The Kings M ountain Her Vol. 11 Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, April 2, 1914. No. 10 SATURDAY IS THE BIG DAY aid Well, They Are Off Now Sure List of Contestants in The Herald's Contest . . Printed Today. ATLANTA BIBLE CONFERENCE- 2i 11 Cointy Commencement In Shelby. Judging from the interest be ing taken m all the contests our Commencement this year is go ing to be worth while. Frjm all parts of the county reports come in of schools planning to take part in the different contests. It now looks as if Cleveland is going to.set the pace in a school rally day. Ami why 'should we not give the ehrilden one. day in the year that they can call their own and meet their fellow students from all over the coun ty.. i : The Parade This is one feature that! all can join in and enjoy.. We Program For County Commencement April 4th. 10.00 A. M. Parade. ' - 1 1 00 A. M. Address by Dr. Joyner at school auditorium. 12:00 A. M. Awarding Essay Medals by Dr. W. E. Abernathey. 12:15 1', M. Awarding Diplomas by Dr. Joyner. 1 1 r00 12:iX) Hand Concert on Court-square. 1:00 P. M. 7th Grade Declaimer's Contest at School Auditorium. 1:00 P. M. High School Declaimer's Contest at Court ,. . house. . ,' - Woqo r m. . Athletic Contests around Court-square. IhgS'Moii) p, m. Ball Game between Piedmont and Shelby. ichool lunjo a. M. 6:00 P. M. School Exhibits in Court-house. will have one of the best bands in the state and even some of the parents will enjoy this fea-: ture. Tho band will bo in the parade in fact it will lead the pHrade. We wilt form in line be tween tho Baptist church and the overhead bridge, march around the Courtsquare, back to the Graded school building. The lines will break on the school grounds and all who wish can go into the auditorium for Dr. Joy ner's speech, and all who do not do not wish to hear Dr Joyner can go to the Cortsqi re for the band concert. .-: At The Aoditorium v. At Tip .Tnirnor. vW bicvcu will make the speech of the day. After his address essay medals will be awarded by Dr. W. E. Abernethey. Dr. Joyner will then deliver the 7th grade di plomas. -In the Courthouse and Auditorium At one o'clock, In the school WV.JtW ....ft... ' . 'life Sunday night at 11:30 March. . 29th 1914 at the home of his son J. A. Wright of Kings Mountain. - - Mr Wright was born in Cleveland ', County in the Patterson Springs ' section September 11. 1845 be--,' .ing nearly 70 fears old when the' ' death angel called, About a year '' ago he suffered a stroke of para lysis from which he never fully f recovered. He had been able to c - . . . .. 1 . .. .-- m v A,iu;ip ana aooui me nuuse 101 Jfi some time before his death and T Ij'was on. visit to bis son ,. here YY when about two weeks ago he 'suffered a second Btroke of para '' , lysi to which he succumbed Sunday night. He made his home . ' principally with his daughur. - Mrs, ' Alice Allen but visited x among his other children when V-. he was able. 1 . vj ', r, v. . 1 . Mr. - Wright was a lifelong citizen of Cleveland County and H'V was known and .," loved ' by a broader circle of .friends than " !' many of us can hope to ever " have. He "was known for his- de auditorium one boy from each township wiHoontest for the 7th grade declaimer's medaj; while the high school boys will contest at the same time in the Court house for the high t..)ool de claimer's medal. Athletics. Beginning at 2:30 some, of the most interesting athletic- stunts will take place around the Oojrt square und on main street. Judg ing from the preparation the boys are making all the races and ' jumping contests will be even better than they were last year. : School Exhibits. All school exhibits will be placed in the halls of the Court house ami can be seen at any time during the day. It will be well for all school committeemen and all people interested in schools to see all the exhibits. This should give you an idea what your school should accomp lish in the different ' subjects taught. I urge al! patrons and teachers as well as the children to took first and last at , the ex hibits, -'' .; Base Ball. All lovers of baseball will have the opportunity of seeing best teams (Piedmont . . .. v . ;(ind snei,y ,n tne county cross bats at the ball park at 4 p. m. J In conclusion let me urge you to give your children a day off a ,day that will be 4 genuine children's day. You expect them to be gooa field hands for the next four months, and it is cer tainly due them to be in this oig rally. votion to his family, his business integrity and christian character. He was one of the old Fathers in Israel to whom thei younger heads could well look for counsel and example. ' Mr. Wright was twice marrid, first to Miss Martha Dillard who lived less than a year after the marriage. Later he was, married to Miss Arvia Zeha -Hardm... To this union , were born seven chil dren two of whom preceded him to the grave'! the wife dying also flifteea years ago. The .surviving children are; Charlie, J. G., J. A. and W. J. Wright and Mrs. Alice Allen all Cleveland County. Messrs W.' J. ann J. A, being propietorsof the Leading Barber Shop here. Y . The body of the deceased was laid to rest in the Patterson Spnngs cemetery Tuesday after noon at 1 o'clock. The Funeral was . preached by Rev, J. L. Suttle of Shelby in Patterson Springs Bantist church of which the deceased had been a con sistent member practically all his life. ' 'Booster Period" Begins Today and Those Who Have Been Thinking of Er. tering the Contest for One of the Prizes Should Send in Their Name Today Is your name oh" the list? Is your friend or Relative in Face? "Well they're off". The first list of candidates in the Her ald's Great voting contest is published today. Everybody was anxious to know who tho candidates are. Now it behooves the candidates to make the bust of the few short weeks they have to win these valuable prizes. It is not too late for new candidates. Below we publish the names of the contestants nominated to date, all of them have votes to their credit and many are already actively at work. Look the list over, if your name or the name of your best friend does not appear cutout the nomination coupon ana send same to the Contest Manager by return mail. KUW Is THE TIME TO ENTER THE RACE. Next week we will publish the standing of contestants as per at six p ui, Tuesday March 01st. - LIST OK CONTESTANTS. KINGS MOUNTAIN Miss Gertie Ford Miss Cornie Huffstctler Miss Florence Garrett Miss Eula Ixmg ...-. Miss Donnie Navry Miss Ethel Davidson Lindsay Miss Hattie Jenkins Miss Cornelia Floyd Mr. C. P. Gardner Miss Lizzie Stockton.. Miss Ainio Hurley . KINGS MOUNTAIN R. F. D. No. 1. Miss Lillio Ormand ...... Mrs. Leo Beattie.... KINGS MOUNTAIN It. F. D. NO. Miss Emmett Ilerndon Miss Ethel Blahvk Miss Cora Ellis..... Miss Mattie Ware . . - KINGS MOUNTAIN R. P. D. NO. 4. Miss Minrie Dixon.. KINGS MOUNTAIN It. F. D. NO. Miss Lucile Poston... Miss Mary Patterson. Miss Eunice Hambright.... GASTONIA, N. C. Miss Mary Elliotts Miss Maggie Dalton,... Miss Flossie Howell.... Mrs. Edith Massagee---Miss Earlie Griffin..... BESSEMER Miss Tessie Hastings.....: . Miss Zoe Ormand SHELBY, N. C. Miss Marrie Harrelson. Miss Annie Carpenter.. LAUNDALE, N. C. WACO, N. C. Mrs. Frank Elam. Miss Gadie Beam. Miss Lula Hord--- Falston, Mr. Gattys Hoyle. CHERRYVILLE, N. C. Miss Gladys Beam. Miss Pearl Houser. McADEVILLE, N.,0. Miss Lois Wright. Mr. Webb. CLOVER. S. C. Miss Berrio Stacey.... Miss Jennie Falls. ...... . .1 Miss Margarett McCarter : ' CHEROKEE FALLS, S. C. Miss Regina Falls. ..... i... .1 ... ;. "BOOSTER PERIOD" Today is the beginning of "Booster Period" in the Herald's Prize Contest, which means that friends of the condidates in the great race can boost for their favorite by paying one or two years subscriptions and secure for thex more votes now than at any other time in the contest ; . ', , Booster Period means that it is POSITIVELY the best per iod in the contest for readers of The Herald to pay their subscrip tions and "Boost" their favorite. From this it will be seen that it is to the advantage of-every candidate to insist upon their 'fri ends giving them a two year subscription 01 more NOW, 'while it counts so muchV; Remember that "Booster Period"7 ends Satur day, April 2ath, and that never again during the entire contest will so many-rates be given on a single subscription. . :" , - Remember that during ''Booster Period" all subscriptions to The Herald will count more votes than at any other time. Below is given the scale of votes that will prevail during Booster -Period for.subscriptions to The Herald. .:. ' - (Continued on Editoral Page) ' - . r the votes found to their credit CITY, N- C- N. C, Continued From Last Issue. Dr. Russell H. Cohwell. pas- tor of a large institutional Pup- 'own partieulardenoimnation but tist church in Philadelphia, he will also come away with a made two addresses. One of these stronger feeling of brotherly was on Garibaldi, Italy's Wash! love and charity. The openess ington. He spoke of him as tin I of the body of Christ impresses example of faith. Dr. Conwell j him forcibly. If lie can see at all knew Garibaldi personally, j he will recognize the fact that While correspondent for the New j there are some other travellers York Tribune Horace G reel" had sent him to France to interview Aribaldi. If any of the young people want some interesting reading let them get a hlsto-y of this remarkable man. Time fails me to mention all of the speakers. Several were from nearer home. Among them were Dr. Potreat of Furinan University and Dr. Geo. Ii. Stuart of Knoxville, Tenn. These men brought messages that will not be forgotten soon. Such conferences as these are of great benefit to Christian workers. It does ono good to get out and see how another man is doing tho same kind of work that he is doing. It is a little dif licult, however, for one to get his, bearings. .When he hears one man he arrives at the conclusion that he will stay in his study and learn the scriptures and go to the church and teach the people. When he hears another he do - cides that he will get out and fish for men. The only thing thata pastor can do is to try to do both. One delightful feature is the spirit of Christian Unity that prevades all hearts. It is just possible that one may come a- Mr. Miller Annonuees Himself, . 1 lo the Editor of the Herald. In response to many inquiries about my candidacy for re-elee Hon as representative to tho next General Assembly. 1 will state that if the nomination is tendered ' to me through the Democratic primary, I will ac cept. Having assisted in ' framing the ten Constitutional Amend ments, I shall ' consider it my duty should I be nominated to advocate their general election. Should these amendments be ratified, the next legislature Will be given the Aery important and responsible' task of providing propor interpretation direction and application of its enlarged discretionery powers. The amendment on : Revenue and Taxation as well as the one restricting local legislation, and some other amendments possibly ! less important, will require thel "wo Special Seizes To the first contestant residing inside the corporate limits of Kings Mountain, East Kings Mountain, bring ing in the first twenty-five dollars, in subscriptions, we will give one Standard gold watch, 'ladies size. . - ' ' Also the first contestant residing outside the corpor ate limits of Kings Mountain, East Kings Mountain, ' bringing or sending in the first twenty -five dollars in sub A scriptions, we will give one Staadared gold watch, ladies 8ize- ; y y . It is not necessary to bring in the entire $25in sub scriptions at one time! Yon can bring In one -or two a day if you like. We will keep a record of it. If any of the contestants have turned in the specified amount by - April 9th, the winners of the watches will be announced ' in that issue of the paper. No announcements will be ; made as to who the winners are until Thursday, April 9th The watches are now on display at the Jewerly store of : W., O. Ruddock. Call and see them right away, and be he first person to win a watch. -i . way u stronger believer in his the heavenly road than those ot his denominational brand. Dr. Morgan expresses it when he .says that it is unanimity, not uniformity, .that we want. There, was a little pleasantry one morn ing after we had been led in prayer by a1'. minister who had been introduced by Or. Dickey as one of the Lutheran pastors of the city. Dr. Morgan said there seemed to be some curisioly acoiit what denomination may happen to claim the different ones who appear. "Now Dr. Dickey knows," said he, "that my brother who led us in prayer is not a Lutheran but a member cvf the Catholic (not Roman) Church to which we all belong. " Thus lie voiced the sentiment of those in attendance, These conferences stand for j the fundamentals of our faith, I They are an answer to the I antichrists who ari disseminating 1 their heretical teachings in so inany ways. They are . iers and dykes are sorely needed in our country to-day. Romanism, so-called Christian Science, Mormonism, - Russellism , these and many others are enemies of thp cross of Christ. ' (J. L. Kerr if 1 services of those who have given 1 these subjects careful study, in order to promote social political and economic justice to every class. . . . Very much has been nccomlish cd through Democratic legislat ion, inspired by the vision of the "New and greater freedom;" but much more remains to be done through progressive legislation to bring about fully the crown ing day of the average man, ami a greater social, civic and eco- ' nomic justice for all people and the building of a greater State. Whatever unselfish devotion to to duty and fidelity to the trust imposed may be found in my re- COrd of public service. Whatever posi tion leadership accorded me, whatever degree of statesman, ship attained, and whatever help ful legislation I may have aided iti securing, let these serve as a pledge for my future endeavors. R. B. MILLER.

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