i KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KII .GS MOUNTAIN, N. 0. J V ' lh3 Fire Oat 81l A Tl ii. I rf Da. flArirnnrvn Balsam of Myrrh F Cut, Bornt,TTV Bruise, Sprains, ShraiM, Stiff Neclti A ChablaSnUmeBact.VX , OldSoiOpWoundVr mod all External I'urie. . Hade Stncs 18415' Prica 2&t 60c uk) $1-00 M Dealers "isSSig1; . Dldnt Suit Small Boy. After pending a few weeks laat year at watering place, where be took hli dally swim in the open air pool of warm eulphur water, a little fellow waa thla year at the seaside, la hia tiny bathing ault he gated out over the vaat ocean In alienee. Then he protested: "I'm not goln' In. Dat ain't water for boy a; dat 'a for boats." MR! LOOK AT cross, fevprish, constipated, give "California Syrup v . of Fjqs" A laxative today eaves a sick child tomorrow. Children almply will not T,v ... hlr bowels, which become clogged up with waste, Uverl get sluggish; stomach our. ' c4f . " Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your ohlld la listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full Of cold or has sore throat or any otS. - children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," thin don't worry, because It it petlra' " armless, and In a few hours all thlsv. Htlpatlon poison, sour bile and fermi 1ng waste will gently ' move out I , the bowels, and you have a well, ,yful jChlld again. A thor ough "In je cleanalng" Is ofttmea all that la lessary. It should be the lint trer .dent given In any sickness. . -Bewar' of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at tl e store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrnp of Figs," which hat . full directions for babies, children of all ages! and for grown-upa plainly printed pn the bottle. Adv. Uciinca. Pnytol -Has he got a marrying In- '. 3 . ' - - -- - -' ' - come? Parke r Tefl, one that necessitates weajjlv4 a rich girl Immediately. ' Worms arrm , t p?lld ronptly from the bnaiaa Dr. Psorv's Vermlfase "Dead Bkot." A Being te to not sing is often a ' to the company present great re Rhei tism Is Torture Man J 4 that past u rheumatism are duel weak kidneys to tha failure of irwl kidneys ta drive off uric acid yon suffer achy, bad Joints, back 3. dixsiness and some urinary tocos, get Doan't Kidney Pills, edy tnat is recommenaea Dy over people in many dinereot lands. 'b Kidney Pills help weak kid' o drive out the uric acid which cause of backache, rheumatism imbago. fere's proof.. A VERMONT CASE Janes 1L Tracy. & Plousnt BU, Bliaaicv burr.Vt, mrnt "for twenty years X bad kldnr oomptalnt, I Suffered from rtxw saatlc patat aerou my back and mr biktMer wbs badlr Dflmmod- Ibovdditir atd fsiDtinf iplli ftDdmr whole avitiB wu affecWtt,. I wns so betpleu I ctrala bardlr waik and doe tor. trtaiBrot failed. sftnalW I tsuk ttoas'S KldnerPllts and in; I Dj-rt at Aw Mate. lOe Bm DAN'S VstiV iJl-MiLBURN CO, BUFFALO. M. Y. ke the liver ) its Duty : times In ten when the liver ll he stomach and bowels are right. ICR'S LITTLE t PILLS 'butfirmlyconr 1,-ray liver to duty. ires Cob-, ion, In- Hon,. L PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. JUUie must bear Signature ; I carters ITTLE IJIVER F APPORTIONMENT OF 250,000 AP PROPRIATED BY THE GEN ERAL ASSEMBLY. BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Fund Waa Appropriated by the Gen eral Aessmbly of 1913 to Aid In Car rying Out Full Six Months' Term aa Provldad by Legislature. Raleigh. Apportionment of the $250,000 ap- nmnriatlnn hv th raneral assembly of 1913 for the schools of the state waa made a few daya ago at a meet ing of the state board of education hold in tha office of Governor Craig. This fund was created out of the state treasury for the purpoae of enaoiing the schools of the state to 011 out the required six months school term. The new law provides for the set ting aside of five cents on every hun dred dollars worth of property In tht state, that Is taxed, and thla will bt apportioned tq the various oountiei l.l.i. In lha vca r Tha total SChOO. fund will then. It Is expected, exceed 1400,000. The BKUres as given out by.Btat aiiiwrfntnitnt of Public Instruction i. Y. Jayner are ajvea below. The school population In eacn county.-ui-retber with the proportionate amount State Asvraorutlon of Wao.(M, Appo. -Home Pr CspHa- r..i I M-.hnui Amount rCfSTIKH Alamiinro .. Alexander .. AlrchMiy .. AHm.. .. .. Amuii - . A-ry .. luaufort ... J1-TII .. .. HlMrton . . . . I'oliubiUoA. AlKrtitod. 1.17 4 .! S t.941 .5 1.171M 9.-.0.5K t.tlf 41 ! TS 1.25S.56 IkO.kl 1.403 tl 1.25029 I.926.1S 2.180.68 95.98 1.431.91 1.71. 1, 4(15. (19 1.670.6 1.798.41 1,161 9 499.06 1.484.38 1.953.47 t.646.17 1.447.6 901.7J 4S0.8S - 1,273 93 1.473.92 t.69.2 l.l36.9 1.042.61 6.456.59 . - I.S8I.2 4.226.64 1.261.8U 618.71" S.5S4.24 1.440.68 6.514.22 4.0k644 1.677.02 2.11(7X9 1,904.19 1.633.41 1.156.41 . 1.032.64 1,806.04 1.515.45 4.9K9.52 999.90 , 1,289.84 . 8,264.15 1.059.49 1.400. Tl 2.524.89 1.952.17 1.972.15 . 7.537.95 1.218.61 1.641.79 2.163.11 J.860.50 1,675.41 2.654.87 1,590.22 1.582.49 1,146.42 1,771.03 . 1,740.42 1,236.02 "- 1,940.56 ' 4,294.9(1 t 841.66 '' S.89G.39 2.226.77 4,917.33 4,118.67 ' 4.043.89 : S,149.1l K.356.U . l,7fl).10 ' ' S.064.00 ---'2,396.30 2.902.31 1,167.04 838.76 - i ' 563.84 - 2,758.34 2.080.45 7.099.62 '2,420.79 : 1.609.22 i i 1.408.45. :- 2,825.38 2,636.82 - 9,047.26 , 1,759.76 '1,684.76 1,500.00 1,486.45 .; k.o;s Buncombe Burko . t .. .. Cabarrus . .. i Cahtwrll Cstmlon (. .... . Carteret. .. .. CaawMI Catawba .. .. ChKttmm.. .. .. Cherukeo .. .. Chowan.. .. .. Clay .. .. .. .. 'Cleveland . . . . Columbus ... Craven. .. .. ... Cumberland ... Currituck ., .. Dare.. .... . Itavlclaon ... .. ; Itavie . . .. .. Duplin .. ,. .. Dui'ham.. .. .. FVIireoninbe.. Forsyth.. .. Franklin ... .. (Jaaton .. .. Gates .. . ... .. Graham.. .. .. : Granville .. . .. - Greene.. .. .. Guilford Halirax .. .. .. ' Harnet .. .. Haywood .. .. Henderson .. .. Hertford .. Hokfl.. ,. .. .. Hyde ' Iredell .. ., .. - Jacknon .. .... Johnston . . . Jones.. .. .. Lee .... .. .. . Lenoir Lincoln'.. .. .. Mucon .. Madison.. 4. Martin .. .. .. McDowell .. .. Mecklenburg .. Mitchell.. .. .. ' Montgomery Moore .. Nash.. .. .. .. - -New Hanover. . . Northampton . . Onslow.. .. .. ' OranKe ,. Pamlico. .. Paaquotank., .. . Tender .. Perqulmana . . Person ... ... .. ; Pitt ,. .. ,. Polk . . - Randolph . . . Richmond- ... . Robeson.. .. .. S.!S I.H7S S.7'4 m:.7 4.449 r..3-'7 llt..rii5 7.H79 S.S'-O J. 6(1.1 l.M in. m K.474 7.SO0 w.v-t t.814 1.4KS lo.ir.x 4.r7S S.ST5 11.003 (.440 16.930 8.94S 11.114 1.915 l.S7 T.KI.X 4.470 M.I1! 12.f79 , 7.4(18 . a.wi J.r,h 1.204 11. M'? 4.701 10.4X1 1. 100 4.0O2 7.1125 6.3W) 4.34 7.S34 e.or.7 6.119 iJ.JSS ,7K1 6.094 S.727 11.97S S.301 .927 4.934 4,919 s.r.r.7 6.40S 6.400 1.835 (.021 13.320 2.609 , 10.M8 ' 6.909 I5r.r . Rockinsham ... 12.770 Rowan .. .. .. 12. M7 Rutherford .... ,771 ' Bampaon .. 10,414 Hoptland ., S.48S Stknly .. .. Htokes ,T Hurry....; .. Bwatn . . . . Transylvania (.404 7.436 9,005 8,621 MOO 1.74S Tyrrell .. . ' Union ., -Vanca . . ., Wake.; .. . ' Warren.. h Waehlnston .. 11.601 . .. 6.456 .. 22,028 .. 7,511 . ... 4.966 . Watauga 4.370 Wayne.. Wilkes , ..' 1M09 ...11,284 Wilson. H .. -'9.456 Tadkln J (.460 Yancey.. 4,917 Teacher Train'g Rural Libraries Total...... 25O,0O0.lk) Hubbell Oeta Rhodes Scholarship. ' Paul A. - Hubbell, now teaching school In ManbalL Madlsob. county, gets ' the" 1914 Rhodes scholar-ship from North, Carolina to Oxford Uni versity, England. The committee on the part of -this state to pass on the examination papers was In session some time here recently, being com posed of Prof. Graham of the Univer sity of North Carolina, Dr. J, Y. Joy ner of the syite department of edu cation and Chief Justice Walter Clark of the supreme court $4,500 is al low.ed for the three year course. Wilt Sell Cotton Oooca. ' - The Oastonla Cotton Company, Ino.. which is largely cotitoaed of Char lotte, and Oastonla capital, will begin business la a few daya and. will sell cotton goods and yarns from a large number of mills. The members of the Arm well known here are Messrs. I. H. Daingerfiaia and A. W. Latta. The officers of the company are Mr. J. H. Dalnperneld, president; Mr. 8. S. Shu ford of GastoniAi secretary and treas urer. " The company is chartered un der tie laws of Pennsylvania and will maintain head offices In Philadelphia IF Help Market Farm Products. ' ' Plans to list various products which th farmers bars to sell and to list such products are set forth In a let ter being sent out . by William It. Camp, chief of tha division of mar kets' of the North Carolina Agricul tural Experiment Station. To have tha work prove of value the co-operation of the eounty demonstration agents and - farmers organizations. The Hat of grower's products In the offers for sale Include wheat, oats, hay, corn, peauuts, apples, sweet pota toes, Irish potatoes, cow . peas, so J a beans, meats, lard, syrup, cattle, hors es bogs, sheep, mules. '( Concerning this Mr. Camp states that "It should bo Impressed upon all farmers who list their, products that we do not undertake to sell anything. This Is simply a news channel for buyers, whether they be farmers, gen eral consumers In the town, retailers or Jobbers." In his letter to agents Mr. Camp says: ... "Mr. C. It. Hudson Joins with us in the request that every county agent co-operate with us In this work. The blanks which are enclosed may be filled out as each agent makes his rounds about the county. All blanks must be filled out and returned to this office not later than January 15. Cop ies of the Farmers' Market Reporter, In which the farm products will be list ed, will be furnished you, and all oth ers who may request them. Copies will also be sent to the newspapers of tha state at the same tliae." The regulations for listing tha pro ducts offered for sal are as follows: 1. Only those products which art la the hands of the original grower or producers shall be listed. 1. No products which fanners hava sold to dealers shall be Included. membership is limited to actual grow ers are permitted to list their pro duct 4. All products listed shall b ol good quality. In quoting prices tc buyers an exact and honest descrip tion of tha grade and character ol the products for sale shall be given. aw invlsek'is&h falling below description will result In the name of th grower being struck from the list of future Issues. I. Th description given In this ch cular will be limited to the nam and quantity' of product, price and the grower's name, address and shipping point No matter whatever of a gen era! advertising or "boosting' nature can bo Inserted, nor can publication b given of any special breeds or va rieties of plants or animals. 7. Any products which are not on hand but which will b produced within th present season may be ln-t eluded. The period within which sucb' products will be ready for shipment should be indicated under the head of shipping data. -8. The quantity of a product may be expressed In bushels, barrels, pounds, crates or car loads. t. All prices shall be listed at the rate per bushel, barrel, crate . or pound, subject to change of market conditions. . The local market prices requested in the last column are de sired solely for the information of this office as to what market condi tions are, and will not be published or given out In any form. Only the price which the farmer asks wllf be published. 10. In addition to the above we shall appreciate any further Informa tion of market conditions which you may think of value. New North Carolina Charter. The Merchants' Bank of Fair Bluff, Columbus county, was chartered with $10,000 capital authorized, and (5,000 subscribed by A. M. Jenkins, I. B. Tucker and others tor a commercial and savings bank business. , -The Black Lake Lumber Company, 'Black Lake, capital $60,000 authoriz ed, and $20,000 subscribed by J P. AlllBon, Bynum Clark and others of Concord, for a general lumbering busi ness; the Wake Building Supply Com pany, Holly Sprlnga, capital $50,000 authorized, and $3,000 subscribed by O.. B. Alford and others; the Pegram Watson Hardware Company, Beaufort, capital $25,000 authorized, and $3,000 subscribed by S. C. Pegram and others. There Is an amendment for the charter of the Lnmus-McCoy Com pany, ' Charlotte, which . changes th capital stock to $50,000. - . The- Belfast Land Company,' Wil mington, capital $100,000 authorized and $16,000 subscribed by W. B. Her ring, C. f. Davis and others. The Ramsey Drag Company, High Point, capital $5,000, by A. J. Griffin and others. . Odd Fellow's Hall, Inc., Mayodan, Rockingham county, capital $10,000 authorized and $1,000 subscribed. The - Spring - Lumber Company, Spring Hope,; Nash county, capital 125,000, authorized and $6,000 sub scribed by W. M. Prescott and others. . The Variety Stores Company, Leaks vllle, capital $5,000. The E. A. Ellington Drug Company Corporation, Madison, Rockingham county, capital $16,00.0 by R. A. El lington and others, for drug and gro cery business. ' . The Marsh-Bowman Company 64 Marshvllle, capital $10,000 authorized and $4,000 subscribed by J. A. Marsh and others. , The Dunn Realty It Development Co., of Rldgevlew, Mecklenburg coun ty, taplta', ftOO.OOO authorized and $10,000 sub'scrined by Charles R Dunn and others. ; -.vr-.; ,' iv ;-. Henry Farriof A Co, Warsaw,- capi tal $10,000 authorized. r . SHOW REALLY A BLESSINQ Denver Newspspsr Rejoice at th Re markable Fall of "the Beautiful" . Throughout the Stat. J . ' It has been said before. Let it be said again.., The snow that you swept from your walks, that sifted down your collars, that got Into your hair, your eyes, your tempers. Is worth a million dollars to the agriculturists of Colorado. To the dry farmer who plows It into his soil It will bring re wards In a next year's bank account. Lying in the mountains It will (low down the ditches to the Irrlgationlats next season. On ranch, In orchard and truck garden It meana moisture and money. To the city It means health that always comes from sea sonable weather. Wade through it with a smile on your lips, shovel It with song in your heart, roll It into balls and throw at your neighbor with a laugh and a cheery word. It spells temporary Inconvenience and future prosperity and a white Christmas for the publib tree that brought all Den verall Coloradti into that new, bet ter, greater, get-together bond of friendship and work. Denver Times. - Just an Accident. Bill "Was he ever ln.a railroad ac cident?" Jill "Yes, but be came out all right." "What was it?" "II proposed marriage to a girl on a train and she refused Mm." Tee Roatan Krt for atoldfnf I iBMlloa of tyei aliua In eres aad luai jUla. Adv. Some people prefer popular songs to real music. triAJrir&yins, Praise Lydia E Piakham's Vegetable Compound Worrien from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Stephenson, on the Pacific Coast. Ikdrpikdknck, Okeoom. " I waa sick with what four doctors called Nervous Prostration, was treated by them for several years, would be belter for a while then back in the old way again. I had palpitation of the heart very bad, fainting; spells, and was so nervous that a spoon dropping to the floor would nearly kill me, could nut lift the lightest weight without making me sick; in fact wan about as sick and miserable as a person could be. I saw your medicines ad vertised and thought I would tiy them, and am so thankful I did for they helped me at once. I took about a dozen bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and also used the 6anative Wash. Since then I have used them whenever I felt sick. Your remedies are the only doctor I employ. You are at liberty to publish this let tersMrs. W. Stipbenson, Independence, Oregon. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. , TJ6DGDOJT, Me. u I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One ' ' year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness L could scarcely straighten up at times. My -back ached, I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, , then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I. thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good ; appetite and. was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your rneiidne.'V-Mr8. Hatwabd Sowxbs, Hodgdon, Maine. For 80 yeara Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. Mo one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, It baa restored so many ufferingwomentohealtlu si,. 'Write to LTDIA E.PIXKHAB KEDICIHE CO. VV (CONFIDENTIAL) tTNN, MASS-for advice. " Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict conndenco. Helping the Editor. : " Wright ''It seems to be getting harder work for the newspaper man all the time." - .. Penman "Oh, I dont know about that I see that ball-bearing scissors have been patented by an Ohio In ventor.' ... John "Tyler was a member of the Virginia legislature at 11 and a con gressman at 26. r Whenever You Need a General Tonlo TcZzoGrovQ'o -r Tho Old Standard ' Grovc'o Tactclcao . chill Tcn!o h Epllj Valuable it I 6eneral STreDgtbenlss Tonic, Becanst it lets u tti Liver. Drim Out Malaria; Enrlc&et the Blood and BalldJ Up tta Wholi Srsttn. ' jfoa know, what you are tfirfng when yoa take Grove's Tasteless chill Toole, as the formula is printed ousrorr label, showing that it Contains the wetl-kaowa tonic properties of QUININE and IB0&. It has no equal far Malaria, Chills sat -Ferer, Wsakam, General Debility and Los of Appetite.. Gives Ufa and vigor ta ' Nomrg lfothert and Pale, Sickly Children. A True Tenia and Burs Appetiser, f or grows people and children. Guaranteed by your DrocJt. We mean It JOcJ Good Bowels Are j An Aid to Growth Crowing Chlldrm Ned a Mild Laxativi to Farter Regular Bowel Movamenl. As a child- grow older It requires more and more personal attention from tha mother, and a the func tions of tha bowels are of the utmost Importance to health, great attention should be paid to them. Diet la of great Importance, and the mother should watch the effect of cer tain foods. A fooduwfll constipate one and sot another, and so we have a healthy food like eggs causing bilious ness to thousands, and a wholesome fruit Ilk bananas constipating many It la also to be considered that the child la-growing, and great changes are taking place In th young man or young woman. The system has not yet settled itself to Its later routine. A very valuable remedy at this stage, and one which every growing boy and girl should be given often or occasionally, according to the individ ual circumstances, la Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. . This is a laxative and tonlo combined, so mild that It is given to little babies, and yet equally effective in the most robust constitu tion. At the first sign of a tendency to constipation give a small dose of Syrup Pepsin at night on retiring, and prompt action will follow in th morn ing. It not only acta on the atontach and bowels but Its tonic properties build op and strengthen th system generally, which Is an opinion shared by Mr. John Dey of Bloomfleld. N. J. He has a large family and at ages whore th growth and development KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest elM of flniahlnf. Price 4od CatAloajue upon reqiMet. rf. GtkeU Optic! C.. Y AGENTS! Utsj oliar. heeded Tory bo m and (setorr; alne t of Ln rill htkT! 1(1) C nrriflt. READERS&SH oolomne ebon Id Insist npon earing what they Hk for, refasUnf all avbetUatea or iBliaiioae. yj "7 jft .1 ''''''' j - eJw MARIE DEY - must be watched. Little Marie baa thrived especially well , on Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. Dey consdoV -ers It the right laxative for young and old and has found none better for young children. The use of Dr. Caldwetra By nip Pep. ; sin will teach you to avoid cathartloav salts and pills, as they are too harsh -for the majority and their effect Is only temporary. Syrup Pepsin bring permanent results, and It can be con veniently obtained of any nearby drug gist at fifty cents and one dollar a bot tle. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 103 Wash ington St., Monticello, 111. A powtal card with your nam and address oat It will do! i'Srsrtr.'4.s'rl III I I III EUr.lACIDEl UQU! D TABLITa talMIMasir The Old Reliable Remedy SMMWar, anMalM aai, IsSfsmi RHEUMATISM fl4muMai4drtvUwu ItAnirnxihu HAIR STAIN "WaSnutta" For Gray. Stressed. Bleached and Red Hair sw Mmutacha. Matches bbads Light Hrawa s Black. Does no' imA aw ruh iff. Sold by your Urate. Regular !, su i you la Frs Sesd to Hswara lStaJwii Freo 2206 Chit Si. Lad eadsvla FRETlU I IOMEYi- I WriU fs' I !' priM Hs4. . til IK L 4 MM. LOI IHT1LLE. KI. lWlml.rara, MM. LARGE 74-PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG af Comma and Photographic Sapplima mailed FREE - DEVELOriHe a4 nillTWG A SPEC1ALTT Farsoaa Optical Company, Dept. B CBARLESTOI4, S. C. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS, If you fael 'ot or ftORtr'KUM dowm'ot'out TUX sU-ubs urrtR Iron kidney, pladdm, nervous dissassts. DISEASE! TNI N therapion; yoDcaadsrcfcW FOR TOURBSLV If Wm th rtmefiy for VOUR OWN ailment. Dont HBdic AKul..t.lurswstat. HA'rrJlMMn'iMarulaMsV ! I.KCl.U(ai Sao. Co. mvvsasTOCa to. sUampataad. LoMtOK.a Mfci - SORE -EYES -; Dr. Salter's Eye. Lotion rdiorcc and cares sore acd '-ifmneii eyes In 4 to 48 houra, Helps tho weak eyed, core without pain. Ask your drujfgist or dealer for SALTER'S. Only from Reform Dispeaoary, MA Broad. Aoaata, carsit - -' HAIR BALSAM lalna ta ssrsvl lu dmnAralL For Restsfimc Coier ua Beauty to Gray or Faded Heir. MOHQ t.ov su urngvua, I DROPSY, TRCATED. asnallT tdvet orofelt ' ' relief joon ramoTes arwelilaaT I Bhortbri.oftenveeentfelie 1 iaiTOaaTS.UTia,LienKfHriB) Or. THOMAS ft. VREBR, w Or. H. H. OnMiti toot, Box 0. .WanU,flv CAI1GES1P KB TKIATTSS ' n raau-b. HansttnrlBsm. . idlsUlatlMtllfl. I D id hili publiihod a booklet whiok arfviM iBlArraatliiaf f antst-- sfof OaVosr:aisotUshAttodofwpele, . 4Mc Wrisa ioc itUx!? , tuasnttanisia; "'rCT. : and Blgta Qrmam riBlAhinif. Halt tf f -elal aAtectla. Prices KwnisUe. Charlotte Directory n TYPEWRITERS Vmw, retmllt and setund band. S17.nS op and KuaimatMd utitfMtorr. Vio Mil unpin lot aU ankea, aalr ail asakab s.ai.111 acoarm, W. N. CHARLOTTE, HQ. S-J914. 1 f . I, r ,3 ":''' I ' mm-