe particularly described la said 'deed, to which referenoo is hereby made, lor a full taacription. And also the. following tract .of land, lying and being is amUVcounty of ATadison and State ot known 4 the JUtthc Woodson tri abld to 9. .W. (khsgaa byJUrijBd ..'K. Iv and recorded In the, Bgtjpeed's effloe (0 Medjsoa county t which deed reference hereby ndo'for a full de scription, ad is ttat j portioo. of the Woodsoa (ra owoed.by Wv.Oaba gan at his death, coptalniDg "y esti mation from I5o,to Spa, 'af Refer. Mo to .lrwby-.mfdo , to reeorda of deeds lntb Bgis of Dd office la Madison Counter, book 21, page 23 for a fuller deserlptloo of iiaid land Jed upon., '-'.V'V . . .;TM th 1st ej2 of De."19efti ' ; ., '' 1' '; i'.JJ- WXVK -" 'i; j-f-; -V.,..v-.oer.-'' ; tkb MjeoVCVte or Fear beside this: M want.to jro 00 iwcord se aaying that I tard Klctrio Blteer Moe of tle-greateit . gifta jthat God has made to woman," writes' Mrs. O. Khinevaultt of Vestal' Cme, N. "1 can Btvr forget what it ;hv done for me.J. fbrs flori(H mr ('.ii;!p rise a, woniso buorm.t :irii-vvl of body and jubilant heiilih. - it ciokly OHree KeHOiwnew, t,s-'r'. Melas- ', i.e lih- e, ,1 t k e, Fainting aod f ; t 1 bitii'. up the .. R ul J .. 3. 1'ry them. 4 tt l.2.4'r.-erv1 -'

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