i.ne Hing Lerald sivi Vol. II HrtMfMMj& For Social Service 'I lie North Carolina Confer- n:i! lor Social Service htm just held 11 grejit meeting In Ilalt'i 'h'. As h icsint of discussion of many matters alTe-ting the Sl- iltBwltnro tliivfollowiii- ri. (solutions worn adopted: , .Favoring the organization of I'nurch mill Social Service leagues in every Nurth Carolina city 'and town. ' .'. iMvoriiig a raiiipuig:i lo .tench crown-up peppie to read .ami wrilH'nb h'is been done m the now lamous Kentucky moon light s-cnools.. . Urging colleges to Ltlvr more ul.etition to econonuas. sociology iiinl the race probh'iii 4. Favoring co:nyul.Mry vac cination against both ' smallpox and typhoid fever. . - - - hinlor.sing a Civic Service week and urging. that community surveys he made all over tile State. - , (i. Favoring farm women '.; clubs, community social centers, ,ild the steady development of homogenouscommunities from the racial standpoint for the - .-butter support of ml soi;ial agencies. 7. Endorsm ; the uniform elnldN labor law, the fourteen year age limit with adequate inspection. 8. Endorsing' the iiioetei unn s to sentence.'. parole system, and wwntt jMiMiWf'M earnings to his 0.;.. Favonnjr State. wide ad option of tho. Guilford Coimtv Pablic Morals Law, making property owni'isrespgnstble who rent houses for immoral pur- 1 poses. ' ;....-' 10 Urging Legislature to , appoint House and Senate Coin Jul t-uea on Sou-ial welfare.- l 11 Favonnif a la w . to make " . cohabitation of the races a crime . Vitljn ouo i'sar Ihe : Con Terence has thrown to a member ; . ship of 'nearly 1000 of the foro most thinking, people in the I. State, It would seem that when I'j'lL such; an' organization .as this j .ri ajiree on snchasotef resolutions I I. rpDre.senunir the boiled down; " r.rystahzed ideas of the Confer ,')?' enoe on Social- Service ,work . "-needed' in tlicState, that these fM ideas, should -be given very senoils -consideration b tho public generally. ' - $175,000 to ' Foreign Mrs sions. The largest gift which has ever come to the board of foreign tnjsslonii of the MethodlstEpiSoo paPctiurch - lias just .'been: announced.- The. gift in jcasli'. and . unties amounts; to. 175,000 tojbo -permanently .invested in the mission work of. the board. The donoridesirss to remain un known ' ". - ': . :. . : Commenda thinn's Ffesiatnl Based cfti a personal trcqtiaint tdnce. of 'twenty-five ' years, -a missionary from Polling . has hio-lv nrasft for Yiifin Shi Kai. I i "reWjJ, " declares th6 mission: i ary.Wlat. Yuan-dissolved the .: Ctiine. legislature and the i district 'councils" simply as an ! initial fjtep .toward ? tlM defeat 1 of the rebel1, I think that he has n J desire whatsoever to re ' (Aablish the 'dynasty.' fais mc jtis . appear to have . heen crossly misinterpreted In this c:iuntryT Tlioroughly .- under stanchngf , the temper of the ; (;hise ieople, without doubt I. ,f, is well ,rjualilied to mim'ster JO their host idterestsi,' I - repai'd sa preat man and tin' able' UUdUHULUUfl . -Of 2Srt Ann.vcr,ary Vvest- Uuleigh, N. C, Feb ruary, 27, The A. Vi M. ('dlFeire is preparing to celebrate on the lirst three da vs of October the twenty-fifth iii.niveiMiry of tin. lirst opening of the College. A tentative program was adopted today lit a tii -t i n jr which ' vas held in the notice ol Governor ijuolf Craig, who is ixolhcio I L'hiiii'iiiHn of tlieA. it. M.Collegt of Trustee?, and at the head of tin" advisa i y c.jiiiinittee which is coopciiitni:: wilh thn cominittPe aC arriinjiomciits. In order to make the quarter ceiflenniul celebration a complete success, .efforts will be made -to have m connection with it re unions ol the twenty two classes which have so fur-graduated. There will also be so.-ial meet nigs, addresses bv some of the illNtmijuished-. men who took pa-rt in the. :for tiding of the College, nrtd other interesting teatures. The celebrntion irojier will take - placn on the inorning of October .Jrd. with the prin cipal aduress, but the other meetings w:ll not oo at all lack ing in interest. Guests who will lie held-i'i special honorthrongh- oii t the celebration will be th-su who took pa, t In the movement which resulted in the founding of tho College. ,Arrangetnent for the anniver sary -celebration have been underlaken by thi'ee committees. The committee of arrangements includes Professor V. A. rthers Chairman,.' Piofessorn V. . .11. Brown, H. 10. Sattertlehl, and M. E. Sherwm, and Director C. 14. Williams off tho North Caro liui),- ExpePHnient- Station. Tie inemhers of the advisory com mittee are Governor Lock Craig. Chairman;. Dr. ,T. . Joyner, Snpt. of Public Instruction; Major W. A. Graham, com missioner of Agriculture; Mayor .7. I. - Johnson of Kaleigh.-and J. C. Druwry, Pres., of . ttie Raleigh Chamber-of Commerce;. Tne alumni .committee ' which will seek to make the alumni re unions, success includes Mr. J.-A. Park; publisher of . the Dailj Times, . .Chairman; and Messrs. It. H. Marritt, Walter CJaik, JiTj E J3 Cul'),etb, arid . S, Bowler, all of Raleigh, . Tho committees hae mapped out the 'following programme: TlIUliSDAY '-EVENtNH, 'OCl'O- ' , BEll 1st. ' Smoker -In . the i Dining Hall. ' PKIDAY,-- OCTOBER '2nd: .' 1 9.00 a.- m. Classtrieeting for each of the twenty t.vo classes. - lt):0 a. m. TechniqaL & Literary society meetings. 12:(X): m. Alumni 'Association meeting. : - - x , 1 :i0 i), in, Alumnf:-dinner. 4:0t p.. m. ?.Iilitary drill by A. & M College battalion. ' i 5:00 p. m. Tea by the ladies. of the . Faculty, complimentary, to the visrtinip. ladies: .. t):0O p. m. P'aculty reunion and addresses by members of former faculties. 9:30 p. m. . Faculty Rocepiion. SATURDAY, OGTOBEK 3rd V 10:30 4. uu Tft-enty-fifth anniver sary celebration, presided over by Governor, Grat.;, Siwuitars to bef .onnotiuced later. Greetings from varioi;s-colleges and nni -versitics. Concluding address by President Hill. . v - . r 4 00 p, m. Football pame' " - . (.. Geo. Surnmey, .fr i Kings Mountain, N. rTORreSSWe ASSOtM HOB WI! I Art in mi Al1 : ,.UM.UjJJ 11U ! . j j S-!r.:f-nonthIy Keeling Held Monday ' " Members L io! iuj Tin- Progr-ssive Association will occupy the ijuarters recent ly vacated by the Commerci.fl Club in tlie First National Bank building. The Club has been dissol-ed aiid the regular seini-1 ton was not present, til' .-ie-,y of monthly meeting of tl.eProgres j lliese facts, a'coinmitt;-:; i-jnsi-si ve Association niei in tlieClub of 1'residen: l. Iv Hern-lob m! rooms Monday night and votedi Mayor Clino was appointed Mom unanimously in favor of the . day night to coiifer with Mr. quarters. ' The rooiris nresnffici-: Babbington in rer.'irl to ! en ly large and well suited to telephone sit'iatlou. the needs of the Association and The Ci.imi rc-ial Chi!-. j. the lo -ntiotls ideu.1 being at a;)lvwl, offered for sr. I. to t,'i, L-entral point. ' A nifCtinjt was arranged for last Thursday night of the ex- ecutive committee oT the Pro!,1'11'!0" was appbi.iuled to look , gressives which the city council were to attend as guests and Mr Iv. IJ. Hiibbiugton of Gastonia, manager of the local telephone system to be present. The object of tin; meeting in the main was The Southern Kelps. I aslnrigton, D. C. Feliruar'-j .North l.'ni'olina is receiving I ttx full share ol exploitation ami advertising- through the-work) of the Southern Kaiiwav' "Coin .v; i any for the it tl ruction of .settlers) to the South as is shown in thei following item appeanni; in ajaie pubh.s.'ipd aftljer crcors in recent, issue of the . -Ijmdon.iB-an-irlar am! spelling imve beer, Kaglantl, ('olonizc.r,'' 11 journab oorreijted tr..r to u a te these mr- 01 large circulation among liisti among just the class .of citiaens-of Grout Britain as are desired for settlors Uead.it and nntuie how n NiM'tlLCaroUflaanillhtrSnnTlin'foitls TmTuoi'. NOUTIl CAl'J.ONIA IX IjOXDOXI'I . The. European office of the Southern Railway Co-'s (U.S.A.)! Land Department, w hich is now situated at Whitehall House. .L'!) and 30 Charing Cross, London. S. W,,. a lew dobrs south of Trafalgar Square,- has just in stalled .a:n -exhibit of products from the State ot North Carolina Which will show anyone who cajes to call and see this exhibit just what. .North Qarolinr is doing in market-gard ining, ect. It mav interest Colonize 'ead. ers to know that tho exhibit now on Iveo view dailv at the aboe-inentioned address, 'comes from tho Baltmore Estate,- near Asheville, North Carolina, which extensive estate is owned bygone of the younger members of the Vandorbilt familwjof America. The exhibit attracted a good deal sf attention (luring tne State fair held .last autnnl 111 North Carolina, and it compares favourably - with exhibltsyfrom other parts of the world to be seen in London.. TheTiuropean agent of the So'tithern Railway Co. 'a Land Department, .who-, is an .Ameri can, will be pleased to show this exibit to anyone who favours him with a call, and give them printed and verbal information about .North Carolina and the ot'. er States of the ,Amercan Union traversed by the Sotbern Railway system. -The Depart ment publishes a freeil ustrated magazine called "the '"Southern Field,", nnd other literature, copied bt any of which are sent free and oost paid to anyone re-i' questing theni. .Tliose who can not call to see the exhibit at the iibove-mentioned -address should write for Southern railway ht- 0., .Thursday, March i2. Alnli Annrl.u 1IUU Jlidi UH b NightMuch Eiitfusia to the Common troc, for enei':.)- cwifereuci Wild II v'rew to jmffing 1.!, service on a more 'telephone itlsfactorv ! and equitable- Iruiis.- Due to si "k ies in his family Mr. I 'Progressives some..-, f;-rn:ti;r. which it Ik.iI uot yet dis;j-s- .! of in the 'cluu roome and n o n- 'atier uie.mrruMHii;; proposition The Progressiva Association is beginni'i.t to be Mt. alr' .d.v in a business wuy. livery mt m nor fieeihs to "be- looiiin;.c ahead to ebneieye o'' some public i:.j provemcnt withi.i :u- Ivu. ii A Countri' fchepper- The followiuir is coinuoseii oi ('-V:ei pts tau-en from -onvs:ion:J ell('fi i-ecent'.v received at t ie Horald ollicc. d twi8iJiiiuiduil to puW'eauon in i,il- init as it is rather lenplhy tn(i minor parts i'o omit some. ,);ten iiiticl Vrections . luKre wold -spoil the: i.etions h.ie wo 1 K'hcantiyof .thoVitie tsle. 10-4 ' J'-dPor it yoil e ver il; in ye time an room 111 your nice paner - (,u .voud print a few marks I1 intend to rite :ase m.Vf I (enlling the .iamc of husband) l'.Ys 1 neejlent tluriki 1 (aot lai n ing-to rite too tlie puhlielc lie says wimnien sliud not talir in pubhek and riling would be same bo-say,, the - Bible say. .wimmen to keep silent an 'ax"their hus bands, lfHhe'v- want to "no any tirtg. : 1 never told him but- that is just the reason some wnnmeii fojks dijnt no. no, moren- they doe. ' 1 - . . iAyant.to tell de readers of dis good paper -bout ie an --- -(her husband) gwine to ,ffim MojintaiD d odder day 1 no tie thotit we were just gom down there in a hurj-.y to sell our little produce and right back bilt no i dont get to town- ofen an 1 set my. lied. on- gojn.,to .eber store. AVe sold our .stuff and started ou1 round 1 no thought I wood by my- right then in the first store .we went 111. ,1 had-my plan ready foxt. 1 made to him they didntsmt me. an so an we went. . you see Kings Mountain is is buildiui up. no many new stores. 1 can member when 1 was a gal little one at that there was not but 2 or i stores there but Kings Mountain had a good foundation uch as Carpenter Brothers,. Mauney Brothers, but .them stores then was wooden buildings 1 took a look while go ing round down to tho old Dr. Tracy place an- how i thout of them good Dr..an good wif, yeaiitg nnnonnceiiient which will lasy good wifo when a country (Continued on last. page) instpnctive to those who wiSh to know about a" desc-'abia part ot the ueited Stati-s, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mis- re-PBnered and eve'-ytl !- - - 1 t'v. O'-io pitTilf - ' ' ' HH 2. 1 jiAIII MhMi M I r.-oiact Ct M-a: ii.V ;i! ; (ia:'t!e:i v, : orders for ' IllUsil' to li i i'. coij'.es forilers it -1 ,cai'ie i!inib:;li suit -.!' iv v : I r.i ve of ! lie ol lienid wlieii r! lirst hunched. e Oio v:. c. ii t;, i 'i' i I'i'l. illd ' I a lev; oi ' ol ti,- l : :t'.- l.e- 11 U ill, II he W;.. J was in !) I' ll ie w lien ."ii ia'sn: In-. Il'i!!u...r He I.', e. :i III, a vaiie.it t; .Will y !' icl'"-,- W (r-l ' ' !!! sa.vs "I w n.vlh mi? tlli'OU 'il Whli.'!'. : ('i ..-I i 1 Mr. I i ant three lo cat. l:i y wit !n ;i! aiul went thi i I tie of Hint tmooga." " wl:e,i he re sword i'ri.iin Yes I saw GrantM'1' " WL' s'-,0!' eouviueed h:ic use I to take the- mi' ',,''n"fy Mountain was tin the IniUil of (Ian. ieoming Ii il of the Piedim-i! e.l Mr. Dnlli'ii ler. ' ,sl l:''u" and tli.'it. it, was eou iDg inn nearly 71 vein's so 'dx 'i,t it was about h -re tlei: I ar .Mr. II oitl Jin the c aiul s;i n nlteic i his cperit VS ? T:5: t7i eiee; Hill. I iresh with of the J' 2!'ii 1 it agiii sixt, n tljeir da nr. They. l,rit:,.-.v ;n ''sluu nni! 1 cn ii. iw-reti j ' I i,n t t j.,,,,, l Kevsj?i-er aw,'. 3ews!,n.;)er ieu4ei iT'lJ i.ra'erstiMiil i : iVA suiis - ah 1 ions, jleeisions ot tho Few 1 MTle7 .. ,. 1 . I govern 1 , , ii.-lOU .are the Decision. of 'tho United taU sun th.y-.siihjevt: hiibscriijei's wtio do not .',!Vf a r. re leroi-e-.s ntitir'e to I in .-nn' 1 .'.-'. , . are considered as wishinir U. new their subscription. ". . If tho siihscri'wr.s order a dis iconiianee of tfieir oeriodicals the puolisher may continue to send tlieiii. until all dus, are paid. If. the-. -subscriber refuses to take periodicals from the post office to which they are directed he. is responsible until he lias settled his '.bill-ami Ordered f, paper discontinued.'' It subscriber move to olncr places without informing the publishers; nnd .'the"' papers 'are sent to the .former-, address, the subscriber is held responsible The courts have held that re fusing to take iHiriooicals from the poMtofbce. or removim? and leaving i them lincalled for; is priuia-lame evidence of intention to defraud. . . If Mibscnbcrs ay in advance they arts bound to give notice. at tho end of-the tune, if they do not wish to continue Inking it, or otherwise the publisher is au thorized to send it and the sub scriber will be -responsible until express notice with payment of all arrearage is sent to the publisher.-- .' ' - '' ' " : . v Mrs. Ihslop Is Back. Mrs. M. P. Hisloi) has returned from the Northern markets with an up-to-date line of millinery. Watch tlie Horald for her- open appear at an orly date. Mrs, Hislop looks as if she is much the better for hor season of rest and recreatihn, Her goods are already arnying- and amny 'of prettva things aro on display. Her landlady has had ber store .o. s f V Li a A J.'cv. 5 and !0 Cent Store :;! til 'i lit : toi'.' com ie matte' I ei'.'. The . I-; -t n -: 1 . ; i m ftii. i'o;up;ii il low Li.. 'ell a store it . '1 .launch if .' e promoters ' lew days Hg it i it'll. Ilij in u he I'oiild se He; so e-ooe ' v: : ! ;.. a sit;; ;co:iu-s. ( in t'l" eo.np.ii, i , v. , Pi . 'Al -. W I: !ll wh was l.i" town if a : tpt-a ra i!cc of I hings ' ' iel'n:.; 1 lie ijijj vacant lo' I lot. ll" (( ale.l that, the popll: !.. w,i insiiflicit'iit anil that, jli.eri; wr.s' not enoii;li lift; in tie ;l r.vn. ri,he llerald man manage ,' '-'"' "' I1"' I f 'em" a fie- !. . I.atl g'dli'ii clear awa.V llllo 8;, I oilier tov.ii siitl signet! him do it: i for a ell-it. WV iiointed out tl.. : '-he to .vii di.l not show up jiirsl sigiit lor i s full value, htii' 't-ctt tilings wereou the boil !c :'. ! !"'W as tn-' like of Which in (seldom m-cs. When we told hi;;, 'of the population of Mm; ,1'ivnlio iaugheil right in o p " " "V imisiiyu jl pn i:iieiit the gutitleman w jmjXiUd i.tha,t-dterexpe;a-ai. iie would re-considei . tvn and lilhtlly said that he . clad Hint he wtruld initio' lit. That vacant lot hit. 1 7 : lot'.n a blow that time. Anion)! The Sandlappcrs, J ll'ol t, ( Pui-ofl'.!! e 1 Mount i n'lLiriih s in i.m icily Mont ly on business I 11a 1 was bruohel Pago s lirs'.. v;si lo South Carolina but lie iie did not get enough t.i his -heels in the Mountain to bun 1:1 tne sand down lr v.hcrokeu News Giitfnev. The Real Religion. "Our country 'thought (..onfnciaiiisn was the foni. ol a nation. After the - incnt hangi.'d to a repu r knew that Contuciauisin t lit, in witn ropubhu Men. the hign classes began v" i.j-jij i'ii " boai ' US GO 1' W to hr men iigion. nevting. I our. .gospel. -and despi more, .now is the tune 10 open wide the door f want to find the real -rt 11 Whenever there.' is a me men till the place, for this re For l is reason, wo huili a. and in it can sit more thai men. We have had fiye mo(tiiL's this year and niei son tent, . ,' tent .-f feet s are reat. All the '-hurt hes are too' small to Bccoiiimodiitii tne attendance. If wo ctn bmiti churches in all the great, ctiies, wo cannot imagine now pros perous it will be 111 Inn fipiiiv for the whole nation moics . ro ward Christianity. Let; us ivi' lose the opportunit es." - 1 sa Sub 'lsz SliHiighai, Cioni. '"What about tlrl b'tyts school"-, interrogated .a !'aihruj citizen of the noser' bc rthr the other day. '"Tl.tii-. - ivor.id certainly be a good t." w tor .h. town it we can just .nie.it".'" h continued GenUeu.'ti letV'Mst: our cip for that. Wh-:.c f.yr.v sty? , ' . If everybody hojit in line and puli together sufl . pull in th right airecMoti thia izood old town" would p-tn b m higher - plain than yon v-v thought possihlo. , V - .

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