•ifebacco Still Ond«— Conservation Program E Y. Floyd. AAA executive offi «r at Stale College, remind* North Carolina farmers that the vote re lectins tobacco marketing quotas .rfirt not affect the agricultural ecn •ervation program lor tobacco. "Each tobacco grosser can earn a payment on the normal production of his acreage allotment by planting within the allotment, unless he also grows cotton and knowingly over plants his cotton allotment,' Floyd •aid. "In that case he cannot receive a conservation payment on cotton, tobacco, or any other crop, or for Carrying out soil-building practices tt he knowingly ovorplants his cot ton allotment in a year when cot ton marketing quotas are in effect. Cotton quotas for 1939 were ap proved in the referendum Decem ber 10 The Triple-A official also said it was important for tobacco growers to remember that if they overplant (heir tobacco acreage allotments trader the conservation program they run the risk of losing all of their conservation payments on cot ton and other crops. "If a tobacco grower overplant?,’’ he said, "deductions will he made from his tobacco payment. The de duction will be made not only from the payment calculated on the nor mal production of his tobacco al lotment. but also from the conser vation /payment that otherwise might be due on cotton, peanuts, and other crops and for soil-bui!d ing practices. injs means mat snc idkicco grower who everplants stands the risk of Having such a large deduc tion made that he will not get any conservation payment on any crop or for any soii-buikting practice out.” Moulding and Columns Shingles and Laths Lumber and Woodwork A. T. Griffin Mfg. Co. Want Ads WANTED:—Housekeeper, white or colored age 20 to 40, jri small town. Write partieulais to Box XY2S, Care Goldsboro Herald, Goldsboro. X. C. It ETRAYED -e-colored marc mule, weighing ubou* 1.000 lbs. with t-n.all scratch on lelt side Fir.ciei notify J. J. Musgrsvc. Pikeville. N. C. lie NOTICE WORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore cx.sting be tween E. L. Robert* and M. L Hlock trading as the Goldsboro Herald, has been dissolved by mu * tual consent, and E. I, Roberts has •cquired all the interest of M. L Block, who is no longer connected with the business, and has assumed the payment of ail the obligations of said partnership business All aurrvs due the partnership ore to be paid to E I. Roberts, who will fer ry the bus new forward in the aame name m formerly This she 12th day of January, 1939 THE GOLDSBORO HERALD, By E. L ROBERTS For Results Advertise Wooten Best, 14, Dies Following A Three-Day Illness Vaunt Boy Was Member of 1‘romi Rent Families of Goldsboro And Wovne County Funeral service* for Wooten Best. 14. member of a prominent Wayne county family, who died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Best :n the Thompson Chape! connnur ty last Thursday evening, were conducted at the home Saturday morning by the Rev. Walter C. Ball, pastor of St. Paul Methodist Church. Interment was in the family cemetery near the home. Hi> death followed a three days’ iliness of pneumonia Young Best was the only child of his parents, and the only grand child ol the late Mr, and Mrs Woot en Bizzell of Goldsboro. He was a Wooten grandson of Major Best of the Thompson Chapel community, and a nephew of Misses Myrtie, Alice. Mattie, and Laura Bizzcll, of Gold.shore. Pallbearers were young friends of the deceased. Mrs. ML G. Grant, 67, Dies Last Thursday Mrs. M. G. Grunt. «?. died at her home in New Hope township Thurs day afternoon. Funeral services were conducted at the home Friday afternoon, and burial was in the Sasser family cemetery near the Surviving are her husband; three daughters. Mis. Lillie Singleton o' • New' Hope. Mrs Luia Lar.e and Miss Nellie Grant, of Goldsboro; one son, Eddie Grant of New Hope; two bro thers. Avery Lane c? LaCrange. and M L Lane of New Hope, and cnc , sister. Mrs Frances Singleton of j Goldsboro. i Father Of A Local Man Dies Saturday James Hufus Clayton of near Winston-Salem, father of Rufus Clayton of Goldsboro, died in a hos pital in Greensboro Saturday night following a stroke of paralysis. Ru fus Clayton, accompanied by his two young daughters, Audrey and Bettie L-ou went to his father's bedside Fane1 :.l >«*.•% »e«s were conducted at the home Monday afternoon, and interment was r the family plot nea - the home. Mr. Clayton is survived by his .vidow three suns, and two daugh ters. nil of Winston-Salem and vi cinity except Rufus Clayton Fremont Personals Misses Bessie Newberry oi New-i berry. S C.: Frances Cromavtie and Gladys Yates uf Dunn spent the week end with Miss Bonnie Blalock Messrs J B Lane and H. L Stephcnscp spent several days in Norfolk. Va.. this week Miss Laura Gibbs, a member of ■ the school Ucu'.ty. is ill at her home n Morchcad City Mr. John Henry Wilson of Dunn spent the week end with John Ba’. lance Mayo. Mrs R A. Fctzcr of Chapel Hill was*the guest of Mrs. Alice Smith last week Mr. Frank B. Aycock has return ed from a business trip to Atlanta. Ga We Offer From Jan. 12th Thru Jan. 18th 98 lbs. RED BEAUTY FLOUR (Guaranteed Good) S2.35; 48 lbs. .. $1.20: 24 lbs. _ 65c: 12 lbs. .. 35c CORN FLAKES or POST TOASTIES-3 for . _23c WASHBURN S PANCAKE FLOUR—2 for _ 15c Buckwheat Flour _ ___ 9c APPLES and PEACHES. Evaporated __10c MILK—Carnation or Pet—3 for 1 Oc and 3 for __ _ 20c MILK. Swiss (Medical Assn. Label) 4 and 8 for 25c NAPKINS—100 paper, nice quality 9c; or 3 for __ 25c RICE—whole grain. 6 lbs. for 25c; Fancy. 7 lfcs. lor 25c RIM LOCKS, durable variety . — 40c MEAT—Fat Back . _ 8c; Rib __ _lie to 13c PURE LARD—81bs-76c; 4 lbs_^38c: 2 lbs,_21c LUZIANNE COFFEE, lb. . ___23c SALT—100 lb. bag ....95c Morton's tender quick, sugar-cure, and sausage seasoning in stock. Also FIGARO, all sizes. BOOTS Good Variety to Select From. tSubJect supply, tax paid, quantity limits subject our discretion) CONTENTNEA PLANT BED FERTILIZERS 3-8-3 for $2.60 with heavy meal • 4-8-3 for $2.70 (Blood base equal to any) 4r8-3 for $2.85 with heavy meal —PLANT BED CLOTHS— We have a full stock of all grades at most reasonable prices In yard wide taped or plain edge and in 4 and 5 yard wide with grommets. 20x12; 20x18; 22x18; 28x24 —SEE US BEFORE BUYING— —FENCE WIRE 34 inch_$8.15; 40 Inch.9.00; 46 inch.$9.95 32 inch.$5,00; 60 inch.$2.80; 72 inch.$3.20 GALVANIZED ROOFING. 29 guage, square _$3.75 B. G. THOMPSON GOLDSBORO. N. C. umuiin I ONLY HEARD! Br ISABKLLK BADDOT1B Eli Leggtt says he lives in the Orphan Home apartments, but if things keep up the way they are now. he will move into the Orphan Home. Went to the dance concert of Ma dame Parnov* and her partner, Igor Mile rod off, last even.r.g. Ron-.e peo ple just aint got r.o romantical ideas. The boy back cf me thought him sisry. I don't agree. Anybody that can ihrovv a woman around i ke that and she comes back for more can hardly bo termed a sissy. Hi< girl wanted to know what a "muse” was. The boy didn't know for sure, but he said his pa was one \ And a Kiv.anian, too. That mighty figure of masculinity Who sits in the barber chair, II he has ideas of looking romantic, He'll have to go elsewhere He bends his neck a little bit, The barber begins to shave, A friend of the barber passes by. The barber stops to wave. He twists his neck, his eyes bulge out. He's left just lying there. The soap gets all up in his nove And gets all in his hair. Su there he sits in sad despair, ' The handsomest guy on ti e floor" Who knows that just one false move ^ And he'll be that way no more He surely does look silty And I think he'd rather die Than to be caught just sitting there When that cute little tret, ronves by. Sn ]*.-:ten boy/ I would sugge/t "hat to tr»ok*» n hit w;th the maid'-. You’ll follow the plan ol beauty par1 or 3 And have barberput in shades. The firemen must# had seme dis agreement about something Sunday.) The sirens blew, the chief's car tore, down the street, and out like a | thousand furies came the truck in the opposite direction. Since Mr. Roberts torget to 'how up at tlie Rosewood meeting the. other night, I don’t reckon lie’ll do much rambling in that direction, i anyway. I don t think the climate would agree with him much there new—most too warm. j Tiit afraid in sonic places it will be warm and other places necideoly frigid. And you know, there’s noth in? !nte that kind of weather to give you pneurroney. American Hokum By Harry Hoatettar "Sure it’s fresh, we churned this morning just before I left home" ‘What on earth is wrong with 1 you? You look as pale as a ghost." If you tell her I said it. I'll swear I didn't. “How in the world they can live on his salary and keep up a car is more than I'll ever be able to un derstand." "If he don’t leave that little hot momma alone. I’ll divorce him ,if it's the last thins l ever do on this earth." iHewitt Newspaper Features> For Results Advertise Mrs. Hardy Holland Dies At Age Of 69 Mr*. Hardy Holland, 69, died at lift' home nt Aycock's Cross Koads. eighteen miles north of Goldsboro. Saturday afternoon. She leaves no near relatives. Funeral services were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon, ridernient was in the familv cemetery near the home. STATEMENT OK CONDITION Goldsboro Building & Loan Ansa. ul Goldsboro, N. C. as of December 31st, 1938. ASSETS The Association Owny. Cash on Hand ar.ri in Banks _ $ 5,021.10 State of. North Carolina and U. S Government Bonds _ ... $ 7,700.00 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank _ $ 5,000.00 Mortgage Loans . _$610,714.35 Money loaned to share holders for the purpose ol enabling them to own their homes. Each loan secured by first mort gage on local improved real estate. Stock Loans .. $ 10,339.60 Advances made to our shareholders against their stock No loan ex ceeds 9011 of amount actually paid in. Accounts Receivable .. S 1.747 68 Temporary Advances for Insurances. Taxes, Etc. Office Furniture and Fixtures ... $ 1.300 00 Other Assets .. $ 3.393 26 Total - - liabilities Thu A-sue'at inn Owes: .<>;• ui fhr lifers $045,235.99 F-.jt.Uj, entrusted to cur cure in. the rn«m of payments or stock a? follows: Installment Stork _S220.0.U.25 Full Fjiict Stock $324,100.00 Hanning Stock $ 4.255.68 $,”>48,406.03 Notes Payable. Federal Home Loan Bank $ 40,000 00 Notes Payable, Other $ 15.COOOU Money borrowed for use in manitiff loans to members, or retiring matured stock. F.v:h liolc approved by at least two-thirds ot cn« l.re Board nl Directors tv Jaw. Earnings held in trust for distribution to .share-holders at ma turity of stock. Reserve for Contingencies $ 5,000 00 To be used for the pay ment of any losses, if sustained. This reserve increaies the safety and strength of the Associa tion. Other Liabilities .S 346.86 Total - --- ... $645,235 99 STATF. OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAYNE V. G. Ht-rrihg. .Jr, Secretary Treasurer of the above named A: soclfitior. personally appeared be fore me this day, anrl being duly sworn, says that the foregoing re port is true to the best of his knowl edge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of January, 1939. • ULMA LANGSTON Notary Public. My Commission expires Nov. 12. 1939 A - rIs I’r.ypole Uncividec’' P'.n'iu S 13.292.32 > 23,277.86 V. G. HERRING. JR Secretary-Treasurer. fflMBWITOW'UWI...... Plant Bed FERTILIZERS For Thrifty Plants Use— /osey's & Johnon's High Grade Fertilizer I am prepared to take your orders de livered direct from their factory. L. E. Pearson, Rep. 104-5 Professional Bldg. — Goldsboro JOSEY'S FERTILIZER CORP. JOHNSON COTTON CO. Wilmington Dunn ATTENTION MR. FARMER We are now prepared to furnish you with farm equip ment. We are offering greatly reduced prices on numerous items you will need. Leather Horse Collar—Special Price_$1.69 ea. One Lot Leather Collars at Close-Out Prices. Cloth Front Collar $1.25; Cloth Front Collar __ $1.50 Heavy Leather Collars. $3.00 — $3.25 — $4.25—$5.00 ea. Blind Bridle—close out price_65c 1 1-4 inch Blind Bridle __ 97c ea.; 1 inch Bridle __ 75c ea. 1 1-4 Inch Blind Bridle $1.35 ea.; Heavy Bridle $2.25 ea. Close Out on No. 1 Homes_50c per pair Back Bands — Heavy and Light Homes Steel Single Trees — Steel Double Trees Wood Single Trees — Whip Lashes Curry Combs — Horse Brushes — Hame Straps All implements—Plows and Castings are cheaper than last year. —You Will Find It At— Smith Hardware Co. Welcome and A Salute To Major Bowes’ International Revue! The Stars of The Automobile Industry CHRYSLER - - - - DESOTO DODGE PLYMOUTH Welcome The Stars of Amusement World! (.uarariml Entertainment unci Pleasure" It.cie a Major Bowes Car, Chrysler. Dodge. Plymouth or DeSoto to the Para mount Theatre and see Major Bowes Internation al Revue! CPammounf ONE DAY ONLY. SATURDAY C. J. Carroll Garage 106 W. Chestnut St. DE SOTO—PLYMOUTH Handley Motor Co. Cor. Ash and John Sts DODGE -PLYMOUTH J. D. Pike Motor Co, 222 N. Center CHBYSLER—PLYMOUTH 1 For Results Advertise in Goldsboro Herald For Results Advertise