Items of Interest For Women Readers ! MANNERS - MODES - MIXINGS | __ Telephone Items To 290-9 till 5 “SOCIAL SECURITY” When introducing her husband, a lnciy should never refer to him as Mr. Smith except to servants or tradespeople. She should Introduce him os "Mrs, So-and-So, way I present my husband"?’ Guests should never question *>ei - vants when the hostess is absent from the room Never try to induce a maid to leave your friend s em ploy to accept another position Young girls should always stand when being Introduced to an elder ly woman. Ladies do not neccssai ily remove the glove from their right hand to shake hands. r Color COLOR— Is the Keynote for SPRING * * * Your heart will find delight ig our array of the newest shades in charming models Coats. Suits ccnd Dresses Neil Joseph’s Shop Around The House To make your laundry soap go lartlwr. remove the wrappers liefoiej storing nwciy and allow to dry wine i before using All the odd bits of soap should be dried and grated into powder or shaved into chips To make a soap jelly, pour hot wat er over a jar of soap scraps. —©— Rubber bands have an astonish ingly useful place in live kitchen. Use them for sealing tops of pud dings fur steaming, to hold heavy waxed paper over rising bread dough, and for holding waxed pa per over food stored in the refriger ates Put a rubber band across the page you ore consulting in the cook book and you wont be annoyed with having to keep finding the place. They are also useful foi hold ing up long sleeves. o— To whiten clothes that have ab sorbed too much billing, rinse thor oughly in clear water to which am monia has been added and dry in the sun. - -o— A clean cloth saturated with tur 1 penline is an easy method of remov ! ing dirty wax from floors However, windows must be kepi open while working with turpentine, and all precautions taken against tire dan ger. —o— If you are distressed over the way your white chifTin turns yellow af ter washing, /wash in luleewarm water, slightly sudsed adding a little bluing Handle carefully, be foie shaping out and hanging over cloth When nearly dry. pres;, on wrong side with warm iron Never press chiffon with hot iron. House plants should be watered sparingly and surplus writer drain ed from pot or saucer. If water is1 allowed to stand, the roots will rot I WBter should be added directly to the soil and not the leaves or blos soms, ns leaves of juicy plants .ire harmed by contact with water. Rub-1 her plants, ferns and palms enjoy a good spraying about twice a week —o— Every housewife dislikes clean ing soiled pans Still, the task may J be made lighter by filling pans, in which food has been burned or to which the food has stuck kvith water, and by using a bland soap i powder and allowing to boil slowly. This will loosen the food and make further washing easy. I When buying sheets, remember that the length given is the meas urement before the sheet is hem med and washed If you like one that is long enough to tuck in well at the bottom and fold over the blanket generously at the top. ask the saleslady how much shrinkage should be expected, measure the hems, then add that much to the actual length of the sheet you want. ^ UNDER |THE OLIVER FLAG' Take ike Load off Vour Horsed with the Oliver HDH Di*c Harrow Putfcng * dire hanow It h«id work for horn*. Why wake M harder by using • harrow that has to be heavdy weighed to getfull penetration? Tlw OKw HDH Dbe Harrow it designed to that th« forward motion of $he horrot pufit ft right into the ground. Scientific design provides . tha penetration—not excessive weight. \ The HDH does a parfee* job of harrowing, and U it bulk to lost for years. Come In and see K. SMITH Hardware Co. OIIVIR SHEER CIRCLES HAND MADE household .ec**ix.rl** give to the home an air of diction that no machine can *K>»catik w“ne„ the heirloom piece, by our great grandmother, and handed down from generation to Generation—c tit I the Drue possessions and display pieces of the modern homemaker. 8 Here i. a graceful luncheon set that could be mads only by hind. Lscy circles froatlifce traci B« make it sheer mnH freoilelcoi::n-i against a dark, gleaming table. Actually it it sturdy end will wear lon® end well. Crochet It of msrctriied crochet cotton—It is simple to make, and requires only 1* bell, c Directions msy be obtained by sending a stamped, self addre.sed envelope ENCLOSlNu THIS Ci. niNG. to THE CROCHET BUREAU. 622 Fifth Avenue. New York City. Specify Luncheon Set No. 7162. Fashion Foibles Beige old favorite color, is back | But in tunc with the colorful spring. , it is accompanied by s vivid pomo Kianntc red or some equally vivid spring shade Style magazines are studded with the rustic of silken petticoats that peep out enchantingly from under the new seventeen inch skirts. — o— Old lace, "baby’' blouses, short full skirts, have made old fashioned jewelry a prominent place in the ' spring scheme. Evorythirmg seems to be a rcv.sed version of the cloth es Mother used to wear. Big sister will borrow from little sister that little-girl-look. Ribbons in her hair, and at her waist and open, fancy free footwear. —o— Look in the newest pattern books for the interesting monastic sil houtte This new mode offers two variations in the same dress The new hair-do is neither up nor down—it embodies the best features of both The hair is brushed smooth ly up from tltf nape of the neck, giving it a well-groomed look. Then it is arranged In flat locks, curling over like plumes on the end, giving a sort of sculptured ereat effect mid way between the ears and the crown The crown has a flat wave, solving the problem of disarrange ment by hats. The newest foundation garments are designed to make ft possible for any figure to wear the silhouttc of the hour. The silhoutte is. of course, high bosomed, with a small waist and rounded hipline. If you have strapless evening gowns, there are strapless all-in-ones that will inter est you. There is also art abbreviat ed basque girdle for a small-flguied woman who goes in for basque el fect dance frocks All the foundation garments arc almost as simple to wash as any other lingerie in your wardrobe. A light brushing with thick soap suds and plenty of rinsing will do the trick. A trick that should be done often, too. The foundation that is washed frequently will outwear the one which isn’t two to one. On Our Stage Today! Sea-Bee Hayworth Stock Company 3 Acts - Comely Girls - Dancing ALL NEW — ALL DIFFERENT On the Screen Joel Mickey - Andrea Leeds "Youth Takes a Fling" PATE-BAKNF.S Mr. and Mrs Sidney Barnes, of Goldsboro, announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Arlme, to Mr William Clanton Pate. Satur day, February 25, 1939. Bennetts ville S. C. JOHNSON'-ROBBINS The Rev and Mrs. Henry Hay wood Robins of Catawba announce the engagement of their daughter. Mary Eli/, a belli, to Mr Burt Powers Johnson of Port Jervis. N. Y., for merly of Goldsboro M\ss Roblnns is a teacher in the New Hope school in Wayne county Mr Johnson is the son of Mrs. John Daniel Johnson of Haleiffh and Lil llngton and the late Mr Johnson of Lillington Mr Johnson was until recently principal of the Goldsboro High School. TRIPLES YIELD The application of 189 pounds of triple superphosphate on an old pasture owned by J. 3. Buchanan in the Cane Creek township of .Mitchell county produced three times as much forage as a nearby plot ol the same si** which did not receive the treatment. ! Woman's Club Will Celebrate Birthday The Goldsboro Womans Club will celebrate the 40Ui anniversary ol the club at a dinner dance at the club building on Thursday evening | March 23 Dr. Harold D Meyer of the faculty of the University ol North Carolina, will be the princi pal speaker The twenty-seven presidents thal . the club hft3 had during the forty .years;, twenty.three of v.hom arc Mixing, will be given recognition j Recognition will also be given t< . the twenty-nine living chanei member and to the memory of ‘hi (thirty-three deceased. The oldes J living president It Mrs Henry Weil I who served during the year 19U3-4 1 Mrs. Wei! also has the desUnctior I of having called the first meeting ol ! the club on March 23. HW9. DOBMN-IIOUD Mrs Maude Obenshem Board ol Durham announces the engagemenl and approaching marriage of hei daughter. Evelyn Frances, to Mr Hugh Alexander Dobbin of Lenoii and Goldsboro. The wedding wll take place in Duke Chapel, Durham at noon, Saturday. March 25. I'M OlAD YOU CMANOiO TO CAHlU •-SS3S8K r I SURE LEARNED A LOT WHEN I MOAN TO LET UP LIGHT UP A CAMEL CAMELS NEVER JANGLE THE NERVES FOR RENT APARTMENTS Carolina Goldwayne 6 rooms 3 rooms, heat, heat and water water refrigeraiton HOUSES—1016 E. Ash—6 noon 309 W. Hoilr—5 rooms Crawford-Norwood Co. BUILD While The Weather is With You Let us tell you how easily you can finance a home of your own through us Citizens Building & Loan Assn. CHAS. S. NORWOOD. Secretary Try It Save trusts ol bread and >tor* in a paper bag until they art- thorough ly dry, Roll with a rolling pin rind you have a very good substitute lor cracker crumbs - -o— Want a new cake frosting? Place (I chocolate - covered peppermint* and 4 chocolate-covered wlnterfirem candies in a double boiler. Add 2 tablespoons of cream sr.d cook until. hot and well blended Spread quick ly over cake, and in a few minules ' the fronting will harden. When you have left-over pastry, roll it out or. wax paper; ttu-n roll It up m the paper, and put it in the Ice box It will be ready to use and easier thnn rolling ice-cold pastry. — o— For a new luncheon dish, make an omelet with Chinese shredded vegetable* Use one-half cup of drained, conned vegetables to one egg Rich chicken fat may be put to many uses It is a fine shortening lor quick breads, such as muffins and biscuits, and even cakes In addition to this. It is delicious for pan-frying and a tasty seasoning for vegetables. Always keep rn the re frigerator. —o— A tasty topping for apple, cherry, rhubarb or apricot pie is one and one-half cup* of whiped cream blended with half a cup of grated cheese spread over the pie. Add a pinch of salt to the cream after it has been whipped —o— A time saver and attractive meth od of baking meat loaf is lc individ ual muffin tins —o — Biger and better hot sandwiches! For the men a deviled ham and soft cheese sandwich toasted will bring forth a grateful urn, um And an other one they’ll like lx toasted ba con-.ind-onion sandwiches — with coffee to match —o— Are you at wits ends about quick. 1 easy desserts? Take a big bowl of peach halves, fill them with almond | flavored whipped cream and cover | them with toasted coconut. And with little cakes, oh my! Stuff green pepper with sausage meat and bake. And speaking of baking—why not bake potatoes with crisp sausage hidden in the middle. Can you imagine a sausage-corn flakes combination? Dip sausage patties in beaten egg, roll in corn flakes and fry You'll be pleasantly surprised. In order to win a fight, you must make up your mind, as you are bound to meet obstacles, for kites rise against and not with the wind. Bird's Asphalt Ball Roofing and Shtaqloo Lumbar and Woodwork A. T. Griffin Mfcj. Co. 1 A LINE ON HOLLYWOOD Judy Garland signing up for lesson* with a Sun Valley inxtruo tor. She leaven for the resort an “The Wtuird of Ox" is coi ... Jeanette MacDonald wwertng interesting Grecian hairdrsaa 1 the finale of “Broadway Serenade" . . . Mickey Rooney and his putting on a complete floor show at a local restaurant . . ■ Bert Late spending week-ends planting trees in his avocado grove . . Rutherford getting all packed 1 vacation which will include points of interest in California ... Little Johnny Sheffield thrilled the make-up kit presented to him by. Noel Coward ... The entire TanaoJ company having daily luncheons tor’ gether in the commissary . . . Btajfi Bolger reading scripts of New Torts.' plays and musicals . . . Frank Mar-4 gan rating a police escort to get him: Iron, the studio to the radio stattae1 on schedule . . . Wallace Beery an-) tertaining daughter Carol Ana, amt the “Sergeant Madden” set . . « Nelson Eddy leaving Hollywood far) his concert tour . . . Nat Pendlcton.1 introducing the Great Dane, Saa-i dow, to a snow man with dire no*} suits . . . Myrna Ley entertalntar. Hedy Lamarr and Gene Markm aft} dinner . . . Robert Taylor visftinff' his two Boxer dogs at their traiataci school .. . Cecilia Parker trying *wt all manner of new dinner menus am1 her friends .Lana Turner takiayj the new spring hats seriously sai| going in with a vengeance for vimj pies ... Jo Ann Sayers packing barr skis for a short trip to Arrowhead** .. . George Murphy hurrying hoBS»| from work to get a glimpse of hfcs. new son, Dennis Michael . . . Vir— ginla Grey and her sister Lorraine,! making reservations for a abort4 stay at Yoaemite . . . Clark G having his sideburns groomed at M-G-M barber shop for his Butler role... .William Powell show-y Ing auch vast improvement since bia second operation, he ib already ait ting up in bed ... Virginia Bruce ml an 18S0 riding costume walking te the “Let Freedom Ring” set . . .» Lew Ayres putting added touches) to his symphonic suite, “Autumnafi Equinox” . . . Maureen O'SulHvm? receiving a picture of Charlie Mw*f Carthy dressed as Tarxan frosal Edgar Bergen. To discover if men really pc neaa all-seeing eyes. I asked threw man. to write down a number of butte which they found irritating in wa men. Here are some of their dis concerting criticisms: They disliked women who “C«t lipstick on their teeth; pick varatafck, off their nails; wear anything tbit dangles or )ingtos; I rave motes on their backs; raise their ey and get rail-lines on their heads: look hot after tennis; shoes off under the table; flutter their eye}lids: have coat coOarss Uttered with fallen hair: flick cigar ette-ash eveywhene, usually on ear trousers; show untidy shoulder straps; fidget with their hair.”—«• Adam and Eve, Melbourne. For Results Advertise —WE DELIVER WEEK DAYS—3 TO 6 Special Cakes Baked on Order Mary Jane Bakery 225 N. John St. Phone 516 NEW It**-k YORK'S l Vacation *»#»•*« Hotel tju4,*i«phP°in f 4th C**» rtr-^StoT* Emfw* State BuiklwjrSub^^ tart*** to Ud.« ** ,«4l«ooncxnT HOTtU in\ptR^L 600 ROOMS .gfll WTTMEU* *CS5S Ss OUJI Subscribe to The Herald-$14X1 a Year

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