tII2 KINGS 120UNTAJN HEaALD, KIQ3 MOUNTAIN, NOETHCAtOLlKl. LLD, Kl LOCALS . .- '' Mr. Sarah Blackwood Is visit- Jng lo Gastonia from where' she go on to Charlotte for a Mr. ran uudiaui lelt laat Friday (or Raleigh where be is Mr. Doc Hawsef made a tmsi rness trip to Charlotte last Fri ;t If you tfe foisliteHS man and have the Interests (he town at ' heart corn out to the mas meet- " lag tonight. , Mr. and Mm. C. Reddick of . Spartanbtfrg spent Friday night 'in the home of their urrtr Mrs. "K. E. LoCkmari. .y.'.Y- . ' Mr. W. A. Vare Spent two days in Charlotte last week on , business.- ' . . Let every public spirited man : 1 attend the mass meeting tonight -5 at the opera house. Many sub Je.ita of great importance to the town awl people will be consid ' ered. Mr. J. C. Bumardrrer let us ' fell sen whfet kind of porkers he ts marketing these . days fast week. He unloaded a car of fine boats a good many of which en joyed freedom on the street for Mr, sod Mrs. K.- TV Ci ansier and little daughter, Lucile, sre on an extenjtvl v. sit at Stony of : l.i .-1 1' ie.. .'rs. r u j i i j ; liir y il,aUCI'.v.'I) is L';uisii?r n tOi, Sb'-'!MI in' :h. of Mr -Mr. .4. K. Kiuijtfs m;jmi S &y lu v'ciicurit. Mr. C S., (.roosts is Ktifforiug : WitU a'ftiiiiii'l niv tin! tjm)lf . wbicb ! i '.,k' i w,i; c'i'y laxt . .m in a way. . . Mo was Miftuliiip- ivjui a t'vo horse wagon and tiie te.im iior.K'!jtv Nonius Onmainoeabie mid threw him from tliv tvHgon and his head . struejic noujullihtg Uist was too liaruf for it. TlL Kiirs .'Moun'.un-' Building and Loan 5lssot".atitm is nxtk-ittg ii soiuiidid siio's'tnt; in their, re--port) which '.tiiey .are soiitjUtig out : in 'uamphh't (r-n. -Everybody - wnoiuon epHi'e Uie money should rifli- smut' kiocIi -vitlr -the series ;Uht I'jjjeini. Cm ef of frjlwe C, A, Rsgan 1 Wivin 'i iett.y tedious time. luonvalebOMice is exceedingly slo He gets out once in a whi lie and tries to ojlleet taxes but bed nvariabJy bos to go back- to, We keep noping-.that Mr. art will soon be fcgirin enjoy- Ing the' good health that he uk did. f: . ... , ho East Kings Mountain j are becoming mighty tired fieir reiigious services being urbed by. uncouth persons o go up and down' the' eartl ina to retard oivilmtion. ha'o the lnAvs. why riot make m oierauvef he V;miii!lriory' "schotrt iw more than met the oxpeta- ns of its promoters. It was pposed.that the law coiJlil and nld bo enforced, bt this was t neces-sn ry. The people are st , coirfjiiy i Bjf J wit hppt bei ng :ced to it. They arc pretty, od folks anybotf. ; ' There will be acongrejational feeting.of the members of the ngs Mount;i! Presbyterian nrclv tamedkte'ly. -lifter er ce Sunday ..January the 18th. 't ever.v wembsr attend- By quest of the sess'on. (What doyo tWnk bfnt hnv . ug the freight depot moved ,rther down the track so' that ie street wili not bs blocked so inch by freight trahisf -li Some- "tnas i it is sKho'st fmpOBsfft to at across the- track to meet ssenger traim ' ' And matiy lies you havtO' wait .severali i ute before yoaeaa-orosa the .k after . lea tfn t thr) ps r traiiu ' v 1 ' ' 'r. N. P. McMillan- made a hsrsa trip to Gastonia Tuos been away a his home la Somerset vs.. for the pwstMew.tne Kinw Mountain rresoyien weeWreturned- Monday .night - al held its meeting at f be spac His fathefnd mother have both j loaa ho-trt of Mrs 0.- B. Neister been Very sick. His mother is improving very 'satisfactorily but his father is not doing so well. The father is 77 'years old and ' underwent an operation sometime ago and it is a straggle to recover from the shock. Mrs. J. Oscsr Neely xm two children and Miss Maud Smith both of Fineville.' N. C are visiting their sister, Mrs. Forest Floyd. , - Mr, J. W. McFadded who for the past few months has held a position in tlx Leading Barber shop has resigned and gone to High Shoals where he will con duct a shop of his own. Mr Mo Fadden formerly conducted a shop at High Sboals and gained so much popularity with the people there that they wanted hint back. Mr. McFaddeo made many friends whlls here and we httpe that ho may see his way clear to return and take up- his abode with us again. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Plonk Who left a week ago on their bridal trip to Florida are expected baok tomorrow. Miss Rtrtry Hoftgtand left for her home at Fort Mills, 8. C. cwnss day witb Miss Musette Jenkins. Mr. C. A. Brkfces, wife feud baby,.'' o Richmond,- Vs. arr ft;- co-is. Mr. and M.ra; Liunar VVnrc of RicU- H'll. S C U-ft Tnesosv alter jcniiifg sevcrsi da.vs wit') Mr, Ware 't iiioiiioi, Mrs. 4-.'A.-' War.-. - : ' Miss Lulu K;-:itjo,: who is 'tauhicii:itfar Lowvll, t week-cud witii Mono follcs. Klt broih'.-r C, A , JinriffHH of Rich nioitd. Vs. ws litrt'e tflso. . Dr. Grdbaa will h Ul quarter conference " at Grace' M'. E. ohiirc'a. SaturJuy afternoon' at 3 o'cioc'f, snd preach Sunday morning awl iv.iiit. und at Johns toxn Satnyclay night..- - ; Sheriff Vv'ilkins was fn town ;.1Vediy sftrnotiu investigating the1 burglaries cojimttted here Saturday ninht. Mrs; M. ir. Hauser and two children Priinell ' LeRhyne and Viols, visitei at CheTryvilTe Sunday, - . ".. The stockholders of the First Nationa Bartk held their regular annual meeting last .Tuesday 2 to-4 P. M. The" old' directors and officers were re-fleeted. The b'ank paid to the stockholders $25,000.00 in dividends and showed a surplus and undivid ed profits of $10,500.00. The cashier's report was very good and showed : splendid progress fry tha rvuoll tOt . --;.'. In Honor of Mrs. Ctwise. Tuesday afternoon during the hours from three to six at the home of Mrs. W. A. (Ridenhour, Mrs. Ridenhour and Mrs. Doris Manney entertained : inform ally in honor- of Mrs. Arthur Crouse, who as a bride, has re cently come to our city. The wel come extended her was warm and cordial. The unique amusement of the hou excited hearty ; hand clapp ing and recurrent laughter., A "Year Book" for 19U ur-ied each one present to torn over a leaf and "resolve Immediately " to write, read, sing " a solo, give on original story, act ChSi-ade excute a drawing etc. ' '. -'' : - This lft stunt wa-f niost clev efty done by Mrs; Nuisler, who from long' fftioifiarity with his customs, produced a long eared, longHegged, donkey, aod astride his, back. - rotuRd,. beaming, youngster. " A charming wouian bestowed upon the company two alluring and distinctive 'smiles, while the whistling lady received- great eoramendatio'' ? confections brought -to- a- ckisel the aajoi a-'jle fuauUon.- j'5 i'iy'vi.iwas. bona -frou visiting. he I Mst With Mis. Neialer. 'The Executive Committee of at Friday afternoon. 11 1 e Home was bexutifif lly de corated with ferns violets am) narcissus. After the plana were alt made for. the neat annual meeting which will be held in Rutherfordton, N. C. in April. Mrs. Neislei invited the commit tee into the dining room where an elegant four course luncheon was served, Covers were laid for eight and Mrs. Neixler was as' slsted in the serving by her slsterr Mrs, W. A. Ridenhour. The gueat were; Mrs, R, C. Warren and Mrs. J. V. Thom son, of Gastonia; Mrs. J. 8. Wise and Mrs, J. W. Saine, of Llncolnton; and Mrs Fleming Ramseur, Mrs. Lee R'amseur, Mrs. Geo. V. Patterson, snd Mrs. Carlyle Ware. A Card of Thaubs, We appreciate that big heart ed crowd of men and women who took us on surprise last Tuesday night and gave us such substan tial evidence of their friendship expressed in many good things to eat. And in addition to these good things we enjoyed a social hour together; ft rpn0 fr i HtVtr rtn fH nil MTSrTmrrff? iperuian. Book Ciub This Afternooa. The Thursday Afternoon Book luhri imntiit wit'i Mrs. J. M. Patlerson f ivir I eu'd Meets rjnMT3W. Tli.; nvulr monchly meeting of iiKi Vtvt ljKitiM-wn be ueii kr'iAf u.'O J?t i at 3 I''. .J. in th scU'fii The .-.entire j mefn'vfhir is nrnei to hM pi. Oak- Guve Items,- A box supper and public de bate will be held in the school house next Saturday night. The proceeds will be used for school improvements.- Mrs. Aibertus Hamriclc was visited by her brother and family from near' Pleasant GroVe last Saturday and Sunday.- - Mr. Dorth Falls of Kings Mfib was in the community Sunday the guest of Mr. Mark Falls. ' : Mrs.- Rebecca McSwaitf of Gfouble Springs : is spending sometime in the neighborhood with friends and relatives. Misses Maggie - and Jennie Ware entertained quite a numb er of ti eir frends last Tuesday evening. Games were played un til' time for departure All the guest report a very enjoyable evening.. 'VCv.; Mr. William Falls is at home again after spending the oast month it Shelby. Messrs. Osb and Less Martin 8pent,last week with Mrs. "R. H. Champion - v 1 - Dixon Academy Notef. . . Correspondence of The Herald. ' The literary society met last Friday evening. The program consisted of speeches, recita tions, and essays.- Altough the society was only ;, recently or ganized the students are mani festing special interest" ij the work. Among those who . recited were T Misses Annie Barbert Lightal Herndon, Mary Harmon and Alma Herndon,' and Messrs,- Quinn Wells, John Hartley and Meredith Herndon;- Miss Lucile Poston entered the local news. - Mr. Carroll Barber has enter ed the business college at Gas tOllia. 1 . Mrs. M. A. HambrighC went to Lahdrum, 8. C. last Saturday to attend the funeral of her son iu law,' Mr. G. C, Pager who died suddenly. Air. Page was well known in this section. '.y : Mr. and; Mrs. W. P. "Herndon Of Sings Mountain spent sever- La-f days with Mr.: J., Mi flVrrilon I lasiTweefc-S-;' hk:. Miss Inn Hamhrlghtt his re- alier Urt. L,' M. Logan, of Kings Mo0ntalni " Mr. Joseph Matthew of Stockdale spent last Sunday night at Mrs. M. A. Harobright's Thera Is a great deal of sick ness id the community at pre seat among the children. ' Notice. Mr. G. It Murrah, Agricnl- turisl Demonstrator for Cleve land County, will address the citizens of Kings Mountain' at the Graded School Auditorium Thursday nl.jht Jan. 22, on the Subject of the School Farm pro position In connection with the Graded School. Patrons of the school and the citizens generally are ured to be present. R. C. Cox, Supt. G. S. Subtt rlbe for The Herald. Need Three Household Necessities 1 j 7 " v f -. m .M-isisaMT ,,,4: jp j iMMtaaaUMMi wj mcmmammmm The Eureka Family Shear Retail Value 9L50 One Set Of These Sheafs Is worth We giinrantee this three Every woman 1ms had a trying experience" Witb dull shears. These shears have a sprityg tension device which always Insures keen cutting edges. They will cut thjj finest' silk or the coarsest cloth with perfect ease. The patent Spring tention doe it. This set contains One 8-inch Eureka Bent Trimmer Dressmaking Shears. . , One 4 1-2-inch Extra Sharp Embroidery Scissors. One 4 1-2-inch Adjustable Button Hole Scissors. ' ' Afl good niclcel finish and guaranteed quality. Each set neatly msunted and se curely packed in a box and sent by mail postpaid. We give you our pewmaj gnat anteed that tuese shears wilt please you. Tnis shear set is worth $1.50 value. ' We have only a few doz. seta dnd uie ask you to act af once. t-j Kiftgs Motifif Value If Sent Address Herald Publishing House t We Thank You Everyone. We wish in express our sincerest thanks to.everybody who in any way has helped us to' make f91ff our most successful year in business' We have endeavored to be - eoufteous and fair to all alike- and to give a square deal in every transaction. 4 We trust ha6 wef may merit even" a greater propbrtioh 6f your business during the - comiftg" yeaf. With fM3 behind us and 191 i Just beginning Jhe "Ever Bus Store points to its record of eight years as ti basis upon which the public may found expecta tions (or ths coming yea.' , , ' . ' " v . . . -.'-. . , 4 . ';,..,-'--'- i - -:; . .-.' , -....' ',.' ' . - , - . . . 1 Again thanking yon for our liberal patrctaay a-nd promlsfng you our very best eU j - forts to please you during the coming year and to make it to your interest to deal with ,1 . w ub, we are, ' -msER & mr MnPMTW: APTPT? ar? THE NIGHT BEFORE Go toyouf aean-et so-JiiouiiUiii and Say "Vro-HJ-X;." Saj'it to the diapenkcr will Understand, peasant to tiita snd knocks, that bcad aehs without an after cfToet. . , ' it't worth trfin as)aiaiiniali isaai The Leading Barbet ' Shop. ; 1 rloiv have three chairs anJ am pre pared to wait on the trade as fast as it Comes. Time saved is - money saved, and by letting us do your .barber worh .; you save time, therefore. Money. Tirstj class worK guaranteed at this hop.-' .. . ' W- J. WricWit, Prop. . J6wajrfswMplswafs) ear r or piece shear Set to please and know Out Offer MWW - ...r.-w- T If.. I am Herald 1 year $1.00 ??IH , - - $2.50 By Marl Add 12 Cents . ; ' k Cordially Yours, . '' s ,.v; maun'ey KitT:i; me: ft form iddnL V". i'. BROMALOIKE CO, JilUif. M. C I Every Set . a doz. Others it will last a life time, -t Only $1.50 Extra. KinMountain; SI 1 M f. - I I ,. i ..: ,' . 1

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