-TfiJS KIlSGS FOUNTAIN KLIAU), GX.J . niEvKNC'SffiOUHTAIll1 HESAU - ' Kings Mountain, H. C. T G. G. PAGE Editor aud Owji:. , "7 SUBSCRIPTION MCEt . . One Yur. $J. . Mon'.h: 50i Three Months 25c. Euleiod 'November 17, 1 9u 1, at Klims Mountain. N. hi locoiid elan matter, iindor A-t of Congrw of March 3. ) 879. The Way Of The Transgressor . Is Hard Ntvr wiim inoro real truth and ' wisdom incorporated in one sen tence tliaii wlion tho wine man snid "The Wny of. the trans gressor Is hard". Iook about you if yon -plnnst! nd nee if tlie fiioti not already-established. Think of tho cases which liav" co-no before tlioeyc of the peo-1 pie of Kings Mountain during the post faw months. See Irvln Dollchun m he sits in jail at Shelby charged with robbery. See Claud Hay nes and. Jim Melton as they peep between the bare for the same offence,' Think of the cold and hunger endured while fleeing from the officer of tho law . Think of the humiliation of lying in a dirty . filthy cell awaiting trial, Then see them as they stand at the hor of justic to hear the sentence of another period of privation and hardship, We cite these few cases just to illustrate. They are duplicated the world over. Men of sinful inclination, are Ruing on in their wickedness. The righteous man ioreseeth the evil' and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished. These difficulties are only temporary. But beyond thegrave what? We hear the great and righteous judge saying,"' The gift of "God is Eternal life but the wag.-s of sin is death." i .'' ' Two Entertainments at the ; Graded School Fri. and Sat Let the. people come out and (Uijoy the entertainments sell ed died for this weo k at the graced school. The proceeds of these plays go for-the recent improve ments made in the auditorium. It will ceriaiuly bo appreciated if we can have a most liberal patronage and thus repay the (Undents and the . teachers for their efforts to improve the ' equipment. R. C. Cox, Supt. I "" , II " n Sty - I BSWffll IIKWINI 'In Wei I,, the wheels , of progp-ss are stfll rolling In our neighbor hood. Mr Rodney' Maoriey -has put up a new house to be used for a blacksmith shop. '; Mr. Felment who bought- Mr.- Jim W;-rt nun is putting in a new saw mill to be ran by water power. Co cn train, go! -Mr5. Tom -Humphrey's littla boy who has been nick is better . Mr. Clarence Black of Kings Mountain was here Saturday visiting his people. , Mr. - Black and Mr. ' 8 ' v. ' With Mrs. Corn well. Mti P " PniniPQl ntna iU i Jt v. As- VVI 11 1 VII T W titV : very clever hostesr to.' the Thursday Afternoon Book Club end a large number of guests at lier beautiful borne Feb. 26. The guets were greeted by the host , ess and 'directed to the parlor where the decorations, were sug- geativeof Washington's Birthday . Partners . ; for a Historical . contest.were found by matching :.' small red hatchets with corre - sponding numbers. All the guests were asked to wear an hei.-loom and tljere many quaint costumes and pieces of jewelry formerly . worn 1 by the grandmothers of those present. : .. " A vote was taken for the most colonial cos turn. Mrs. O. E. Lov ell wearing a dress of sixty years ago received the prize, a box "ol Martha Washington candy, Re: . ious salaJcoacse and coffee 161" lowed by a swoet course was J. S. Hood and Mrs. J. C. Pat-' rick." :h-''"1,V'Vi:-AA'-:- v-,:.:. h . . . - ' 0 HOSE were stirring times on our west I ern frontier 'just after the War of Independence. Ihen the name 6r Simon Girty was trie most hated, reviled and feared along the whole border; Hamilton, the British com j mander at ' Detroit, was stirring the Indians to revolt, and death lurked in every shadow of the forest : It j just the setting for a real Parrish story the kind that only 'he can write the swing- ing, thrilling kind like "Molly McDonald"" or "Keith of the Border." When we tell . you that "The Maid of the Forest" is every bit as good as these two, we know you'll lose no time in reading it. 'v. I We have secured this story for our 4 I next serial and the first installment a g win aDDear soon. warcn lor 11 g x - - V. King who work on the dredge in Buffalo spent a fej" days at horn on account ' of the bad weather and' returned to -their, work Monday.. v . : : While sitting around reading first one thing and - another j during the bad weather I run i acroiS the report of the Com missioners in the Herald. I fojnd there a feed bill so 1 thought that I vouldjiguie it out while 1 had nothing else to do. I find the laatr quarter cost for feed $1,404.75. I believe that there are four quarters in a year . so, if I mnko no mistake, it' will cost $5,619.00 to feed 21 or 22 head of horses a year. That is is-what I . have been told, by' one of the commissioners. So, ifitcof-ts that much for feed and other expenses the $15, 000. 00 that has been voted will soon be gront' so.good-by to the blanch roads.' '', Rambler. Attend Bible Conference. There will be no preaching at Boyce Memorial A. R. P. church net Sabbatli on account of the pastor. Rev. G. L.. Kerr, being in Atlanta attending the Atlanta Bible Conference Association whiclv - meets at the Baptist Tabernacle. .This Is the sixteen th annual session of the confer ence It met last Sunday,- the 1st. and will be In session all this week including next Sunday. While this conference-' was or iginated by Dr. Len G. Brough ton, then pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle and now of London, England, it is interdenomination al and has men of high rank in practically all Protestant de nominations on its V various boards. - living' room all gay in their decorations of palms, ferns, and bright spring flowers, fjato hi the afternoon when goia home time was near the hostess assist ed by Mrs. H. T. Fulton and Miss Martha Simonton, served an -elegant three-course lunch eon. Tho hospitable home radiat warmth and good cheer with its glowing fires and bright lights. The occasion proved of much pleasure and enjoy ment to those present. - - " With Mrs. DilliiK. ' Mrs. W.;Si Dilling delight fully entertained last Wednes day afternoon at Rook Party Jrom three to six-thirty Her invitations were issued and ,not - Withstanding the bad weather . there was no cause for 'regret. . 'The guests - were cordially where Miss ' Emelyin ' Dilling score cards. By thexe the guests weregulded to the tables where -many enthusiastic games were Indulged in. The tables where .Carnival Coming. ' 'Mr. H.; Wilen, ageiit for the Barkoot TroDical Amusement Company, iias closed a contract with the city for a spring festiv al and Carnival for one week, commencing Monday March 10th Mention was made of thecom dg of the carnival several weeks ago in the. Herald. The shows of this company seem to be ' very clean and up-to-date from wbat W- can team. Some newspaper clippings from towns where the tihows have been would indicate to.samel ' When Mr. -Wilen yn before .tie citx cocricil in regard to the matter he assured them that' there would be nothing savoring of gambling or other wise, objectionable on exhibition. He furthermore 'stated that 'the council ;Would.-be at liberty- to close down any Bbow . that they might pronounce indecent or un deyirable even after it had been opened. fp,.They authorize' ns to say that there will be two free attractions each day,-, afternoon greeted at the door by the host hs and shown to thelilhg roomLi .ii'-.i-fM..'u' k. m;.. n!!JrPnd evening, also free concert by the Royal Italian Bann. The carniTal will be pitched on We yacanijots owned by the Misses Fall near the' overheac bridge generally designated as Vinegar Wind Takes Roof. ' It. was reported over town Monday that th wind Sunday night totally unroofed the Klotho mill and the company store of the Kings Mountain Manufactur ing Company. The stoTy was veiy much exagerrated. The fact is, about twenty-five - or thirty squares of the roof of Ihe Klotho mill were blown oft which is about one sixth of the total roof. No damage at all was done to the company store at the Kings Mountain Manufacturing Company. About one square of roofing was torn vfp on the cotton house but was not taken from the building. - Many water pipes were burst and , much -confusion was ex perienced in many lines of busi ness and especially in 'kitchens. The Kiser LumbeJ Company suspended business all day; Mon day and the graded school was no.t able to hold session. - : - placed (in the 'Juill, pallor- and Hill- Elbethel Notes ' Special to the Herald. - . 1 Mrs. -Wayne Ware of Mt, Holly is visiting her parents Mr. 'and Mr. T. C. BTack." . ' Miss Freelove Black is getting along nicely 1th her school The attendance has not been so large since the weather has been so nadK' "ivU-''-' The Elbethel Local has moved back from, town to the school house 4nd a number of back-J sliders reclaimed. Mrs, SasteCnnady is with her father, Mr. Mat Hullender near. AnWoch, who is critically 111.' . ' J Mr. Ramer Harmon who has been Very low" with pneumonia Is improving very nicely. Also two of .Mr- Dock Handeock's Chilpren." i Dillin Mil! Items. N Under the above caption We are in receipt of a nice little batch of locals but with no name signed to the manuscript. We are very sorry that the person who was so thoughtful As to send us this matter forgot to let us know the name. We suppose that every item is, all right but we cannct publish them unless we knew who was responsible. However, we reproduce a few of those which appear to carry ho risk in them with the under standing that the correspondent always sign hereafter,- We do not wish , to Dublmh the dame but only want it for our protec tion. -. ... -, ' . .. As I qften see news from East Kings Mountain I . would like to see some of our news. Mrs. Otto Cox is on the Sick list. - . - Mrs. Geo. McCuilouirh is ver'v sick with puenmonia. . Mr.and Mrs. Robert Parrish have the LaGrippe. - Mr C. A. Alienor Emlen. S. C. is spending several davs with his parents: v v . 0k Grove Items ' M iss Mattie PloiiTt. of Cherokee S. P. is spending some time with Mrs H. T. Wrigut. The many friends of MmCraW; ford Jolley will be sorry to learn that she is again very sick at her home near here. : ;:'' ': Mr. Tom Hicks of Atlanta is landing some time with hw parents. - Miss Lula Hord visited in the! Ware School community Satur day and Sunday, the guest of Mrs John WatterNon, A large crowd came to the "Picnic' Inst Saturday. Notwith standing the Inclement weather. Mr. Bert Sc'sm was the lucky winrierof the gold watch. Several prizes of silver ware, were also awarded. , Every one in the community seems interested in the county commencement, so we are expect ing to he well represedted that day, in numbers, at lenst.i Dr. O: O. Falls.ahd Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Dilling attended the Craig reception in Gastonia last week. From all accounts if was a very swell affair. Mrs Thomas L. Craig gave the reception in comemoiaticn of her husbmtd's fiftieth birthday. The affair was of the highest order in .every respect and many people enjoyed one of their very best evening in the hospitable Craig home. ' HAD CATARRH FIVE YE F ".-elfv f ..... ' :t MR. si s. jomrsti') , - slUub.k.t,'",. Ur. John-, ton X Bt, iilmo. Illl-' noU'wli' Iroublfd tun years with, catarrh. The J cmlorih nil tevera lnj hl eaiI that lilt lltci t h r eatsned. it bo tx- prtiin It hlnilclf, h had "one foot In th grave." . Of counw he tried to ' get relief Many pijpc-" tltlonef were-- cob suited and a catarrh eneclallit In St LouU woe tried. He p"t i v . nd thorouslily run down -5 . ' t , claree h could not valle n: e.r .. ' a, hundrrd yards withottt rr Few people iindcrsiRna pr.t eicann Is a eonetnnt drain on toe jyrtan. The fiiaoharca o( tr.v "'. COtng on In such casts ia posed of blood sor.-in, r.nj . ',. ' ' waste.' Booncr or iator It v:t " -' tho strongest mary- . .. AerordlnT to rrports rco '-i MK Johnson, he l'i r condition, bet ho found ' " ' ri his trouble. 'e wl!l lot h- Ui found iL Els n yiou... "My friends told ire jj ;- ' . runs, and I did on. I rc-v v 'Poruna has try 1 1;., U best mrdl"ln9 cn cart'., aii-J 1 ' -! not be without it." This soems clmnst fa r":.) : true. No doubt tl-ere r.re x: crs mat win tnmit si., --statements, however.- am .1 1 .v.-. ... by wrltlnf Mr. J' !mo-i. ' Every home shunld l-e.pw-.-.'-i . ;;v the lust edition of "Tr: ills v. .' . sent free by tho Ptre:i. Co., -v .'bus. Ohio. . : ',, A Dollar Saved is A Dollar Made READ THESE PRICES COME TO SEE US. r' 45-Inch wide Embroidery ....85o yard. 27-Inch wide Embroidery.: .25c. yard. ; v 15 Inch wide Embroidery.. ...... ...... ?0e. yard. 12'Inch wide Embrdidery..t.....i..ir-l5c-ard' 11-Inch wide Embrodlery .12 yard. 9 Inch wide Embroidery. ..J... .'..10c. yard. 6-Irch wide Embroidery. .'..:...-, 5c. yard. Ihsertion to match at.. ..4c. &5oyd Chambrys in blue, gray, brown 4 pink at 8c. yd. - Outing & cotton flannel ,all colors at 8c. & Oo. yd ' . 32-Inch madras..., 10c, yard 86-Inch Percalsat.,.......;...v..,10c, & 12 yd White goods lawns, linen, long cloth linen at 5c. to 25c a yard. ----- . "" Mens work shirts.. ....i..;. .... ..25(; and 50c.-s Men's dress shirts 50o and $1.00 Boys' pants 4 to 14 ...."r.. ..... 25c Pr. Boys' PantsS to 16......... 50c Pr. 21 men's suits to close out at .... $5 00 All ladies' 5QcNwool dress goods ... 85c yard ' All ladies' $1.C0 wool drens goods...... ..60c yard . Men's spring needle underwear.. ...... 00c a suit Ladies' underwear.. ..i... ...25c& 500 v Lot Of ladies,' Misses & children shoes $1.85 at 08c ' . CARPENTER and McQILL, Phone No. "12. Kings Mountain, N. C ATTENTION We have just received ft big line of new and up-to-date dress goods, such a . : . Crepes, Satin, Tub'SillbDeVonstlne CJeiMing- ham, Linens, Flaxons and all kinds of staple . white goods. Also a big line of .notions, Shirts,. " Xies, Collors, ready to wear " Dresses for Ladies, ' Misses and Children, Muslin Underwear of all kinds. - " ; ) Low Cut Shoes Seed potatoes, garden seed,-seed oats, farm tools,, of all kinds, fertlizer, "see ns,. we have the prices. .- v ' J - 1 - " niSER- '& "MAUNEY,: fcBu?-.'