Audited Paid Circulation 3.017 Total Audited Circulation 3,107 As ol Sopiembor 15 GOLDSBORO HERALD "Wayne County's Leading Weekly Newspaper" friend advertises* Demand audited Circu lation. Don't buy " A cai in a ba eral talks were made by counselors and campers who had been out standing during the six weeks' camp. Following the banquet the camp fire and Court of Honor was hcdd.i The Kiwanis cabin presented a' western thriller the Rotary, "Who Made Fill a hot dog'.'"; the Legion "St. George and the Dragon;" the McClure. “The Foreclosed Mort gage ' Tint F,!k* cab.n pantomined “She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain." The jug hand played several se lections. which included "Under the Double Eagle." "Washington and Lee end "Taxi Fare" The quartet presented "Ain’t Gonna Study War No More." “Gasoline, arid the old favorite. "Auld Lang | S.v nc " Mr S F Teague presided at the | Court of Honor and presented the awards to the campers Those re ceiving awards are as follow: John Narron. Swimming. James Cobb. Bird Study; William Wal lace. Find Aid to Animals; Billy Hollowcll. Swimming; Tom Darr. crrin. Life Saving, George flam Jr.. Electricity and Signaling: Ernest Hussey, Athletics; Roy I.lies. Arch ery; Andrpw Smith. Swimming and Personal Health; Billy Wellons. Bavketry: Alber4 .rv-ith. Garden-; ing Public Health, Personal Health; Henry Stevens, Basketry and Swimming F,d Woodall. Civics. Safety Pub lic Health, and Personal Health; Bill Gardner. Farm Mechanics. Personal Hea th, and Life Saving; Jack Easley. Life Saving and Car pentry Vivian Johnson. Swim ming and Athletics; Thomas Hey ward. Farm Mechanics; Bobby Heyward, Forestry and Bird Study; Horry Ward, Swimming. Life Sav ing, and Canoeing, Basketiy and Fafm Layout; James Lane, Basket ry, Personal Health, and Garden ing: Rivers Johnson. Pioneering and Life Saving. Dexter Wither!ngton. Conserva t,on and Carpentry; Noah Bass. Jr.. Firemanship and Personal Health; Charles Liles. Pigeon Raising and Farm Mechanics; F,rnest Hussey. Life Scout; Noah Bass. Star Scout; Kirby Hart, Second Class: Bobby Herring. Second Class; Billy Hol lowcll. First Class; David Andrews, First Class; John Narron, First Class. Jimmie Cobb of ML Olive was recognized by Mr Teague as hav ing completed the 21 merit badges required for Engle Scout Jimmie will receive his badge at a later date. Mis. W. G. Britt, Sr., Dies Tuesday After Stroke Of Paralysis Member Of Prominent Goldsboro Fiimilv Had Suffered Stroke Two Weeks Before Mr* W G. Britt, member of a prominent Goldsboro family, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Garland Yelverlon in Goldsboro last Thursday morning following a stroke of paralysis suffered two weeks ago. Mrs. Britt was a member of First Baptist Church. She was widow of W G Britt who was for a long time register of deeds *<>r Wayne county. She is survived by four children, Leslie, Sam, and W. G. Brill, Jr., and Mrs. Garland Yelverlon, all of Goldsboro, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services ere conducted from Mrs. Yelverton's home in Park Annex Friday morning by the Rev. A J. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Interment was in Willow Dale cemetery. Hilbun Child Dies Thursday Janie Fay Hilbun, seven months old daughter of Mr and Mrs B. 1 Hilbun and granddaughter of Mr. tind Mn. David Van Hoy of Golds boro. died at the Goldsboro Unapi* tal last Thursday morning She en tered the hospital ai a patient Mon day Funeral services were held late Thursday afternoon, and burial was in Willow Dale cemetery. Rain Delays The Opening Exercises Of Swimming Pool Kven If Eurrlwi Could Not Bo Hrld Yesterday 100 Were (Present, For Swim Although the formal opening ex- ; ercises for the Solvation Army Swimming Tool had to be delayed , yc^tcrdny on account of a down- j pour of rain, nppproximatcly ICO children were there to lake a swim ir the newly reworked pool What was known as the Presby terian Swimming Pool has been taken over by the Salvation A-my 3ud opener! for Uic benefit of those children who are not able to pay for swimming privileges. The pool wil be dedicated at a ! future tirre and will be named (he Mcfntyrc fool" in honor of the ole Ilcv Peter McIntyre, beloved t esbylerian minister. who mario possible the building of the pool a number of years agu. Col E H. Bam was to pie&idc at the exercises yesterday morning and K. P Parker, Jr., was to speak ror the advisory board of the j Army nod Dr. W H. Smith was to give 3 talk of the work of the late Mr, McIntyre The invocation was lo have been hy Or. I-wyh Scott, i new minister at the Presbyterian ' L-hnreh Captain Ernest LaMar of the lo- - L-.-il post of the Salvation Army had • not worked oat plans for the post poned exercises last right, but iald he was thinking about the 1 reiv.cCa for sometime ir. the near 1 [uture. New Plumbing And i V ' ting Business j Reorganized Here r. L. Blow Heads (ompanv Wit*) larir Display Room In lp town Section The now firm Goldsboro Heat ing and Plumbing Supply Com pany. located next to Royall Fur niture Company on West Walnut street, is one cf the most up-to-daU businesses of its kind in thin state. Tbe firm has tHo largest display of plumbing and hen tin* equipment nt any house east of Raleigh Now one may walk into this cs- , tablishmer.t, select the type of 1 beating or plumbing fixtures he I wishes, without having to turn I through the pages of a catalogue to find from pictures whal he wishes. There are not just a few items to select from—there cue scores of them, completely filling the spec ious showroom in the building which ha’ been fitted especially For the firm To the rear of the large show room is a large room, occupying the back part of the building, for the various pipes and other parts needed in the installation of the fixtures sold by the firm In a fenced lot to the rear of the store is a biR supply of the heavier equipment which i3 used in the ; trade. : Citizens of this section will wel come such an up-to-date and com-1 pie to establishment where they, can go to supply their needs. At the head of this firm Is T. L. ■ Ruddy" Blow, who has built on! fnvioble reputation as a leader in' his line ol business and for his in tegrity of character. A more dc- j i .endnhle man rannol be found will: whom to deal. . More Than 200 Attend Weil’s Field Day Program on Friday fertilizer And Variety Tests Studied On Finn's Ex tensive Farms AGRICULTURAL LEADERS ATTEND THE MEETING Big Barbecue Supper Served After Tour Of Inspection Of Nino Farms Fifty automobile loads of people, t totaling more than two hundred leading farmers, fertilizer dealers and farm specialist*, attended the annual Weil's Field Day held la*t Friday afternoon. F.arly in the afternoon a picture in colors was shown at Weil'a store, illustrating the growing of tobacco and the effect of fertilizers of dif ferent kinds; and after that the motorcade visited the Murphy farm south of the city where visitors savv fertilizer and crop variety tests which Weil has carried out this year in cooperation with the Extension Service of State College. Folioiv .nc thpso instructions the 20!) or mure people visited the Wc'l Stock Farm and sa.v the fine herds of Hampshire hog* and Hereford cattle and then they vis ited seven oilier farms, inspecting some of the finest tobacco and cot James Southerland Dies Sunday Night Oi A Heart Ailment 11** Been III For Some Week* Bnl Wars Thought To H* Inprov tec James Southerland, a prominent -■itireri nf Goldsboro, died at the Parkview Hospital in Hocky Mount Sunday night following an illness of several weeks v.'ilb heart disease. Mr. Southerland had been in the -.ospital for about two weeks and was thought to be improving when .he end came unexpectedly He Is 'urvlvad bv his widow' Ho was the son of the late John F1 Southerland and he was born snd renrrd in Goldsboro and spent most of his life here. He spent many years in road construction work as an engineer but for the past few Years he hod ieen associated with John F. l(obh$ in the mile business here Mr. Southerland was a likeable fellow and numbered h;s friends by I he hundreds Funeral services were held from he residence on North James street Wednesday morning with [)r Legh Scott, pastor of the Pres ry Leri an church in charge Active pallbearers were: Sam tritt. Arnold Fulgeiton, Fred Park i Jr., Talbot Parker, Ambrose tumphrey. lidpur Bain, Jr., Nor wood Holmes H O Null and Wil • am Bizzell; honorary, T)r Charles 1, Miller, Dr .1 N. Johnson, Tames 1 Crawford, Spicer Holmes, W H Jriffm, T M Black, H I. Bimsell. J E Richardson. F. P Father. Sr., fohn F. Hobbs. N. J Edwards and •f V I-’arker Many out of town relatives and rienrli were present for the fun ■ral among them: Mr.-: Southerland's three sisters, dr-, Cories T Lawrence with her iusband and son. Jack of Scolland keek; F.i.s, Mary Shaw Gibbs of iVashington. LV C and daughter, disb Ke en of Raleigh; Mrs R A 3 Borne* and husband and sen, It v G , Jr , of Petersburg Va.. and ler brother. L. Y. Shaw. Washing on. N C. Others were; Mrs Gertrude P, ■lx urn and son John B. Evam. Kre nont; Mrs Guy Penny, Garner; Mrs Pnul Sparrow, Eurora: Mrs J. W. E. Pittman, Raleigh, Mis E. 1 Austin and sister. Miss Gary, lenderson. Mrs K V. Wcge*«nd laughter. Miss Louise, Kenansville, Mrs. Henry Southerland and laughter. Rosulyn and Mr Robert Southerland Ml Olive: Mrs. Susan 2. Southerland ar.d daughters >ll3S Adelaide. Chapel Hill, and Mrs. Paul Stewart. Oxford; Mr. and Mrs, Sam Wood and son. Wilmlng :on; Mr* George Warren, Mrs. Albert Oett.nger. and Mrs. John AT. House. Wilson Lewis Reunion Plans Complete Hundred * Are Expected To Attend Family Meeting To Be Held Tomorrow Final preparations have been nade for the annual Lewis Family teunlon to be held tomorrow, Fri Iay. at the home of Mr and Mr* Stephen Howell Df the Daniels J tin pel section of this county. Rev. J B. Roberts, president of he family organization, urges all cirxired to be present for this, the second annual meeting of tire fam ily A good program, plenty to cat iiKi a general good time is premi sed thu-'C who attend. All ore naked to lake well filled baskets and jar* of sweetened tea. Ion crops ever seen in this section. Tlwse farms were around the Woods Grove church section, the Hood Swamp section, in the edge of Greene county, the Saulston school lection, and on to the west of Pikc ville to the Weil’s Peacock farm where variety tests were shown »nd a bountiful barbecue supper verved with all (he trimmings and with delicious watermelon* follow ing. Mr. Lionel Weil and Mr. Frank Jones had conducted to the visitors to the various farms and at the Peacock farm Mr. Leslie Weil told at the purpose of the meeting and welcomed the visitors. Many were the comments heard on the fine crops on the Weil farms Among the agricultural leaders present were Dean J. W. Harrel eon. State College: K. Y. Floyd, to twacco specialist; -I. H. Jeter, agri cultural editor; Louis H Wilson, publicity man for the Department of Agriculture: L, T. Weeks, assis tant to Mr. Floyd: Dr R F Poole, plant pathologist. P H Kime. phut; breed, ng specialist; Earl H Hostet tlcr, research wmkci in kniltial husbandry: and Dr C B Williams, head of the agronomy department a,l the above from BUI*; College, and Dr. Dearing of llie Coast Plnin Experiment Station at Willard. Warden E. D. Ham Tells Of Meeting Of Fire Fighters He And J. B. Crawford Attend Annual Meeting In KanHinfUn last Week II. D IUjd. County Forest Warden! The country forest wardens of Eastern North Carolina met in Washington. N. C\. lari Wednesday and Thursday July 21-22 in their annual meeting J B Crawford, the Dudley low erman. went with me. j The weather Conditions were fine for us both to be out of the | county at the same time Wlial we forest folks coil fine weather u. a rntny day. ,f B and I cn toyed the meeting and the trip be cause we did not feel uneasy about finding everything; burned up when we returned home We went to Washington by way of Snow Hill. Formville. Green ville and Grimcsland Our meeting ■ place was the C C C Camp just j out of Washington This camp is j near enough to town to have elec i trie lights and w«ter works About 20 county wardens attend | ed this meeting These are a fine • set of men. 1 found them to be in i Urlligent, high class men. 1 was glad to see all the boys again, they [ were all so kind and friendly Hivi j nice tn us. There are a few of the boys about my age and. like me. have been .n the forest service for about ten years. It was a pleasure to be with them and swap experiences w;lh mem 7"m> meeting was presided over I * Mr W. C McCormick chief of tuiest fire control for the state He was very ably assisted by Mr W K Reichl.T, forest inspector Mr MrCnrmlck makes a spendid pre siding off'cer He seems to know [ < xactlv whsl he wants to impress I on our minds, and he krows how i b do it. When a county warden 1 takes instructions from him for two uays he goes back to h-s work :it his county better able to handle the work in lus county than be fore The protection of the forests in i I car state «s no longer tarried on in ^ ,a careless, hap-hazard way Ever, ' county forest warden must know I his work thoroughly and be able to meet any emergency thBt may arise in his county. If wc fail to perform our duty »» county wardens. Mr McCormick and our district forester don't fail to teil us of it in plain words They also give us commendation and praise when we do our work 1n the ; r.ght wav. In Wayne county about 59 per cent of the total acreage is wood land. The value of this ts increas ing all the time. It now has a CBSh value of several million dollars and ts one of the county's largest assets I fully believe that Wayne countv is getting more benefit from’the $1,950 of the peoples’ tax money to protect our forest lands than from any other one thing that several times this amount is being allotted to each year We hope to continue to keep Wayne county as one of the lead ing counties in the prevention of fores’ fires We have thousands of acres of young trees in the county. If we can save these from fire we Will toon have all the wood and * timber we need f°l home use On lour farms. Since mv annual report to the county commissioners of last vear-1 work. I have received sev ers: nice letters from farmers and business men of the county ex pressin* their appreciation and ap prcval of the fire prevention work being done in the county. W* are i very thankful to know that Uie * work is meeting with approval ot the people because there can t>e no lUccess with anything unless pui> tic sentiment approves and helps j uphold It. _ j l CHIPS OFF ; the old block i (By MACIUCf L. BLOCK) What it n rare w * dim* in June, Then If tftr eo«ae dead-broke Then*everythin* ««*»■ »o *«t of tone. And nobody 'v*r Whether we look or odhether we Usten Money is 90 rUrlnXlT mlnrin*. A dollar looks »>»(»»» million, A, hundred anythin* »P to a billion. And July Is better and even worse. Every penny wo h*v* verily to nurse", It Is a btesnnr that peas are cheap, Far body and ooal toy ether THKYXL keep i 1 The farmers russ tf there is no rain, Then too much of it drives them insane. Tf.ic death-rate mount* frem guns and wreck*. Mosquitos come our lives to vex. Seme tike It and swear by the eld suasmrrtime. Bat ru take the reel daye ef eld t Winter for mine. Lrovernor Hoey lo Deliver An Address Here Tuesday a. m. Hr Will Spauk Herr At »i2* A« He Ik On Way To Cotton Rood Opening Governor Clyde R. Hoey will de liver a 10 minute address in Golds boro at 9:20 Tuesday morning at a program which will launch the "Cotton Rood" celebration which will begin In Goldsboro and close in Clinton The program will begin with music by the Goldsboro Municipal Bard in front of the Hob-1 Golds boro ot 8:30 b m Mayor J. H. Hill will welcome distinguished guests, and Attorney W A. Dees will pre sent the guests Representative Graham A Barden will introduce Governor lloey Among state officials and other distinguished guests to be present ure Governor Hoey, Stale Treas urer Charles M Johnson, Secretary of State Thad Eure, Commissioner of Agriculture W Kerr Scott, and Mayor Burnett H. Maybank of Charleston, S C. Following the exercises in Golds boro a motorcade will mov* on to Ml Olive Calypso, Faison, and Clinton. Members of ilia Sea Level Highway Association, who will hold their annual convention in Golds hnro Monday night, are expected to join the motorcade Tuesday morning. 4-H Club Members In Raleigh Meeting Twenty-seven members of Wayne county 4-H clubs under the direc tion of Miss Gertrude Bundy, county demonstration agent, and A S Knowles, assistant county farm ager.t, are attending the 4-H club S,hort course at Slate College. Ra etglt this week. Wavnc club” have been appoint ed to put on two demons tartio ns during the week. I. J. Crawford and Lester Hmr.ant of Pikeville wilt conduct a demonstration on Dairy Production Beuiah Davis of Naliunta. .7. \V. Flowers of Mi. Olive, and Mrlton Ba-vi of Rose wood. will give a home water sys tem demonstration on Achieve ment Day. Friday. July 30. The latter demonstration will be the only one of its kind from the northeastern district of the state clubs Dr. Legh Scott To Preach At Antioch Dr I.egh Scott, pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Colds boro. will preach at Antioch Pres byterian church In Fork township Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, ac cording to announcement of W. H. Best. Jr_ who is active in the Sun day school work at Antioch. The people of that and other sections are invited to attend the service*. Safely Parade Scheduled | For City on Next Monday! Car I>riven by Remote Control To Lead Parade Over The Streets Of City "WILD JIM" LYNCH CONTROLLER OF CAR Wayne Poet Of American Le gion Sponsors Program For Citizens Of Section Hundreds ot people of Goldsboro and surrounding sections are ex pected to line the streets of Golds boro next Monday afternoon to see the safety parade which will be staged at 4 o’clock in the afternoon Sponsored by the Wayne Post of the American Legion in coopera tion with the State Highway De partment. the safety parade, plan ned to make the people of this sec tion more conscious of safe driving rote*, the parade will get under way promptly at the scheduled time Monday. Heading the parade will be the "magic car” which will be seen ob serving all traffic rules despite the fact tha ti: will be absolutely driv crless and entirely unoccupied. Captain John J. iWild Jim) Lynch will operate the "magic car" which will be a Ford, entered Ir, the parade by the Wayne Motor Company, from his position be hind in another car, using remote control. A long line of decorated car*, all carrying out the safety idea, will compose the parade, which will be flanked and escorted by slate and city motorcycle patrolmen and in which city officials and other loctd d gnitaries will ride. Detailed parade arrangements ait new being worked out for the parade. Safety Driving Important State and local authorities agree Plans Are Formulated For Boosting Local Weed Mart Wanted w»«ud The MvMits Army, luvm| received fundi enough to open Its swimming pool for Um»m who ore uulilr (o p»y for swim mine privileges, now needs a i rfumber of bathing suits of var ious sites for those who ore not able to buy the suits. Anyone harms a> suit, or suits, 1 that they are willing to give for this purpose purpose should rail Captain Ernest LeMar who i will greatly appreciate the help of the public In this matter. R. E. Stevens Named District Commander Of American Legion Ft. E “Bob” Stevens. prominent member of the Wayne Post of the American lveEior., was named commander of this district of the I-eg: on at the state convention in Durham. For many years Mr. Stevens hat been one of the most active mtm l«ers of the local Post having served as commander and having been al ways r leader in the work of tt»e I-egion In addition to this hrnor which i lame lo him the Wayne Pott re ceived a silver loving cup for its record in membership established last year under the leadership of Commander W. F Nufer. Ti»e re cord wa» 168.8 ns compared to the previous year The cup will be dis played in scrae iccal store window tor several days then placed in the exhibit case at the Community Building The local post was awarded a citation for last year's fine work. G. B Pierce of Fremont was named district delegate to the na tional convention in New York. By liming and fertilizing old per manent pastures, some of my neighbors get about *0 day* of ex- j tra grazing a year. I that anything that lends to increase | safety of automobile driving is j worthwhile and worth everyone g; support. If the “magic car ' per- , formance ana the safety parade helps even a litlie bit. it is an ex cellent idea, says Captain Lynch. 1 driver of the car He save. “If drivers of autemo 1 biles will just realize that the car1 . they are driving is no safer than •hey drive It. maybe they will not take unnecessary chances and trust j : too much to luck to pull them through nut of tight places.-’ Not only is this parade backed by the American Legion, but City Manager Zeno Hollowell is in charge of arrangements for the Legion, and Mayor J H Hill list issued a proclamation designating Monday as “Safely Day." His proclamation is as follows In the interest of the safety of the citizens of Goldsboro Bnd Wayne county, while traveling or walking on our streets or on our highways: as a memorial to those who have met a violent death : caused by the wheels of traffic, with a feeling of remorse for those who have been crippled for lift by the same causes and as a tribute of thanks to those who are respecting the rights and lives of others, by driving and walking safely, and as a plea to every human being in our city, county and state to do their part in making the streets and highways of Norib Carolina safe for everybody, and whereas, the Wayne Tost of the American Le gion of Goldsboro is sponsoring a spectacular Safety Parade. I here-; bv proclaim August 2 193”, as SAFETY DAY. and ask that every citizen, business firm institution ami orgaiuaulion. give every pos sible cooperation in making Safety Day and the Safety Parade a suc cess Unit will long lie remembered. J H HILL Mayor. Gold*boro, N. C.. Fiank Iodm Is Chairman Of Th* Chamber of Conunstn Boosting ComaiitH HE HAS NAMED HIS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mating WLU B« Hold Tonight For Co minifies* To Map Flan Of Procedure Plans have been formulated for he boosting of the Goldsboro to jacetj market. Frank Jcnes ha* been appointed rhairman of the Chamber of Com ’nei-ct tobacco market committee, >nd he in turn has appointed com T.ittees to serve with him Mr Jones was named a few days ifo and he announced his commit* cc members yesterday. A meeting of all members of ths ,'srious committees and all other fiterested citiiens has bene called or room 212 at the Hole- Goiris vro this. HVjrsday, evening. A Icfinlte plan to procedure for the :ommittees will be adopted at this neeting, Mr. Jones has announced. H V. Mod!In, of the Branch Marking snd Trust Company, will lead the committee to raise fund* or the promotion of the local roar er t and serving with him will be jam Hocutt. Neil Joseph. H. 3. lavis and Earl Thompson Emil Rosenthal has b*i*n named ih airman of the advertising com nittcc ar.d serving with him will >e Wfi’tcr A. Stansbury Lionel Weil. W. C 9penoe and J. R Hen ierson. Eer R Lewis i s chairman of the armors contact committee and with him are Graham riood. Dt. D. r Rose. Durham Grady and C. S. dintz Buyers committee. Thomas TBfrrry. chairman. W A. Dees, ?rank Darnel*, L. R. Beil and Her man Weil. Marketing commit lee V. G. Her* ing. chairman. A T Griffin, Sr, Jevrge C. Cox. G Frank Seymour, ind Bob Matthews. Mr. Herring and Mr. Seymour ire from the Rotary Club, Mr. Triffin and Mr Cox from the Ki vanu Club and Mr. Matthew* from he Lions Club. Citizens selling committee. W. \. Ott chairman, A. K Mo*by. Jgy Whitman Jarman Howell and d. W Hubbard Publicity committee. Talbot Pat* -ick. chairman. Eugene L Roberts, \ T. Hawkins. R I Matthews and he supervisor of sales who will bw lamed by the Tobacco Board of rrade 5. A. Fields DieB Tuesday In Florida; Sick For Two Weeks S A. Fields, 50. native of La ri range. twelve miles east rtf Golds joro. and brother of M. D Fields ind Mr*. Eula Swanson, of Golds loro. died Tuesday morning at a lospital in Leesburg. Florida, fol owir.g an illness of two weeks of lomplicattons. Funeral bird burial nok place in Leesburg. Wednesday ifternoor. Mr Fields as e. prrmir.ent bus iness mar. ir Leesburg He had lived in Florida about fifteen years and was in the -• iiwr.ess. He S* survived by :i 3 widow and one son. both cl t-eesb. ru: four hrothe-s Itiirnre an- Arno: 3 Fields sf I.iiGrange C D. F.elds of Atlan* La. ar.d M. D Fields of G< Idsborc; Mi-s. J. R. Welters of L: Grange »nd Mrs. Swanson of Gtldsbom Honor hcout (By GEOROE H%M. Jr.) Receiving his Kilst merit badge at the Camp Tuscarora Court of Honor Friday night. Rev Liles, be ta me ant* of the few hone* scouh of the world. In erder to heeoine an honor trout It Is necessary to receive all the merit badges offered by the Boy Scouts of America. Of the millions of scouts who have aat Wit with this goal in mind, only IS • JO have reached it Mr. Lilea re ceived three merit Bade** tMi summer, Sculpture. Cotton fsrnw inr, and Archery. Archery, hfa last badge, was received Friday night , . Joining the Boy Scouts in IW» Roy advanced and became an Eagle when he was 14. The ftiile Palms came in rapid succrssioo as his merit badges Increased fas number. The turning point cmd* last summer when Mr. Liles re ceived Insect Life, which is thought by most scout* to be th* most difficult badge Roy Liles is a member of the famous Liles Eagle quartet David Liles, Executive of Cape Fear Council. Kenrv Liles, Greensboro food inspector, and Charles, up and-coming scout of Troop Six. David Lilas also an honor scout before he became s scout executive. There is probably no other family in the United State* which can boast of two Eagle and two Honor scout*.