Audited drculatloB 3,154 B8.M pur amt la tfcti Immediate Territory. Audited October ft, 1W GOLDSBORO HERALD 'Wayne County's Leading Weekly Newspaper" FRIEND ADVERTISES Demand audited ClrNMak. Don’t buy “A oat ta • has,* Circulation la what Too Iw. Be aura to Bat It VOLUME XIV. Nambar 11. Goldsboro. N. C., Thuroda* 3°. 1937 PRICE: 5 amber ol Commerce Takes lock of Work During Year »» Body CUart HmU Oi Debt and Slupwi Flans lor Orsatw Work in 1938 SEVERAL* CONVENTIONS ARE BROUGHT TO CITY Outlook Is Brighter as ths Now Tsar Rolls tm Othsr Work Still to B« Dons ccofnpluhmenU of Qddsboro Uk put year have been TRed by Qjr^.'teSwrtrial Committee ob and deserve praise of the Chnm tber, the committee, and the city as s whole, members pointed out Through the activities of the Convention Committee— especially the chairman. Walter Stansbury, the city ha* attracted a number of conventions during the year. Chief among then* was the seed f convention last spring, the visit of 1 the Northern Tourist Bureau Oroetp. the £rt)UP that attended the opening of the Cotton Road from Faison to Clinton. In the matter of new businesses the committee has discussed with the owners of several new enter prteaa possibilities of then Iccitlin ■ttsta and they find that almost al! of thae* enterprise* want gifts of money or equipment In addition to exemption from taxes; and the Chamber In its present state does hot feel qualified to solicit money ' for these purposes* as it is felt that l, the bsnks of the city and private B canltal could be used as sources for semiring these fund*. Services for bringing Industrialists and capital ists or banker* together have been offered, but apparently those who •wanted to come here did not find A propositions sufficiently attractive to brine them. Another accomplishment for Coldsbom last year was the m>c cess of the canning and storage “ ntants now in operation at the old fair grounds—The F.»stem Carolina s Cooperative Association Slot Machines Are Seized In Comity Wayne county officers seized nineteen slot machines during the week end. Owners and operators have not been arrested but bills of indictment are pending for the ac tion of the grand jury at the Jan uary term of superior court Sheriff Paul C. Garrison said Monday that deputies would con tinue to visit filling station* and stores and to confiscate machines despite notices on these machines stating that Interference with then operation was prohibited under terms of a permanent injunction signed by the Judge of the Eastern District North Carolina Federal ^'wayne county' grand juries and two superior court judges presid ing over recent superior court ses sions here have ordered the ma chines confiscated. Two Churches Get New Coats Two churches In Indian Springs township are to receive new coats of paint within the next few weeks. The churches are the Hopewell Baptist Church and the Christian Hill Universal 1st Church, both lo cated tome distance from the In dian Springs school. Bom Grady, member of Hope well said the congregation of his church had raised the money to bay the paint and that the roem bsn would do the planting. He understood the situation was the acme with the Unlveraallst congre gation. i. > Postoffice Receipts ft Run High Christmas ^ Rec n W De Receipts at the Goldsboro post -uTlce from December 16 through 34 amounted to *4.364, an increase of *4 percent or *664 over receipts for the same period of 10-tfi The re ceipts for this period for this year Woke all previous record* Poet master R H Edward* reported an awcu nious Increase in the volume of Christmas card*. Most Christmas ensiling was done earlier this year than usual, he said. Strange Bird Killed Friday The boy wee happy John Henry "Sonny” Harris, 14, ul the Pearson Undw sec Uon of Buck Swamp township. Ha had killed a strange bird —perhaps the first bird lie had ever lulled on the wing. At the Herald office, where Garland Harris, bother of “Son ny’' and John Weilcy "Bud” Rowe brought the bird, it was tentatively identified as a Her ring Gull. It was brownish gray, had web feet and a slightly hooked beak, and It measured 5 feet from tip of wing to tip nf wins Sonny killed the strange bird near his borne last Friday Standpipe Bursts ** After Service Of 49 Years In City 200.##® 0*1 Ions Of Water Caesr A Flood Ait 11 Flow* Over Near by DMioinKr Tbo upper fourth of Goldsboro's 40 yoor old 200.000 gallon standpipe collapsed ju*t before midnight Wednesday with u thundering crash, completely destroyed a store, washed away a garage.' tore amali buildings from their foundations, and Hooded the first floors of near by residences. The A. T. Griffin Manufacturing plant suffered dam ages The 110 fee*. high standpipe Is lo cated at North George and Holly Streets. The loss of the pipe itself is negligible, City Manager Zeno Hollowcll sard, since it was to have been dismantled at an early date. Plana had already been made for the erection of a million gallon ca pacity tank costing about $80,000 to be located at the intersection of Center and Holly Streets. There was no disruption of service on ac count of the accident. Within an hour water was being pumped di rectly into the city water mains. Mr. IiolloweU said regular water service would be continued. Citizens, awakened suddenly, found water already up to their perches, and were forced by the rising water to Ihclr second floors. The water broke through the win dows and doors of the Charley Da vis Grocery destroying his store and stock and cafe. A garage and :-everal stables on the Griffin plant were washed away, and the entire grounds flooded. Following the crash the water exacted its damages then quickly receded, and it was all over in a minute Production Credit Stockholders Meet Her© January 20th President Bea B. Lewis Announces Meeting: Urge* All Meaksn Be Present Stockholders o 1 the Goldsboro Production Credit Association will hold their annual meeting In the Court House on Thursday morning. January ZO, 1838 at 10:00 o'clock, according to an announcement by Ben R. Lewis, president ot the as* sociation, who says that It Is de sired that every member Df the as sociation shall be present. At this meeting, complete and detailed reports will be made by the rfticers of the association on its operations lor the past year, direc tors will be elected and other high ly important business transacted. Mr Lewis in announcing the date of the annual meeting said that it was hoped to make the attendance at this year’s meeting the largest of any of the meetings yet held. He said that these annua! meetings af forded the stockholder* sn oppor tunity to learn every detail of the operations ol their association and that It was their duty to attend. The Goldsboro Production Credit Association serves Wayne County and in 1937 made loans totalling *377.000.00 Prize Winners Are Named For Holiday Decorations Here Ogden Parker. Kerman And Jack Barden, Mrs. D. L. CulhreD, Mrs. Rabert Bryan Winners The decoration of living Christ mas trees, windows, and doorways Ip the private homes in Goldsboro were the most beautiful this year of any since the Inauguration of the Christmas Decoration Contest by the Goldsboro Garden Club as an annua! event several years ago. Ogden Parker was awarded first place for the belt decorated living Christmas tree at his home on North James street: Kennoo and Tack Borden, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Borden, of Park Avenue, best decorated twin living trees; Mrs D L Cuthrell, East Aah street, best Uch’ed doorways; Mrs. Robert Brvan Er*t Mulberry street, beet general effect Honorable men Jon was awarded to Miss Bertha Futsler. North Georve s»reet: to the children nl Mr and Mrs dorr** Jeffrfvs. North tHrelpla street: ard to the First Preshv*erian church for the lovely decorations of it* front entrance. CHIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK Ootaldo *f a m(« un I U*« »• vlve4 tie Cfcrirtmae loeOrlUee falr ly well. My prohibition eggnof went ever eo well 1 M t* make (* givem. Roosevelt haters. has ' hand beaters, heg-drtngers, fat heads and hnow-tt-ail*. May your New Year be real happy, flay and healthy, fine aunt bright. And your family affair* w* charm ing. I Kouil want to stay home at night. t COUNTY COURT NEWS larceny, 6 larceny, A larceny. 60 Judge Paul C. Edmundson dis posed of the following cases in Wayne County Court Tuesday, De cember 28: State v*. Johnnie James Herring, abandonment end non-support, nol pro&sed. Coy Jacobs, receiving and having intoxicating whiskey for purpose of sale, guilty, Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Wheeler Thompson, larceny, verdict not guilty. Leroy i Elroy- Artis, bastardy, nol pro&sed. Ranxom Corbett, operating auto mobile while intoxicated, damage#, four months on the roads and co*U including $17 to Clyde Jones, de ferred sentence for good behavloor for two years, not to operate car in North Carolina for one year. Dewey Mills, operating car intox icated without permit, guilty of careless and rocklnes driving, judg ment suspended for 12 months up on payment of ousts which include *e.7T to Willie McIntyre. I-nuly Spence, careless and reck less driving, verdict not guilty. Willie Williams, larceny, BO days on roads. James Hinnant, assault, remand ed to J. P. court. William S Sherman, operating cur intoxicated, hit and run and damages, judgment continued two vcprs upon payment of crusts. Dam aces settled out of court. Vanderbilt Lane, receiving and having untax paid whiskey in pos sc sii'ii for purpose of sale. $50 ond exists 8 months in jail Capias jail sentence not to Issue upon payment of fine and costs and good behavior for 2 yeara. Karl Woodward, months on road. Johnnie Highsmith months on road Hurley Hunter. Jr., riavs on roads. Richard Penn, larceny, judgment suspended without cost*. James Edwards, larceny, 8 months on roads. Lottie Debose. receiving and having untax pnid whiskey for purpose of sale, *25 and costs, 90 days Jail sentence suspended for two ytsr* Chancy rbarRed receiving' and having untax paid whiskey for! sale 00 days on roads. 1 Andrew Tunestall. larceny, re manded to-J.P Court Raymond Moses, carrying con cealed weapon, judgment suspend ed 12 months upon payment of Williams- worthless check, iol pros- no costs. Clarence Gwaltney, operating an lUtomoblle Intoxicated, cost*, judg ment suspended f°r two years good iehavUir No permit to drive for wo Monroe Ellis, carrying concealed ■/canon, not guilty. Clifton Toler operating sutomo iile intoxicated, judgment suapend for two years, good behavior ind payments of costs and *60 flna. Notice of appeal to Superior Court. Jond *2®®- n , Jessie Ro«s. Willie Ross, and 'ora Lee Simmons, assault with leadly weapon Willie Ross not rullty: judgment: 18 months In Jail in done-half costs to Jessie Rosa, me-half actual costs to Cora Lee Simmons. Capias for Jail sentence o Jessie Rot* not to Issue upon pay nent of one-half cent* which ln lude $80 to Joseoh Fennell *139 80 o Goldsboro Hospital, and charges >f Dr D. J Rose, and good beha -lor for two years. James Humphrey, assault and •arrvlng concealed weapon: costs udemcnl suspended on one year or good behavior. Richard Howell, having materials or manufacture of wblskev. and vhiskev In possession f"r sale. *** >nd costs and «tx month* In fail: ■aula* for 1»H sentence suspended lor two years on good behavior H«r>rv St(*v«»nq hnvtp* 'or the manufhofure of a.MsVev »nd whisker for sale. **8 »n«■ Simpson at the intersection of Ash and Komegay streets. Allas Dorothy Barfield, 17, who was in he car, waa badly cut on the acslp. The Pate girl* were riding down ill] on one bicycle end were un* ibis to atop when they reached Vsh street, which ia highway 10. As hey crashed into tht moving car, Edna's head struck a window, shat tering the glass and cutting her ex tensively on the forehead- Miss Barfield was cut by flying glass. Sara was deeply cut on the leg when caught between the bicycle nedal and the cur. Sara and Edna ire in the Goldsboro Hospital Miss Barfield was taken home after be in? Biven treatment at the hospi tal. Chamber Commerce Names Six Directors To Serve On Board 1 Meeting T* n* XtM On luuury lout t« Mint Officers for Coniine Taar Six new director* have been named for the Golrliboro Chamber of Commerce and Merchant* Asso ciation, President H. V. Mod bn an nounced yesterday. The yare ben R. Lewis, H. F. Lee, W. L. Rawlings, W. F. Taylor, Gordon Maxwell and G. C. Cox. Old directors nerving with the newly elected ones are H. L, Moye. R. E. Matthews, Dr. D. J Rose D. C CoRdell and Emil Rosenthal. The directors will meet January 10 to elect officers for the coming year. Directors whose terms expire the first of the year are Walter A Stanubury, R. M. Divh, W. A. Ott, V. G. Herring. Neil Joseph and H. V Modlin Officer* are H V. Mod lin. president; Emil Rosenthal, vice president: and W A Ott, treasurer Salvation Army Tree Makes 500 Children Happy \» Many As Could Fnefc hate Army kuiWing Wara hrissal Monday Night Five hundred children were made happy at the annual Salvation Army Christmas Tree held at the Salvation Army Citadel on North William Street Monday night. Each child was given e hag of camliea. truit, Bnd nuts, and one or more toys. E. D. Ellis of the Goldsboro Fire Department played Santa Claus. A brief musical program was Riven previous to the distribution I of gifts and Adjutant Ernest La mar made an inspirational talk. As him in conducting the pro gram was Cadet Fred Boyette, Goldsboro boy at home for the Christmas holidays from the Salva tion Army Training College in At lanta. Ga. Approximately a Thousand toys given out from the tree had been donated by Goldsboro people, minted and repaired by the Golds boro Fire Department. Many new toys were donated by stores and individuals. 3 Children Suffer From Broken Limbs Three children are in the Golds boro Hospital with broken limbs suffered in separate accidents cur ing the week end. Marlene Whit man. 5. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Whitman cl Route 5, Mt. Olive, had her left leg fractured in a fall at home. Betty Jean Ruffln, 7, of 73fl Branch street. Rocky Mount, has a fracture of the left elbow; and Marion Wilson. 13. son of Mr and Mrs S- A Wilson of Route 3. Goldsboro, a fracture of the right arm. investigate A rilling Station Robbery Here Officers were Investigating the breaking, entering and robbery of the Allen filling station, located near Griffin park by unknown par ties. late Thursday night The lock was pried off the front door. The following were taken: the earfi reelster containing about SIS. one slot machine, three boxes of cigar*, and more than twelve cartons Of cigarettes. FUlinaS*ation Destroyed Friday Fire of undetermined origin cono nletelv destroved B filling station '*i trvllsn Snr1n« townshlo. near storw-well church. Friday nl«ht The station was owned bv Bob T.ewis and was onen>led hv ft O. r»r»lme* The fir* occurred about 10 o’clock »♦ ni«ht While the onerator was visiting In the community. NOTARIES It .T. Smith of ftoldshnm. and Wamlrt TV Smith of <»«•« Oocic.<*% "•ere commissioned es notaries nub ile In Raleigh Monday. Civic Minded Citizen Urges Building Tobacco Market PEftgas J nu w. r. cox Mrs. W P. Cox, mother of Gaorga C. Cox of Goldafaoro, freight agant for the Atlantic Coaat Line nail* road, died at her home in Lari*, 8. C., early Friday morning. Funeral •ervioaa were conducted from the home at 11 o’clock Saturday morn ing. She had been In declining health for soma time. Mr. Coat had bean with hla mother since Wed nesday. ANNIE EVANS Funeral sertvcaa for Annie Mar garet Evans. 7, were conducted from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Evens In Fork town ship Monday afternoon. She died SuixSay night from pneumonia. The Kev. Elbert Nowlin, Friends minis ‘er was in charge of the funeral •lurlal was in the cemetery at Princeton. IDA ILACKLET Ida Louise Hackley. twelve year •Id daughter of O. L>. Rackiey. died at the home on Bryar street Tues day morning following a long Ill ness of tuberculosis. She is sur vived by her father, a sister, and two half brothers. Funeral aervcies were conducted from the home at 4 o’clock Wed nesday afternoon by the Rev. K H Turner of the House of God. In terment was tn the family plot. NEEDHAM k HOLLAND Needham Kaeford Holland, 50, died at his home In Grantham township Wadneaday night follow ing an illness of about a year. Fun eral services were conducted from the home Thursday afternoon by the Rev Luther Westbrook, Holi ness minister. Burial was in the family cemetery lie Is survived by his widow and six children. Milford Holland, Mias Mabel Holland, Mrs. Mattie Hol land. and Mrs. Nettle Westbrook, all of Grantham: James Holland and Mrs Myrtle Raynor of Golds boro MBA EMMA »rKK Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Duke Brown, 82, were conducted from her home in Princeton Friday afternoon by the Rev. Mr Godwin, oastor of the Free Will Baptist Church Interment was in the Princeton cemetery. She died at her home Tuesday night following an illne* due to complications of advanced aoe. • i Mrs. Brown was the widow of Dempsey Brown, who died four years neo. She as a member of the Free Will Baptist Church She is wtrvlverl by one son W L. Brown of Princeton: five daughters. Mes dames D V Carter. Winston-Sal •m- C. R. Williams Washington D. f' • f„ v Evnr„s. Selma: F. J Den v*nr Hal«-!»h a>'d W T voune. Vewoert News Va.: and a rlaugh- ' ‘, Mrs W B. Brown of j Goldsboro. VjgjtAf In Citv Dies Wednesday While visiting his niece. Mrs. Frank C. Felton of Grlduboro. Law son Moore, 71. of Z/iesville. Ohio died here Wednesday after having: suffered a paralytic stroke while' attending church Sunday He came from his winter home in Clearwater. Florida, to visit his niece, and was stricken while at the Presbyterian church Sunday. A brief funeral service was held for Mr Moore at the Stanley-Tiel verton Funeral Home, conducted hv Dr Leigh Scott, pastor of the Presbyterian church, ard the body v.-a« sent Wednesday to Zanesville for burial. State Hospital Patients Feted Each ot the 2.1IW patients at the; State Hospital for colored insane near Goldsboro received an individ ual package of fruit, nuts, and can dy from a Christmas tree tn his or her ward Christmas morning A special musical program in which attendant* and some of the better class of patients took part, w™ given in the auditorium Christmas mornins A dinner of fresh meats, vegetable*, and mince pie was served. In the evening there was » Christmas tree party at which time attendants and patients who ehoae pave gifts tn their friends. Saulston P O. To Be Closed Goldsboro Postmaster B H M wards announced that effective I>e remher 31. Saulston Pnetnftlee would be discontinued. All natrons ■erved v>v this office will get their mrit G^'ldshoro Route S. The Saulston offlne t« the last In Wovne Cnuotv to he d'sccmtlnisad. ••T-d w>*s on* of the oldest In the «*ate. Mr. R. S Hare has served for •» number of years as its postmas ter SHOT w m Willie James Coler. H. colored was aeldcsiliv shot tn the eva with «n »ir rifle Viv another ehlid <*»♦ urvlev aftaenoon p. th* OnlftKArn JIawIIsI HIs nhvutrle" Infer tV nt the |rhn s to the «»*e Parrot’s Hospital bv his father end a co’nred friend. He was conscious unl'l an opera tion which was performed tn re move the bullet which was found lodged near the epidermis in hist back. He died early Christina* morning. Funeral was held Tues day. He is the son of Lewis and Ger trude Johnson. Lewis Johnson tta» been in the employ of Hardy and Newsom Manufacturers for over ten years. The deceased Johnson hved with his parents and did nog. Jtold a steady job. He had a fail re cord and served a term on this mad. A warrant was issued before* (Johnson died charging Mr. War# with assault with • deadly weapon with intent to kill lie is under Dona. MJTTNQ TAOS Citizens of the Goldsboro tn« Are securing automobile lictiw fas ter then the statawide swim. Mm. H. L. Moye. manager at 9m branch office of the Carolina Mo tan had been sold in rompartaoa wife 3.718 aoM by the wrve fktm. Mat year. License were put on aala December 1; and must be on auto mobiles by December 31. Captain Chartas D. Farmer, neodl of the Eastern Division of the Btatta TIUhwmj Patrol, said that the Ha Mth mnnbm of the State Polfco we ready to crock tirwn on mo torists with outdated tan begin ning Saturday. January 1. OtAHOt OFFTCFI _ Frank Andrews rf tkitaik -named "Cenea* of ♦h* ''State G ranee Deputies A*prvM!o* m ths matting In Greensboro Tuesday