' - r- - ' tvt" - - -- r : . omit am 1 j Id iera S 1VI "T .JBT The King BaptisSine ConiingACrown ng Event l Sunday School At Home Again The' Home-coming of the Bap. iist Sunday School to their new Sunday School room in the base ment o! the ne Baptist church here Sunday was a crowning suc cess, The -spacious apartment was well nigh1 filled to its capac " ity and' everybody senm'ed to be happy that the Sunday School was at home again. The regular" lessons were dis punsed With and responses were given by the Various classes in turn as the numbers-Were called Impromptu speeches were called . 1nr but evervbodv seemed too l'lappy to make speeches.. Mr. D'. F. H'ord, chairman of the hnildincr committee, in response a call by Snperin'tenuent Floyd spoke interestingly of the pro- : tress of the work and his ex delicht at beinsr in the Aew home. " Mrs. L. H.' Langstoh Of Spart-' anburg, S. C. was present and was called upon' to tell some : thine of the primary work which she has in the Sunday school of the First Baptist church of her ' city. ' Her' talk was able and Dointod evincing the fact that tWepeafcer was -well uersed in r the work of her department and that her whole soul was with the t25 Utile' children which she teaches every Sunday. - Mr. J. L. Hemdoh of-Orovei1 also made a splendid - talk on Baraca work and congratulated the Sunday school on tta new and Splendid' quarters. Pastor J. B, Miller was at his best and at eleven o'clock preach ed a most powerful, sermon on "God's Household' " The regular preaching ser- in. I irAViD''ttufits . will be ' hil i in die vviaduy school room until' thu.' ctnrch auditorium is n .iohuH' uriiinh will bd only a short time ' ' Resolutions of Thanks. Whereas, the trustees of the Mountain (traded school have accor'ded ns tho use of the jf, !iool buildinar tor the past nine ' months while our new SISnuay School rooms were under way -i.f c :wtruetibh and -this action on Uw part of the trustees of the aforesaid school has met the a;;jrnval of the" people of the - ; ' . . " i that it has afforded . . . i . uiare bo' hold the ;, v- mi-': Sunday school, oo it resolved: ; ; .' First',' that we tender a"- vote - ot thanks' to'the trustees' .of the 'school and to thfe citizens' of the - town for the use Of the building. Second,' that a- Copy 6t these resolutions bd published in The Kino Mountain Herald' and a Marked' copy be' sent to each - -. .arrihaj fit thin said board of t UlvlU VJS -w-- " trustees. " r UjFletcher HbrdJ1 , g: S. Welr',' ' vasaAfG: Gi Page,' Coin. & Near Accident.' Sir.' Oliver1 Bays was. knocked : spTawllBg Sk'turday- afternoon' a he walked against the reaf fena- f .n antnmnhiln which -Was Ci KJt- l ; , :i , ! being driven down. Mountain i u- IL- Pan! Noisier. Mr. Hays had stepped from the reaf ' of a wagon ahd nbt noticing very closely waiuea rignu aRainsi muauaa machine. No -damage MR. PRESTON ; " s ' - Sets Forth Some Things. ' To the Democratic Voters of the Ninth District! The voters have a right to know what a condida.te stands for. The best method of reaching the people is a discussion of the issue. I will herefore be glad to meet Mr. Webb in debate at such times and places in this district as mav be agreed upon. Several papers, notably the Republican or near-Republican paper. I ne Greensboro Daily News, through its Washington correspondent has redlculed and attacked my candidacy aeainst Mr. Webb, whom it constantly , boosts and I feel it only right that I should make a statement at this time. The renomination on Monday nt f niavton of Alabama to take his seat again, next year, removes atfy chance Mr. Webb micht have have had of becoming chairman of the Judiciary Com mittee durinz this Admintstra Hon. Mr. Webb's mere member, shin this Lawyers' Committee does not benefit this district in any material way. Hundreds of Democrats inter ested in a more vigorous fight tn nna:rnrt.ive legislation for our section have requested me tr. Wnma a candidate for Uon- irroe The following are some of the &bre important measures which I will advocate; V RURAL CUEPITS. ' " Fnr some, years I have been connected' with organizations favorable to rural credit assoa- tions which have proved such a blessing to the farmers of other Nations. If elected I , will do all in my power to carry out the which those who have studied this subject and I my self think advisable for Federal aid to' those associations, and will be glad to give my views on this question in detail, to any voter or organization that 'will communicate with me in Char lotte. '-v-V-;;.-!.' . FREIGHT RAT$9 1 ' . With manv others I have been workiuK since 1907 for just inter state freight rates. If elected I will advocate a . congressional investigation of the rata making monopoly fiejieved to exist somewhat sjmilar to the inves tication proposed for South Caro lina rates upon coal. At least one North Carolina Congressman, ac cording to press reports hw been working for his constituents along these lines. , IMMIGRATION : 11 elpcted I shall work for utriffor immiirration laws, so that only tho desireable -for eigners may be allowed to come upon cur shores. ' GOOD ROADS This old Kings Mountain Dis triot of North Carolina, the birth nlace of fceedom. has recieved practically nothing - recentl.- from Federal appropriations ana krtMaM. thA 'mnnnment is IVCrouw. " ' " " '. in South Pftrolito.' We should not onry get our part 01 tne roan money -under the , shackleford i 11' I 1 . n lin i.n AatAKliaVlM) OIL!.. UUV .Illy tailW"u"i.- k system pi Government roads to and from fcroverament property in western wortn ' uaronne con-nkoHni.-th Ktata hicrhwavs, UWMUgi D " Man, wnii-iiiformea men oeneve that it is entirely possible to do thi ' PI7RIJO SCHOOLS AND BDtTOATION Our1 pdblid school system nhtiM Via Irartt . nnm In itA de volion to Americiari and Christ ian ideals Next to the preachers nhvkl tiaohera havft had Kings Moijntain, N. C, PROGRAM Graded School Closing. The rt'L'ular work'cT the grad ed school will close May the 1st. The following is tho coniaiim- ceinont program: Friday night. May 1st Declam ation conti'st. Saturday night the"i)la'alley"Tai;m,'' will be rendered by members of the high Hchool. Sunday morning at 11:30 liev. Geo. H. Atkinson of A lbermarle, N, C. will preach the sermon. Monday night there will be a Recitation contest, Tuesday night the graduating exercises will take place, followed by the Literary address which will be delivered by Prof. M, H. Stacy, Dean of the Uniersity of North Carolina. ' - i Dean Stacy Coming. Let us congratulate the people of Kings Mountain and especial- j lv the graded school on securing the services of Dr. M. H. Stacy, Dean of the University of North Carolina, to deliver the commen cement address here in May. It will be a treat for everybody who i so fortunate as to hear Mr. Stacy's address. He is eas ily ranked among .the state's vry best speakers. While his fipeeches are full of wit and hum or throughout they are rich and thought provoking. Let us all look forward with great interest to the commencement address by Dr. Stacy. Farmert ; Union The Cleveland County Farmers Union will meet in Shelby Thursday April 2?. All locals are expected to be represent ed. : '. " Winners in County , Commencement. Shelby won first place in parade, Waco second, Grov erthird and Lawndale fourth. Seventh grade essay medal given by L. L. Sloop was ' The two medals given by Rowe-Petterson by Miss Ruth Moore and Mr. Max Hamricit. Hlah school declaimers' medal given by tiohal Bank was wpn by Jeff Moore. . 7th grade declaimers' medal given by Dr. S, S ster was won by Max tiamrictc. , . High school essay medal given by B, H. DePnest was won by Alma Wilson. Prize given by J. G. Dudley for best made apron was won by Ethel Austell Miss Margaret Elliot won blue ribbon for best embroidery. Miss Lola Conner won bine ribbon for best crochet Mies Beatrice Newman won blue ribbon for' best totting- Claud McCraw won first prize given by C- T. Hord for best made axe-handle. Shelby won the prizes given by J. Y. Irvin, O. E. ForcTaod Shelby National Bank for best school exhibits in primary, intermediate and high school separ.tments. . ATHLETICS, ; , ; 100 yd. dashi $1.00 Riven by Wray-Nix was won by " Lester McEntire. Sweater given by W. B. Nix was won by Clyde Hawkins for 440 yd. dash, ..One mile race, fountain pen given by H. E. Kendall was won by Vance i price. r ' '"''' - Silver cup'giveri' by T. W. Hamrick for. relay race - was won by Shelby. : , , , $2 given by D. D. Wilkins for 100 yd dash was won by Austell Bettys. $3 given by F. L: Hoyle for 440 yd. dash was won by B. Austell. J2 given by J. J. Lattimore for one mile race was won by Mr. McGinnis. ' Relay pendant given by R. E. Carpenter was won by Earl School. ' - v Base ball glove given by Paul Webb for running high jump was won by Gillispi of Boiling Springs ; Prize given by R. E. Campbell for running broad r jump was won by McEntire of Boiling Springs. , . $1 given by J. L. Lackey for starrding high jumpVas, won by McEntire and Gillispie of Boiling Springs. ; $1 given by W. B, Palmer Sons for standing" broad jump was won by Gillispie of Boiling Springs". By winning the most points in athletic contests; boiling Springs won the big pennant given by Jl Y. Irvin. - ' ' , . . - ' Piedmont won tho ball same from Shelby 5 to 4. ; Thursday, April 16, 1914. BOYS' SCHOOLlREY. BRAGAW To Be Located at Linwood. That tho Boys Boarding school for which Kings Mountain worK-M, ed ho hard will be built at Lin-W wood College has been decided.! That is of course th nxt besti place to Kincs Mountain for then school it being only a few miles; out. As secretary of the committees on solicitation for the school the( editor of the Herald wishes torn thank the people of our goodj. town on the genuine support they gave us in the campaigns and to congratulate the town on getting it so close by. m ' . ' ; ), Lindsay Elected Chief. At a special session of the cityj. council Monday night Policeman' B. F. Lindsay was elected chie,. 0f police. For the past fe(i' imonths M Lindsay has been acting chief but had not been frmallv elected. He was serv ing under chief Ragan until ear ly in the winter when Mr. Rag an became physically unable to do the work, when Mr. Lindsay donned the chief's badge only as a temporary arrangement. Mr. Lindsay is very popular as an officer and the people generally seem to be well satisfied with his election. . ., On Monday night of last week Mr. Fleming Ramseur was em ployed to make a survey of the town and make an estimate on the cost of installing sewerage. It was announced at the meeting Monday night that the work would begin Tuesday morninir. A petition has been circulated asking the council to order a bond election for sewerage. were won First Na- Roy- His Stewardship. Saves a loss of from $5.00 t seed-selection. Saves enormous losses due Cotton is tho most suscopti ravages of insects often reo per cent of normal in some Helps to solve the problem The book explains in a ed" now generally accepts producing the world s trrea the farmer exactly what ht should do in order to be a i: grower. It is the last won Fifteen extensive chapters pootograpns irom yp.cai each phase of actual operaf tion, planting fertilizers-tl photographs from typical and pests and what to do at keting-for the small scl . , . jjiaumuun owner, Dy-proauc : , , 3 , .. , analysis and relative value i i u . . look for the cotton industry We are in receipt of a copy Of resolutions set forth by his Mt. Pisgah congregation that is a most snlendid tribibute to Mr. Bragaw 'a work among that peo ple. The resolutions are eight in number and evince the deep appreciation of his Christian character and his adaptability to his chosen work. We would like very much to publish these resolutions in full but are not able todosotiiis week, however, we may do so in a subsequent issue. The Christian Observer has this to say about Mr. Bragaw in its issue of April 8: "Rev, C. L. Bragaw f this church (Broad way )has accepted a call to Kings Mountain where he will have charge of the church there, at Bessemer City and at Long Creek. Mr. . Bragaw has had charge of his present pastorate tor four vears and his untiring efforts and devotion to his work have won for him the admiration and love of all with whom he ne has come in contact. During the time he has been here he ha established missions at Harnett, Hickory Grove, Rock Branch and Leaflet. Churches have been organized at all these places and are very prosperous. : Besides this has aided in organizing churches at several other places Mr. Bracraw is a man of charac ter and ability and the churches which have secured his services are exceedingly fortunate. " The Sanford Express ana the Lee County News, Mr. Bra'gaw's home papers, ; carry lengthy articles extolline the trood work of this' noble preacher and be moaning his departure and con viifiili.iiiricr -tha ftonfrreoration nf hia now fiold of labor on their wise choice and good fortune in -.. . . securing tne services 01 rar. Bragaw. ' ' v . j -. - ' 'Snnnnhnne Concert' Band.' The SonoDhone Concert Band o t.ha . atfKt nnnuinn to ine musical life of Kings Mountain. Thrt cnllprtion consists of SIX pieces as follows:' 4 bonopnone nnrnot a nlidn Trombone and a Sonophone Bass Horn or Tuba, The Members or toe Dana ,are, MasRra W. 8. DillintT. Ml. U Honser, C. P.' Gardner, I. B. Goforth; Rev. G. u. nerr ana DK J. S. Hood. The band an nnnnport itjtnlf hv an lmDromtu concert in the Kings Mountain Bank Monday morning. Vacant Lot to be Built Up - Material is beine Dlaced ' on the vacant lot in front of the Herald oftice for two buildings. Net to the city cafe Mr. W. C Putnam will erect a two story buildine 17 X 70 feet and adjoin intr it Mr: J R. Reynolds will omxt. & t.vn stirv huildincr 20 X 70 feet. These bonding win oe of brick and np-to-date Watch No. J 2 Many Noniin-- tiens, Few Candidates 'Miny Name's Suggested for the Sev eral Hundred Dollars to be biyen Away in Prizes. 'tow is the time, Do not Delay-It r- . T.ii- 11':.. c-rf : name Take Advantage of The Inaction of Nominees and Acquire a Valuable Trize While Others .Wait.' 1 Barber Carries the ld ta" , c ir . (.. Tht SeC0Dd AprdHth. Many more nominations should .be made. Send in vour name to , .. . . , , , lav if you have not already done " , . .. so. There aru nut few active . , much talent is represented upon the roll. This campaign is like other litres of business, the weak will find discouragement without even looking for it and the phan tom of failure will frighten them befoi'e they are fairly started. The result will be that long be fore the contest is over the field will be left to those who have strength . 'and courage and to whom fear and diseouragemeut unknown. Push and energy will win these splendid awards' nothing else. Today is the d.y that uiny place success within your reach. Opportunity is cov and time is is fleetime. Send in your name now and see what you can do fi-r yourself, now that the chance is again given you to make good. Backward, turn backward, u Time, in your flight and" give hie just once again the oppor tunity to make good! How many, how very many, are there who some time in their lives have had occasion to give voice to a sentiment to the foregoing quot ation. mny a chance has been let slip by most persons, indeed, there are but few who do not re call some particular instance when, had the opportunity at hand been recognized and im prove.!, great and immediate ad vantage would have resultad. . BOOSTER PERIOD. Each and every candidate should take advantage of the laree number of votes given' during this period and use every effort possible in securing as many subscriptions as she can,' for this will be the largest num ber Kiven for a single subscrip tion: Now while the field is ripe and' many who have not been canvased is the time to do your best, for if ' you wait some one else will certainly get thos who' require little insisting upon and' , then it wilt mean a little more' work' and perse verenco to you if vou wait, as von well know some folks like to be coaxed and' possibly will put you' off more than once, jus to see you work, . but surely they will help you if you keep oh after them and1 when thev do. and beean reading our home paper they will then' appreciate your efforts and al ways will thank you for being the one who brought The Kings Mountain, Herald into their home. . SCALE QT VOTES EFFECTIVE UN- 'riiAPRtL, 25th. 1 year subscription 3,000 Exti 15,000." 2 year subscription 12.00Q Extn 81.000, 3 year so wcription 1P.O00 (ConUhWcd'on EdltonU PagV - was done to tftber' Mf- Hays no 4he machine.: . . : ? 'er7 grow! ' (Cqtfrtitiuecl oh EaitofalPagfe) , ' '

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