j Outfielder Sam Patton Likes 1 Goldsboro-Minus the Heat ; Br MART BADDOUB Introducing Sarnue. Robert Pat Ivx, centerflclder for the Goldsboro Goldbugs. 1 “Sam" is a North Carolina bay, • filing from Swanota in the North • Carolina mountain*. He was born on » April 29. 1919. is 6 fee*. 3 1-2 inches • ewn and we.ghs 182 pounds. This year is Sam's first in pro ball 1 playing. The Goldbug centerflelder played bail for the Western Caro lina Teachers College in 1937. In HU, 39. Sam played semi-pro ball lor the American Enka Corporation In Greenville. S. C-, and started his professional ball playing when he nm to Goldsboro it the beginning ml lAiO season. I asked Sam if he likes Goldsboro, and pot the answer: “Yes,- indeed!” 'la thinks our hometown la very giendly and the people "great.” Only king wrong with Goldsboro. Sam kys, is the heat—finds the weather gat a little bit too warm for a boy (ha lives in the cool North Carolina fountains. The tall lanky center - estimates he has lost Just about 10 pounds since this hot spell cam* on. There’s a good reducing recipe for someone who needs it— Sam says he doesn't Sirr. spends the majority of hts time in the winter playing basket ball. He likes all other sports, bat he doesn't have time to do anythin* in the summer but play baseball. Seems to be a candid camera fan. likes to do a little bit of picture taking in his spare time. It looks as if Sam ought to be able to gain a little of that weight back again, 'cause he says he likes to eat just about everything He's not at all hard to please when it comes to something to eat. When pushed to name his favorite dish, Sam admit i ted that maybe he did like banana pudding jus: a little bit more. t“ the held of musical entertain ment, Kay Kyser takes top ranking with Sam, who dances a little—likes to watch jitterbugfing—but only to watch. Sam also likes the movies and even though he admits he's def initely not a crooner himself, he picks Bing Crosby as his favorite. The Goldbug centertielder does not smoke, drink or chew. Now for a little bit of news to interest the feminine fans. Sam says that while he has no particular pref er-er.ee for blondes or brunettes, he does prefer them to redheads. Like 16' 3" Pitcher Wally Wilson, Sam FOR SALE MOLASSES Calcium Arsenate MOP COTTON NOW We Have Land Plaster far Peanuts THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Goldsboro, N. C. Shirk. «;»• his 'deal girl should oe a: leas; 3vet sac- height. He intimat ed tfcft he •’ce-:'t like the flighty i type '■ ±' y:u c'nisi'vit;ve types cfin ke s .or.- iVlshoiiih Sam die,n't jr'-ltc f. he st’erm to li;-.ve r.o obJ_: >■ tv a ;.'l smoking —ity> it- t’j uu t-> her i Sit imprests vs as be;rg a very congenial and likeable fc.low, and I from our o'ose; vatior.s of him on the ; ball field, we believe he is the type I of player who plays for she en- _ | joyment he gets out of it. Goldsboro Football Schedule Announced A nine-game >940 schedule for ] Goldsboro High Sr hoofs football : team was announced yesterday by Coach Norris Jeffrey. Four of the nine games are to be' played in Goldsboro, the rest away.] The Quakes open with Wilson here on Sept. 27. p'.af Greenville on Oct.' 4, New Bern on Oct. 18 and Roa noke Rapids on Nov. 1. The local eleven travel* to Wash ington High on Oct. 11, Tarboro on Oct. 25. EliMtK**1 City on Nov. II. Wilmington on Nov. 15 and Kinston on Nov 27. The Quakes won ftve, dropped three ano tied two last season. Lodge Buildings May Be Taxed Here 1 A ruling by the North Carolina I Supreme Court, in the case of Wake 1 County against Sir Walter Lodge No. 411. lndeiiendent Order of Odd Fellows, may result in at leaift one Wayne building, heretofore tax-free, being assessed the future While admitting the probability of, ; sum amove. Comity Auditor John, H. Hawley, Jr., w-ould not disclose the name of any building that may be so taxed until he has ar. opportun ity to study the Supreme Court’s decision ;n full. SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD 1 SUNDAY JUNE 16 1 i I Suits ( Hats Shoes Shirts and Shorts Slacks TIES NOR-EAST N»w Cruthable Ties in all the Sum- • mtr color* 1.00 Whether he's such a Your.g Father that he's still "my boy" to his ov/r. Dad . . . whether lie's a mel low middle aged Father, or one vrho's head is crowned with the silver hair of mounting decades, he'll r.o glad you remainder him—on Fath er's Day! PAJAMAS ran Cat. Cool *n®» **)■■»• Dwl‘« favorUa F»U*m. $1.00 to $2.90 SOCKS Hole Froof. Alw»n m Approclo U>i Ol/t. Ur(« Atoortmeni to CkMH From. 15c *« 35c SHIRTS Kay Father Will Be Proud to Re celre One or More of Thoso Nt UoMJJr Known Jayson Shirt*. All Sites. $1.00 to $2.00 LEDER BROTHERS SHOP WITH CONFIDOICE AWD WEAR WITH PRIDE'* Bv MARY BADDOl'R The ?p’ashir.g of cool water and the delighted yells of the Communi ty Budding Pool swimmers are the refreshing sounds that greeted my ears as I entered the lobby of the building. With school over and noth in? but the heat to worry them, the young people of Goldsboro arc tax ing to the pool to cool themselves off. Around 50 people have already reg istered for the classes that arc to be a part of the “Learn to Swim” campaign which begins on June 12 and continues through July 12. Coach Charles Stapleton estimates that before the end of tha regiatra tion period, tha total enrolled for the classes will be about 150. | Th* following schedule has been arranged for the pool starting on Wednesday. June 12: On Tuesday and Thursday, the pool will be open for children from 10 a. m. to 12:30. On Monday. Wed nesday and Friday from 11:30 to 1 p. m. (during “Learn to Swim" campaign). I Adults have exclusive use of the pool from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m. and from 12 30 to 2:00 every day. The afternoon schedule will be: Children from 2 to 5:30: team prac tice from 5:30 to 6:30; adults from 6:30 to 7:30 tv m. After 7:30 p, m. a child under 12 must be accom panied by an adult Ob Monday afternoon the Well’s softball team rapped top place in the league standings by defeating ■ the I. O. O. F.’s by a score of 7-5. The C. P. * L. team took the j Stanley-Yelverton boys for » loss with nine tallies in their favor to the S-Y's 8. TTus week make* the sixth week of softball playing In Colds i boro and the league standings are as follows Well's have played 18, won 8, lost 2. giving tlicm a percentage of ,g«fl. j The Oddfellewg played 10. won 7, | lost 3. percentage, .700. C. P. * L. played 11. won 5. ; lost 6. percentage. 454. ; Stanley-Yelverton played 11. won 1 lo»t 10, percentage .898. The tennis match that was sched 1 uled with Greenville for tomorrow [ night has beer, postponed and will not be played until Thursday of next week Mrs. Avery Wallace holds top; place on the women's tennis ladder i at the present time, and John Alien Farfour ha3 the top rack among the ! men. There's some mighty fast com-; petition on those tennis courts. Mrs. Frank Seymour has came from ninth place to second in just a short while and "Sloppy’ Wail, not to be out done. ha* played himself up to third position on the men’s ladder from amor.g the lower brackets. I The Tenr.is Association is having no trouole at ad fdi.ng up the courts every night, since these hot days are; keeping most of the tennis enthus-, lasts off the courts while King Sol, is shining. Goldbugs Conquer Williamston, 7-5 (Continued from Page one) Bujfs. kept up hi* g°od work, allow ing the visitor* 10 hits, striking out seven men and walking (our. Miller hurled for the Martins un-; til the eighth intms when Manager j Red Swain took hi* turn at bat and, put to Albritton, former catcher fori the Martins, in the l°P half of the eighth inning Pattor. led the Goldsboro batters with two hits out of four times at bat. Score bv iiintogsi Goldsboro'.310 020 01*-7 WilUair.ston . 021 110 000~5 On Thursday night, the Goldbugs drooped the second game to two days to the Wilson Tobs, Coastal P'a:n League leaders. Although the Bugs were outhit by only one safety, ar.d played errorless bali, they misl ed 'coring chances in the second, sixth and eighth innings, leaving six men on the bases Wade bcsp«otaL’le4 P^cher for the Bugs, yielded seven hits to the To bacconists and fanned nir.e. Top hitter for the Buga was l«tt fielder DiGacUno with two for two. I One of tb« most Involved fielding plays that has taken place on the home ball field occurred on Thurs day night when P.wUk, Ooldbug j second baseman, reached first on Dicken’s error at short, and then went to third when farossl appar ently hit for a triple, but stopped at third when It looked as If Iarosai's hit would be held to a double. Mean time. Iirotsl, an unusually fast run ner, had come on to third, and Paw lak was trapped between third and home & was put out, Olmo to Dick ens to Murphy to Bauer to Murphy. After a week-end of wins, the Goidbug* went into third place for • tie with New Bern, both teams having won 21 gsmej and lost 21. Wally Wilson, on the mound for Moulding and Columns Shingles and Laths Lumber and Woodwork A- T. Griffin Mlg- Co i the Bugs on Saturday nt^ht, took' cred:t for the win ever the William aton Martins, 10-10 Toe Bugs’ vie-1 tory came when with an eighth in ning rally. On Sunday afternoon, a double header with the Kinston Eagles way j played and the Goldbugs took the honors with two shutouts. Big Ed Chapman, Goldbug pitcher in the opening game, pitched flve hit ball in blanking the Eagles. The Bugs collected nine hits off Kinston pitcher Stringfellow and made them good for six runs. Arnctte. Goldbug skipper, took top batting honors with two hits for three tries In the second game, a seven-inning affair, Murray Wad held the Eagles to only two hits, garnered by cen terflelder Kennedy and rightfielder Weeks. The Bugs collected *1* hits off Williams, hurler for Kinston, and , brought in halt that many runs. For all the games, the Bugs col lected a total of 27 hits to bring their individual batting averages back to normal Jevels. A little extra enjoyment was pro vided for the fans when Umpire Jim Stroner had a little trouble with ripping trousers. On Saturday night. Stroner. working behind the plate, moved a little too quickly and rip ped the back of his pant*. In dodging ( a .viltl pitch on Sunday afternoon, j during the first game, the fans wit nessed tti* same performance. Bast Umpire Vickers saved the day tor Stroner both times by changing po sition *. Tie Gotdbugs moved into third place undisputed on Tuesday night by defeating the Williamston Martins by a 6-4 score. This was the Bugs fourth win in five games. The Bugs collected 15 hits, with DiCaetano leading with three for five, and Sam ration Dotting .500 with two hits for four tries. Winning pitcher for the Bugs was Nick Iarossi. who, up until Tuesday night, had played first base for the j Bugs. Iarossi yielded five hits in 0 2-3 Innings and struck out three Martina. Wade relieved for the Buga | in the sixth inning, gave up three l hit* and fanned three. I 4 A o Mop Cotton Now! BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE COLE MOPPERS MOLASSES and CALCIUM ARSENATE WEIL’S 40 I I I I I 1 I I I I i j i SoMationalf Yo« hot 1) W K«nr b»br« Bad* fuck cm ori** ®n Mmm Mg, kw moadM. Now r®» o«ll Pfnup t«w oar ’ •ow tfco* on All 4 WS2BJ ... and you «m poaay bom Ikw bo ptMMwd tlrt : sssss IkOO-'k-. jJSZl •fessi Strong Hm FULLY GALVANIZED Special If ftf InfrodMetery n Ifl1 Off«r JfLttJ? Standard Flbro COUPE Standard Fibro $yg gg COACH 4 SEDAN “f Swart**!, nowoot coat cooow UotaUod boo during this oolo. Mod# to flt oPortly in ail oar*. Dr««c op your oar. Completely Equipped MOW CAM Lon_ Now**) 1M0 ftroamllaod Foortaroo. Otkor u^a. *24 SOFTBALL BAT Solootod Grained Wood. im'&LMimnnMsa* 1. Pay Cash 2. Open a 30-Day Charge Account 3. Budget Pay Pfaa— Long Maty Tariat SOFTBALL CAPS « Mmo — Aroortad Cotaw. E5S5S3ESEMES eOODIICH WHITE flOKWALL FAINT Dr«B* Vp Your Aula M Fog Ugk» — rtoriOlgkt Batteries ricumr TAPBICYCLES sporting goods 3 WAYS TO BUY CAR BARGAINS Pw? ■®Ct 1 MU 1 In 1 Bn if s l fl I ll | jf; LI a Hod 4 Per Coriowor 1 Ckotao •< wLo w f *TVI” ** <*>Q»e>taodiM« » to cMp whoa tawit or umod M » Bot A 123 To* Ka T NbRA*° 1 1 a* »d«* 1 v»’* ** 81 151 [nil 1 |4 | C.19 I \ w*' w -A M l** i 1 sn.«4 1 -t tv*** _ 1 4 L on< i le AJ-l .!*'tadSdB.^^ ta» «•* II Hi - . I r 0 A * > I Jcui mtia tun ffik IA »ats only "-thy our RECAPPING SERVICE-— LANGSTON TIRE CO. I. Center Street Goldeboro. N. C. I