. - . '. . t :&. "-'. ' n " ' '-...- . .'-.'.',. ' ..: ' ; . . . ". -. J v.. J- ' i -. ' V"'. - ... :. Vv- .A .. , - '. - ' :7 - ' -' i J vJJ 1 - i LEADING NEWSPAPER ;AND CSST ADV i MEDIUM IN MADISON COUNTY, r vol. iy. I MARSHALt, MADISON COtTNTYN: G., . ,RSDAY, JANUARY 26,-1011 .NO. 37; . , TJ U i 1. Z3 V. W J I I - J I J X I I I N. C. GENERAL ASSEMBLY l Ci-2j CIO CL3SEN i iwtiMwaMiiaaiyiTlfflffyji I N081B CAR0U1W. v wsEisiSEwataanuppp flit TH i Fnn .4 ri"rn irwr pnunr LIK If MAI IiUU5C TtAs democratic caucus takes ,.' from the chair the power : . to name committees. UNDERWOOD GETS BIG PLACE Alabama Congressman Headt Ways and. Mean . Committos With v Power to Nam Committees. Washington Champ Clark of Mis souri, chosfn speaker , of the ; tiext house of representatives and given a 'rousing, ovation on mention of his name for the presidency, ways and means. comniittcer previously, agreed pi'3,i fehoscn to naine'th standing Oiimlttes and frame tariff legisla tion, for early action of the next con- "gress; a New York member read out of the party, a barrel of resolutions nd a host of speakers these were ' features of tho caucus of Democratic s members of 'the coming house. t. Mr. Underwood of Alabama, long the lieutenant of Mr. Clark, beads the ; I6w waji and means committee, i . Tb, caucus developed considerable .' differ nee of views as to the method of aelectlng committees, but,' when the time came for voting alignment. various resolntiona were voted down, '- "the Fitzgerald resolution to leao the ommittees to the r.peakor a gelectlca - being beaten, 29 to 1G6, and the B'os i'ter resolution placing t.iat power "In ' I" : 1 1 'i 1 . ; 1 1 -. ."-. . t - .1. - . I -I HAhlPXtaK:ii(, K c the, ways and means committee carry ing by 106 to 7. 1 ; EXPRESSTE8REDUCED. ' ' Radical Cut in xt-ivs Charges on Through Shipments. Xew York. Officers of tiie Canada an ar.d American Express companies, in conference here, umiounce a reduc i tion In through rates soon to take , effect between all offices of the Unlt- '!. ed States and many of Canada. " All the important expro compa nies "were represented, including . the Adams, Canadian, American, Nation al, Northern, Southern, Western, "Pa cine, United States and Wells"-Fargo, and the New York and Boston JDis . patch. The announcement at the close of the conference follows: f - A decision was reached by the principal express companies which Is of far-reaching Importance. Instead of two companreg which may handle an express package making a sepa " rate charge on each line the charge will be the same as If one company bad carried the package from ship 4.i...'KfTtr destination. " , '. 1 i". . IMU6 V'"' f u- v-,.-JJ NEW-ORLEANS SCORES. Southern. City Endorsed for Location Jt " '-of Panama Exposition. Washington. New Orleans won the first round of the fight for the location . of the Panama; exposition .when;,, the exposition committee cf the house by a vote of 9 to. 6 decided in favor of ' ' it ai the aite for the fair to celebrate - - ' the opening of the Panama canal 1 ' " ' - .1915, No appropriation for the pa ! - cunlary aid of the New Orleang fairj ' is authorized. It Is underetood. now i ever, that the committee will favor an extensive government exhibit to cost approximately 1,000,000. : : i' :? :i-t'. ' 8Uteg Select Senator,;; y; Augusta, Maine. Charlea F.V John- . son of WatervUle (Dem.), was elect ed United States aenator to succeed ; Eugene Hale by the aine legislature. Lincoln, Neh.-J-Hepresentativ O-M. Hitchcock (Dem.). was elected 'United sutes senator to succeed Senator E, - .J. Burkett, t- V. M ' I HartfoTd,: Conn. George Jayne Mfr ' lean of Simbsory (Hep.)) waa chosen -United States' senator from Connecti cut for the six-year term by the gen eral' assembly. -.v-X"'' ' i V Anti-Optloo Cotton Bill Up; Washington. The anti-option '- bill i ' to prohibit gambling In cotton, futures' -wag (he subject of discussion before - th senate 1 committee on interstate i commerce, and wag actively urged by the national officers of the Farmers' union. Tbig ..measure passed the bouse at the last session, and all that now 'stands in the way of it becoming a ilaw le favorable, consideration in the ' genate. It prohibltg the Tiseof the malls or wires for making any cotton contract where actual delivery la not 'contemplated. :. - . T-gt. : . VILE REPORTS ABOUT SOUTH LABOR AGENT'8 STORIES ARE SUPPRESSED BY THE SECRE TARY OF COMMERCE. Revolting Stories About Private Lives of People In South Told In " Reports. Washington. That Secretary Na gel of tiie department ot commerce and labor has suppressed much of the roport8 cf agents of the labor bureau, because of their revelations concern ing the private UveB of people in North Carolina and other Southern states, was asserted in the senate by Senator Overman. He said some of the reports were so revolting in char acter that, it printed, the law prohib iting the circulation of obscene liter ature -would Jjrohibit thehlr transmis sion through the malls, i , , .The,, statement followed an inquiry by Senator Beverldge as to the. pub lication of the investigation Into the eupploynv of women and child la bor .. jpadt fa fe-: year ago by the bureaux of ,abor;i-.' :. ' ft v raa. ft. ihik. lunU-.;Vhat-Mr. Overman nSada his statement concern ing the cotirse of Secretary Nagel., "I heardof .the vile chKlaeter of some of these report," he said, "and went to Mr. Nagel about them. H told me the revelations were such that he. felt called upon to suppress them. !t would seem that some ot .the agents dad gone Into the mountains and had taken it upon, themselves to investi gate the private affairs of the people, when the law authorized an Inquiry only Into labor conditions" - "Just so," commented Mr. Bailey.; "whenever we allow one of ihese med dlesome officers to get their noses.) inhj the front doors of the homes of the people, they are liable to go far-1 taer .than they shoma. The Inquiry ln; question was made at a cost of 3O0,0W.- ALABAMA BARS LOBBYISTS. First Clash Occurs In the Prohibition , Fight. . Montgomrey, Ala. Anticipating 'a bltfer contest over the effort to re peal the prohibition legislation, the lower bouse of the Alabama legisla ture; after prolonged debate, adopted a rule forbidding anybody on the floor of the. house while the body was In session, except members, employees and active reporters. This shuts out all lobbyists, of whom there are said to be not a few here. The first clash over the liquor ques tion came on a motion in the house to have all the liquor bills introduced during the session printed This also orovoked a spirited debate and ended in defeat of the resolution. Both Bides claim a victory and, if It was a vic tory, it is a pyrrhic one. 1 Senator Frank S. Moody, known as "the father of temperance in Alaba ma," Introduced a bill wilch has for Its object the establishing ot a. dig; pensary In every county In they state. This is the most far-reaching liquor bill so tar, Introduced. --;' The fight over the liquor legislation has been transferred from the senate to the house, and it Is plainly under stood that the issue In that body is- th doubt. The senate is gald to be local option by small but working major- lty.-Tiie house Js said to be prohibi tion. - but the local optlohists. deny this. The local optlonlats control the temperance iCommlttee of th house, not a Drohibltlouist befn on it. v . '.The Mobile delegation put In a bill that allows the sale of liquor in that cpuntr." : Explosion . Kill . Nine Seamen. ; 'Washington. Eight 'men '. met in stant death and one man -was so hor ribly burned that be, probably wl die aa a result of a. boiler explosion aboard the battleship Jelawar. r The Delaware was o her way to Hampton , Roads from Guantanamo, Cuba..,- i- .., . - ' r f The nine, victims were on duty- in the boiler, room when . the accident oc curred. A terrific shock Bent the crew scurrying below, and nine, .bodies were dragged from' the cloud ot hot steam that hissed through th bold.'' - ' DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE- Meeting Was a Celebration and No Great Political Significance At tached to Proceedings. Baltimore. Content during the lean years of defeat to dine at "dol lar dinners" with "hog and hominy" as the central theme and spring water on the side, the militant Democracy .of 1911 sat at a feast in this- city, where the exclusive diamond-back ter rapin vied with the aristocratic canvas-back duck and the . epicurean Smlthtleld ham in the courses of a banquet celebrating the ' Democratic victories of 1910. - - The banquet was the closing fea ture of a day given over to harmony conferences among the Demoorata trom various sections of the country. Governor Harmon Of Ohio and Champ Clark of Missouri were the ' central figures In the doings. Contrary to tne general impression the meetings constituted celebration rather than a conference, and no great political: significance attached' to the l1 oceeding. . v; . t ii ' The banquet was the' most, elaborate affair ever held JiS Baltlmore.it An preparation .for It ave tC;mi$iDg otba .bagsias they were wav since soon after the ballots were L.i.w!i ..- 1. :Ji.iu .m counted in 'November last and to the welt& of 'floral decorations," in re- DleV.eness ot servloe ac.d iif t"h of Tviiradsaiitl ;vinUge7HT," U. raks with the most notable teasUj the Dem ocracy has ever known. BLEASE IS INAUGURATED. South Carolina's' New Governor Very Warmly Usasta the Press. Columbia, S.. 6. ole L. Blease of Newberry was sworn In as governor of South Carolina, succeeding M. F. Ansel, who has held that office for the past four years; Mr. Blease seem1 ed rather, weak, and had the reading (OLE L. 'BLEASE,. Governor of South Carolina. clerk ot the house read his inaugural address. . ''. ; .'V. V: Mr. Blease devoted a considerable nAAn . hla biIiImh tn fhA nreafl. paying especial attention to one daUy which has consistently opposed him, He also denounced .men "who called themselves ministers ot the gospel who stood behind their pulpits and gave vent to envy and malice and slanders . of tne mosi virue nature against me." ... . ' y Paul Morton Dead. .V New. York. The buslne.is abd finan cial world in general and life insur ance companies, in particular were slow in recovering from the shock caused by . the sudden death of Pres ident Paul Morton of tho Equitable Lift Ossurance oclety' and secretary of the navy In President Roosevelt's cabinet! - He was. born in Detroit; Mica May . -i2; 1857. The coroner's office, is. satisfied 'that too death' re sulted 'from naturat causes, and taere wlU be no autopsy. : v , No Pardon for Youtsey. . 5 Frankfort, Ky. Governor - Willsqn-; refused to pardon Henry E. Youtsejr. convicted of the murder of Gov. VtfU Uam GoebeL- The governor sayw he believes Youtsey.l guilty of a .cruel murder. With ,the: refusal of Gover- aer.Willson to pardon Youteey. th eases of all thoss charged' with con- niracv to kill Governor - Goebel are now disposed of. CIeb Powers, now congressman from the eieventn Ken- tiickv dlstrtot, and Jim Howard were pardoned br w WUlson evr- al month ago. Cl: Ci. ' i hi-. EXTRAOROIN? 9f fEAT P VIA f lON'PERf ORP "HAW BIRD AT JN -f .BAK FLEW BAeX TO TH) jSHOBE -?VA.-V'M. -' ' Ely Flew, Fnom Shore, L led on the tlvania Deck of Warship Perf and Flew Back to 1- - - --. San,;"?i, Ely flew ti, racing bipla Ing 6ie an hod! 1i-t and flet '5a' 4 gene B. la Curtlss Laful lid Wani .and lie, cruiser j iBeld,, 12 miles outlij The feat -v, fed wtthoht mishap, t -'Net VjOof the delicate ineci s. and the aejemlng i of tlWwiJPe per formance lessJiJ the siJuct, ... -( fort;;v;v:.i.'-;f:f ' (' "It was easy enough" in K.v, a.i he Stepped 'from . His ttt .ind waa seized' by , the 'sold ierg ot jilie Thirtieth infantry ' and . hoisted' fov!!Uuir shoul der's. "I Afnk thf. trick fild be suc cessfully .turned nlneHlhies out of ten." -;V : ' -'ft '('- '' Ely left the aviation plound early In the,' morning. "Aftpr i lew., circles he headed northeastwarfr and disap peared..''; f.fi.l . ' ' jThe lookout -on. theJgnBylvania sighted. Ely through" tjj I4 and the ship's siren roared a?w.li .of wel come. He came 'on at triflo time! , and a moment jater cinled around the " fleet; dipping, in s&inte. to each ship and came -up in the Wd for tne stern of the Pennsylvanll. f He was firing low :as he neared tiie hipr and dropped . down aB lightly hz a ' gull, striklnr ithfl platform' about 40 feet from the end. !rV-;5 r'r-'- ay The liookB -which a t been arvang edjin thsr'.cente'r pieee.' cf. tU(.. aero plane did- their wort pu;'"ctly and the' airship was brougut to a standstill within Zff jfeet., When E pouched the deck he Was foinif at the rate of about SSV. .miles " an io'ur. ; but I so gradually. wag the speeAfcheckediby. the drag plfked up, H' succession that he came to a .standstill wlth dlBarranglni aisarrangui sir, part or n lanuea mochlii and gave Ui? Ztd5et t go. The aesoplane swept 4owj the azs foot platform at a high speed, dropped off thelVst.erawiCll a gentle dip- and tiin Tose-rapldly over the ships in the iarbor. jfhe start was'aa perfect as tno:. landing" . had been. .1 - . ' J" COTTON MILLS TO CURTAIL. Factory Owners Recommend a Cut ol 25 Per Cent, in the Output. I Boston,- Mass. Millions of spindles Ih , the Cotton mills ot the " United States will be idle one-quarter of the time until market condition improve If a recommendation made by the Arkwright Club is accepted" generally The Arkwright Club is an. organiza tion of the treasurers of rullia in Mas sachusetta, New Hampshire and Maine, many of which have their head offices In .Boston, and represent morl than ten millions of spindles.; Ot ta 28,000,000 : 8pindles in the United States 15,600,000 are in New England tailed extensively last year because o: the high' cost of cotton and an indif ferent demand for goods,' and - tb same reasons are given by tne'Bostoi treasurers' 'for their action. ORIGIN OF HOBBLE SKIRT. North Carolina Farmer it Reaponiibli : for New 8tyie, Iredell, N. C It transpired that th( hobble skirt was first worn in Lin tola county maty , many-ryears. ago long before the ideaVver occurred U gay Paree. v r. : 'Squire D. A. Barklejr of Iredell sayi that old man Howard of Dry Pond now Denver, Lincoln county, first sug gested the hobble when he required pi RlrU to weaf a twoJoot string tied to their ankles .Wii'Sft dropping corn in the-" furrows in order to preserv a tegular graduation)!, the stalks. Till imposition . jKhlch 1 "foaed- them to stej just two feet regulated tue"dropplng of the corn and ver quickly gravltat ed into the hobble Skirt: ; v ? ; Senator Xodge Won Hard Fight. Boston, Mass. Henry Cabot Lodge won the hardest fought battle In hit political career, and will . return tc the United States senate., for a fourth term with the support of one hun dred and forty-six oat of two hun dred and seventy-nine members ot the Massachusetts leglsltaure, or six more than the number necessary for choice Jn the joint convention.-" Two Democratic senators, Martin H. Cur- ley and Martin J. Murray, left their party to vote for Mr. Lodge, but their uppot was not necessary, v -; . .. Fertilizer Men Discus Condition. ' Auueta. Ga. The Southern Fertil ixr assqclatlon met here, , Thee were 44 delegates ' present The pot ash question was discussed and con gress will be in- uned to pass re taliatory meas; -aihst Germanr of that' country nt those dealer Because of-the in discriminate who . Bell r3ota American lertili ldent has already the subject The 'i 0 Moncure, who was to Investigate the s. r contract ' to' alers. T" e pres n p ..lied on Kr. J,. A 1 rmany v beard r !W ADVERTISING NORfk CAROLINA, ' ... . Southern Railway Issues Booklet- May Be Had Free. A handsome and well illustrated booklet, descriptive of the agricul tural resources and products of North Carolina, has Just been Issued by the Land and Industrial Department -01 the Southern Railway, for distribu tion in the North and West in con nection with the work which .-the Southern is doing in the effort to attract desirable settlers to the Southeast. The volume Is the fourth in a series on the different states traversed by the Southern-' It is not for circulation in the South, but will be given a wide distrlbntion in sections where It Is believed the greatest good can be accomplished. The agricultural and forest re sources of North Carolina and the opportunities in general farming, stock raising, fruit and vegetable growing that await the homeseeker as well aa the many advantages offer! for va rious branches of manufacturing In the many prosperous cities and town are treated extensively. Full lnfor. mation is given concerning the char acter of the soils, while especial at tention is directed to the delightful climatic conditions which have given North Carolina wide fame as a re sort State, both Summer and winter. The great yields of corn and othei grains, grasses and forage, potatoe and truck, Ss well as cotton and to bacco, are Interestingly set forth a the advantages of growing apples and other fruits and for raising cattle, sheep, and hogs. This booklet will be, placed In the hands of a larg number of settlers In this work for ahe upbuilding ol the South the Southern Railway de sires and appreciates the co-operation Of the people ot the states which ft Berves, and any citizens of North Carolina or any other South ern gtate who wishes this puouca Hon nlaced in the hands of a friend or acquaintance in ; any locality in the North or West may have this done br" sending the name ana aa dress of such friend or acquaintance to V..' Richards, Land- ana inou. trial Lgent' Washington, D. C- f ' -sV'""" ; 1 ' . . .' .'- t Renart Deaf and Dumb School. ; Tii' tenth biennial repoii ui nn.rd t Directors of the Northi T Carolina' PeNnd ,Dw Institute t mg the,past Wo ytSufif has been 326 with an attendance of 251 the pres ent session. The expenses of the school h'avi been kept within their incom regardless ot the high cost of all commodities. The management Is asking for in creased -appropriation, -making for maintenance $60,000 annually, to meet the demands of increased at tendance. ' -...' 7' Superintendent Goodwin, in his re port saya there are 150 deaf children in the ;State riot in school. Whiskey Case Compromised. In Federal court at Greensboro the case -ot United States vs. 635 barrels of whiskey, with N. Glenn Williams and D. C. Foster as claim ants, was compromised, and -. the jury instructed to return a- verdict In favor of the government for l,00O wort& ot the whiskey. The total, value of the whiskey Involved was $13,000. Of this., quantity, 433 bar rels had been involved In previous litigation, and the case disposed of. As a matter of fact, only 202 barrels were ifftylved in this libel suit, the value ot which is $4,000. The whis key, which Is stored at Williams; Yadkin county, will now ; oe soia. This brings to an end the litigation, in which .tie Distilling Company and other have been parties. , Woman' Appendix on Left Side. A rather strange discovery in medical science was made at High Point one that was a Jjttie puzzling to the physicians present At the Junior Order hospital, J)rs. Burrus, Duncan and Reitzel performed an operation on woman for appendi citis and. instead of finding the ap- Dendlx on the right side, which Is the normal location, it was found on the extreme loft side. The physicians say It is the first case of this kind they have ever seen. The patient- Is doing nicely. Wants Dlvoro After 20 Day. : Arthur Talmage Abernethy, ot a prominent 'North Carolina family and r - . .. 1 nr.-ut.An anil Well KnOWU,. in nttsmufiwu Philadelphia as well aa in the Wert, as a newspaper writer, has .the dis tinction of being groom ana a ae fonrinnt in a suit for a divorce In twenty davs On December 17 Mr. Abernethy. mtTUleo hubs lvey reane DIkks. of Norfolk. They, were resid Ing at the JJeddo. Hotel until ne wen to, her,.JhhiTyV hn4;Vt4npw de velop.: enedigeitivoree. Both partilf 'Seclliipeftk t Civil .SerWeei Examination. ' Civil gervtoe examination for the denartinent servici will be held on the following "da'teln'TNbrtk '-.Carolina: Ashevllle,l Jnuaryi 24, March 8, April 12r-CharJolte,j..April 4-Jiu ary 24, Marcn , jiprii--o, uumvn,: March 8. April' U; -Goldsboro, April c. March 8. April 12; . Greensboro. March 81. January 54, March 8. April 12; Raleigh, March 15, Warcb.-j8, April l2;WIlmlntbd; April 6, Jan .rv S4. March 8. April 12. Informa tion may be had from' "postmaster. L. .. .. , - 'A , "'ru,'- - V Senator A. H. Boy den,, ot Rowan, introduced ln the SenaU the bill providing for a milllfc-dollar admin istratlon building foV the State, to oc cupyl tlje "gquare north of Capitol square bounded by Eden ton, Halifax, Jone and Salisbury street, a part ol Which la now the site of the agricul tural and Lthe Supreme Court build ing which "are to be torn away tc give place to the new structure. H will take about $50,000 to buy up the pelvately-owned property on ' the pquure. Representative Ashley Home of JohnBton ceunty has Introduced a duplicate bill , in the House, It pro vldes for a State building commission of seven business men to be ap pointed by the Governor to provide the building. Ex-Governor Jarvls strongly ad vocated this plan in his address be fore the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association and members of the General Assembly. The bill authorizes the State Treas urer to Issu6 not exceeding $1,000,080 four per cent, forty-year bonds, and if the bonds cannot be sold at satis factory terms he Is to negotiate tem porary loans. Senator Gardner, of Cleveland, In troduced a bill creating the North Carolina Interurban Railway Com pany for an electric trolley line frbm Gastoniu via Cherryvjlle, Shelby and Caroleen to Asheville. In the House a bill was offered by Cox, of Randolph, to increase the salary: of the chief clerk to the' State Auditor to $2,000 and that of hU as sistant to $1,500J so they;-will ) ,pn ansequal footing with clems or omer State departments. Greensboro's commission form ol government- bill was ratified. - The House -committee on judicial districts' decided to report favorably the bill by, Representative Spainhour, of Burke, for readjusting the pay of superior court judges so that they get pay at the rate-of $100 per week for the. .days of court actually held dur ing the year, and at the end of the year, if they, have not held courts of duration enough' to pisike the present salary of $3,250 at the-end-of the year, the State Auditor is to' issue war rant for the remainder. - If extra time iB made ,-by anj judcte' tliey can earn, additional com sensation bring the' amount of couitieiisation.tor the year to $4,000. It was declared that there 1 general complaint that judges in.' -some In- J-Btauceferhurrjthrough their work and cause congested dockets, an evti, oie, it i said, to North Carolina's rot&t the.bill was that It would tie consm- eiid disrespectful to1 the judges, and this" "brought " from"- Represeotatlye Johnson, of Bertie, the retort that there is no reason why this safeguard for expediting the bus!ness'of courtB sjioitld' not-' be provided: that judges are human beings like other men and the representatives of the people .have 'the right to take precautions deemjxjT necessary. Two members of the-oninittee out of a dpzen or more presfTh't .vbted'vagainst the bill.' Judicial committee No. 2 of , the House is to report unfavorably ? the Quickel bill -for allowing divorce on account of ten years' insajittc. Also on the bjll by Qreene, f Halifax, to allow notirjes public and mayors of towns, perform marriage ceremonies. The House committee on liquor trafffc announced . that it will ' bear argument Wednesday of next week for and against State-wide prohibi tion' 'of neaf-beer' ami other drinks ot that class, the." bill-under considera tion being that by Representative Kent of Caldwell. . The Ewart bill to ratjfy the Federal cons, .tional amenament ior me in come fax came up for final passage In the , House; and was . made special order tor Thursday, January 26, so that members may have time to conslder"the measure. . v' - A bill' by McGlll, of Cumberland, appropr.jite8 $5,000 for a building at the soldiers home tor wives ana widows of veterans and $5,000 foi maintenance. . A bill by Ray, of "Macon, proposes to Increase the Balary of the law clerk of the Attorney General to $2,000 and designate hin) a's Assist ant Attorney General. The Hpusepassed the bill to em- ptfwer the State Fair Association to hold $rt0;000 instead of only $50,000 property. '. iAnnouncemeht Is made that the House Joint committee on proposi tions and grievances is to give a hear lne Wednesday afternoon on the kponce -resolution for creating a leg islative committee to- investigate tne conduct of fire insurance companies in North Carolina, tUia hearing being at the request' ot insnranoe men op posing it '' ;'- " ' 1 Tha hill tnairln? concublnaee ' Te- - - . t tweenrthe Caucasian neg0Tacea a felony was repoftetl''Unfavorably,-1bj the lUdiciarv committee. :' V- ' Cemgressman Ev J.'Wbh 1 oppos ing v the moveiAc,ht ItcK. . reapporuem the ninth and tent congresslonfl dis trict by taking Cleveland from th n-tnllf and placing it in the tenth, mat. Ing the latter' surer Democratic, Thli Movement hrjwHet, wi"hot takf form until acr Congress settles "11m question of representation --accordini to the refcent census tf8ur. ; Con gessman Webb, who 'lived In Cleve ,-tend,' will: it is understood, make strong fight against ! the proposed change. In the election last Nb.vem ner nis majorivy 1 was s MU8T NOW'STROLL ALONG RUB BERNECK ROW IN FULL. EvE9ftlNQ CLOTHES. citY to have dandy squaq Detectives, .Detailed for , Social Funo- , tion 8 Have Got to Learn to Drink: Tea, Have Their Nails Manicured,, and Look Like Real Gents. ' J New York. Hist! The new detec- tive has arrived! There are Beveral dozen of him In. this little old town, and Second Depn- ty Police Commissioner Flynn is 'hi boss. 1 There never was a sleuth like unto him since the days of Vidocqand M'Bieix lecocq, and he Is making tremendous, new strides In bis recrudescence from your old-time "bull," so well known at all our best social functions where Jewelry'and a showing of gowns ar displayed; to say nothing of fair backs. , . and she'ulders. . ' There's going to be dress inspection. every evening soon. Just as well as marking time in the morning. Already orders have been put In for full dress., clothes,-dinner jackets, English walk ing suits and the latest In moraine sartorial effects. Dres3 Inspection is' to be something: of marvelous Interest If plans do not fail. The big boss 1b to look over hi society detail and will probably criti cize something like this: . . "Here, you bigoob, you've got om square, toes. Away, with them even it the po'lrtled ones will give you coma And tHSt coat Isn't cut right. Who'a . your tailor anyway? Don't you know that a lavender" tie Is only to WWom with, your afternoon frock or English, walking suit? , . 1 "Take that vplece of bras cable ofr your shirt front, ' Get a fob If you; !- . slst on wearing a watch. No tarn- , down collarsi with evening dreaa. Get; a spite tepee, effect or you dont ret? -the Waldorf detaU. '. "Remember vjjiat I say, if yon r Into a restaurant you are not.fto-. da the sword swallowing act wjrb yonr, knife or use yoax fork as a topthplck Now that's about all for today . Hereafter any person In our very- best young social circles may not b urpJr.JviJi mirj4V'tt tlnsalshed looking gentleman- tracted such attention stroutog dowax Rubberneck row in the Waldorf or eat Ing prodkjlous'ly,, but' with becomln and charmkt; manner at the grttl ot the Knickerbocker in the last analyata proves tot rj 'one of "Big Bill" FIyB" bright ypuig men. You can never tea by the torVpper Just what the cigar is like, aft'ii there is going to be a genulna savoir faire about the new style detec a-tlve which will cast a distinct thrill among the fair sex as weU as among -'.. '"' New York Detective' Outfit. our best dressei.young men, provided they' are ndticalled epon to feel tb steel hand beneath the ; whit 'a glove. ., ..s' . . -- A' But the members of the Social sqoad HEW YORK SLE UIII -WiurS SlST aren't going to soil those white glovteet '. at. two simoitons per pair., rtui m a With laneuid grace, the kid may. W split in applauding an aria-from HL Tosca" or Carusofs eftort W T llacci," but that will be about alt Tbm " genuine grabbing ot "Mack th WW and other second, atpry experts. Is to be left 'tis said, to the common gardew . variety, of copparp who wear brass D . tona and old-fashioned hrogana. "Raaly ord chap," said one of tb new detec a-tlves to a Met section In quirer, "it-would be a beastly tcnr yB,noW( to be compelled to manhaaidki anyf these tellow ot the 1 na world.'; Hereafter,- y'know. if a mat ter of -brain work, deep thought eai all that sort of thing. We haye bee selected because ot our fitness to wssr nronerlv cut clothe and with the gray toatter y'.know, the gray matter, old top. For example I exercise the prop er.' 'lunount' ot perception and an ds quate quantity ot those deductive im inductive processes pt reasoning that made my old trtond Sherlock Holmes eoawd: -. Having ' evolved my ease and elected the Inevitable peTpetratoe ofc.the.act don't y'know, 1 merely "ft in . communication with the bos and. adme vulgah ' coppah Is ti 'nced tjnon Ithtj works to effect the m ,-e 1 ' f jesult -oi my cumuiau r Very clah ldoa, very t ''. tain to '."'!otamazIngr' 1 ": k - r. ', y -"- -. fi )

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