ENC3 HOTOTAIN HZALD,' KIKC 3 I'CUrTTAIXW. C. --SMS v. V i j; . . l;,l;iilllllni:'T-"n::-TTT-Tlim;ii:trnimnm:miiii,r ALCOHOL-S PtH CENT AWfrtabk Preparation for As- imilalimi food and Rrtula - linft the Siomdn and Bowels of Promotr DigeiUoivChcerful rsrxj RtM Contains neittxr Optom, Morphine nor Mineral Wot Narcotic Aofrffd Remedy for Corn Hp lion , Sour StoraivJv Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- nets and Loss or Sleep ac.iwW; Sitnatf Tm Cbmtaui CoMnunr. NEW "YORK. teed aatder the FMdwi i.S'watmHtiil-.'iat' Us not Bold by ram draewlat, Moatpt of price. Artassr Caught. Mm. Peck John Henry, did yon anil that letter? I. Henry Tea, my dear. I er held at la say hand ail the way to the mall Box. I didn't even put It In my pocket I remember distinctly, because - Mrs. Peck-That will do, John Henry. I gave you no letter to malL -Judge. '. BASCARETS" FOR A BIUQUS LIVER For tick headache, bad breath, - Sour Stomach and . constipation. Oct 10-cent box now. No odds bow bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head acbeo, how miserable snd uncomfort able yon are from constipation. Indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels oa always get the desired results with Caaoareta. . - Dont let your stomach, liver and bowels snake you. miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dlszlnesa, nerv ousness, - sick, soar, gassy stomach, backache and all , other dlatreaa; eleanse your Inside organs of all the bile, gases, and constipated matter which la producing the misery. . A 10-oent box means health, happi ness and a clear head, for months. Mo mors days of gloom and distress if you wiJUake a Cascaret now and th8tw--A"fl stores sell Cascarets. Don't aCrw-brgat the children their little In ' addes need a cleansing, too.': Adv. ' - . of Courss Not ' - - Jinks There goes Blmpklns. He baa a perfect wife. . We ought to con sult him, he sorely knows how to satntgt a wife. Blinks Useless; no man would give . away a valuable secret like that COLDS 4 LaGRIPPE or doses MS will break any east ' cat Chills raver. Colds LaGrlppe; :-' M acts on the liver better than Calo- v mal and dots not gripe or sicken. , Price SSc-Adr. - . . .- f - , - Stay Money. v :-Tou cant fool all the ptople all tbt , "tlm," announced the inveetlgator. ' T know it," replied the trust mag- nata. "There la plenty of profit la ' Pooling half Of them half the time." Bverr bmmesB saea taowe how diAenH rfhlaJmkfieefremtaeeueaiiiolallnaef b dnwoM H la to km tee suae tret erfeaalMtMBee. 80 a at with the bod MnnulatkaofweaeasMttaB, Cnlaaa me mr of the tody soon bssemsa elngaaa, vTi 'y:-- - " DR. FENCES '': :i GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY fcTaatsleallseliPiM) fnsatmeb ta Pie proper Jlasaslun of foo&wkMi Is tenad sate beaka r ' twed and ail vamum wwe smr t spuriily immiiet throojh I mi snil Si 1 isis ! h dml lllal nn rtiii il r"--is ... -., -.... m- xMwtmm noTyooth. a. ... c a,a. atfoxouneinsiiMilaa . t For Infant! and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bough! v Use Over Thirty Years wffl ba sent by Pamela P rates ox Coy, Lsasevilla, Ky Nt Curt for Cancer Yet la hie annual report Dr. E. P. Bash- ford, general superintendent of re search In the laboratories of the Im perial cancer research fund, told the membera' of the society that during the past year there had been 11 clalma to the discovery of a cure for cancer. All of these had been Investigated and no Justification for any one of these clalma had been obtained. Doctor Bash- ford also aaid women were more liable to cancer than men. In England and Wales In 1810 the death rate from cancer was B58 per 1,000,000 for men and 1,070 for women. As the London Times says editorial ly In commenting upon this report "Ths only reasonable expectation of curing cancer still rests, upon Us com plete removal by the surgeon st the earliest possible tlmd after It Is dis covered." Medical Record. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA ' TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Bsok Color, : Oleee, Thlckneee. Almoet everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural oolor and ilustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and atopa falling hair. Years ago tie only way to get this mixture wes make it at borne, which, la muasy and troublesome. Nowadays, by sailing at any store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you wilt ge a large bottle of thla famous old nebpe for about t cents. - Don't stay gray! Try Itl No one can poValbly tell that you darkened your rklr, as It does It so naturally and evenly. Ton dampen a sponge or soft -brush with' It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. "And Again, My Brethren I " A certain small girl, wearily listen ing to a long sermon by a minister who had the odd habit of drawing In his breath with an odd whistle, whis pered to her mother that she wanted to go home. The mother, expecting the discourse to end, momentarily, re fused permission. The third time thla happened the mother said, "I think he will stop now in a minute." , To thla the child answered in a clear, ' high ToleeT "No, mother, he teat going to atop. I thought so now for three times, but he hss goo and plowed himself np again." - it. I ' M I; H fc to atoeBtmeilwheaaddnweia nsilaas papers, kveiy suumwIM knowe from the siu iliHiin at aU It la duflaott t keep ft fn waste b promptly eUmliiatad Thaiia - tbe Ugmuing of taewstue Bears the AX, Signature Ajy - a In ,iEMBEhs divided ONTBUSt PROGRAM THI DEMOCRATS WORRY OVER HOW SUCH LEGISLATION SHALL PROCEED. IS TO AVOID INJUSTICE Representative Webb WHI Introduce Separate Bill to Strengthen Shtr- man Law. Contend That Thar la - Demand for Immadlata Laglalatlon. Washington. All Demoerata In Son gress are not agreed aa to how the work or framing antltruat legislation to aupplement the Sherman law aball proceed, and -there am prospects of warm diacuaaion in butn houaea of Congreaa. Informal eonferencea were held between Individual membera of the Judiciary Committee and Dem ocratic Senatora who Indicated they were averae to hastening the antl truat legislative program. The Senatora aaid the? believed ao great a queatlon ahould be slowly handled and that the legialatlon ahould be framed with the utmost ear to a Told lnjuattoa and lnjuroua results. Some of the rank and Ala of the Honae memberahlp. who are drifting back into Washington, eontend that there la a great demand for Immediate legialatlon. Representative Henry at wnri auttee, expressae) eatiafaction wtth the program of the Judiciary Com mittee majority. Representative Webb of North Car Una, a member of ths Judiciary Com mit tee, will introduce a separate bill generally designed to strengthen the Sherman law alone a number of lines. TftM 'MrEwiauaa wte mum 1 m g.ip la, chairman of the Judiciary Sub committee oa trusts, haa poaaesaion of three tentative bills 01 Interlocking directorates, taade relatione, prices. In junctions, damages and allied matters. The tentative bills will be taken op nt conference with President Wilson after he returna from the South. Whether there will be t aa parte bill defining monomopllee and trusts ao aa to meet the exigencies of so-called de batable ground in the enforcement of the Sherman law rests with the Presi dent . : . . , Colombia Wants Equal Rights, Washington. That Colombia places other considerations above monetary Indemnity In the settlement of the controversy with the United Statea over the, separation of Panama from the South American country waa as serted by Julio Betancourt Colombian Minister In Washington. In the treaty of settlement that is being negotiated Minister Betancourt declared financial recompense for the loss of Panama waa held by bla Government second ary to atlpulat'ons which deal with the boundary between Colomla and Panama and the- rights of Colombia and Panama and the right of Colom bia to have the eanie rights aa the United States to use the Panama Canal. ' - " : - . . ' : Ammunition. For Rebela 8carce. Washington. Scarcity of ammuni tion Is believed by military experts here to be the reason Conaltutionallsta under the lead of General Carranza, are moving to renew the siege of Quay mat on the west coast of Mexico. De liberation with which the Constitution, allata art moving on Ojlnaga also Is explained by reports that they art short of ammunition. Heretofore reb els have relied for aupplles upon am muntlon captured from Federals, but this source recently has been cut off and so far as is known the only re sources now possessed are the rapidly diminishing stocks captured at Torre ion many weeks ago, ... . ' German Officers Aoqultted. Straasburg, Germany. Court mar tial acquitted all the German army of ficers charged with breaches of the law in conection with tht recent violent Incidents between the -military and ci vilians of abern. - 1 , - - , Rebela Advance on OJInaJa, ' ' Presidio, Texas. General Villa's Mexican rebels advanced to within a few miles of OJInaJa from three direc tions. The sudden advance surprised a body of Federeals on outpost duty and 60 of them were captured, A few fled across tho river and. were cap tured by the United. States border patrol .' : ;' -: -. A general exodus of non-combatants to the American side began with tht rebel advance. Villa was In jiertonal command of 1,000 men, whom he' had led through La Mala pass, Inquiry Into Loss of Lives. , Norfolk, Vs. A board of Inquiry was in session on the battleship Wyo ming In Hampton Roads Investigating the cause of the sinking; of a motor launch carrying wheelbarrows from tbt. Wyoming to the collier Proteus, with ths loss -of the Uvea of four sea men of the Wyoming crew. AIL the bodies of the victims of tht accident, other than that of Olaf Ka-nellus Ol son of Portsmouth, boatswi Jn's mata In charge of the ill-fated launch, art still vnrecovered. ; , GAS, DYSPEPSIA M AHD IHDIGESTlOa Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour, - gassy stomachs In five minutes Time Itl Ton don't want a alow' remedy when your atomach la bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your atomach Is too valuable ; yon muetn't Injure ft Pape's Dlapepaln la noted for Its peed In giving relief; Ha harmless. ness; Its certain unfailing action In regulating alck, aour, gaaay stomachs. Ita millions of eurea In indigestion, dyapepala, gastritis and other atomach trouble haa made It famous the world over. - - Keep thla perfect atomach doctor In your home keep It handy get a large fifty-cent ease from any dealer and J then It anyone should eat aomethlng which doean't agree with them; If what they eat laya Ilka lead, ferments and aoura and forma gas; causes bead ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of scld and undigested food remember aa aoon aa Pape's Dlapepaln cornea In contact with the atomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty and ease In overcoming the worst stomach dlaordars la a ravf latlon to thoee who try It Adv. At Church In Holland. In many parts of Holland men stlO wear their hats la church. Moreover, smoking In church is not considered Irreverent by the Dutch when tervlot la not In progress, and, It Is aaid, even the ministers sometimes indulge la this practice. AlfnsvKhnr. Dnfrb PmtMtantlum to. point a comfortable fona of rollgioa. One may keep bis bat on In, church, which eaves him many a chill; ha may talk freely aad In his natural voice, not In a whisper; be haa a neat house maid la a white cap and ' apron to show him to his pew or to offer him s chair; snd he hss nice drab pews of TO" sub"!1 cheerful "two-decker" pulpit abovt FACE FULL0F PIMPLES Ruffln, N. C "My fact became full of pimples and blackheads,, and would Itch, burn and smart The skin was rough and red. I was really ashamed of my face. My arat and back were affected almoat'as badly. The pimples would fester and there would come a dry scab on top. Tht trouble caused my fact-to bo dlaflr and badly and tht itching would both er me ao I oould not sleep well nights, especially during warm weather. -: "Tht trouble lasted me tbret long years without anything doing me any good until a friend told mo about Cuti oura Soap and Ointment and then. I decided to try them. Attar tht first application I could see some improve ment After using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment two weeks I did not wok like the same person; most of tht pimples had disappeared. At ths end of tour weeks I was completely cured." (Signed) Miss Mamie Mitch ell, Jan. I, 19i:. -Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold (throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 12-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept U Boston." Adv. Dummlea Arrested. Dummies used by a Paths director In an auto wreck at South River, N. J, bad the distinction of being shot at and arrested by Chief of Police Oppenber ger of that place recently, according to a New Brunswick newspaper. The dummies, when not in use, were placed In the atore room of the Washington hotel. - Some jokers told the chief that tome men were stealing cigsrs from the store room and when he arrived and saw the dim figures In the dark ness he called upon them repeatedly to aurrender. Receiving no answer he biased away at them several times bo tore be discovered the joke. ,. - - - RUB-MY-TISM Will curt your Rheumatism and aU kinds of aches and pains Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Bores,. Burns, ate. Antlteptit Anodyne. Price 1 6c Adv. . . ,v , ' - r '". Mending Stiff Felt, Breaks In stiff felt frequently may be mended by holding under, them a lighted match, the heat causing tht ehellao for stiffening to melt and run together. - .:'-! :,,! ARB YOU CONSTIFATEDf -Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills-have proved their worth fpr 75 years. Test them yourself bow. Bead for sample to 873 Petri St., ,Hsw York. Adv. - - ' . ... .:,v;-v Ons of Many. -r - ' i Briggs Rogers claims to bt an ag nostic, doeant he? . Griggs Only as to religion; as to everything tlse he knows It all. Coughs and Colds cannot hold out assiinst Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops. A single dose gives relief 00 at all Druggists. , - '...v L . j Extravagance. " Hicks Is It true, then, that you're living beyond ydur station I .- v; "r, , Wlckt Yes;, two miles. . : Btn.WtBslew-0 SoeOlaa Syran sr OklMraa teethiDg, softens the guns, raaoeee tatlsisMa IIOBwalUja ralauee wild eoUe beuteiw - A great deal of what passes for dig nity la nothing but genuint laxtfiees. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not ntain tht hands. ,Adr. - ' Ont way to make a woman happy la to snvy her. . GUT OUT GAMBLING .V . ' iS ' ' r ' :" CAMBLINQ WILL: SB CUT OUT AT NORTH AND SOUTH CARO ': LINA FAIRS. MEETING HELD ATCHARLOTTE Of the Seeretarlea of Fairs Indicate Thla. Questionable Shows Aa Well Aa Gambling Dealest Must Be Pro hibited. Behalf Social Service. Charlotte That the fairs of this etate and South Carolina are going to completely eliminate . gambling and questionable snows on the grounds of the fairs wss Indicated here recently at a meeting of the seeretarlea of these fairs. . ' " ; A committee consisting of A. W. McAalister, of Greensboro; W. C. Dowd, of Charlotte; and i. E. Clark, of Charlotte, representing J. M. Brought on, Jr., of Raleigh, went before the fair secretaries and presented the matter In behalf of the North Caro lina Conference for Social Service. The committee was cordially received by the seeretarlea A number of the secretaries havs already eliminated all objectionable games and ahowa, doing It not only In response to public sentiment and on moral grounds, but they assured the committee that tbt Unsocial returns were better. The committee presented the fol lowing resolution It part: "The state and county fairs of North Carolina are due trial development of tbt MaU and possess educational possibilities of great value. In addition to their In dustrial and educational value they have a great recreational value. With these worthy things aa an objective they art entitled to tht encourage ment and support of all the people TozjffniaW Wifaiistjatsiilin jiiulm school children, school teachers. In fact everybody. This being true. It Is not right neither Is It wise to admit to tht midways of our fairs features which art a ground of conscientious objection to a very considerable pro portion of our people and whose In fluence upon the children and youth attending them is unwholesome and Injurious. "These objectionable features are not needed to make the fairs attrac tive. The fairs can furnish abundant recreation and diversion and such as will fully satisfy the public demand for such things, without admitting those things that are Immoral in their suggestion and tendencies and thoee things whose Influence Is nnwhole-aome-and - hurtful. The time waa when theae things mar have been popular, but that time haa pasaed. The public haa. changed. Sentiment haa changed. The popular fair now la tht clean fair." Blue Ridge Highway. Bristol, Tenn. The people of John son county, Tsnn., are organising, with a view to buUdlng thelr-sectton of the "Crest of ths Blue Ridge High way," which Is to.be brought this way from ths Carolina mountains. . Sulli van county, Tenn.-has already graded moat of lta portion of the road, and has only to cut the grade wider and place macadam on eight miles before its work Is completed. ' , The citizens of Boone and Watauga county, North Carolina, are being urged to provide for their link of the highway. Slnce-the visit to eaat Ten nessee of Dr. J. Hyde Pratt, State Highway Commlsaioner, the people of this section have been active, and literature has been mailed Into Wa tauga county with a view to arousing enthusiasm smong the people of that county. .' .... - Buncombe Cupid a Hustltr, . . Ashevllle. The past year was the busiest period of 11 months yet ex- 1 perlenced in this county, the records of the register of deeds showing that during the 12 months all previous records were shattered. The little god never had a busier year and through his ' manuvering, 648 couples made trips to the altar.- Thla . record ex ceeds that of 1912 ft leap' year by 108 licenses. 5i ''., ;,'' Wlnston-Saism Wants White Way. Wlnston-Salemv At . a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Retail Merchants Association recently active stepa were taken toward the forma tion of a fund of 15,600 tor the purpose of giving. --Winston-Salem . a model great white way. While In the city a few days ago, President Taylor of the Southern Power Company was asked to give suggestions for the formation of a white way and his plana called for an outlay of about 16,000. A spe cial committee of the Retail Merchants Association presented theBubJect. - - .Board of Health. '" , "Hendersonville. -At the meeting of (he Town Commissioners recently the preliminary steps were taken- for the organisation of a Hendersonville board of health. Dr. L. B. Morse represented the Henderson ville-Pollc County Med ical Society, and asked for the passage of a resolution -expressing it as the sense of the commissioners that this city should have an active board of health. As a result, M. M. Shepherd, T. L.- Durham, George W. Justice, W. A. Keith and A. Flckar, city officials, were appointed to represent the- city. THICK, GLOSSY l!.T. FREE FROM DAEl'FF Glrlal Beautify Your Halrl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try ' tht Molet Cloth, '-'.', Try aa you wlU, after an application ok uanaenne, you auuwi uua mutyt trace of dandruff or falling hair apef your scalp will not Itch, but what fclll please you moat, will be after a few weeks' use, when you set new hair, . fine and downy at first yes bnt real- ly new hair growing .all over tht scalp. " , ' ' A little Dandertne Immediately dot blea the beauty of your hair. No differ, ence bow dull, faded, brittle and scraggy. Just moisten a cloth . with . Dandertne and carefully draw It " through your balr, taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is Im mediate and amsxing your hair will -be light fluffy and wavy, and hava aa appearance of abundance; aa incotn-.-parable luster, softness and luxurt. anct, the beauty and ahlmmer of true . hair health, ,'.- Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowltoa't ' Danderlne from any atore and provt that your hair Is as pretty and toft . aa any that It bas been neglected or Injured by careless treatment thafe -alL Adv. " MAKES AIM ALMOST CERTAIN Invention Said ta Guarantee Every bet a Bulleeye, Even la tht Dark. . . Charles Pochard, a police official of , Parle, baa Invented aa attachment snort accurately la the dark thaa broad daylight tht Ntw York pendent states. This attachment consists of a awtab 11c tube with a lent at one end aad a tiny electric temp at tht other. By mesne of mirrors tbt light is directs out through the lens aa a slender etna. of some four rods tor aU practical pur poses. In the middlt of ths illumina ted field there la a small dark spot which coincides with the line of the bullet's flight This enables the tnea perlenced shooter to hit a selected part of the burglar's anatomy with more certainty than he oould display In ordinary target practice f The cleotrie current Is suppled by a email dry battery or a storage battery, which the officer can carry infhlt took- et or which the .defender of lie home can place under his pillow, "he light tube can be attached to an ordinary pistol, and it may be used a 1 a flaah with peaceful Intent or mei sir si a ' show of fores. v -iX First Chinese School Bo k. There are also fragments 01 the Chi Chlu-Chang vocabulary compo sed by a, eonlch of the palace In about the year ' 40, A. D. All the authentic texts of this ancient school book, wld sly used In the year t to teach Chine is chil dren to read and' write, had lolig since disappeared. The paper manluacripta are the oldest examples of sucjh litera ture In existence. M, Chavannee bas succeeded In reconstructing from theae heterogeneous and more or lass frag mentary and disconnected matjerlala a fairly probable picture of thi) dally life of the Chinese garrisons unat held these frontier posts against ore Huns ' and kept open the trade rofitea to Farghana and Yarkand. The Mi man aa well as scientific Interest of f h a pic ture is manifest. ' - .New Pipe Cleans, For cleaning plpea used reylng liquids there haa been It a machine that forces oruaheiA through them, much as bottr 'I washed. V - ail In k. Stomllu Then you don't think Banks t of his wlfer j. ' "Not so fond as he is of hj band" , ' . I SKIN CLEARED. J . By Simple Change In Foot It bas been said by a physlcla moat- diseases are-the result of geStlOO, ; : : ; ' ;. ' f. There's undoubtedly much trt the statement even to "the caO many unsightly eruptions, which,, suppose can bt' removed by apl tome remedy on the outside. I . By changing her food a Kar was relieved of an eczema whic a great annoyance to her. She w - "For five months I was sui with an eruption 'on my ' face hands which our doctor called t and which caused me a great d,' -Inconvenience The Buffering w t most unbearable : J "The medicine I took only gav ; temporary relief. One day I hap- to read somewhere that ecsem. caused , by indigeatlon. - Then I that many persons had been rei. of indigestion by eating Grape-Nu X. decided to try It I liked taste of the food and was partlcu pleased ta notice that my digei. waa Improving and that the erur was disappearing as it by. ma' - ' had at last found. In this great ' something that reached my trou "When I find a victim of this 1 tlon I remember my own former fering and advise a trial of Grape food Instead of medicines." ' Name given by Postum Co., i Creek, Micfi. Read "The Road to vllle," In pKgs. "There's iHc Ever read the stove ltt-rT ,H IDD.nrl from time t llu--'-re R'-awMe, true, ssd full Sulereot-