* Items oi Interest For Women Readers MANNERS - MODES - MIXINGS Telephone Item* To 290-9 till 5 > Visitor* at the Odd Fellows Or phan Home in Goldsboro Sunday in cluded Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stevens of Rocky Mount, prominent Odd > Fellow and Rebakah; Mrs. High Smith of Mt. Olive, who visited her children and Mrs. Addie Lewis and several relatives of Concord, who visited Mrs. Lewis' children. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgerton, who arc spending the summer at their cottage, Edge-Lea, at Carolina Beach, spent Tuesday at their home in Goldsboro, and were accompanied back to the beach by their daughter, Mrs. Alton Leach, and Mr Leach. 9 • • Superintendent Ray Armstrong is teaching in the summer school at East Carolina Teachers’ College In Greenville. • • • Col. John D. I-angston and daugh ter, Miss Carolyn, are spending this week at the Thomas Cottage at Hol den'a Beach with Col. Langston’s sisters, Mrs. Fred Thomas of Dur ham and Mrs. Hosa Elmore of Rocky Mount. Miss Mary Langston, field secre tary for the North Carolina Teach ers, left Wednesday for Durham, her temporary headquarters. • • • Mr. ?r.d Mrs Pen Powell of Mem phis, Term., visited Mr. Powell’s par ents, Dr. and Mrs Don A Powell, in Gold&bcro several days th.s week. Mr. Powell is account executive with! ar. advertising agency, of Memphis * This is the first tone in six years he has visited his home town, and . the first t.me Mrs. Pnweli has been j ht re. f-/ Misses E'ta Sledge of Draper, Na Oi.: Newell of Salem. N. J., and Mda Judd of Raleigh. members of ,-,e faculty of the Goldsboro school*, left Wednesday for their respective ’‘times. They plan to attend the *um * rr.er school at Columbia University, New York, and the three will have »r. apartment together. Miss Mary Bell and her mother, j Mrs. Bell, who have lived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E Cogdel] during the school year, while Miss Bell was teaching here in the city schools, left Wednesday for their ^ home in Murphy, in the western part of the state. • • • Mr. ar.rl Mis. J. C. Harrell have as guests at their home on East Ash Extension Mr. Harrell's sisters, Miss Mary Eliiti Harrell and Mrs. C. P Halhf.way. both of Sunbury. Showing COOL—SUMMER FROCKS The Famous % NELLY DON DORRIS DODSON and KAROL KING The most reasonable prices: 1*5 - *.95 and 3*95 Neil Josephs f MiSfr*B Elir-ubeth and Mildred Stanley, who have been teaching in Heidsvll)*, and are now attending summer school at E. C. T. C in Greenville, .visited relative* here the pa*1 week They came especially to attend the memorial service held (or their lather, the late Carl E Stanley, at the Stanley-Yelverton Funeral Home at their new location on Chestnut and Jainer sts. • • • Mr. Clarence Stimpton. of States ville, visited his sister, Mrs F. B. McKinne, in Goldsboro the past week. • • • Mr. Alien Andrews returned Wed nesday to Washington, D. C„ where he works with the Home Owner* Loan Corporation and studies dra matics, after a visit of several day* to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Andrews. He came especially to at tend the graduation of his sister. Miss Marina Andrews, at the Golds boro High School. • * • Young M.ss Josephine Jackson, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs T. H. Jack son of Greenville, following the | close of Greenville schools the past weekend ha* come to Goldsboro fo." an extended visit with her grand mother Mrs F. L Manly. Mr. end Mr*. Lonnie McMillan P*.sir p-d their daughter. Mss Gath er,Tie. went to Raleigh Saturday to attend me marriage of M end Mr.* Ptgc’s daughter. Miss Pr.-,-'. Lined to Mr Lv'.e Adelbert Hof - . >'< r Tnc cerern : ny took place at Holy Tr.r. ’.y Luthern church. • • • Mrs. LaMcnt Fd cert on and ch dien, Ruth, Sallv. ar.d Snndra. left Wednesday for a visit of 10 days to Mr?. Edgertor’s parents Mr and Mrs. J A Boyce, at Eden ton. Mis' Whi'.mc! Gurley returned to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Branton, in Golds boro. after a visit of several days with her father. Mr. W. B Gurley, in Windsor, where she went after Per graduation at Greensboro Col lege. Misses Bobbie Jeffreys and Mar garet Joyner will leave next week fur a stay at Camp Leach Dear Washington, N. C. Mrs. John Hogan of Richmond. V»„ formerly Miss Stella Pulley of Goldsboro, visited Mrs. E. K. Hol loman or. Tuesday. • • » Miss Salhe Louise Holloman, Miss Elizabeth Davis, and Mr. Cliff Spru ill Jr. will leave Monday for Louie-, burg to attend the Senior Assembly ! of the North Carolina Methodist Conference at Louisburg College. Mr and Mrs. H. Clifford Greene have arrived in Goldsboro to spend the summer at Mrs. Greene’s old home, the Edmundson home, on S. John st. Mrs. Greene is dean of Sem-! pie School on Riverside dr in New York City. Mrs. Semple, the presi dent of the school, is a Southern woman, and is president of the Dixie Club in New York City. Mrs. Gurkin Is Guest Of Honor at Tea Mrs. E. P. Vai'. aud Miss Dorothy Smith entertained at a tea in the Clubhouse at Pikeville, in honor of Miss Annie Lou Jeffords, who was married on Thursday, June 6, to Warner Gurkir. cf Plymouth. Miss Elisabeth Johnson greeted the guests at the dour and introduced them to the members of the receiv ing line. In the line were Miss i Smith, Miss Jeffords. Mrs. Mary' Smith, grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Harry Gukin, Mrs. J. C. Smith, a recent bride Mrs. Wayne Smith, and Mrs. E. T. Vail. Mrs. Dothe Crawford invited the guest* to the punch table where Mrs. L. E. Smith, Jr., presided As sisting in serving were M.sscs Helene Vail, Lois Johnson and Evelyn Vail. Dunr-ii the receiving hours Mrs. J. W. Rose played musical selec tions. The guests said their goodbyes to Miss Dcra Collier. Miss Ham Marries Janies Woodward Miss Clyde Hard Ham, of Golds boro, and James Wjtdard cf Rose wood were married at 8 o'clock Tuesday ever,in, June 4, by Dr. Wil liam Howard Carter, pastor of the Full Gospel Church, at his home on Pop st. Only the immediate families and Intimate friends attended. The bride wore a light blue crepe af1erni»on dress with \vh;‘e accessor ies and a shoulder corsage of sweet heart roses 5ne is j> inu,.T' r of Mr. and Mrs Jack Hnm of C’hdsboro. Mr. Woodard anti Ihe 'ale Mrs. 1 Woodard of Ro.-ewjud. He is cnuag ‘ V. in farming near Rosewood vs here | ‘'.s- - v.ple will moke ll.eir home HISS DM WEDS H. F. JOHNSOH BEMIFIIl BITES Coup]* on Motor Trip Following Luncheon; to Make Home In Georgia Miss Ruth Elizabeth Daujrhtory of Goldsboro and Hansford Fred John son of Macon, Ga.. were married in a beautiful ceremony at the First Baptist church at 10.30 Saturday morning, June 8 The bridegroom’* j father. Dr, H. IV Johnson, of Mo ron, Ga , head of the School of Re ligion at Mercer University, offici ated. The church was beautifully decor ated with white flowers and tall floor baskets before a background of long leaf pine White cathedral can dales burned In graduated candle bars. Miss Jocelyn Houte of Zebulon gave a program of wedding rruste on the organ precoding the cere mony. Mr* Lloyd Poe Collier of Whilevllle, cousin of the bride, sang “O. Perfect Love." and Thomas Rny pes of Goldsboro, also a cousin of the bride, sang "At Dawning.1* The ushers were: Herbert Jerk in* of Aulander. Jeffreys Senter of Chalybeate. Woodrow Johnson of Fuqiiay Springs, and Allen Scott of Goldsboro. Miss Frances Mor.k of Goldsboro was maid of honor. She wore an Allx model of navy triple! sheer, topped with pale p.nk em- j tendered bat.ste. wide brimmed Leghorn hat, and earned an arm, bouquet of mixed soring flowers. ; The bride entered the church with ler father. Mr William Edward. Daughtery of Goldsboro, whu gave her in marriage. She wore a travel-, lire *uit designed by Alix of navy blue triple sheer crepe The gored skirt wai ?l.ghtjy flared, and the coat had 'or.g tight sleeves and was made with « full pep’.um at the hip line Her blouse was of maize env broidered batiste, and she wore a Gaga handmade hat of navy Baku | slraw, trimmed with navy ribbon and ; patent leather flowers, and a short, navy veil She wore navy shoes and gloves and a shoulder corsage of i Talisman rote* showered with liliei: of the valley. Her only ornament was a bracelet which was a g.ft of the bridegroom. They were met a* the altar dj me bridegroom and his best man Earl Baldwin of Greonsbc.ro. During The ceremony Miss House softly played "X-iebeEtrsum” by Liszt She played Mendelssohn's “Wedding March" 8* a recessional. The bride's mother wore a lovely creation of chiffon with a shoulder corsage of American Beauty roses. Following the ceremony the bride’s parents entertained at a luncheon at the heme of Mrs. John Daughtery, cousin of the bride. After the lunch eon the couple left on a motor trip to ur.nanounced points. Upon their return they will be at home for the summer in Macon, where Mr. John son will teach German at Mercer University. Or Friday evening preceding the ! rehearsal, Miss Frances Monk and Far! Baldwin entertained the mem bers of the bridal party at a dinner at Miss Coley’s Dining Room. A color scheme of green and white was used. Alter we rehearsal Mr. and Mr*. N. W. Outlaw, brother in law and sifter of the bride, were hosts to the members of the bridal party and a number of friends at a cake cutting at the Hotel Goldsboro. A three tiered. white wedding cake was st one end of s long table, and the punch bowl at the other The bride cut the flrrt slice of the cake which contained the traditional wedding symbols Mr? LcRoy Thaggard of | Fayetteville ana Mrs. Wilbur Creech I poured punch. Mints and nuts were * served with the cake ana punch. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Edgar Daughtery ! of Goldsboro. She was educated at rhnelf.nd College. Salemaure, and Meredith College. Raleigh. Since attending Meredith she has beer, a member of the faculty of the Archer Lodge School in Johnstown county. She has been honored at a number of entertainments since the announ cement nf her engagement. Mr. Johnson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. H- D. Johnson of Macon. Gs. He is a graduate of Wake Forest Col lege. holding the B.S. degree, and has completed two years In the Med ical School of Wake Forest He will enter the Junior Class of the Medi cal School at the University of Maryland in Baltimore next year. WIIXIS-miKE Mrs. Irene Hough Duke announc ed ttie marriage of her daughter, , Dorothy Isabel, to Mr. Ziva Duy ! Willis, Sunday, June ». 1940, Dillon, S. C. At home. 116 E. Chestnut st., Goldsboro Mr. Willis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H Willis of Spartanburg, is C. He is a graduate of Clemsnn College, end is a member of the faculty of the Goldsboro High School. Miss Turpin Weds Samuel C. Carr Mis« Mattie Jane Turpin, of High Pci nt, and Samuel C. Carr, of High •Vnt and Goldsboro, were married So..day morning. June 2, at the home of the bridegroom’* Hsler, Mrs W. J. JTorlon in Goldsboro. Hev. J. W. Over'on. Jr., pajtor of the Elm st. Methodist church officiated Only lb* member* of the two Immediate fam ilies attended. An altar waa arranged in the liv ing room before a background of the bridegroom and Frank Parker, Jr, lighted the candle*. The bride were a dress of navy triple sheer crepe with accessories of white, and carried a prayer book showered with lilies of the valley The prayer book has been In the bndgroom's family since 1BJV6, and has been used in all the family wed dings since that lime For going away the bride added a corsage of Talis man roses The couple left by auto mobile for a trip to the coast, and upon their return will be it home in High Point. The bride it the daughter of Mr. I Hamp Turpin of High Point, and the bridegroom it the aon of Mr. and Mrs. C C Carr of Goldsboro. edwards-sasseb Mr. and Mrs. George Sasser of Goldsboro announce the marriage of their daughter, Doris Dee. to Mr. Leftoy B. Edwards, Saturday, May 18. at Danville. Va. They will re side at 1 OtiC Cobb t! , Greensboro. PILOT-RCSS Mrs. L. T Rust of Wilmington an nounces the marr-age of her daugh ter, Harriett, to Mr Woodrow Pilot of Goldsboro, son of the late Mr. and Mrs G C Pint of Huntsville. Ala.. Sunday. June 3. nt Dillon, S C. The couple will make their home at 101 •V. Virg.n,a st. WORLEY-CRUTCHFIELD Mr. and Mrs Thomas Marion Crutchfield of Ffland announce the engagement of their dauKhter, Mary Elizabeth, of Goldsboro, to Mr Paul William Worley of Goldsboro, son of Mr* J. FranK Worley of Char lotte. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 13, at St. Paul Methodist church, Goldsboro. OOLLIt-STANLEY Mrs. Mattie Stanley announced the marriage of her daughter. Ruth, to Mr. Willis Redmond Cellle. Sat urday, June 8. 1W0, Courtland, Va. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. George Stanley and Mrs.' Hattie Stanley of Goldsboro. Since her graduation at Mooseheart High School. Mooseheart, III., she had been secretary t0 the WPA area su pervisor. Mr Collie is the son of Mr ®nd Mrs Arthur Collie of Castalia. He attended Loumbug College ar.d is now engaged in farm surveying :n Nash county with headquarters in Nashville, where the couple will make their homes. Mrs. Wood Honored At Bridge Party Mrs. J. H. Murfee entertained at • bridge party at her home on E. Walnut st., on Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs George Wood, who ’S leaving Goldsboro this week to make her home in Washington. D. C. Bridge was played at three tables, and Mrs. J. Y. Ellington received the high score prize. The consola tion was awarded to Mrs. F. M. Ed wards. After the games the hostess served a salad course. The guests were Mesdames George Wood. A. T. Hawkins. J- W. Swift, Jr., F. H Blitchington, W. R. Allen, Jr., Charles S Norwood, R M. Davis, J. E. Bryan, R. E. Bryan, Cedric Edgerton and J. N. Longest. QUALITY— ! Comes First WE HAVE IT SERVICE— Comes Next WE GIVE IT SATISFACTION— Must Be Had WE GUARANTEE IT Phone: 450 or 451 Jones Market N. John St. I SPORTS 8TIT Here's your active sporl* suit, with flaring. slim-hipped shorts sleeve less ar.d slathered a bit above the waistline to atsure tree action at speedy games. And here also, in the very same inexpensive pattern '8722) is your spectator sports Irock, created merely by adding a button front skirt and short little jacket to the play suit It's *uch a delightfully different little jacket, too, buttoned at the square neckline, and cut short en ough to cal’, attention to the small- ( ness of your waist Make this of pas tel chambray, checked gingham or white pique, and point it up with bright ricrac braid! Thus you'll ac quire two of the season's smartest sports fashions, easily and inexpen sively. Pattern No. 8722 is designed for Fixes 12. 14. 16. 18 ar.d 20 Pattern t“W—Isn’t it just about time you had a r.ew princess dress? Nothing is more becoming to wom en* sizes than the smooth, suave princess line, and the charm of this new pattern is sheer beauty of sil houette, pointed up by lace-edged revers and cuffs. In light colors or dark, with your white accessories or colored ones, this will be your most flattering street dress, grand for summer travel. This graceful style makes up equally well Id flat crepe, silk print or spun rayon, and in street cotton* like linen, pique and chambray, with white or pastel accent*. Pattern No 8708 it designed tor sizes 34, 30 . 38. 40,42, 44. 4« and 48. Paper ......—-—.——...— Town ...................-— State ..... ......... ......—.... send IS centa In cola (for each pattern desired) togeth* er with your name, address, pattern number and six*. Patricia Deer Patterns SM W. 17th gt, l*#w Terk. N. T. IMPORTANT—Be eure to All la the fuU name of your newapeper, Toera and State In the box above whea ordering patterns. ROBKEKV PEOBIED I>x>tlnK of the Smart and Thrifty Shop on W. Walnut *t., early Sun day morning, was still under inves tigatton by Goldsboro police on Tuesday The thieves stole $270 11 .<* wearing apparel and cash. ■fisassfisssfifisa $42,000,000 Deal Is Recorded Here A deal involving of the largest ever filed in North Carolina, was recorded Monday wlU Register of Deeds W E Ormond. It was a state mortgage and deedl of trust from the Carolina Rowes* and Light Company to the trvlft Trust Co and F C Herbert, trustee. Part of the property involved lc>. the deal is located In Wayne County* The papers were filed! as a part of a refinancing program by the come* pany. BICYCLES STOLEN Theft of two bicycles, a Packard belonging to Robert Davis. Negro. 418 Miller *t.. stolen from in front of the Jamas Theater, and the other a blue and white Iver Johnson be longing to James Etheridge, city lag; No. 303, was reported to police. BE SURE TO REMEMBER YOUR DAD WITH A GIFT THIS SUNDAY— l 000 SHIRTS THE IDEAL GIFT Be sure that Da4 f(W mm *r am of Asm mart shirts. W* carry complete r»n(e of sixes. Sum mer TIES l Ltvelr patt wel[kt (akriM. 4 Sc to 97c COOL \ SOCKS I 4 to ferlrki »r 15c to 35c | EFIRP’S 1 Phone.. THIS VACATION KEEP COOL in Newly Cleaned CLOTHES Be cool «"»«* trash in dothes that took like now. Let GoLdwtnm# clean your waniwr muiofiles and re Take Advantage of Our Laundry Service During This Hot Weather—Just Phone 25 and We Will Do the Rest GOLDWAYNE South Center St. v

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