vol a Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, April o(), 11)14. 14 Meeting Held For ; The Celebration Oct. 7th A Tiercr Celebration is PLinaed and expected thin ever before on October 7ih , 1 he Association will meet rcgulary on every second Honcay. Hay. Jew July. August and Seytcrnte; of Each Ifear. A grand mass mooting was held in tin; Oprea House on Monday night by The Buttle of Kings Mountiiiii Memorial As- . sociation. In the absence of tho President, and Vice President the meeting was called to order by Secy. W. P.FuUon who asked Unit a chairman for tho meeting bo elected. On motion Mr. Wiley McGinms was eiceted chairman find Mr, W. P. Kul ton secretary. . The meeting then preceded -to 'the flection of the officers lor , ensuing year and the foiling were imannnouslv elected f "President, L. A. KlPttr. -Vico Pr resident, A. 15. Clino. Secretary, W. S. Billing. Treasure, R. L. Manney. . - Directors, ;-. W.- A. Ridenhour, i. Lester- McGinms, 11. t. Pulton, j J. II. Touison, jj. Miss Agnes Norns. I ', . The chairman then stated that i the mooting was now open for suggestion relative to the ee)e- i bratio.'i of next October 7th, I t .On motion it was voted .that! this Association have a -regular i monthly meeting on the second i Installation of The Pastor j of The 1'resbytenan Umrchcs On-next Sunday the eoinmis ' slcm appointed by Kings. Moun tain Presbytery will install Rev. C, L. Ifragw as pastor of tho Bessemer City, Long-Creeic and Kings Mountain churches. The serviees will take place m tho following order; Bessemer City, eleven A. M., Long Creek three' P. M. and Kings Moun tain eitjhfc P. 'M. Rev. Messrs, Miller, Sparroy and Lacy and Ruling- Elder A. Jones counstituto the commission ; The sermon at Kings Moun tain will be preched by the Rev. ; Mr. Lacy pastor at Belmont and Modenetor of Kings Mountain Presbytery. ......'.. The public is cordially invited to be present. . Don't Forget Your Mother. (By Frono Long) ; Of Kings Mountain. . Master Long is a fourth grade pnpilof ot the graded school. , v ';, -.. - 1 - , There was a boy young buttfood. ' His heart was young and gay, He used to say .,"1 love my boy hood", , t 1 But soon that oassed away. . .''-j-i ;ii '.' " JHa sai'l heloved his mother, v '-. -Biijr soon passed away too, He'- s(,r Krgot his dear old mo'trier, . Who loved him, but her - days would soon be few,- - , 3 Nor boys, don't forget your mother, ' " ' rui DUO 1U1 ; juut WLlt.il ydu wore young, i ' I, hope you won't forget other, - When the flames are -on' your .: ' schorehing tongue. -.-v . - Mrs. J. R. Miller is very ill at lier home .on Mountain street.' , the .many firieuJs of -Uie.'.Xn-mily will regret to learn of her illness j'tul hope fova speedy reeovef-y. Monday of May June, July, Augustand September of each year. , The idea of this motion ws to give all the citizens a chace to listen to tho reports; of the ofli cors and committees and thus all can have a clear understanding of the work being done by the association and at the same time to haveopportunity to offer sug gestions which will be of help to these officers in carrying on t! c work of the celebration. A matter that .seemed to be of great interest to the citizens present and undoubtedly will to al l of our people was the discus sion to whom wo should have for our pricipal speaker and drawing card on the next celcra tion" day. Remarks were made by several present and it was finally voted to instruct the olrl cers to use their utmost endeav ois to procure for us Ex Presi dent Theodore Koosevelt. As stated - by several of the gentlemen Teddy is without doubt the greatest drawing card in the country so here's Roping fora grander and bigger cele bration than last year. Let us all help and encourage the officers to this end. Roland Talis Wins $1.00 ' - and Carl Davidson 50 cents We feel greatly encouraged over the ' interest the citizens generally manifested in ob serving "Clean-up-Day." We trust that such results will in spire us to not only remove rub bish but in place add the beauti ful, thereby making our little town -more attractive as well as more sanitary. The same prizes as formerly were offered this year by the Civic League, one . dollar for the largest collection of trash and fifty cents for the second. Mr. Ilord, Manager of .street work acted as judge and report ed Roland Palls as winner of the first prize, and Carl. Davidson second. Sanitary Com. Civic League. Locals Picked up by . the Reporter on his Rounds ' Several young . men -of. this chy attended the public Debate 4t Lin wood -Monday night. Mrs. Prednger left Sunday for, Lincoln ton, -where she will spend several days visiting rel atives and friends.- Mrs. C.. Russell and children-spent' Saturday and Sunday m Gistonitx, the guest of Mrs. J. T. Westmoreland. : , Mr. -'-jhnd Mrs. John dhaney sent Sunday in Higli Shoals. Mrs. P, Hunter was a Gastonia visitor Thursday last. Mr. W.. C. ,f)ates, who is attend ing a medical college at Charlotte was a .visitor heye Sunday. - Mrs, J--T.N-McGill was attack ed by a cat Monday P. M." while in her gardea. The cat bit and infected several wounds 'on her armi an- exahnnntion was made by Dr. Hood but he thinks noth ing, serious.' However tho-cat was killed and Immediately sent to -Raleigh ioje. el aminatioa. " Miss Jennie Plonk is vlsitmg at Cherry vc F.illi S. C,'. W Exercises Begin Friday Night. Tlie lirsl of ihecoiiiiiienci'iiieiii oxwisi-'s will take pluco Friday night -when a number of young men will contest .for. the Dr. Hord medal. Saturday night "Thil May Va! - ley rami will be given by a number of the High School Students. This will be a high class imtei'tiiiiKiient, . pathetio, and life like- Let everybody come, and enjoy an evening of pleasure and profit with the High School boys and gills. The addinission is '25' and .85 cents, proceeds for Commencement ex penses and the l'iuno Fund Sunday morning at . 11:30 the annual sermon will be preached. Rev. W. II. Adams, Pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian of Charlotte, will preach the sermon at the Graded School commi-neen.'ont instead of Rev. Mr. Atkinson as previous an nounced last week. The sermon will be at tJ:ii ) instead ot the "usual hour for preaching in order that the child ren and the people generally attend th ir, respective Sunday Schools, and then have timiJ to reach the preaching service or. time. There will be no other service in town at this hour and heuce all tliS people are cot'd'f'.tlv invited to hear Rev. Mr. Aduins. ''-.Monday -night the young lad ies of the Expression class will contest for a medal. This prom ises to bo a most interesting pro gri.ni. '. Tuesday night the graduating exercise will take place followed by the Literary address by Prof. M. H Stacy Dean of the Univer sity of North Carolina. ; '. All of these programs will be interspersed with music render ed by music department. : All Commencement exercises except the sermon , to begin promptly at eight o'clock. - Oak Grove News. The farmer s are buisy planting corn and cotton. . i Mr. Jobn Watson nnd familv spent Sunday week at Mr Mun roe Lovelace - . Misses lSssie Bell and Minnie Iiaadel went liome with Mrs. II. D. Canipo from Sunday School One of Mr. D. A. Bell's mules died last week, he went tho next day and bought another one. While out at play little Alverr r.sll son of Mr- Dick Boll acci deutly cut off all his little sister's hifgers on her right, hand. Dr's Hord and Anthony was called and dressed her hand, she is get ting along nicely now. .-: . The Rev. " Miller of Kings Mountain filled lus appointment Saturday, P. M, ho" .preached a a good sermon on "Giving." . Mr. Ben Phyfer and Mr. Kerr Black pf the Klbethel section at tended cnurch Sunday P. M. : To the pleasure of his many friends Mr. John : Alexander of Kings Mountain, attended churh services Sunday P. M. .We are glad far hint to-come any time, w Imva fcn hprr him fclncr .. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Lovelaceim!be fe'!?d" and their two- little girls, Paul and Lizzie and Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Canute and little Willie, took dinner at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Elem MoSwain Sunday.1 s. The singing is improving- at IV VUUIOIIi VI V1CU1V belongs hi. Hndsrtn Hnmrick n ho is Vx r lm is,"; m THE WAYSIDE ' LyC T. Gardner. I 1 will wriU' this . !c of n.y j weekly vivil ti t!w l..-tiielif'in section, Each Sut'irday morning. I go over to Mr. Geo. Log.m's and get. hi;; horse mid buggy anil 1 head for my class of instrumental music pupils. - The lirst stop is made at ?s!r. Goo. Barber's where I have four pupils, two girls and two boys. Kach one of them making good. AJI of thuiri seem to be very much interested and making rapid progress. '-Mr. Barber lives on th? farm formerly owned by Mr. .J. A. Lies, having bought it from him several year ago. . It is very desirably located and he, being an up to date fanner, has everp thing in line shape. . My next slop is at Mr Watt Herndon's where 1 have five pupils all girls, now yi,n may talk about a jolly crowd, but here they are, oaeh girl striving to out do thev-others in their music and all learning very fast. Mr. llerndon has a beautiful piano precisely like the prize piano in the Herald Contest it is ia beauty and has a sweet mellow tone. Mr. JI. T, Fu!to:i cert.-iinly showed mighty jjood judgment and taste when h decided to sel' the Adam Sehaflf-',viano tX;clu-' filvely. Mr, Herndou'Js is viu.-iv I usually get dinner, nnd such a djnner. It is alinast worth tin trip. Mrs. Herudon is a tin" culinary artist and with the help of the giiris aiways serves a din tier that iiiak.es us glad that we. are healthy and have not a singie .syniytoin of indigestion. I then go across over to Mi William Patterson's. Tore I teach Mr-. Patterson's wife and iils'J Mr. Kastie Dixon's litUe d'nugiit er. Botn these pupils are getting on faijiously and are intensely interested. Mr. Patterson has a beautiful place to live and is a yery '-model farmer and is always buisy almost as much so as Mr. Watt Horndon and be is the greatest worker 1n the country. I next go to Mr. John Bl a lock's where I have one pupil Miss Ethel who already plays very well. She having been a former pupil. Miss Ethel has a decided talent for music and will make good. Mr. Blaloclc has a well kept farm and primises. He has two mules so much alike that he says when he goes to catch one ho freipiently catches the other and then finds that it was the otherone he wanted alter aii. ' . - r: ::",::-::yy, 0;'' .Mrs Magaret Dixon lives just above-Mr, : Blalock and I . have one pupil Hliere, Miss Minnie. She is a very desirable pupil and is easily taught and is progress ing rapidly, :." .'"' . M( Dixon has " a beautiful place and is making . her nice farm. pay handsom dividonds as she is a better manager then a greatmany men. r . I drive across then ; to Mrs. Barbara Dixons, Miss Bessie being my pupil there. Although sheis.'just begining to study music she shows decided talent and will if she apply : herself Mrs. Dixon . deserves'- great credit for in the face of great difficulties she has a fine farm, well arranged and well kept and attended. Ir. Cnrtjs Dixon, her son litres very near and also has 1( 1 411 ! i SPWmdid place, W hlle -JUSt (ODnt)BU44 1 Editorial , pagej Closing Day of Is oatcstaafs. Siiould Mike Every Kind: . l-.uius3 heck and Wecx me Question Kcv; Is: V.l:o will Ee The Viinnerr- CI.');-iMl PAY liAi'IKI.V At'l'ltllll H I NO. The closing day of Tii Herald's (!i-eat VnUug Contest i rapidly nppro-iching, and thi're several contivifaiits who an .!iiiaily determine.! lobe the winner of the handsome eonti.'stiint, i.-i the contest has ; i!"'i.err.iiin-d to s--e tlieir favor! thi? county are beginning to v. winner of the hamlsoiue piano. u- vor :iavi: a r;ti!"M) in thi. ha If you have a friend or ivlative in the r.e-e do i-'.i-r.v possible can to make her, the wir.r.er of the Gr:u;.l i'r' no small honor to win a prize worth sovi-ral hiin-lred ii the winner will be looked upon as the most popular hoi, section. If your friend is in the race ili) not only tive subscription, but get all your fricuus to do Ilk: t s. You to oay your subscription is-fori' long any way, so do it. h:w, while yon have the opportaniiy of assisting one of the young ladies. i'a.n vi' :.'iM;-:r:i;; vin-nj;::'; in all, of the cjiitest managers expei'ii.n;-i- he has never lief. we. managed a contest where the contestants wer- so evenly- eiatitlieii Practically every contestant has the :.ame number of voles, nnd they are miming neck and nee!;. It is even iniii(sibi for thw foulest manager to guess who the winner will be. l.OOli OVKIt lac LIST Hi'1 'NTi:STA"T-:. look over the list of contestant relatives is in tho race, or possibly your "best girl" is in the race. If this is tliecase, hoys, "roll up your sleeve.-," a.i.l -o right into the tight determined to see your friend come out as lh" winner of the handsome piano! '300,000 FREE VOTE 203,000. votjs will be cjtvtrn in addition to regu lar votes, to ihc contestant. turnniii; in tho high est number of one vcar subscriptions from npnl SOth to May 9th inclusive, 10 ,0()0 votes will be given to i!ic contestant tinning in tlie next highest-number o( one vear subscriptions .from April 30th to N lav 9ih. Vernua Lindsay leads in Fourth count. . .'LlHT OF CONTESTANTS. Kings Mountain, N. C. Miss Vernua Lindsay ill) 1.500 Mrs, J. L. Chancy ... ...itlo.OUp Kings Mtn. R. F. 1). No. 1'. Miss Mattie Ware. ' :.205,OlK) Lo al m and around Town. " Mrs. C. E. Noisier. Mis G o N. Patterson. Mrs. O 'Parrel I and Miss Ware atte tided Pivsby tenal of Kings Mtn. at Shelby- John Mcdariiol i s spending seyearl days with his home folks here. . Mr. O. II. Kudisill left - on Inst Monday for Chicago being the start of a five to six- months business trip. through Illinois. Several of our fellow towns men journeyed to Charlotte on Monday to attend the opening day game and report having an enjoyable outing and the pleas ure of seeing the Charlotte team on the "winning side, - . A pleasing recital was held on Friday night last for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society ot Baptist church atj the, home of Mrs. Geo. E. Loved. '" Mrs. Lovell rendered a num ber of song." beily,' assisted by Mrs. J. S. Hood accompanist and - Mary Louiso .Corn well reade'r. . ' '- .' " Chief Lindsay and some of his friends visited his old home, Cherryvillo last Thursday, - also drove through Waco enrout home. As to his pleasure on this trip, one could scarcely judge from his talk, for-mum-hos been the word on this. .. -i - Mrs. II, N; Moss was a'visitor M Castorria' iuit Thufrdny;- nZv: Contest Drawing Hear, CoaM For -r.r. jfv.,1 Contestants .o. livery too, -a ri al! ovei ! be the' s of friend-, and tlx I lie wiii'iief. 1 '''', v and "iii-ss v. iio hing yor. :e. His la is, and in that ,er your '.re going 'ossiblv ne of v-)ur rlos 2. Miss hihlda Barbi r. . . .. Gastonia, N. C. Miss Maggie, Dalton....;. Mrs. Kditli Mnssiigee. . Shelby, N. C, Miss Marie llarrclsori.... .10,000' .10,00!) : Clover. S. ('. Miss Bicri-ic Stacy .. . : . . .10,(X' Mr. C. 1. (;ornvell has chang ed , his business . arrangements' and is now making his business trips with Kings Mountain as his center and will now be at home liiore frequently. . . Mr. G. II. Loi'an and Mr. I loyd Manney made a business trip to Shelby on Monday. Mr. J. E. McLaughen left 011 Monday morning lor a weeks' business trip to High Point, Salisbury any vicinity. . -, The Rev. C. L. Bragaw of tho Presbyterian churcn filled the pulpit at tue Baptist chufch Vn Sunday evening last as the pas tor was detained at home by sickness in his family. i.Mr, G. II. Jjogan attended the CQ:jimencenient at Boiling Sp'nns ht week-, :. ' Misses Sudie and Fae Kennedy of-liessemer City were in town Friday afternoon. W. O. Rnddoclc knows whnta good watch is That s the reason e bought the Herald Contest watches from luin, and again we believe in everybody trading' at home. . - - " Mr. J. Beat Hambriglit from near Grovcr was here. Friday. Mr. J. K. Gotorth of Rout Ono was in town Friday. IJo say he bus begun to plant cotton. - . Mrs; J. E. Lipford attended', tlie Boiling Spring's Commence iti nt-

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