IAS KINGS AlOimiAIN. HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, MOXTU OAEOLIM A. ' ' i if ,u ) s " vIlHJlKINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD n - Kings Mountain, N. C . & G. PAGE, E4itot and Owner. , SUBSCMPTlON -PRICEy . OncYai. Jl. ix Months 50 ' - Three Booth 25c. dlvr&ilurM November IT, 1905, at King Mountain, N. C, M seooud- r. Uu minor dniier Act of Concrete of Mnrcn . 1871. v ' ' Kotice to Sabscribers " There are s great many aib t acrlbors to the Herald who are " badly in the arrears We would . very much appreciate your-coin-. ing in or sending your renewals. ' If you don't know just how much ,' yo1 are clue us send as near the amount as yon can guess at it . and we will give you credit and wend you statement as soon 4 we possibly can. Notice to Correspondents. ""A number of the country peo " pie are taking hold of tlie matter of sending in the neighborhood . '' ftewa and thia we appreciate - very much. We want the newa from every section in our terrt tDrr and let whoever reada this notice -see to it that the new from your community get in the 'Herald. Wealao want circulation re presentatives in every aection to will pay well for thia service. Il you thToITlKaT7tJilirftS our buainoss in your vicinity ap ply to us for a proposition. TePoBUcUa Politicians or friends of poll . . liclans who wish to espouse the cause of themselves of their friends as endidates to political office may do so through the columns of the Herald at the regular advertising rate paid in . Udvaace. This Applies 'to both "mMes. If the personal of the vlferald sees fit to express .editorial opinions that is . hii ' WaJcllman, What Of The Night? The town of Kings Mountain. to be patrolled all night as well all day . Thieves, rogues and '. burglars. to their, flendiah work . at night. They are 'on the job -They coroo here during .the; day . ana survey uie wnoie situation, lay. their plans and retire U 'ome secrot place or else just -. we Ik right : around until the ' police go n ana men they . go ahead . and . put up the job Wejl, (hat was the case hen Saturday and Saturday night anyway. We are not calling upon ilfce present policemen to stay up 11 night and all day. Their hours are long enough. Thev ,, keep things in good shape during their hours. But the thing that . we need ia someone to keep watch all night. If the . town ; just can hot pay but two men wuia not oet better to divide -- time and let one of them watol by day and the other bv night? .Someoee says that one man can J W afreet a tough without beat lug him up too badly. Well that's o excuse., An officer can depu jtiae. enough help to arrest i half dozen men any day in Kings - Mountain. We 'agree that it is very unpleasant for the by strander to have to take a hand in the arrest of bis neighbor, uj we agree further that it is not as bad as laying the town open, to the ravages of the plunder during the choice part Ot the night. The robbery might have been ' commjttod here Saturday night ; It there hnq been a policeman on dutN!, but the probability is that It Vjotuld have been averted. Let that be as it may, the people of the town are entitled to the pro section and " we aay ve , to : tberb.' Secure another inanjf you can pay him, If jt oii cannot pay a third man, kind of whack , up, with what you have got tVaVafiman.-what of -the night? All aelfiep- - - i ' ; , ' , ,- I ; a) Get one of.lhoa .aim. Pre iniuras witn trie Herald, v . .5 bacrlbe for Th Herald. ,' :oprl ','J.. The Bond Isiae Is Upon Us. Thjo ' bond , 'issue Is upon us. The time- is not far hence wberl every qualified voter will be cal led upon to ay wliethef he will Vote $15,000 additional bonds for the Kings Mountain precinct for the betterment of our highways. Now lot's everybody throw aside any prejudice that may exist in our mind and give this- matter A piece of our very best consider ation.' Let 'a apply some good business sense to the problem and not jump at conclusions. Let it be cool business proposi tion and let us treat it as a mat ter of very important business. It's no use for anybody to get in a rage and go foaming about the city chewing old tin cans and biting the heads off ten penny nails. There exists very little, if any doubt, that the pro post tion will .ecejve the hearty ap proval of the people and that the (nue will carry by a handsome majority, Not a single objection to the eaue has reached the ears of tut Herald man and that is a splen did start. It seerftr that every oody is in tbe line of progress and i only waiting for a chance 10 show it at the ballot Ho?. In the light of what was done with the twenty five thouaand already voted and expended oo glad to aeo bonds about fifteen miles of the best sand clay road to be found anywhere besides the Improve ments onMhe streets and the various roads in the township. The cohims of the Herald ar open for the discussion of the 1 .sue both pro and con, andw especially invite discussions that would strengthen the issue in the favor of the people if per ehonce it needs strength. Webb And Prestos. mc matter oi sending a man to Washington to represent the people in Congress should not be one of "doing honor" to friend b?t one of getting service" for the "people." This honor buisness ' made us ' sick years ago and we have never recovered from H. Jesus: Chrisl himself, stamped it 'with' dm' appro a 1 when be said "Let hiio that Would be greatest ainou, you be bervant of all.'" Pie eat ng never made a nation great but many have suffered witi political indigestion from it. "Watch Webb Win." The above captian seems to be happy. hit of The Cleveland Star in Us issue of last Tuesday. It would be nothing less than a calamity to thia district, to North Carolina, and-to, the whole nation for us to fail to re elect E. Y.. Webb to congress. If congressional represents tion were a question of dividing honors among men, countries, towns, or different sections of the. d strict;' then, possibly, we might consider a change, but s nee it is a question of service, capable effloient service, we need Yates Webb. - Who, on proposing to erect some great edifice, would reject the service of an experienced architect, and employ an ap prentice?; r.-, v; i .:"-;.: Now, when Democracy is a gain seeking to establish her right and ability to .govern this nation, we need experienced men to represent us in congress men who can bring things to pas men like Webb. Therefore, gentlemen of this district, I move you, that we make the nomination and elec? tion of Mr. Webb unanimous. J, R. Miller, . . , ; . . .. . Kings Mountain, N. C v.j-v January 14--1914. :, w& Redtalat linwood. There will be an loeiutionary fec'tal t Ijnwood College M Monday at 8 P. M. , The public is tally invited to attend, bstrlbe for The Herald. the work continue. I . . . M ' S all 'J' llJBii WNafWiwifriMMiiM llJllfli"lBl Ml !! - I . I LOCAL CHURCH CALENDAR. Boyce. iHtmorUl Associate Keformed - .nesDrtenao, Rev.XJ. L. Kerr, Pastor Preaching every Sabbath: morn ing at 11 o'clock. Evening ser vices at 7 o'clock 2nd, and 4th, Sabbaths. Sabbath School every. Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Rev. Chas. K. Bell, Pastor. Public worship at 11 A. M, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, Sundays, and at 7 P. M. 1st, 2nd," and 4th. Sundays. Sunday School ea"h Sunday morning at 9: 15, First Presbyterian. Rev. R. A. Miller, Supply Pwtor. Preaching service 1st, and 8r0 Sundays at 11 A. M. and 7:15 P.M. Sunday School every corning at 10 o'clock. Sunda.v First Baptist Rev. J R. Miller, Pastor. Services 2nd and 4th Sundy; at l! o'clock A. M. and at 7:15 P. M. Sundav School averv Sun ta a- Rev. M. D. Clegg, Pastrr. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 A. M. and every Sunday night fit 7 o'cl.vlt. , Sunday School at 10 A. M.' every Sunday. Grace Hetbodist . Rev., B. Ac.Culp, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 9.15 everj Sunday morning. Weslyan Mcthodis. -At the Wesley an Methodist church there wilt be preachint; Saturday night at 7 o'clock Sunday School 10am. and preach ing at 11 Sunday, and a speciu .sermon Sunday night. Pu.blic is invited. . - ' . ' ' ' s R.-Williams. Pastor. Burglars Seen At Rockingham. Mr., Clarence Careuter wire tram Wake".-Fo. t Tuesday light ' that he saw the threi ourglara wanted here in Rock- n'liam as he passed throutcl that town Tuesday on the train. Mr. Sage Falton Goes To Identify. Mayor Cline was inform' o ystereay by an officer a, Ko.k ngham that two men were ai- rested there on a r dn tt mid' night : Tuesday whome they suspect as two of the Burglars wanted here. Mr.. Sage Fulton salesman at D. M. Baker & Co's store, left this morning for Rock in jham to ideatify the prisoner Neither of the men is Clai d Haynes os . 'the .-Rockinghau. Officers know Haynes personally. Increase In Cotton Crop. There were 22,122 "bales pt cotton giuned in Cleveland coun vy Bp to Jantuii'.v 1st 191 J a compared with 19,582 bales sace date last year.' ' ' ; ; v Mr Atkns Ifnj.'ri)vs Property.' Mr. W. R. Atkins is making much improvements on the pro perty which he renently pur chased on Vinegar Hill in this city. He has bnHt several room to the house whicb was on ihe property .and.will erect splendid, barns.. Mr. Atkits intend to extend the acity water -to bis place and when through will be well fixed up for Hying, j. . , Brother Vipperman Remembered. A number ol the good people of the town were joined by some of the preacher ' country, con stituency Tuesday v night in ponndi r Hev. Dl E. Vipperman. Mr. Vipperman' family uiorved here last week' from Mt:" Hally, Subscribe lot The Herald f IfSI i I - - 'at- II SATURDAY, J AN- Call and See his line of New ......... -. I ; s Planters : Continued from lit Tint. -Tne father tjll his boy that the money from certain aheep should le his, in return for' such care as be might give them. The. tether never insisted or really expected that his boy should iave the entire oversight or re of the sheep. But he him self kept them Under his eye; out there were f-omo things the boy was expected to d J, and thia leveloped in a feeling of duty that had a fine bearing on his iftpr life. The wool was to be . , , . ... the father's because of the feed Doing grown on me rm nome. When the lambs were sold the .nnnAV vu the hov'a. Ha nued im nf i for nlothes. sane for other personal ex pence and some he put in the bank. For mauy years this little partner iiiip was- kept upland always with the strictest fidelity on the iiart of both father and son. Then, again a father may take aii interest with his boys ia thej jirds, trees, flowers' and otlierJNorth Carolina. dungs of the plme.. There is idtUing raovc attractive than such a study as this, and if any thing should happen to change the course of natural events so that tliu 'son should be led away from tbe farm, he would always look back to the days speat with father studying these creatures of the farm with the greatest of Interest. In a thousand ways the vonns folks may be linked to the farm. And how it would pay! Vor we need the best young men and women of the country on the farm today. .Never were they orore hecessarjr to the well-befog of the. country aa farmers thau now. A fast-increasing change is coming oyer the" eitixenship of the United 'States. Some see grave dangers In the shifting -of on r nati ve popu I ation -a way - from the country to give place to men and women of different races and. ..tu.:nB Vo.tf rnnHo .man bntfarth farm bv inst thnt! much . strengthens- the republic, TO VISIT OUR STORE Hear Mr. E. C. HENKEL, the : Diamond Edge TOOL EXPKt Hardware j C ompny "Diamond Edge Is A Quality Pledge." Koai Bond Election Eiags Mountain Precinct. Number Four Townsbip. It li ht rebjr ordered that an election I held in Kings Mountain Precinct, Mum ber Four Township, Cleveland County, North Carolina, between tbe bouri of euorlMsnd roneet onTueeday, February 17th, 1914, for tbe purpose of ascertaining the will of the voters within said precinct, upon the Question of an additional issuo of bonds aot exceeding I if teen Thousand ($15,000.00) Doilam; in denomination of not exceeding; One Thousand (1.000.- 00) Dollars, said bonds to bear Interest at not exceeding Ave (5) per cent. ' w" """" ? not exceeding forty one (41) Fa" from th o fr the purtoie of lMenKtwork of buUdlng, grading, surveying, laying out and enstrucJng I the nublic toads of King Mountain ' rrecinct, in numoer rour x0w.,.n.H, id the levying of a tax of not exceed ing fifteen (.16) eer.ts on tho 100.01 valuation of property, and not exceeding forty five (.46) cents on tbe poll, to pa) the interest on said bonds and to crest. a sinking fund and to assist in working said roads and carrying out the purposes of this act in accordance with the pvwerand authjii-y tlvea undtr the law passed by General Assembly of Session 1913. known as Chanter 470. entitled "An Act To Provide t or An Additional Bend Issue For Kidzt Mountain freeinct In Num. ber xour lo .n hip In C evtlaod County For Road Improvement." - Ii isfurtkerorderetf that the follow ing persons be. and they are hereby aoDointed election officers for said lecti n, aa follows: Registrar: Leslie UcCionis; Jodgeai B. U. Logan and Forrest Ihji. At said election those ' who are in favor of tbeJssoe of said bonds and the levy and collection of aaid taxes, as Drovkkd i said Act. shall vote a written, or printed ballot eontainirig the words." "FOR GOOD BOADji.' and those who nT opposed to the Urae of aaid bonds and the. levy and collection of said taxes shall vote a written or printed ballot containing the words "AGAINST GOOD ROADS" If a majority of those voting at said election shell . vote .'FOR. GOOD ROADS" in accordance with aaid Act. it shall be thd duty of the registrar bereinbefore appointed,'' botween- the boars of sine o'clock A. H. and sunset a each day (Sunday's excepted) for twenty (20) days preceding, the date .closing of the registration books, to keep said books open ror the IT, 19it and Up-to-Date j regis rauiui ui nj iitJ n aiding tilli'd to within said 1wMhi snd Mgierfaiiua). Alt boo for regieeration-on Sa'untnv be zlo6 February tn, 1914, .On cech&tarly. uiiag the period of recti :allviii (h; rr rinlrsr ihall at:d wiih his- re; .isii-, Von bo -Icfl at the pwl.fc.g yifcott t,, B(Mi it-ip for the resist; (k,:i ,. voj-r, X: registrar a,id judg, t iti.w- hal' -meetat n preand or. i.u lL. ttur day before ssld election at:d ,'ket ary eomphmt fnrfoslngrejrfstrnclon, and also any challenges whfch a.tj be n.ade sgiinst any person admitted to n-glg ration. Challenges ir.ay also b made en election day. At close of th election, the votes shall be counted and returned ovey the signatares of the 1 registrar and judges of election, or a mLot, . them, to ibe Board of ComnT of Cleveland County, end ,i! registrar or one judge of elect 1 be chosen as registrar fo trans! i returns to said Board of Coram ' at Shelby at tbe first rg4r of tbe commissioners after the ) is held, at which time the E Commissioners shall canvass t and declare the result of said No new registration ! Mm' this election and those need i who are not now properly regit This election is ordered n neUtion of a majority of the 'i voters of Kings Mountain Pre Number Four Township, nnd i ice in the Kings Mountain Hei thirty days prior to said elect io By order of tbe Board of rW era or Cleveland County, made day, Jan, 6th, 1914. J- i, Lattimore, C , Clerk to tht Change At Patterson Cri , Mr.Geo.V.Pattersoh,m" of the PaWerion Grocery C' a member trf the . City -C bas accepted a position as i ing salesman for the ; Ku Lowe Co.. of Charlotte wh grocer and trill go on th nest week.-. He..will tra'v Immediate territory n& w , at home two ro three jiig' the week. , . .. " . ilr. Patterson has bad epi cM tha road and his many f will, oonfldently- expect him Bocceed well. : Mr. J..M, Patterson v eeed Mr. Geo. V, at the T Grocery. . : ' . i i Ji I r.'"'x V