We Offer From Mar. 9th Thru Mar. 15th CLEAN OP ON THESE SAVINGS ) RED BEAUTY (Guaranteed Good) 96 lbs. $2.45; 46 lbs. 81.25: 24 lbs. 65c; 12 lbs...35c CHASE and SANBORN (doled) COFFEE_25c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI. 3-5c boxes-10c PALM OLIVE SOAP. 3 for ___ 19c OCTAGON SOAP, large. 5 for 21c: small 5 far_14c OCTAGON POWDER, large 5 for 21c; small 5 far_13c OCTAGON TOILET SOAP. 5 for......21c SPECIAL — OCTAGON GRANULATED with 2 TOILET SOAP_ 14c TOILET PAPER. 6 for......._..25c BLACK DRAUGHT, dry 19c; syrup_ _39c GOLDEN CROWN SYRUP. 5 lbs. 29c; 10 lbs.... 56c njICE. ORANGE or GRAPEFRUIT, 46 as. can_15c DIXIE VANILLAS ...15el-.v ZESTA CRACKERS__lScf*^ 25c BABY LIMA BEANS. 5 lbs.....25c BLACK-EYED PEAS, California, lb. _ 5c SALAD DRESSING—quart .. 25c; pint -I5c; 1-2 pint.. 10c COFFEE, Maxwell House_27c; Bulk ground_10c COFFEE—Break of Mom_15c WASHBURN'S PANCAKE FLOUR—2 for.15c CARNATION MILK. 3 6 cans_20c BICE—whale grain. 6 lbe. for 25c; Fancy, 7 lbs. for 25c BORAX. 20 Mule Team. 1 lb.. 15c; 2 lbe. 25c; 5 lbe. .60 ORANGES, nice sire, das. _ 10c PEANUT BUTTER, large lar_20c CIGARETTE ROLLERS with BUGLER Tobacco....25c NAPHTHALENE (Moth Balls) lb._9c BOTENONE (Ideal Worm Killer) ...12V*c SOX) OATS, BEANS. POTATOES. GARDEN SEED Rfl stock Marlon's Tender-Quick; Sugar-Cure; Sausage j Seasoning; borax; pepper; sage; Figaro; anti-skipper com- j pound. (Subject eupply, tax paid. Quantity limits subject our discretion) ] GALVANIZED ROOFING, 29 guaqe, square_$3.75 j B. G. THOMPSON! j GOLDSBORO. N. C. i NEW SEED STORE We Have Just Added to Our Business a New and Complete Line of Seeds WOOD’S TESTED FOR FARM AND GARDEN ALSO NEW STOCK OF WALLPAPER Williams Paint & Supply Co. Two Doors East of Branch Bank Goldsboro, N. C. Congratulations . . . TO HORTON - MANLY Cut Rate Drug Store Upon The Opening of their MODERN DRUG STORE AND LUNCHEONETTE IN OUR * Modern Hotel HOTEL GOLDSBORO W. A. STANSBURY. Manager | Horton-Manly Cut Rate Drug Store to Open lor Business on This Saturday This Store, Located in Hotel Goldsboro Building, is Modern Throughout MODERN LUNNCHEONETTE IS TO BE OPERATED Owners of This Store Are, Widely Known to the People of Goldsboro Area One of the most modern drug stores in North Carolina will open its doors to the Ooldsboro area peo-1 pie on Saturday of this week. | This store is the Horton-Manly Cut-Rate Drug Store, located in, the Hotel Goldsboro building at the corner of Center and Walnut street*. Owners of the business are R. W. Horton and J H. Manly, both of whom are known to hundreds of the people of this area. This new store is equipped with the last word In drug store and luncheonette fixtures. Fixtures are of natural finish gum and are tTimmed in red and bright metal. There is a fountain. 21 feet long, equipped with the latest model | steam table and sandwich bar; and', to the rear of the store proper there is a modern kitchen, completely electrically equipped, where the food will be prepared for serving in the luncheonette department of this new business. In the luncheonette division there are nine booths, each individually lighted, so that 36 people may be served lunches at one time. Horton-Manly will carry a com plete line of nationally known drugs, will have a modern and thoroughly equipped prescription department In charge of registered pharmacists, and a luncheonette department as 1 pretty as can be found. An interesting thing about this new store is that all parts of the interior, with the exception of the kitchen, will be visible from the sidewalks. There is no obstruction of any kind, not even to cut the prescription department from the j view of the public. I The fountain, steam table and 1 sandwich bar extends from the door ' which opens at the corner of the building to the door which leads out near the hotel entrance; and the nine booths are located parallel to this fountain and against the wall to the south. To the left of the main entrance are the display and cigar ca*c«, to the right of these and to the rear of the nearer booths are W. K. ttorteB he display shelves for the dru^s; ind bach of this and next to the ■astern wall of the building is the description department. Those who have viewed the store rveri while it is in the process of •omptetion have exclaimed at its leauty; and the owners invite every >ody to visit and see just how mod m and how beautiful is this store iquippetl to serve the people of this* ection. Mr. Horton, one of the owners, is i native of Union County, but has >een associated with the Cash Drug Company in Goldsboro for the past our years. He is a graduate of the I school of pharmacy of the University >f North Carolina and received his icense to practise his profession in 1915. He has been ih the drug busi less since this date with the cxcep ion of 5 years when he was cashier )f the Bank of Monroe. He is married and has four chil li red. Mr. Manly is a native of Golds joro, and has a life-time acquaint mee with hundreds of Goldsboro ind Goldsboro-arca folks. An index to Mr. Manly’s character md ability is the fact that for 19 ■ ears he held only two jobs, serving vith the Southern Cotton Oil Com pany for 6 years, and with the Bor ien Brick and Tile Company for 13 fears. His first work as just a young 'ellow out of school were with the late B. L. Edmundsnn, for 6 months, and with H. B. Parker for year*. w. m M*niy He Is active in religious and civic work. He has served as deacon and Sunday school teacher in the First Baptist Church in Goldsboro; and for the past three years has hod charge of Troop 6 Boy Scouts, sponsored by the Baptist church. At present he is chairman of a committee which his charge of an enlargement program for Boy Scouts of Tuscarora Council. He married Miss Kathleen Cump bell and they have three line chil dren, one daughter and two sons. Corine, Jim, Jr., and Ike. The daugh ter is with the Forsythe County Welfare Department and the two sons are here at home. Mr>. Manly will have charge of the luncheonette department of the Horton-Manly store. Raymond Bell, of Mt. Olive, woo has had long experience with the York Drug Company of Winston Salem, will have charge of the fountain; and Miss Ruby Ball, form erly of the I. O. O. F. Home in the city, and Miss Edna Cooper, of Goldsboro, will be salesladies. Mrs Manly says that her depart ment will .specialize in good,well seasoned home-cooking at popular prices Moulding cmd Columns Shlngl#* and Laths Lumbar and Woodwork A. T. Griffin Mig. Co. Best Wishes To Horton-Manly Cut-Rate Drus Store UPON THE OPENING Oi Their NEW AND HANDSOMELY EQUIPPED PLACE OF BUSINESS A. T. GRIFFIN Manufacturing Co. Gold&boro* N. C. ★ Congratulations to HORTON-MANLY CUT-RATE DRUG STORE upon their selection of Modern ELECTRIC Equipment ♦ ELECTRIC COOKERY A modem Electric Range, Fry Kettle and Counter Cookery Appliance* lor quick, clean, service. ♦ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Lhirp""i‘“i | # ELECTRIC STEAM TABLES Electrical Dealers will be glad to consult with you regarding your require ments for any type of Electrical Equipment without charge or obligations. Carolina Power & Light Co. 4**CHEAP ElECTRICITYCOSTS^ESS