FOR DiVERSIFIED AGRICULTURE TO UNITE PROMINENT TO ASSIST IN Agricultural Extension Department to Aid Any Community Inter ested In Conducting Campaign to Encourage the Growing or Alfalfa Live Stock, Silos, More Pastures and a Better Sys tem of Crop Rotation Will Be Urged. AlfalT Automobile Trains Important Feature of the Work Schedules to Be Arranged and Meetings to Be Held at Farm Home Prominent Speakers to Accompany Each Alfalfa Train Organisations Will Be Formed In Eich Community to Promote the Work Field Men Experienced In Alfalfa Growing Will Fellow Up Preliminary Work Wherever Possible and Give Aid In Getting a Start Prof. P. G. Holden, Director Extension Department, International Harvester Company cf New Jersey, Chicago,. Will direct the work. The campaign will be conducted In co-operation with farmers' Institutes, hankers, buslnesa men, farmers, commercial clubs, granges, llvo stock and iilry associations and other organizations In any community where the peo llb are anxious to Improve their agricultural conditions and are willing to Klve time and monoy to carry on tho work. County and city superintendents of schools, colleges, Institute workers. Uiautauqua lecturers, and others Interested la .the work will be assisted la obtaining alfalfa charts and lantern slides. Literature and booklots will be ven wide distribution throughout the country. Special alfalfa articles will he aent to farm journals and magazines, and plate and matrix pages to news wpers. Bpeclal edltious of newspapers will be published where campaigns uro conducted. Dates will be arranged for "Alfalfa Day" In the schools. To Begin Campaign Work in Cotton Belt Immediately. Work to be started ImiA-dlatcly In the cotton belt states and In the east and west. Thirty to forty meetings will bo hold In each county, the -Number dependln on local conditions. To accomplish the most In agricultural development, we must begin with the man behind the crop. Upon him depends the final working out of - h principles of agriculture the simple and practical things which our nchools, colleges and experiment statlona are endeavoring to bring Into gea .' oral nse. : Professor llolden proposes to carry ma very eueciive wore oone on me agricultural trains, or using xnat bmi modern vehicle the automobile going directly to the people on their own " farmi whnna IhA mAAtlnva am in hn held . : ....... v: - ". '--Alfalfa Greatest 8oll-Enrlchlng Crop. . Agricultural development needs In addition to the work of our public 'institutions, the Individual efforts of every merchant, banker, corporation, or ' taborlng man, and thia plan calls for their heartiest co-operation. Thia plan for Increasing tho yields of our crops by the more extensive uro wing of that wonderful soil Improver, ALFALFA, Is meeting the approval if all men who have any knowledgo of the beneficial results of Its Introduction ne a gonerat crop. Campaigns are now being conducted In many of the central western states, and Professor Holden Is dally answering requests for his assistance Id organising other localities, and Invites cordial co-operation with every .com munity Interested. ' ....... Where campaign are contemplated made to the Agricultural Extension Department for assistance In carrying on the campaign. '' '' ;,. . ; , ... What, the local people will provide: (1) Bxpeaao (eneals and lodging) for the alfalfa speakers and staff ipoakelr arrival and during the campaign. (t) Where the campaigns are conducted by automobiles alone, from ten la twenty automobiles tor each day of the campaign to carry the alfalfa erew nd invited guests; one auto truck to carry literature, baggage, charts,' and . . other equipment. -.. -:. . .. -. (J) Where the campaigns are carried on In co-operation with the rall- roads, automobile and railroad equipment must bo furnished. () Arrange for meeting places and publish schedule of same. . ' , ) Local advertising, :. . ( Photographer, If possible. ; V The Agricultural Extension Department will provide! tl) Advanoe men to assist In organization work, f ' . (g) Lecturers. (3) Literature. ( Bpeclal educational articles tor aewspapers and farm journal pertl- tient to alfalfa culture, object of campaign, etc. , .. () . Field men to follow up the preliminary work and aid the people In any community where sufficient Interest la shown to warrant it " WILL DISTRIBUTE EDUCATIONAL BOOKLETS ..... Interesting Literature to Be Sent Out By, the I, H. C Extension Depart ment Book Dealing With Many Phase of Agriculture and Other : Subject. . Agriculture means more to the peo ple at large than all other things. U is the most vital subject now holding i he publlo mind. The work of agrl- ' cultural and Industrial education Is .very large and a very Important work. The Agricultural Extension De partment of the International Harvest er company of New Jersey was or ganized to develop the agricultural efficiency of the people, who are till ing the soil and producing the crops upon which we live. Tho work of th department is car tied on In many way. First, by go- ing direct to the home of uie peo- pie, and assisting them In their home ' will, t.l, - with their problem. Another method Is the dissemina tion, of educational literature. The department has at present for dis tribution number of Interesting booklets covering many phases of -agriculture and other subjects, all of which are of special Interest on ao- count of their educational value. They , re not tor sale, but will be sent any- No. 14 For Better Corn In the Cot where at the cost of postage or ex-1 ton Belt single copy 1 cents; in pre and obtained by writing . quantities 1 cent : . r. , t. the Extension Department, Harvester No. 15 The Boll Weevil A thirty building, Chicago. six page booklet Single copy 4 cents; No. WTh StorV of Bread An In- in quantlUes 3 cents. teres ting story of the worldVbld stnig- j No. IS Sweet Clover It agiicul gle for cheap bread. Single, copy, 8 : tural Value. Thirty-two page book, cents; in quantities, I cents per copy. ! Single copy 4 oents; In quantities I - No, t Creed of Oreat Business cent. . . ' Men A eerie of sketches of men ' - Ne. 17 The I. H. C. Demonstration who bar helped to make buslnesa " Farms Giving the result of expert- whet It Is today. Bugle cony, 6 cents;: la quantities, I cent. No. t Th Golden Stream A plain, wreryday. : textbook c the many ohasee of dalryrhg. Single copy, 6 cent; in quantirte. t tents. Ne. 4 For Better Crops A coltoe tlon of valuable articles oa farm sub jects. SUjfle copy, ' dents; In quaa- nues, oenuh No. i The Story of-Twii--.-J-.Is ifce briefly the- ' V wnmi n.uii INTERESTS IN SOUTH THE WORK these principles further cten than j It Is required, first, that a request be twine. Single copy, 3 cents; In quan- ,., ' , , t, titles, 8 cents. , '.)-. The cause of your child s ills The No. 6 Englns Operator's Guide loul, fetid, offen; i re breath Tho start Tells all about how to operate, re- ing up with terror and. grinding of pair and keep in good- condition a teeth wh'le aslcep-The tallow jtom gaaollne engine. Single copy, 3 cent; tfexion-The dark circles under the u. quantities, a cents. "o. i mi t,nn tick xne nest way for getting rid of it. Single copy, i cents; in quantities, 1 cent, No. 8 For Better Crops In the South Deals with crops and condi tions In the south. Bingle copy, 4 cents; in quantities, 3 cents. No. 9 The Disk Harrow Show the part disking plays in crop pro duction. Bingle copy, 4 cents; In quantities, I cents. , No. 10 Th Binder Twin Industry A story of the process used In mak ing binder twine. Single . copy, 10 cents; in quantities. It cent. - , No. 11 Harvest Scene of th World A 150-page book, handsomely bound, and printed In two. colors. showing harvesting In many countries, single copy,. 50 cents; "in quantities, 915 ...I. " . . . 35 cents. No. 12 Alfalfa In the Cotton Belt How to get a stand of Alfalfa In the south. Single copy I cents; in quan tities i cent . No. 13 Diversified Farming In the Cotton Belt A fifty .page booklet Bingle copy 4 cents;' in quantities S cents. menu with farm crops in th south. Twenty pages. Single copy 1 cents; in quantities 1 cent. ...v. Besides the booklet named above, from time to time there wilt be Issued Tjthor interesting agricultural booklet pertinent to -crap's' in all part of the United States, Fu'.nrd 't&iue wHl treat suca -sfctMx-s i,'i ca.;as; oy beans, pji w.itsi Vi-Ke; -...: .TOgsrcillo, t-lMt jttetif .Ui Sfijfir'weuip' aud Stubborn Annoyfnic Courts Cck4 . "My husband had eeagh for flteen ytsr and my son for eight yeara. Dr, Kirg's New Discovery compltiUly cur- cd them, for which 1 mi moat thankfuV ' writes Mrs. David Moor, of Saginaw, j Ala. ' What Dr. Kings New Discovery ; di J for these men, Jt will do for you. Dr. King's New Discovery ihould be in every hnme. Stops hacking coughs, re lieve la grippe and all throat and lung ailments. Money back if it falls.- All druggists, Trice BOc. and fl.OO. H. E. Pucklcn & Co. Philadelphia or St Louis Gray Hat; Made Its Original Culcr Clip This Notice It's Worth 50c If your hair is gray, streaked with gray, white, faded, brittle, falling out, itching scalp or dandruff, apply Qtan hair a. lor restorer to gray hair and scalp. Not a dve, but it brings to the hair turface the original color nature gave your hair. Makes gray hair brown, black, auburn or its original color of IT or 18 years of age. Never fai's. Perfect ly harmless. Delightful to use. Q Ban makes hair soft, full of 1'fe, beautiful. Stops dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair.Complete directions for home treat ment of the hair with each bottle 60c I y parcel post, or return thia notice and $1 and we will duliver you three bottler. If not satisfied by its use we will give fou back $1.00 Address Hessig-Ellis Irug'lo., Memphis, Tcnn. ) 11 40-14- Spring Blood snd System Cleanser During the winter months impurities accumulate, your blood becomes im pure and tick, your kiduej s, liver and bowels fail to work, causing so-called "Spring Fever." You feel tired, week and lazy. Electric Bitters the spring tonic and system cleanser-is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bowels to hoalthy action, expel blood impurities and restore your heal' th, strength and ambition. Electric Bitters makes you feel like new. Sta t a four weeks' treatment it will put you in fine shape for ydur spring work. Guaranteed. All Drugists. Bfc. and $1.00. H. E- Bucklen & Co. Thiladel phia or St Louis. BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Royersford, Pa, Han TeEa How. .At this-season of year with snob, sudden changes. It "la so easy to take cold, and almost before one Is aware there la Inflammation In the bronchial tubes hard cough and unless checked la time chronic pulmonary troubles may result Townsend Young of Royersford, Fa., says: "A severe bronchial trou ble contracted caused me much diffi culty about breathing: My chest felt clogged- up and there) wa consider able soreness. I tried different rem edlos without help; but i am glad tc ay that Vlnol cored my bronchial trouble which hod lasted for three months. My breathing Is all right and th soreness entirely gone from my chest." :' "V:, Vlnol contain the curative, healing princloiea of fresh coda' livers (with out oil) and tnnle Iron. Wa guaran tee It to be delicious In taste ard to satisfy yon with It medicinal effect. P. S. If you have any skin trouble try Baxo Salve. We guarantee tt. Barnes-Fincer Dbbg Co . Drtinnn Wnrm kiil Fnvfa Wnrtr c eyesAre ,H factions of worms." Kicknpoo Worm Killer is what your cnid needs; it expels the worms, the cause of the child's unhealthy cor.diti; n For. the removal of seat,, stomach and tin worms, Kickapoo Worm Killer gives sure relief. Its laxative effect adds tone to the general system. Supplied as a candy confection children like it Safe and sure relief. Guaranteed. Buy a box today. Price 25c. All druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian hied. Co. Fhila. or St Louis. - , Indian Fighting and Haiibieath Escapes to fill your heart'i . . desire will be found in - The Maid of the Forest ' . Our , Coming Serial I . ' . Don't Mis itl 9 Are Yon in Arrears iwi ll lUWIIlaT YmLm WE fiEEO THE MONEY ra:l!T LaxatjTC Beware of coostlpetion. Use Dr, Sing New Life Pills and keep welL Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of West frank in. Me., calls them "Our family lava itve."' Nothing better for adult or dged. Get them today 26c ; All drug gists or by mail. H. F. Bucklen 4t Co. . ' HortKages Sale of Land . . By virtu re of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex cuted to m by L, C. Hines' and wife on the 17th day of August, 1901..I will, on Saturday, the 7th day of March, 1914 at 12 o'clock, noon, aell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Depot in Kinga Mountain, N. C , all the land 'conveyed in said mortgage deed, which land is described by metes and bounds, ca follows; Beginning at a small cherry tree on old line,' (then) 8. S. Falls' cor ner, thence along said line,- South 4.00 chains to rock on Baumgardner's line; thence West 1.70 chains to a rock; thence North 4.86 chains to the street: thence along said street East sixty-two links to where it internet old line; thence along the old line to the begin ning, containing Throe Fourths of an Acre, more or less. J. M. Williams, Mortgagee. 8-9 E. L. Campbell, Atty. Atalulstrator's Nttice. Having qualified as administrator oj the estate ot Sarah E. Gladden, dc- deased; late of Cleveland County, N. C. this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Kings Mountain, N. C. on or before the 12th- day of Feb. 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their ricdvery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 12 day of Feb. 1914. G. H. Logan, administrator of the estate of Sarah E: Gladden! deceased Toot To FLORIDA and HAVANA CUBA Tuesday. Hard. 17 1914. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED BY C. H. Gattis, Formerly District Pas senger Agent S. A. L. Ry, and Chap eroned by Mrs, C. H. Gattis. A TWELVE (12) DAY'S TOUR Via Seaboard Air Line By. All necassary expenses included in tho cost of the trip. FIVE (6) DAYS IN HAVANA. Including stops in Jacksonville, St Augustine, Palm Beach, Miama, Day light ride over the magnificent exten sion of the Flagler System; "the Sea Going Railroad" to Key West, and Steamer to Havana. Many side-trips included, both in Florida and Cuba, Optional side-trip to I'anama Canal. First Class Service: the best hotels everywhere, Pullman Sleepers, Dining Cars, and Meals and Stateroom on Steamer, v. Write the ' GATTIS TOURIST AGENCY. - v Raleigh, N. C. :"v For itinerary and tuil details, , -- John T. West D, P. A, - S. A. L. Ry.Raleigh, N. C. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury js mercury ttriH surely Uoftroy the kbso ( Ul BIIIC11 amj TOIillIClOiJ UCl sua-; ins whole HysU'in when entering It through the mucous surftices. Hitch article should never tx. lined except on prescriptions from reputable physicians. o the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you ,nn possibly derive (rum them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. . J, (Mieney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, eel Ing Jlreetly upon the blood and mucona stir faces of th system. In buy Ins; Mall's Catarrh Cure be buti you Ret the acini ine. . It Is taken Internally and mad In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Ctk Tea- i ti mo hia Is tree. v Sold bv DnirTKtsts. Price 75c per bottla. I Take Hall's Family Pills for OMStlpaUoa. cz. Make the . rl- OarLadrBlaSerr tojew 9i pop c m r Pill AlJtltttt. DL'll L-hf'' Are(8blf PlrparallonfirAs slmilalui$ilsFooilaiitlReg!.'ta tingUtc StomaciB auLBowetsof n u ;.! ml IJinarnnl.iliK ttpillirr lOpiimi.Horpiunc nci'rifflral HOTABCOTIC. JtctitOliltSiMIiiWm JkHlrUf j.X. ! cJh ni.rrllW3 Worms JConvulsioits intrisir ncss andLOSSorauxr. latSanilc Si(jnnmrt of THE tEMTMIIt'CoMPArt NEW TUKIV, sJjESSlp GUSTOHIH Exact Copy of Wrapper. ndtnuanawn. .nnnnn. tr""-"" ' ''"' -"" "'J iJ.L",AlWiiL-MW'iCT1 THE MOii.Kw t TSE NIGHT V'Zi Go to your nearest gafla f ; int: tho dispenser will urdort ' ache without an aft. r eHY-c' . US ir-. 10c, 23e. 50' i!er. FLOWERS- Qnutions. Roses. Lillv of Villcv. in fern and Bkmiihig plants. Scholts The 306 N; TryonSt. Just received a large and well selected stock of Spectacles and y egasses for young- and old, come and W. Y. Lankfdrd, Office In Residence. Clothes That Make the Man For Strictly, Tailor-Made Clothes, the Biggest Bargains of the year, send for our cata logue and we know you will be a customer for fife. S Many styles,, and'- a large .variety of materials to select from, which "are : shown in our. new booklet. " ' ' , Write usat once and it will ' be forwarded to you.' . We, bring Smart, t .Correct Tailoring to your dooi. Dean's Clothes Shop , v", , Mailers Building, Chicago 0 KbJty Mmiiom Ymtr Local Paper . For Infants and Children. ' fi ' if?j .- II...- inB 'Mnu iuu ndu 1 Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years Violets. Orchids. Narcissus. Vnfelks "7 Florist Inc, - Charlotte, N. CT be fitted up. Optician, hinns Mtn. N C. v"""" Bears tho Jl. ' - - . 1.7 it E3 -.' ..:.'.., tiCE ' t li. C Philadelphia or St L in