Mother' Knows What To use HANFORD'G Balsam of Var Cnta. Birrna7 Rruiseav Snniiu. Sb-tun. Stiff NevV rJiilbUW. Lam. IWtr and all External Iniurie. Made Since 1846. 1 Mm 28c, 80c and $1.00 All Dealers cSS LADIES THIS tOVERTISE- MENTIS WORTH 2oo TALCCLETTE Celluloid Vanity Box Hinge and Mirror Lid In order to diitribute 5,000 TALCOLETTE (Talcum Violet) samples, we will send pre paid forthisadvertisement and lOcthe above vanity box rallied at 35c. Address at once. THE HENRY B. GILPIN CO. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Shinalas. Spanish ininv in jntti rit mit BUILDINA MATERIAL EST THAT MONIT (.AN BUT tiivtyitHiiif uiiiTf rna riiiinciNO IBflUXFIt Men to learn barber trade, I fll I I'll 'ew weeka required. ews.ts mmmw steady position for com- Cteot graduatea. Wonderful demand for bar re. Waeea while learning ; freecataloir; writs BICHMOND BARBED COLLEGE. Richmond, V. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do hlarheat elaea of 0nlhlng. t S. GalssU Optical C, RicksHsd, Vs. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times In ten when the liver Is right the stomach and bowels are right lAKItK 3 U1IU UVIR PILLS gently but firmly com iei a iszy uyer m ao its mi Ire. i i . O'feetioa, Sick . UJ.-L. aad Dutraaa AtW Eathia. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature ..... Worse. . "There's one good thing about llv tag la these times. Ve don't have any highwaymen." "That's true. But my iceman Is Just as bad or worse. He's a low-weigh t man." T, RUB-MY-TISNI Will cure your Rheumatism and all ninus or aches and palns--Neuralgla, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, , etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. Price B5o. Adv. . ' , Where It Counts. . ' VAunt Dinah, are you going to have 'obey' eliminated from the cere mony? , .. "No, chile; but I sho la gwinter nab it 'Umlnated from de matrimony." Puck. .. . . . f. .. , Pile Cored In 6 te 14 Days Tour drnrrtrt will refund mooer if PaZO mniMKNT fails to ears any eaaa at Itchlof, Blind, Weadlns or Protrndtm PUaa intuu dara. Fortune Hunter. "So Jack's married. Did he marry ior Deautyr" 1 J "No, booty." At Newport Eo your daughter I. down and out?" ' "Yea: aha tnnk tha nnunt "rhina. go JorviaJ. : ; . RBR1UNB l.he bade. Quinine To Child rea tannraad Ovinia, lliea Taalaleaa Srrap, sleaa. am 'o usa and torn mot dutarb ba Momaok, CbUdran take It and never know M U Oainiaa. Aiaa aapaeiaUr adapted to adolta who cannot taka ardinarr Oainiaa. Dooe Dot aaaaeaM Dor eaaa aarmanaat oor rhrlnr la the bead. Try a lbs am time roe aead Qoioina lor aar parr Pf Atk lor aooooe oriaiaal wskasa. Tbt Baais H1BIUUNB la btowa I, batlla. St aatua. A young man' may bare to fight (or the first kiss and thereafter wear s catcher's mask for self-pro tee tlon. ., . (, A man never realises that time is oney more thoroughly than when he lle with a taxi chauffeur. ;;.;, .; ... .. ;,;.: ' lienever Voa Need a Oaoeral Toadc . Take (Irovs'B ? The Old Standard Grove. Tasteless 1 Tonio it equally . valuable . as a -ral Tonio becasae it contains the -"owo tonio properties of QOINrNS N. - It sets on the Liver Drives .ri Fnriches the Blood-: and ' V ;i a Sj-stcm.. ;o cents Myrrh v-. A 4 DELEGATES TO THE COTTON CONGRESS NORTH CAROLINA REPREBBNTA TIVE8 TO EXTRAORDINARY SESSION AT WASHINGTON. ! DISPATCHES FROM RALEIGH Doings and Happenings That Mark the Progress of North Carolina Pto pls Gathered Around the Bute Caoitol. Raleigh. North Carolina will have an able delegation at the extraordinary ses sion of the Southern Cotton Congress which Is to bo held at Washington on August 13 and 14, which has been called by the president, Mr. E. J. Wat son, of Columbia. S. C, owing to the effect that the European war Is hav Idk on the price of cotton and the necessity for some extraordinary means to finance the crop which will soon be on the market. North Carolina produces about 500.000.000 pounds of cotton annual ly and, therefore, is vitally Interested in any plan that will help to prevent ruinous prices. A drop of five cents pound would mean a loss of 825,000,- 000 to this state. Complying with the request of Mr. Watson, Acting Governor Daugh trldge appointed the following dele gates to represent North' Carolina at this eitraordinary meeting of the Southern Cotton Congress: W. A. Erwin, Durham; M. C. Bras- well, Battleboro; R. H. Hicks, Rocky Mount; T. M. Washington, Wilson; Herbert C. White, Goldsboro: Frank Borden, OoldBboro; J. A. Long. Rox boro; D. Y. Cooper, Henderson; W. L. Parsons, Rockingham; J. L. Scott, Jr., Graham; C. W. Mitchell, Aulander; H. P. Alexander, Matthews: C. C. Moore, Charlotte: A. J. McKlnnon. Maiton; A. A. Thompson, Raleigh. Acting Governor Daughtrldge in notifying Mr. Watson of the North Carolina appointees expressed the hope that the meeting might result In some plan by which the South's cotton crop mey not be sacrificed. President Watson has appointed the following well known bankers and farmerB of the South who are Inter ested In the cotton, crop, to meet In Washington and make arrnrerrentj n, aaaanMepraearr 1.1 v ranmu ams. P. Harding, of Birmingham; ilarence Ouslev. of Fnri Worth Texas; W. B. Thompson, -of New Or leans; Harvey Jordan, of Atlanta; Dr. n. is. jane, or Dardanelle, Ark.; Mr, Allison, of Concord N f Tf u u. ton. of Mounds, La.; Representative w liners noon, or M ss ssinni. and nth. era will be selected, ha stated. Lewis- W. Parger, president of the i-araer Mills Company, now in New York, has been asked in nnuni me manufacturers on this committee, and T. B. Stackhouse, of Columbia, u urea aoaeu io represent the cot ton warehouse Interests. Insurance Commission R The legislative commlasinn frr tha investigation of the conduct of Are In mrance companies In this atata . conference Just held here, agreed on a general outline for the report and recommendations to the governor and the next legislature and dAlefffltorf J. S. Manning, as counsel for the commission, to draft the . report, wnion is to De ready for final approval at an adjourned meeting to be held within three weeks. ; ..,. While the members of the com mission would not Indicate Just what the findings of tbe commission will be or the recommendatlnna that win be made as to insurance regulations In this state, thev sister! that wm.l erable changes will be recommended especially In the matters of publicity Tax ' Assessments Finished. The- corporation, commission 1 has concluded the flxina of th taw .. sessments of the corporations of the state, about 4.00(r in number. They uia not increase tue value of the ent. ton mills stock. There were fewer kicks this year than there were last year. Soli Survey of Lincoln County, Washington. The United ' States department of agriculture will send a representative of the bureau of .oils to make a complete son survey of Lincoln county. North Carolina, In co operation with a Tenresentatlwa nt tha state. The party it la eimr-tRA win take several months to mtnnlala tha examination and manning nf tha anti. of the county. The department re-. quests cooperation on the part . of farmers and land-ownara with tha. Federal and state sol) surveyors. .. Delegate to Farmer. Congress. T ? ACtlnff Qovernor DanahlrMsa . missioned a number of delegates from this state to the National Farmers' Congress al Fort Worth vtnurr as follows: Col. J. Bryan Grime Raleigh; T. D; Brown. Salisbury; R. L, Shuford. Hlckorv? a n u.t. Luraberton; Leonard Tufts, Pinehurst; S. R Alexander, Charlotte; J.. P. Mo Rae, Laurinborg; H. C. CarteTi Fair field; .0. N. Allen, Auburn; George Holdernesa,-Tarboro; T. " B. Parker, Raleigh; Col. Benehan Cameron, Dur ham;"!: J.-Langhinh- Greenvino, KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. Tex.. Governor Wires to Crslg. What effect the European war will have on the cotton crop of the South la hard, to determine. It can be said, V. .. . t... . . aAnlli fa Malttf fan. UUWVTOl, Ul MH BUUIU la VS.." " Ing a crisis It the war continues, ani ... . . , . , coming very much alarmed over the I alluallnn - The following telegram was recelt- . A . . V .aa..,..a Alna fmm tha CU h uiv nvn, uu, a wu.f.v wu - governor of Texaa, which shows that ine question oi ine uisposiuon oi w cotton crop this fall la attracting na tional attention. "Hon. Locke Craig, Governor of North Carolina, Raleigh: "With the Impending war In Eu rope, prospects are, the South's cot ton crop will not bring more than one-half its value, and our farmers will become bankrupt Will you Join me and governors of other cototn pro- J.ihImb .t.l.a It. a MinfaNmiv at an early date at some convenient place tor toe purpose oi trying iu ueviao plan by which advances can be made to farmers on their surplus cotton. In my opinion cotton should be placed In bond and advances made on It by the federal government. If you agree with this opinion will you Jpln me In mehiorallzlng Congreen to tils end? (Signed) "G. B. Colquitt, "Governor of Texas." Governor Craig being out of the state, acting Governor E. L. Daught rldge sent the following telegram In reDlv: "Hon. G. B. Colquitt, Governor of Texas, Austin: II", ... HtnAlniad r.n.oMi nr Cra u la not. in me aiaic at who umic, uui .. sure he would Join the governors of the Cotton Htstes in any movement in protecting the South's cotton crop from being sacrificed on account of tha Pnrnnean war. (Signed) "E. L. Daughtrldge, "Acting Governor North Carolina." In talking with representative busi ness men of the state and city they .11 1 V. mrtfinwA BffMa that th situation Is one that calls for heroic measures and congress win aououeBs be appealed to, to help save this sec tion from financial embarrassment caused by a condition of affairs of which they had no hand In the mak ing. Should the price of cotton be forced down to five or , six cents a pound, bankruptcy would be the portion of many Southern farmers and when the farmers are hit other business be comes paralysed.' A Chicago newspaper is also Inter esting itself in the salvation of the cotton farmers of the South end a telALram was received at the execu tive offices suggesting a world-wide commission to take the matter In ..Inrf .nri ublnv tha fn.nnArntinn nnrl ui,u ..! yn..9 tsjjjsoTwnjenior -riB - l"i seen tnai tnis onrf tv,. -nBat sectional in a-reat onestlnn t. K!" natlon character, but concern Work on Textlia RuIiIma Work Is rapidly going forward In replacing- the textile rmilrHno nr i and M. College in good condition, fol lowing its rum by fire during the lat ter part of the school term Four oara of machlnerv have linen twoir. an4 the new equipment is being installed. u is tne enort of the faculty to have the textile denartment niannrAt far In reception of students at the open ing or the new term. Heads "Plo Club" Movement C. L. McVeln, late of the Pennsyl vania State College, has been nlaeerl at. me neaa or the "Pig Club" move ment among the farmer boys of North Carolina under the direction of the North Carolina experiment statin and the Federal government. He is to begin this work very soon. This new division of work will ha c.rri. on much as the corn clubs are now being conducted. Finest Fruit Ever Grown. Notwlthstandine the severe rlmtioht and other setbacks which have fea tured the agricultural world this year, there has been the finest rmn nt peaches! this year ever grown on the state college farms, which have h..n marketed at a good profit. The trees nave Been sprayed at regular Inter vals, and the nestsuaualtv incMant to toe growth of fruit have heen nr. come, i The value, of scientific care nas oeen fully demonstrated. New Enterprises Authorized. The G. W. Klstler Company, of Fayetteville,' with an authorised capi tal stock of 8100.000. The incorpora tors are G. W. Klstler. O. H. William son and Mrs. Catherine V. William son. Red Cross Society Makes Appeal. There came to Governor Craic a long telegram from the headquarters of the American Red Cross Society asing the governor of North' Carolina to make immediate general appeal to the people of the atatA for enntrlhn. Hons for the support of', the Red oross work among the sick and wounded in the terrible Rnmnean now in progress. The appeal declared mat. jouropeans contributed freely to me iuna ror tne rellnf nf that ,.. cans in the Spanish-American war. Return. Seventh Regiment Flaoi There came to the executive offices of Governor Craig a letter from Gov ernor Haines of the state of Maine to the effect that the Council of State of Maine has ordered the ratnrn in hwtt. Carolina of the regimental flag of the oeventh North Carolina Regiment Confederate Army, which ; has , been preserved In the Capitol building of the state of Main aH - these years. The flag has already been forwarded to-Raleigh by express by th Adju tant General of Maine, ' - XGS MOUNTAIN. OF 1 a . ! I I ATE ITEMS ITEREST TO ALL NORTH AROLINA PEOPLC The remen's Convention.. rth Camllna c . . men's third ' W.1..7 otaie C-Uob met here for e sine. it. ..... 1888 it 1905. der In lain. 'uisnuon . nere in 1884 conenUon was called to or Elks auditorium by Pre.!- dent J depsrti elected -wiu, cnier of the of Favettaviiia t. ventlon n officer ., ,! held It ' her. in 1894 and the pr Cocke t aiuce. After nam art., flt. Rev. Hn Eaton a. a eiier Jd prayer and Mayor O n Lred a stirring ddr... welcom curred llvered impressive scene oc eapon... n,d been de. "eming and Mr. Young ed.on rhia . The cbi! Clark to the ( ed in b "ern Pie,, who camo atly affected and ask ords that all present lent tribute to the late silace and Captain W. rise and Chief J B. Glem ChaYlott duty. T i" ' "ves in a iswering their call of ntlals commit. appolnte :Tarbo ,,a was I. H. 'alnau. New n.' Daugbtri Mooresvinn. r .' Brown ston: Yl"1' Mount; w ' A mil P u L. B. TlJ lasville. Six Sc At Its I In County B Iredell. six new r the Iredell decided on which will r, provided be built the distri their por of the n will me-t Three districts a trlcts. Tl white appllcatlor ed dls. an dthe ibout 20 ings will r on file next meet build. on at the Spinners M Hard v. fr -meeting m oen. !to give out a "s transacted.! While f 'speculations . .... ' the SDinnera nil... . in the light of tl. nroad. it heo. X. r,.i ior me meetlnir u. ,r . . " v war was Oeclaro Mrs mm AmonJto V. Vanderblle in Pari,' tha nreflfr tla a.i .... a. , . . noueyiiiiana In Parisst ""1 M" Cornelia VandS mIlli'ldowind ehiirt , .T aaT """"te'r letl As aooui a mouth ago fortheir Pari nome, expecting to spend the remain oer of the summer at the French capital NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. tne Zl7th annual session of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of the oociety or Friend, was held at Greensboro. Delegates from the quar terly meeting Of all aectinna nf tha state are in attendance. . ine present cantnlnnnA bmbm which has Just ended has been the most Successful In Tear a Annrnwl- mately 650 cars' were shipped north irom me section around Wilmington. valued at more than tinnnnn ti. guild was far better than was ex pected at the beginning of the season. At the regular BeBsion nf emmtv commissioners a contract for the new jail was let to Z. W. Stout & Co., of Sanford. The new tail will en.t h. tween $13,000 and 813,600. At a meetina- nf the rot.wha Association held at Hickory and pre sided Over bv W. J. Shnfnrit nhat. man, the following officers were elect ed: President, John W. Robinson; vice president George E. Bisanar, secretary, A. C. Henderson, treasu rer, A. K. Joy; directors, H. T. Wll Hams. W. J. Shuford. K C. M.ia. H. P. LutS. Gordon Wllfnner and D iiewitt The Durham COUntV Cnmrniaalnrtara accepted two of the big bridges that have been constructed on the Quebec and Miami highway in Durham coun ty. One of these bridges la nver Plat Kiver and the other over Little River. The Flat Rvler bride-A la tha i. in ine countv and one nf tha huvia.1 bridges in this section of the. state. About all of the Frenchmen at Be am On the lob With tha flniithan. Aluminum Company have gone home to ngnt ior the cause of France. Moat of them left anrl thara waa rlht 1. of a demonstration as they bade fare well to tneir mends. Mr. J.'H. Pless. of Marfan waa In Raleigh in connection with a matter oeiore me corporation commission. He had been over to Norfolk and -Was on his way home. He said a-nnrl nmar. ress was being msde on the new $1, 090,000 cotton mill being built at Ma rlon. This will make tha a.conrl . for the town. , . , I'ho aonderful fn-tllitw nf tha COke lilvei lands ! ShOWn thl. man with unmistakable clearness. Great DeldS Of Corn, cotton, neannta an .1 other crops are seen, and the corn fields look more like a wilderness than a field of breadstuff. Geo. W. Pritcheft of Oraanahnm (. the Inventor of a new mart muMi,. which is being given a try-out here, (t is claimed for It that the machine will do the work of 16 to 20 men. n a designed to - repair: the .surface of oiaiatlam roads and ttreets. Ft -auto. natlcelly places soilgravel or crush a took m tne holes and then nacita. N. a REVELATION WAS TOO MUCH Picture of "Hollering Jones" at wnw uiveraion Caused Him to Reform. A Well-knnar. in.... lnt.,..... . "'""". wno makes nra. the '? -sua wnairiBrn tnl.a.. in ann In nhV.r ' "oiierlng Jones." in physical nnnA.. .. . mad. the .cousin , ':r."!"',.0?ce tvniral n 1,7 -''--"lice mis man was sevir. 1.', klB aoi the "" made fire DiUUii.m or Mm tii. i '" : oi the studies were IZ The 6 r"8t t0 " mag v!o,entT.hteay,e'hOWeiJO,le' 'n h"n"" has k.. by Mr. jon; h, " - the picture, which he haT o'om Ihe magailnetn hii. i. . "' Putlog to l.. h;7.Kea'",U,Pnmed is mat me?" l"sIr,''rePlled ,he ar,i8t' "aslvely, cLr:e,,buetl"Deral ,dea,r0m - mh! Uk'"'..'?0 - ne. if It s me " aM ribt; onlJ' it s me, say so." "If you nut it i . ..... the orti.t lun way. a d I alrfv 1J Dly that a talrly good portrait of you." .,h "I.6" be.rf oa he ""ch agree hoi,er:7o ir ke that when 1 "I think vnn Ha-. C . V!'ay thtt Hollering Jones has hollered his las, holler so e,aher' When 1 'ebrates I doe. ion TyV0- '"myo opTn n man h" right to look like thath0t round white folk, anyhow " -South s Companion i . "--d -h dandruf, eczema or h .na' atTecnn . .:"' "cnln caJa oar ind.-' .raDT.0S Wlth I fesinol ointment. You will Zf thehairlmpV7vefl . Ileslnol soap and ointment also heal toZ: 5? --ah.. "crlbed by doctors for 19 yTr.!- Hot In the Superlative A nreaohor ... j... . .. . ' slaco riBlng baiks. ' congr'a""i "Khlr,m... .. t tho " . . ' ue Bal1- "5-0 -- 1Lcn iron come rum,! son,. C , ' S,ZZI1" aBd "i lw.n k"d0f Bnak-. "orrlbl, auiiimates ' Tfl"ejfher pointed hi at the awWl backs "WelL ahlnrra-i. ly, "they use that stuff f in hell." No. SIX-SIXT, This Is a prescrlptli peciauy ror Malaria Fever. Five or six any case, and If take the fever will not re 8h. Wouldn't He If I .queeze squeal? She What do you talking doll? Curst Old Sons, Other Bern The want eaaea. ne matter of are cured vy tha vranderful, Porterw Antlaatrtlfi Haallna Pain and Heala at tba eama Ume. A good dressmaker can It I an almost aa much pleasure bartender can give a man 'A I frUl-1 TWI-a janai-a .a.wi IVL J I-cn ILMI Awtf?labl(? PfVturali An Pas- 1 linglhc5iomnchsandBovAlsof Pl-omoles DigesfiorifCheerful wssand Rest Contains neither Ooium.Mornhirve nnr Mineral Not Narcotic AVnr aftVaf DrSAMVUimtm - affxJWaM a Jbtm Sfd . . . Aammiml - MaaeJU. : Sine Snd fjWAaar AnarfaH Rnwa. furrnaiiu.. lion . Sour Slonvaxh.Diairhoe "Ortns.Umvulstons.revirisrv ness and Loss OP SLEEP Vac Simile Stgnatur of : Thi Centaur Company, NEW "YORK. heat-iir. r 7 1 1 1 t flarntee, ,..t,.r ti,6 Food,;ij I" -..RxCe-.Of-rnrn. V" Z jJ;,'- " a Ft- Find. Health in Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vey etable Compound. Creston. Inw. i . . I womanhood until I had taken Lydia It Pink ham's Vegeta ble Comnnnnn r would have pain, if I overworked or lifted rnivihi.. S I. tu heavy, and I would be so weak and ner vous and In an misery that I would be rtrrtatroto.1 a kijjv.;:""' . vour n,nwr.rrn lV"u .rela. bt tried iL It m.H. J ef wdou.homel.VownwS fo ain ' Veeteble Compound p n'i.!0 mmend It ''-MraX CrestonrW0"1 HWanl Ste- Tons of Hoots and Hcrbti oflvpT in manufactur. of Lydia E. Pinkham. Veiretabln r- Pound, which is known 7L .l"3"?- For fnrfw - m berb mnThLTJ. ! uccessful in rnT" .m" women.. Merit an. CTT. thia -. " " "W w uiue. it - t .. .. (confidential) LjnD.Mr . -,. -.uo.iuineaiolnxOa. ana answered by a wnmaaT and held in iu" f "m- . P.rf.ctly Natural. A8 Herbert rn... . a rfi ' " "e ent to- wa?an",0erWher8Andr-negifc 'After the .Peechmaklng-had start S.- vorey, "Mr. Carnesle,j i-TTT tfor something and pulled oof ,waii change. A dime got -wieii on the floor, ' Y" Mr. Carnegie -.I., . , . . - looaetT' . In Use For Over, Thirty Years I AVrfy XL 1 ' r r poc auu ttta-S. TheV Alwl Bears tnL Signature )

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