,t f ' "V." 1113 II.UTIM CZSALCi, KINGS FOUNTAIN NORTH CAROLINA. -"" .'V,' i LOCALS . Mrt. G. W. Falls ol Bowi ng Green, 8. C, who m rlyd lant Saturday to' .visit her father, Capt. F. Dillinjr, and other ro latlves here returned yesterday -tolierhome. a, . Mp H l. Shelby moved his . Attorney E. L-, Campbell went'family to - Gastonia Friday. It to Shelby Mottday' to attend to leal bussinesav ' Mr. II. T. Fulton attended the reuUr monthly meetinir of the 'Cleveland county comuiisnioners ifi which be is a member Monday, Attorney N. F. McMillan made ,: -a trip to Charlotte Saturday on business. The- trip- started off with business and wound' uo ln -- something else whichv delayed - his return until Sundav. Mr. H. M. SeUer of Gaffney, S. C. was here on business Tues 'day. s; ;.';::-'i v;': ' Lost Last Saturday either In '' Kings Mountain or between there aid my home in Elbethel section ' , ne rubber tire from liind wheel ' of baggy" Finder please notify S T. 0. Black. Miss Aldridije, trained .-nurse from Charlotte Sanatorium, is attending Mrs. D. E. Vipperman of this city. . Mrs. Vipperman was stricken last Friday with Sciatica neuralgia from which she is suffering very Intensely. J Dr. ' A. T. Lindsay and son, Mr Mnilam or Linwnod College were here Thursday. Road the advertiuinents in the Herald affd trade-at-home. T The circulation of the Herald Increases every day. ' Mr. W. K. Mauney left Friday morning for a few days visit at Hickory. N. C. - John Setzer,- a colored man who hastteen In the -employ of Plonk A Flovd for the past Ave - j ears is suffering-with a com. '. pounJ fracture vof the left Jeg below the' knee. In backing a wagon up to a car for a load of hay whith his leg through a crack in the bei of the wagou a plank was driven against his leg causing the accidsnt.. - Mr. Mofflit Ware of Kings , Mountain Roller Mill Company, made a business trip to Char lotte Friday. The nigh school is now offer ' ing splendid' opportunities to those who cannot attend school " In the day, and. to those Jwho have passed the age limit of the public schools. . If Mount Holly has the nerv to hold out her hand to a Lin wood College, proposition, why In the world cannot Kings Moun tain do something big loo? , Mr. t-Tracy,. McGinnis spent "Sunday in Gaffney, S. C. Carolina People tell Wonderful Effects of Mayr stomach Remedy Sufferer Find Swift Belief by -Useof ThisRcmlrkatre - ' - Tte-tmeat, " Stomach aotfers in the Sooth -'.-. ahAAn skct. U - 3vef4t - countrs haw found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Eayr'a Wont'erful ' Stomach -'Remedy. " ''-?' '.. Many have takart tbts remedy-i ; and bell today pf the beniflts they they recieved.. Its "effects -come ; ooickly teh first dose conrfnCcs. . Hero i)i what Jwo Caroliila folks : have vr,rlUeni i "-. f- " W. R. DAYEWPORT. Parker. ".No. CW'Vor, years I have euffer- ed frott) a desease which puzzled dvI 1 1 heardJof your reidedy ' anfone; bottle gave n relief. Your full -treatment has about curedJe.' '.'''' J. E "ECWIN", Winston Salem, N". C iI am. satisfied through use of the yoweiwof-your remedy. hu have saved xpt- We- -v; ' These stalemente ome from ' " -rs H'-nOP'J--tboijwndsf Thjs of ,Gastonla pawed through town Friday nronte to Crover, Prof. J. B. Smith, principal of Dixon Academy, was in town Saturday Kindling thtire to his political pot, will be remembered that Mr, Shelby bought out the Gilbert Studio in . Gastonia and took charge just before Christmas. Until now, however Mrs. Shelby and the children have remained In King Mountain The Shelby tattny had made many friends nere w? e sorry ro see -mem "J, Mr. Evie Tidwelf of number flfl township was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr." Ed.- Patterson of Dixon Academy community was in the city Saturday. Mr J.' B. ' Rhyne was a bus! ness visitor at Gastonia Monday, Mr. W. A. Mauney was among those who went from here to Gastonia Monday on business Mr. and Mrs. O. . Logan and children went to wiacKsourg Menday to visit Her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Westbrook. Miss Vinnie Harmon was a Visitor in Gaffney, S. C. last Sunday. . v Mrs. Carrje RoberUon return 3 last week to her home at Vaidosta. Ga. after a few weeks visit to her brother, W R. At kins, of this city. " Mr. A. H. Patterson and little daughter, Madge left Tuesday for an extended visit to relatives South. Mr. Patterson will visit his brother, Mr. Price Patterson, at Adams Run, 8. C. and Madge will visit her aunt, Mrs. T. A. McGili. of Columbia. S. C. The? expect to return in about six weeks. We think Mr. Patterson took v a double barrell breech loader along. You know the rest. ' Rev. J. R. Scroggs D. D. Pre siding Elder, held quarterly neeting at the Methodist church here Saturday night and preach ed Sunday. Dr. Scroggs of Shelby was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Clegg while here' holding the quarterly meeting Saturday and Sunday. ' - . - ANNOUNCEMENT-. -' I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for Sheriff of Gaston County, sub ject to the action of the county Democratic primaries and con vention. . . W. N. DAVIS, Gastonia, N.C. Subscribe for The HeraH. remedy - is ' known 'and. used throughout, the' United States. It has o record of results and proof. i Mr, O. L. Moore LJf,mpny. tween wll.,3!ilU liove! ,fcjnAiWInfiIl?e riot, W" .rn mued. far5;TOe, were " h tract of mucoid accretions and poisonous' matte, It brings swift relief to sufferers from ailments of "the stomach,., Her,' and bowels. Many declare ithjs sav ed them from, dangerous opera ti'ons and many are sure it has saved their lives. Because -of the remarkable success of this remedy there are many imitators, so be. cautious. Besuro it's mayr's. do to -Man-neys Drug Store and ask about ihe wonderful results it ' baa been accomplishing in cases they know abouT or send to Geo. H. Mayr,' infgChfemisC J5tl6 Whitlns St. Chicago, III. far free book on, stomach ailments and many greatef ul letters frbm peo ple who have been restored. Any druggist can. tell voa its wonder ful wults.. '. ,u , - -: ' v. - Mr, J. P. Lackey of Rout One from out Cherry ,vile rsy was on town yesterday and paid the Herald a call. . . . , - : " Messm. H. T. Fulton,, .W. P. Fulton,' Leslir McGinni .and Dr. O. G. Falls attended .the laying of the corner stone of the Masonio temple in Charlotte yesterdap afternoon. Mrs. Lizzie Falls and Mrs. I. Johnson Petties, of Charlotte and Mr. Mofflt Ware were .the guests Sunday of Mr. an Mrs. Worth Falls. ' . Subscribe for The Hertld. Fra SPeclal4 Notice to Hoosewiyu and ; '. ' ' Janitors. ' 'I-.' Hlnes' Rock Glue, Star Broom Holders and Diamond. Window or;8;lver Polish is now' being placed with your merchants.. 'Go to any dealer, in America and ask for them. -All merchants know about them, s and ..many have them in stock. They? are going to give you a 80 cent jar of Rock Glue, a 25 cent Star Broom Holder or a 25 cent Dia mond, Bright Window or Silver Polisher free; ask for these arti cles at once. Rock Glue mends everything, even broken hearts and pocketbooks. Star Broom Holders, 3 on .1 holds Dust Fan Brush and Q room, ' keeps them handy they will last twice as long and do better work Dia mond Bright Polish ready for instant use, cleans and uolishes. If your dealer cannot supply you, send ten merchants' names and 10 ceiTts In stamps and name one article., your choice, or 50 for all three. Above is good only 1 time. . .:. The Retailers can be' suDDlied by jobbers. If not, we will direct A beautiful book of . national views worth $1.00 free postpaid for return of trade-mark' , of aboye goods and 10 cents in stamps. ,. , ; ' v The Normon F. Hines Co., Mtoln. Office and factory, Lake land, Md: . C 1-4 Subscribe for The Herald. Remember us when you have money and WeMI remember you when you havenone Peoples Loanj & TrustCo. J.O.PlonK,Pres. M,E.Herndon,Cashier inan)naeaaAatj mm Melancholy Women Women whs suffer h mleerie caused by dlsordeparliuhe ovuitn fnncflon, periodically elltnf. They endura ptlna which ealenoV Uieir eihiuiling Infhwncs to every pert el the body, product nf melencholy, nervousness, end weeJinessee .which make life one long, dreary existence. There at relief and. renewed hope for these suffering women In DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Th Waman'n MftdlcInA V - killed- , White I(ng (q overaame the incensed DT 1 y vegetable Ingredients Nltfetil tanon 01 tne Heart, all disappear Before medtchie. II brings back the strength, .. V SMIy DntnutodDtaUn. Asm S1.00 PtrBctth. iiT '' C. r. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO ST. LOUIS., MISSO J ssHHesnMMsiHaBahMwaaM, Sold by Barnes A FREE TICKET Picture to every sehosl itudent harie THE QOODYE4 . Last Wednesday ' afternoon Mrs. W. 8. Dilling entertained at Rook. .: ; ; . The seven tables were.-placed in the parlor, hall an 1 living room, where were tastefully ar ranged frns, and fjowers pecu liar to the season, cyclamen and fresias. . . - ,' After the games, a delicious two course menu was served. .. The oqt of town, guests weio Medame8 Polyetteof Md.,. and R. M. Brown of Wilmington. 31r. N. F. Wattarson wmt to Bessemer City yesterday after noon.'' ' .. ::. - Your Stomach Bad? JUST TRY ONE DOSE o1 Mayi Wonderful Stomach Remedy and 1 Convinced That Yon Can ' B Restored Ta Health v Ton ar not uked to tk Jtfcyr Wondr M Sfmmch ttmmtmdp (or week and moathi befur you rtctiva any bcatflt on dote is utu ai r required to convinra tha mot ikcpttcal sufferer of. Stomarn Ailments that this jrrest remedy shouid restore anyone so afflicted tu food health. Moyr't Wdfut Stomach ftameetr has ben taken by many thousands of people throughout the land. It ba brourht kmhm and AaiHestosufT :fers who had des paired ol ever being restored and who now pro claim it aWon-ierful Remedy and are urfinn others who may be suffehns; wiih Stomach, iaver and tmuttina! Aitmmntt to try it. Mind you, Mmyr't Wn4rM Stommch AamaaV is so different than most medicine that are put on the oiarket for the rarious stmnacb ailments it Is really in a class by Usel, and ine dose will do more to convince the most skeptical sufferer than tons of other medtcioes. Hewitt from one dose will amase and the bet.efiu are entirely natural, as it acts on tha source and foundation of these aliments, removing the poisonous ca tarrh and bile accretions, and allayintLthe under lymgr chronic inflammation In the alimentary and Intestinal tract, rendering the same anti septic... Just try one dose of Mayr'i Wn4rfmi Stmmmeh Ham wrfy put It to a test todty yno will be overjoyed with your quick recovery and will taifhly prafo it as thousands of others are constantly dofnf. Send for booklet oa Stomach Ailments to Geo, H. Mayr. Mia. Cneaut, 144-156. Whiting Bu Chicaao, III Mauney'n Drug Store. which- oauso thls i ifferlng. H te which are known to act Vnef tetany on "atntul Irrerolarlties. Ovarii"" l""jirnm(lon, HmaJ , all disappear Bertre Ihe cower and effloacv af thle I Ihe power and efficacy of this msrvaloi vigor and cheerfulness of puller ytl - Finger Drug Co. . Jt- Labor, y.ypewrlte your poe ifsh editor. - - f replied Mr. Penwtg expert enough to do V t'-WTltlnE do'ron think the S tlma nn fWMtnrt B7 " fas e-rldence Miss HoUandeT mal , know. f d so that by ied ha can u't seem . notr .k We still havo on HAND a nice lot of v ' Mules, AND Our collection ' of Mules, Mares, . ,i and horses" is good. ' We can sup- ply most any kind of work stock and have specially nice line of Farm Mules.T FlonK AND Fl Kings Mountain, lVvVvVvtvVVvVVvVVyrVVVVVVyivVVVVW Shear for Every Th ree Household Necessities. The Eureka Family Shear Set Retail Value f i.50 One Set Of These Shears Is worth a doz. Others. , We guarantee this three piece ' shear set to please and know it will last a life time. Every woman has had a trying ex- - . with li-i" ' it .asaajanHnnf Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well." I! . you want your Linen laundred well gite it to the' Snowflake man We call Regurally Rain or Shine. -; SNOWFLAKE STEAM LAUNDRY, Gastonia,' ..'. r N. 0. : iittmfnmmmtmt sjjiiii . n Mares orses o 9 - N. C. t 7 Vjt il'-- " ' w (II gK 1