DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY - ml i-U iri,. • ^m.' ■■+ .*• . U *• i-i « •• ••• In this Territory. October 5, 1831 FRt"tfD ADVLrtTISEH Derr.;’i ; au'.’cd Circulation Don't *.uy "n cat in • be*.* C i rcu> i t _f.n it uhjit You Buy. Be sure to get it Number 8. rrui^u a Goldsboro, N. C.. Thursday, December 3, I5M7. ;k Terror" Is i riven Sentence Of Death For Crimes Burglary, flold-ITpe And Crime* Wbl«Ci Bring Ilrelh Hcntnrrr Jtames Marshall, "Black Totror," ho ^~^iitted ■ sertes of holdups d in Wayne cnunty e } tinirafr was convIcU-d in Wayne pcrior Court Monday of flr»t degree burglary. he Jury drawn from a special ire of Sfl, wii Instructed by Jtulge Henry A. Grady that they could return a verdict of guilty of first degree burglary or bouse bre^fcg and larceny The first d« gre^^ardict would carry the death penalty. The Jury recommended mercy. Tuesday morning Judge Grady eentenced him to denth by gaM and he was carried to the State prison In Raleigh. JfiMr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of hit Oltve testified that on the night of Aligns'. SO their home was ransacked and robbed and that at about 4 o’clock they were awak-t ened bv someone in their bed-, room with a flashll^t. Chief of Polwe C H Stevens of] Ml Olive testified that he arreat-t ed Marshall a week later and1 that Marshall admitted going into . the house twice, once to get Mr Smith’* trousers. which he be lieved cnnta'nel moie>, and a Cain t" ret Mr Smith's car keys Marshal! took the stand and ad mitted the the cut the window screen and entered the Smith house about ten o'clock and went to sleeo and that he awoke about 4 o’clock and prowled about. He nlg^^dmHtcd that he was the one held ur> the Ball Park fining station at Goldsboro, and forced two white men to go off tn a ear with him He admitted the robbery fee Murk Corbett pStcriy in ufsfcm, and that he abducted Corbgtt and look him on a wild auto ride He said he was drunk and that he hud recently served a )* months term for larceny He «u represented by Attorney Hugh Qortdb. Solicitor Claude C. Can Mhf represented the state. Mr. otutcfc gave notice of appeal Pkxymokers Have Fine Proqram In Goldsboro Friday ThM Delightful Play* Are Seen ny Arcane IM peegles And I'h* Carolina Playmakers of the University of North Carolina pre •fiw three original one act play* at the Memorial Community Bund ing in Goldsboro Friday, night be fore *" appreciative audience of representative Goldsboro people. "Funeral Flowers for the Bride," by Beverly Hamer, a mountain play, was the first presentation. T^savin’s." by Janie Britt, was a drama also of the mountains. “Sun day Coat* Five Feaoe” a Mexican comedy war written by Josephine Niggli, of Monterey Mexico, a stu dent In playwritins at the Univer sity of North Carolina. Janet Pendleton was the star performer in each of the three plav f play* , . Pi'cjf Frederick H Koch, founder and director of the riayraa>ors. ,’.vas introdured bv William A Rnv Isborn playwright, and said South had been eolng a literary renaissance, It the University of North hart been- a center of the and dramatic revival. todem Of Sorrow H?W Here Rundav Honoring Four Elks a Boyali b Breaker At l,odse of Sorrow Of , ,.llw. Etna tpbe annual lodge of Sorrow of Geldsbtrfo Elk* was held Sun w afternoon, at which time the memory of four member* of the local aapnniration who have died -dterln»vhe year, war honored—A. *L-Gro«5r Kannsfch C. Royall was ientteB by Fred P JPnrker, Jr., j delivered the annual address irrla Best. Wxalted ruler, pre L and the Hev. OUn Fox gave invoahtlob.- There waa special Up. ttoyajl In- tala address said the man who' applies in his ch»rtty, brotherly love, ftdel, and Justice, the cardinal prln pi Flintoin, cannot help but User proper perspective of ~Ba MW high tribute to the Who- haive passed away. Gets Raise C S MmU. Wayne county faro merit was give na $250 boost ir salary this week by the county commissioners uhen It war Irnrnet that Mr. Mint/ hurl teen offeree more money anothc, county Mr Mintz tins ilmic a fine piece o v ork in tli a county and his mam li'Sctirlt v.-.'ll be glad to know tha he is to remain here CHIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK (By MATTRIC* I*. BLOCK) It’o a prosperous man whn buy hip i*w auto license plate licfwr January let. Wonder hew many times the fel lowing expression wil be heard'be tween now and Christmas. •'Well are you all rondy for Christmas? My wife M(i Use closer t( feta t Christmas the more “poor-mouth 1 talk. That fellow In RaM|h wb claims he lost his watch fliUsf I: 1 e Lumber River ftve years tf sad then when he caught a Ires In the amt river last week ayr upon cutting it open found th watch and that Use watch sras sti running and hadn't lost hut thre minutes In the five years and tha I s way Use watch got wound u sras when the fteh swans the flu turned the stem. Its at wonder th fellow didn’t claim that the w» the watch rot wound up was th* when the ticks In the watefi start* itching the fish the watch tvs must hivt been l water Urt wsUCk It eertadnly nuat a water Hr Hi (bk story. They certainly have a real ay-te date cry strut ef teaching new M little eight year old hey, Bill! came home crytne the other da because ho had missed spelling th ward, Ntrclan I taid him net t mind that. I was full wwy thr oelltye before I even tried t* spel Its Mr*. Loii*s Sutton Rmcr«? Numbers Tn Music Meetinq Her* K-v:.. Lends Sutton of Raleinl sever'd numbers Hi a Christ nxs no«lrsl t>~o°ratvi presorted b; the CoHshem M:iior and Mild Music Club e* the general rneetin of thr Wcmar's Cl"b on TbursdB; efternoon. She sar.i? "Omhvn rna: lu" fror Handel’s "Kp'xct.'’ Max Roger' “Vircin’s Slumber Song." am “Slumber Sons of the Madonna, v.-ith words bv Alfred Nove* arv muiic by Michael Head. She wa nrt-oinpajilod at the piano by Mr* H. C. Selby. Preceding Mrs. Sutton's num hers, Mrs. Lawrence Bradshe sang Schumann’s "Nussbaum,” A1 mond Tree, accompanied at tb piano by Mrs. Georgia Lee Bynum Hariette and Charles Thomoson children of Mr. and Mrs Willian B. Thompson, played “Christina Festival.” Thr following sexte from the MaJ-r and Minor Musi' Club sang C'vMiraa carols: Misse Mary Emma Olddnos and Elirabetl Smith Mesdam-s^W A. Royal!, H L. McPherson, S. B. Berkeley, *n( Talhnt Parlrer. Mrs. Kenrrib C Royall prenidec over the and Mrs. W1J Hams Spicv, .vrr tltc musical pro gram. After the n’on am the member were invited into an adjolnini room where they raw loveb Christmas arrangements and shad ow boxes =Jn the on: at*, the club buildlnj was open I i- . public to see thi lovely. . arrangement# am decoratlc ns Daily .Thoughts By bii.i. wooreBS From the looks of things, Golds boro should be again considered ono of the molt attractively deco rated cities in the state nt Christ mas time Seems like the firemen are having a pretty Hood time de corating the streets too. Every day l see a truck with ■ tall ladder netting upright In the back and a fireman on lop riding along with a smile on his face, looking as if he had just won « prize as a fltg nolr Kilter Nice to enjoy your work like thst I sm sure the peo ple of Goldsboro and the sur rounding 'towns are anxious to sec the city blazing with hundreds of Christmas lights and the streets filled with Christmas shoppers I wn3 in the office of the Para mount Theatre manager and saw a very interesting bit of philoso phy tacked or. the wall. The small sign in a pict.ire frame read, "The world is a stage—and everybody , wants a pass " Few of us realise i how much truth ts IxdnrKl these few words. Anyone who wait* cn | the public can tell \ v how many 'people Irv to get everything for nothing Even though Just lot* of people get swsy with something i for nothing they don't slop to 1 realize what a strain their reouta tiors went through Th«t clerk is •lire to tell a fripnd ho".' tight and how hard to wait nr that person was Soon the words t^at clerk poke against you are multiplied a hundred-fold and thrown right back into your face when rcu arc least expecting II ^Betcha' you don’t know who se lects these luscious b 'K of sweets sold In the theatre lobby? It's our i friend, Mr Howard, manager of • the Carolina theatre. He buvs the very bed aetectlon*—the kind you . J '-’t! V» munch on while enjoying . ^ *r>lc'.ure and has a taste that can only he compared with the type of • lipstick your beat girls uses t You're welcome, gals. I dropped in Jimmy Powell'*, meo’s furnishings, on Center street and believe me he sure Is going to Itown In the short while he has been In our fair city. You wives would ' nt have any trouble selecting pre isents if you visited his establish iment Jimmy Is a real arttat when I it comes to display work and a veteran in the selection of Christ mas gifts. My advice Is for 7°“ ‘° drop in and look over hts girts when doing your shopping You will be sure of a hearty welcome and quality merchandise It used to be somethin* to get Honorable Mention on the All America football team but now it neems that the term "Honorable Mention" is us*" 6°r>" .feeling* between the coaches and r the *port* “specialist*. ’ Have you noticed how many im > provement* have been made on the Brtlcles y°u every day. For ■ example. a package of chewing 1 trum is now "Tanned In celtophnr.e to keep the sticks of gum fresh and clean. To open the packs pc one wlH ,int* * small t*s«el of ccl I lonhone of a different color wh ch tear the end of the pack open when pulled * n-v^ve is only opr complaint l bnve concerning the modern pact ,i,e of chewing cmm. The tassel r 1 , vi-.ort If you don't bel'eve roc 1 *rv openin'1 » nackeye In the doTk •? (h a Pair of gloves on ynne 1 '-and* *nd if you dcn*t have the ’ nact m your teeth before It’s al* ' ,,var_-or opened—-I'll eat it The -nm I mono Anyway here's to ^ longer tosseif on packages o* • -hewing gum • • • . | went into a store the other dav •»rd a friend of mine working the-e ' told me He had a "lasl-RO trade" ' for m« Not being able lo think of some complimentary remark I ’ had heard concerning him at the r moment I used «'* my persuasive ' powers to induce him to tell me f what the compliment was that he heard. Finally he told me. "A girl told me that she followed ! you up the street for half-a-block I thinking you were me.” he said. . Can you beat It? Fouled at every II turn. Eunice Turner Hurt In A Fall Eunice Hianton. fourteen year old daughter of Mrs. Claudle Tur i ner of Mt Olive Route 2, is In the [ Goldsboro Hospital with * badly - broken right shoulder, suffered ■ late Saturday when she fell off of a mule she was riding on the farm. 1 Her shoulder will be placed In a i cast, and she will have to remain in I the hospital for some time, her physician said. IN WASHINGTON PLACE ■I Dl £^4“ 1^. UNITED STATES SENATOR Any survey ul the National leftis- • ta|>ie situation at tlie half-way point ol the Special Session of Conn reus, while not wholly en couraging from the standpoint of giving needed reassurance to In dustry. business and agricultuie, does disclose some cheering factor*. The most outstanding of these are: 1 Tax revision ii no longer some thin'. to merely be wished for. but is insured at the regular session' beg nrimg in January. If the Sen-i am were empowered to originate I re onue legislation, it if likely that' 11 would l>e undertaken at the cur-I ren! special session. But tha pre rogative of originating revenue! bv. s is reserved to the House of ! Representatives. I 2 \>m.- farm legislation, while temporarily bogged down with ■ amendment and disagreements promises to be finally drafted with moie real thouvht and real desire to help agriculture than any nthcr |similar measures of recent times. I 3 The rerommendaiton by Presi dent Roosevelt calling for a drastic I cut in Federal highway funds has thrown the question nf cutting Federal expenditures into bold re lief Regarding* of the merits or de menti, nf tha President’s proposal, it now seem* evident thst the Con gress must find, as speedily ss pos sible the point where needless spending ends and real economy beglna 4 That there wilt be more and more a tendency to adjust sectional differences of opinion on legisla tion on the basis of compromise. Member* of Congress from eastern Industrial aectlons want a wage imd-hour bill Likewise, members from agricultural sections want Im mediate action on farm legislation. Naturallv. In a Situation of this character North Carolina, both in dustrial and agricultural, sets a* trode these sectional differences. There i« agreement that the best in terest of the country as a whole is the point of compromise, although sometimes difficult to reach. While North Carolina Is. of course vitsllv Interested In tax re vision and farm assistance, a mat ler ni imnTOv *** — President's recommendation on highways This i* true because the Chief Executive ha* ureed a can cellation cf all road authorisation* made by Congress for the riaeal veer 19311 Under peat •hese 1939 funds would be allocat ed to the state* betf.Th—JarO**"* 1038 Thus the question of whether VoF‘h Carolina will secure »wt $4 5**0 0(10 in mticinated Federal road fimri* in the fiscal year hetin July 1. IfW is an important 1 TnfcnnC'.l on-ion at the -r.orr“nt . -ito bn tv-:* -ho Conme«* ran .. -,r| v ill n -be time H-tWCCI ■ and Dc ,1 the date ten • v„ 3C| f.. j.i'o'rrntnt As a .... .5; it 'is r'K u-'lil ely that the »!- . ,■■*i*-pir>onl of v* pd fund* for the mnn f eral rp.»' «.-sll he made a* or' r'n*"v scheduled. Considerate ■ - - In* (riven to a curtailment of rr.* csbend'tuTits at the regular - n hcRinriirc in January. y. jn£( nr the lerislpHve situn •.ro r;c a whole, the deadlocks, dis •1 Kite men 1s and rlelavg In Conevess are in themselves that the sentl ■ from "hack home" !i having an influence on Congressional pro cedure. It is in such time* that romnromise is essential, despite the fact that compromise is slow. But it assures the country more efficient law machinery. Elvnbeth Tadlock j,esf»s One Of Eyes Flir'filkth Tadlock, four year old dauchter o* Mr. and Mrs. I.uhy Tadlock r.f Calvpso, sixteen miles snudh of Celdshoro. was shat in the r:eh! c* r l»- muiiher child playing j with a toy nir rifle Wednesday af- • ternnor. She was brought to the Goldsboro Hospital where it wash found necessary In remove the eye. , Dr A G. Woodard attending physician, said that usually about 1 six children are brought to him j each fall and winter having been 1 shot in the eye with toys. He said that parent* should be warned of 1 the danger. “Buy and Use Christmas Seals a^ Long Distance Courtship A ease of long-distance courtship cnme to the attention of The Herald this week. In fact, the courtship was carried on over a distance of 1600 miles—from the Pikeville section of this county to Min nesota. The bride and Broom—they sre that now—had carried on a courtship for almost four year* by mail Last Wednesday ho arrived from Minnesota. Sun day they were married Wed nesday of this week they left for Michigan—happy, both of them Herbert Hanson. SB, Minne sota Swede, was the man; Miss Eula Bartlett of near Pike vine was the bride. Nearly four years ago Miss Bartlett and Mr Hanson, began corresponding sfter she had seen his name in a magazine, with the information he was an eligible bachelor. They wrote, exchanged pictures sev eral tunes, learned each other’s life history and background, became engaged and married Although tlipv hod never seen each other until b wee’s aro. they seemed hanny; each flr.dtnc n the other lust what exchanged info'million had in dirnted they would find They were married Sunday at the home of M- and Mrs H K. Kields 3 miles west of Pikevflle Rev J B Roberts. Primitive Baptist minister, per formed the caremeny. Mr Hanson’s parents came from Sweden 02 yeait ago and bought a square mile of gov ernment land in Mlnnesnta 640 acres—and they h»v« worked hard and prospered or the B» «n acre land Mr. Roberts seed Mr Hsnrot would qualify pretty wall as i Primitive Baptist for the Swedi told the minister he had trial time and again to dismiss Mis Bartlett from his mind bn could not do so: he Just had b come and marry her. That* good Primitive Baptist doe trine. But the groom la Lutheran. “He seems Intelligent wel trained, and I’m sure they wil make ■ fine couple.* was th< opinion of the minister. He is about five feet elgh inches, weighs around 141 pounds; she Is five feet twi inches end weighs near SOI pounds. Mr. Cinderella Is To Be Played At n ucuuai wu a >iuv ;«ne«y Is To B* Acted Br Tmm And Clttxens Of The Com munity Mr. Cinderella, win iresented at Belfast school F lay night of this week at 7-30 This Is one of the newest con Iv-dramns and has several uni ial comedy situations. Wit a cisprrack* romt* at uiiexuecl mints: serirus situptiors arm* ndirrnus Touchier is the rule he ptav say ll'"se who have sc t, rod they advlm !f sou cp push not to sec this play. The c* t is commscd of the f .•■win*: Harold Hr.rrourt. Dr. P one friend, b” let* Montague: 1 “lob Prse*on. Hubert Howell: Mi mi Preston Bob's uncle. P last; J:mn .Tenscv. from Bee'” Urun Smith: Goldie Janwv. Jr" laitehler, Miss Kriith Best: V ’.ranville Brant, by Miss Mi 'arson: Eleanor Brant bv M Mice Dean: I.tilubell Webster, enorter, by Miss Dorothy Kinl? ‘oliceman. seeking reward a promotion, Principal T. Threi ituffy. Dr Bob's janitor. CUi ilphin: Jennie, the Brant ma diss Nell Aycock; Kitty, the m enjrcr girl Mrs T ThreeU. W w Murphy, Sot*. !r«h. Undiei diss Stella Taylor. An admission of 10 cents hild!%n and 25 cents for adt trill be charged. Benefit Weiner Roast Is Frida A weiner roost will be held he home of Milford Daly, nt treadhurst bridge. Friday night his week for the benefit of Fohn Church. A program with several anti ointment features will be provldi md the jiubJ^is cordially Invll a attend The meeting. Mrs. Frank Grant urgas all w •an to attend and thua help 1 ihurch. ''Fremont and rikeville ]! Split Basketball Game* Gets New Job j A S Knowles, assistant county Harm agent, haa offered his resign ,«tion to acept the position as lann agent in Hoke County, and he left for his new work this week Ha fas made many friends in Wayne and they will hat* to see him go: but the county commissioners Ivere decided they could not meet the price he had been offered in Hok* AS I SEE IT By L. K. WABXICK As I see it, this ts the “atl" time of the year. The football seeeon is over and the tans and papers are picking All-American. All-Eaatern, All Southern, All-State and All-County teems. This AH-State high school . selection had some boy* I once coached. Pete Goddard of Rocky Mount, one of Josh Home's paper ' boys, was all-American three year* ago. but only made the All-State team this year. He has at least cov ered a respectable territory Rocky ’ Mount’s teem this year is composed of paper boys. They make good football players. Went to a Sunday school class party last night and ate all that was served on the plate. That* un usual. They usually serve some thing that you can't eat. A few years back I ate three of Y these little paper dollies before I found out that they were not to be eaten. They are not bad eating if li_ j you soak them full of :ce cream gravy—little tough tho. my ouy man \ nxe n De cs use I hnd somethin* put In tbs , : paper about him last week He be 'come furious, Mud he was so mad Ko to prove it he spit on the stove That proved it l®' 1 wonder u-ho that hoy takes af ls_i ter' Welt there are nr!y twr "" -tresses. My sues* is he mow Uik* p I a Per h 0 folks have got* -wri/.r r I si;o use j’ tiiis mess I'm 'vri‘ir n't '!• 3r tr ■tp <>tnt Wcrvfio M»n Have Hamr.” Escmoe In WrecV tx r)'R !’K. W A. Dees And Dr. Ci-ontr gsr. son tn'nred In Ar-ident I.sst Thursday Hr. P. Coonpr Person prominent Pikeville physician, and Attorney W A Dees of Gold shorn, who were painfully injured when their auto mobile was in collision with one occupied by two negroes op high war 117 eight miles south o( Goldsboro about 8:50 Thursday night, have been reported as get ting on nicely. ___ - ?.*r Dees suffered ,> Bad fracture of the shOuMer." jo injury of the leg. abrasions and contusions stent the head and bodv. Dr Person suf fered chest Injuries aed possibly fractured ribs. Willie King, chauffeur driving Dr. Person's received bruise* about the and cuts about the face. A shell. Goldsboro negro, who in the other car, had slight injuries. Dr Person’s ear was turned nletelv over and stopped wheels sixty-six yards first sign of the impact, almost demolished. Mr. thrown clear of the some distance. H' crushed to piece Mr Decs were 1 pita] by ambula PikwrflU Gills Win 44 to 2 Fremont Boys Win 32 to It Last Night EUREKA-GRANTHAM DIVIDE OH TUESDAY Around 300 Fans Soo Each Night As School Steal The Fremont ud schooli split their winnings yj first match of the season last »t the Memorial Community ing here as the bays and teams met before a crowd of ly 300 spectators in s fast ana citing game. The Fremont girls were classed by the PiSevllle with an overwhelming aeorw at ffk to 2 with I- Hides and A. Hkki so high scorers for the red and vtilla and G. Hooks making the goal fas Fremont. The Fremont boys balanced too winnings of the two games with a score of 32 points to win over ton plucky Pikeviile tcarr.r' 18 points. Fremont clayed with a veteran team having four out of five let* t follows: Plkevftle Girls.—Fleming, rf, 4 I points: CuJbreth. If. 5 point*', I* ',H.cks, C, *0 prints: Carroway, rf and Hopewell lf. Substitutes: A Hicks. 10 point*. Parnell. 4 points; Garris, 1 pend; Talton and Gray Fremont Girls:— B Peacock, r( J. Dees. If: G. Hooka, c. i M Pippin, rg; L Musgrave. lg. Subslitutas: K. Hooks. MrDen. aid. Wlnbom. Pikeviile Boys—L Vail, rf, 4 points: Morin go. if, 7 points; Hkka, c, 4 points; O. Smith, rg. 3 potato; and Williams, lg. Substitutes: Lancaster. Fremont Bovs: — .Toner rl, 4 j points: Davis, If, 7 points; Fed*. er 9 points: Hooks, rg. 2 points; Mc Call. lg, 10 points Substitutes; Hayes. Officials: Referee. Jeffrey; Time keeper. Johnson: Storekeeper. Ko Clenny. Games for the coming week are: Thursday. Rosewood v*. New Hogg; Friday. Seven Springs vs Nahonto; Saturday Mt. Olive vs. Brogdm; ■ Tuesday. Rosewood vs. GratrtlMm and Wednesday. Seven Spring! «% l Pikeviile 1 DuJc tliaJI olayer in the East will 'lav ,n San Frarcisro Calif., oo N> ••• Y«ar> T>av !p the frame ba j ("'-••• *he \! I-Fast team ?id the ! i '' '"cst eleven arerrdinc to tarty w' . in-cvr,' '* 'if 11,0 c-tefp n ifjin. f'o»”h Pcvr'e P i»t-ji of 1 t i/j y.irr * * am1'-1 ins a *• d fi r2 in*n to ’x* r ’ertnjtl i Pi J £0*1* 'C; rr _t v *T «iOr- to I «;• i the ! - ••*’•.-. ■ ••'*.' :• --iBiljr t tv--* C‘ - 1 SSt-'e •-« i f«M* »i 'e • »• ehit ' (' ■ 'Vc< •• h'.'T "'-rim: d v| r -vt aj»i'. -he i.'-c-* plnivi'E \ate> i*.t f^,r the r .el fen r itiidrn imnitmcm Supported R». .■encntel've Grshara A. flar ■ den ,1 Vor'h Cai'di'w. ■•'.ember of (the Ho'.'v labor coir. n> rtf ve. inaie cnr-niej-ible proRnrio: Monday to ward the adoption of his amend** merit nrovicUns that rrv mcimwe ordered in was** should 1* made effective by installments. Not a slpp)o member of the remmtnea was today witling to sponaor flw