Vegetable* atored for winter u*e should be well grown and free from injuries I would go to the HOOD | BANK if I were you. They take care of all bills, wheth er large or small. New Arrivals OF OVER 800 Frocks J / In Chiffons, Marqui settes, Crepes, Laces, Non-crush able Linens, Ba tistes and many others in Misses and Stouts Specially Priced for this week $% 98 — $J.98 $4.98 — $4 >98 ..w «*V2a Evening Gowns all reduced 1-3 off See these today at The Ladies Shoppe SPORTRAITS Rsofcrd "Mule” Shirley — j hailing from Snow Hill, which’ makes him a sho’ null Tarheel —' fresh out of high school on to Oak Ridge — then to the University of Nor.h Carolina, for four years —; letted man in baseball there for three of then. — always holding down the inilia! sac's — elected cap tain in his last yer,r there - started professional ball with Washington. D C. — two years, then on to i Mobile in Southern League — from1 there to Greenville, S. C, for the South Atlantic League - meandered j on tc Birmingham in the Southern— from there to Minneapolis with American — in 1930 came to Chatta nooga —• 1931 went to Nashville, in Southern — '33 ‘34. '35 back in Chaitanooga to skipper — up north with Wilkes Barre, Pa.. '3t>, '37 — still on the initial sock — ployed first professional ball in his native state last year when he took skip pership for the Bugs — married a Goldsboro girl — Miss Esther Lee Epstein — who is assistant-most able to the Bugs — "Mule" Is 6 ft. 11 in. with 210 lbs of baseball inter est — has toe most individual strut in the league — cun always be dls hv th#» riroonv cants — the playing skipper is showing the boys how it is done on the first base — says the first, last, and only rule in baseball is “hustle” — didn't want to talk much about ''Mule” — everything led to the boys — likes everybody and Mrs. Shirley says she has never heard him say anything uncomplimentary about anybody — but there are some people he had rather not hang around — likes to play poker and the races — smokes Phillies, drinks beer, and chews — makes him a dyed-in-the-wool ball player — likes color — delighted with the red and white uniforms — enjoys nothing like a good worth while argument — folks with whom he lives says he has excellent dis position — thoroughly dislike* pretense or sham people who plain, ordinary people— says of his team “the boys are ail righl — they are doing all they can" — he says “lime is the only thing that can tell the story'' — in the winter he "ditches" for T. A. Loving — says that there is abso lutely no other term for it — it’s just plain "ditching” — asked him if that was how he lost so muck weight — didn't think he had lost so much weigh — wil stay in baseball as long as somebody will give him a baseball job — doesn’t woof at his boys, but asks only that they be reasonable about the whole thing — and that from the time they don the uniform until the time they shed it. only that they “bustle'' — the boys don’t mind working for one like “Mule” — that is, one that will work with them — good luck. Skip per, everybody hopes you'll piolt that skiff right into the sunniest port ROGERS Graduation Gifts When you're giving such an important gift as a Gradua fiaa Gift select something that will last a lifetime, still be cherished, and still be smart after the graduate Is an WATCHES— Elgin Bulova Gruen Hamilton Benres Krfhstone Rings Bracelets Vanities DIAMONDS— Dinner Rings 94)5 up Solitares 9.95 up Lockets Crosses 5.95 up Belt and Buckle Sets Tie Clasps Other Gifts at All Prices ROGERS CoJdibofo'i Leading Credit Jewolan 108 South Coo lac Straat Goidaboro. N. C. William Marvin *'Bill" 'Lefty" Floia, Jr.—southpaw pitcher from Orlando. FI*.—born in old Alabama but became a Floridan—three ,vea.rj at tlie Miami University pursuing a medical course—decided he didn't like medicine and took up baseball —0 ft. high and 160 pounds ret hrown. wavy hair, gray-green eyes started baseball with the Athletics at Fort Myers -went to Oklahoma City for two months—Des Moines Iowa, about three months- weuthei evidently didn’t agree with him didn't feel well and went back Ic Orlando—stayed out recuperating for a year and then signed with ThomasviUe, Ga.—won 13 for 11 pitched there—which, incidentally ij quite a record reported back U ThomasviUe the next season, but arm went bad on him—signed with Dothan. Ala., and Macon. Ga. bought him the next year—Macon traded him to New Bern in 1037— left New Bern and reported to Goldsboro July 4 of that year stayed on here since then -working with T. L. Blow out of season—mar ried one of the town girls. Miss Nancy Rachel Daughtry this past December—says she's perfectly cool, calm and collected when he pitches —not like some other wives that have the nervous Jitters—partial to T. bone steaks, surrounded by French-fried potatoes—likes lettuce and tomato salad for accompani ment—said he did like brown as favorite color but wife broke him of it—and, guess what?—his favorite color now is blue—says he wouldn't trade Goldsboro for any town in the world—as long as they will let him slay hare, he will stay—says his main fault is his torrid temper—but his temper is not the lasting kind — slow-moving, and just about the laziest looking person on the street —but has a good deal of leashed DOMVr-(inpen'r I i nvn in un aiincf any unnecessary-. w&on _ w,lks rattjjc '^iconnectedly—that is. he dues not assemble his powers ta undergo any wasted effort while sauntering—likes a nice, quiet even ing at home with the wile and Col liers—or the movies--Ginger Rog ers and Fred Astaire his favorites because of the musical slant to their pictures—had much rather play night ball than day ball—terms himself a "night hawk"—plays the slide trombone—what with all the singers, and musicians, and what have you. on the team, they should be able to organise and have a little dance after the games—"Lefty' plays swing but is no jitterbug—had rather play band music—says Golds boro has a good ball club and will be in the race—says the only t:m< he remembers being in a huriy one time he was frightened—re fused to tell the cause of the frigh — chews, smokes, but doesn’t drml — ‘Lefty" ha3 shown up well thi; reason and here's hoping that con served energy holds out to chalk ui for him more than his share of wins BRIGHT PROSPECTS The advent of more favorabl, weather has considerably brighten c:i prospects for a good crop o wheat in Union county this year reports T. J. W. Broom, farm agent cmfwypMPtshrdlu cmfwp y-; British weather men have sen instruments to America to collec samples of air from the America! stratosphere. Moulding and Cohuuu ShiagSai caxd Lath* Lumbor and Woodwork A. T. Griffin Mia- Co. SKIPPER OF THE GOLD BUGS Manager "Mule" Shirley Vibrations From The Quakes By Fate Sasser) Sports fans of Goldsboro and Goldsboro High School should be proud of their athletic team for their good behavior out of town. j While passing through Raleigh Tuesday, stopped over at State Col-j lege to see Raleigh High and Dur-j ham High fight it out for honors in the Class A Conference of eastern j North Carolina. While we were watching the game Raleigh pulled a ploy that Durham didn't like. «/? for a while there wr£ a free-for-all between uam fans and Raleigh before the policemen could stop them. At this point we left the game with Raleigh in the lead Friday afternoon Goldsboro Quakes will clash with Raleigh Caps In Ratelgh. The game was scheduled for Friday night, but something turned up so the time was moved to 3:30 in the afternoon. Goldsboro high's swimming team will travel around eight hundred j miles this week end, leaving Friday ! morning for Sumter. S. C.. where Ihey will swim in the afternoon. Leaving Sumter Saturday morning they will swim against Central High j of Charlotte. From there back lo Goldsooro. Wh:!e we arc talking about th * I swimming team. do not forget about : the bonkey baseball gair.e which ; will be held Tuesday night out at Griffin Park at eight o'clock. The main reason for this is to raise] money for the Goldsboro swimming team. So everybody come out to the ball park Tuesday night to help ' your State champion swimming team. 1 Thursday afternoon the Goldsboro ■ Earthquake track leant will meet] Wilson high at 3:4fi, back of the! high school This will be their fifth duat meet of the season. May the 19th will be the big day In Goldsboro high school for all the . fahtletes w^0 have won 193B and '39 monograms in Goldsboro high school That day everyone who has won a monogram will receive one In the next issue we will give you a . list of athletes who will receive let ] ters. So adois. until there are more ! tremors from the Quakes. BIG RODEO TO SHOW IN GOLDSBOBO mat *«-** (Continued from Page 1> bull dog^mg. known as th€ world 5 most dangerous sport. A cowboy leaping from the back of a running horse, grasping a running steer by the horns, stopping him, then seeing Goldsboro Baseball Schedule WEEK STARTING THURSDAY. MAY II Thursday, May 11— Greenville at Goldsboro, 8:00 P.M. Friday, May 12— Goldsboro at Greenville Saturday, May 13— Goldsboro at Wilson Sunday, May 14— Wilson at Goldsboro, 3:00 P. M. Monday, May 15— Tarboro at Goldsboro, 8:00 P- M. Tuesday, May 16— Goldsboro at Tarboro (Wednesday, May 17— Goldsboro at Snow Hill mm how quickly he can (wist him lo the ground, A thrill you will never forget. One of the best events will be the trick and fancy riding. Four cowgirls and four cowboys doing all sorts of seemingly impossible feats of agility while their nor*: runs at full speed down the arena Mr Hobbs, owner of the stock yards. is cooperating in every way I lo make this event a big success and hopes to make it an annual event each year at the close of the mule season. The Lions Club, a worthwhile civic organization sponsoring the show, is bending every effort lo make it a success. Mr. Huff and his sowboys, com •rivli, d7ni Indians promise to make the performance fast and wild, fun ny and furious. He also promises next week to tell us something about his feature acts and who some of the top notch performers will be. Don't forget (he dates, and see^ this wonderful shew of thrills, chills and spills Drive straight down the FAIR-way to New York in a comfortable, eight* eceing Super-Coach — and then through the Fair, still by Greyhound I The money saved on the trip means more to spend in New York! Round Trip Fare I NEW YORK.. $12.25 30 Oav Return Privilege GREYHOUND TERMINAL Its S. John SI. Phone KS3 10 Reasons Why You Should Use RIPENS RIGHT \ «•'* £ ta ,v 4 • '■Warn' taiy t 2*6.«,*. w»." TOBACCO i SHE oresseb jjT RIPENS'! iMWft tasUt on fee ORIGINAL Retail of 3 years' F»rn» Testing Registered V. S. Pot. Off. “RIPENS Can’t be 1. Balances the leal growth. 2. Grows smoother leaves. 3. Resists disoaso. '1. Resets sun scald. (burning) 5. Controls excoss nitrogen growth. 6. Reduces sac. 7. Ripens early. 8. Cures better. 9. Adds EXTRA Quality. 10. Brings EXTRA Dollars. RIGHT it the bfd, nukdt by the retl.~ Weil’s Fertilizer Works Goldsboro. N. C. To the Women In White We Pay Our Tribute Hospital Day May 12 We carry a complete line of uniforms. A splendid array of new styles in every pr'^e range. Zipper styles, patented "Everon" loose belt, also sewed-in belts. Cool rayons, seersuckers, poplins, and short sleeve models. Fashioned for beauty, tailored for extra long wear. | 9$c » *4-5° All Sixes NURSES OXFORDS 98c to SJ.95 WHITE STOCKINGS '? 59c to $1.00 LEDER BROS. GOLDSBORO, N. C.