TT I II II II II II , fate-, 1 It Wiley Hsuney .-J? ' Nr , Meeting A nsing School HMwWKijioh- (,rl he people ot EHjfftrtffl' iMwUnfl christians confirmed je enjoying the second or FworXWKThn trim at Mo i,.if u. weeks. Last .ejiS.4iftfl5WtTbir about BIBethel. p. Humpimes oc uatrney, a, WWuyftiess A'oodnes s , f itli ytuiun.v my Miiuw -roHie()ft-im;i(ueJt femperanec -against IK oi the cBur(;j at.HiftTr'M(;i-fiulih''the fs no law ingatliemig, It Wanie Jc6,iPctlons o( Uopre ryico with dlnneoWtfiLiding Eld, in the first rue of jouuds . SoverariLf thiJprh butcant correctly .. ,,uP..ra,UJ01, W?n(VH' Bell In The iispnaay was rott,lctrciH.-'ltt'yv Bie handsome new brick- .bm-ld-i was dedicated, Rev. V. . R. are of Salisbury preauhjiij; the wiiun.fonn.1 Rprtnon .'''VflV -lUr'1 fare is an oldjEietfyeU th.d This weelc a:'yizu-Liuocu Well-to-do Farmer ExefrM After, rt. fiess Was Confederate Vftpun Funeral and Burial at St. Mark's. At hi home on the Bessemer Qt.v.-Oherry villo mujcadain road, near jong (Jreelc bridge, early j luestiay morning Mr. ii. . . . ' : MHuney uiea at the ago Last who with Pin It .years tollowinu an illness from neuralgia winch had extended oveta period of Reveral monflis.' rorlie pasft sl orei(,'ht qioh8 were his frie3'l'ill read lKWt. the dertth of Mr. UoyI of No ( townshin (!lov Jnnd County, j . ".Shortly after jmdniL'lit Mondnv ir VVitey.Vei)li Jie was stricken with jm of 78 I ralvsm from u1iifK .lio u '.'I P flere Monday r. it i mid tl o'clock a. in. Mi Iavpimi -y-... ,t.,V... ... IJI. ...I, wiih urioui ui.ycars old, a anlendi'tl neisrhiior. futlwr i. bniWIkiid ciciand hip i)nsunce lft'r.AIIen.Hambee P. E. and the Itey.Villiara Whitbee cir cuit jpreaplier. Much good done Numbers added to the church Children baptised The ' sacre rnent administred General rnlos Obserys. abtlns and fast days remomlwrwl T!iKl,,t, ,.j I., . A i . - i l. i . o cau JMa TW.-JH M i ,! , .. . ' . Ttti "'f :.", BiCTiwjr jihjwuu. .jte was " T"" Kr0W.'n,f' W?,a i;rom..n. ahd successful aru.W body were held aV yAn of .H W ho knew !, UtheranchurchTuesdayafrlTlie fungal wa, rondu, t J .a New Ironpp( .church AiiRust'li aftecnooii lit)! n cloelt by Mr. , in pi w,ll'?wr' yKejGos) -preached witn fegg in cnarge, tWt bLpcj-., GloAous times- The ef. J. b. nnstionsr.iiriuIJywi;s,pfGolbccasionaly heard ml? "Kit nwnnKn.n A .. .1 1 .... . .1 . V. r . .... k t...i: TZ L44 .. mrii en ine program ' tn'fOTijj j p"M"w Kuruiess to the con as a : juistoricalrtww-full QtwrKlDPfrnt'ipion a roqnd them 3thel'' read,- bvwt!(iW'Wj W jo'crcej such Methodist n , r , "-Jtu. V". i. rrmiuiu- vvjlILP.nfift Air ildmanuscnptUaVdtl'liMcherjhe coes to his (am-rawu uxui some W!tllB Wi MIUBUlilluieiil 'liiids his linn als of the, chilV:4,Nobly kttleied tojjethw waiting his nows mo "WWSlMeOJjlWtH, No dry: wither and is-written. We reprAdugj, Svndly chrtstirfyn' those ;for batim.' CpiM lSttewrdays. -want" "up "wet utimes mlMil IPanlr-"linnrWS '-iMhMllf UC- iu . .1. . n . , ' I Jr ri" ityyawui voa n 1 1 1 1 1 fi ififliiV ilinf ni 1 infill rn"'i 1 1 I iuzu iji: of liln.f-e. WSAie of thpr 'HBilliIWiMir din ..mA..". 3-1 -1 is incorrect- andvfalfl'yT?rfhwl-4lMe -yeaRjiibiclj j-osjilted u . "'"""w-wiowii awakened uot offeKd anycorr,ections.Tand converleaomiaa(Iea to e manubfcpt iKotfaora'QjJ-igNraji considerable 1 note naner and written ia pen inja veVyat titdid.l TheflanaMriFlf V 1 the His pthel Oh .eniinisce nory by e first bi' numbered baptized and the wholp in mppt.i n rr oineV ipofajblaure). springs a few k.'s tromj.KlUethel (a place two V. 11 r; S'"h v;om.yiiipeniei u place two ,r, alWitoLe.,,, j,, cs or a slMttehfef Rachel H Harmon timftym by Lewis. Hamilton) .wuicu jirpyea a great, addition to Lue.-cnnrnh. Nnl, finm,mt; 'riwttrxmMHrW'mv wiinessea at tne pre of ElBethelUint n.'.i,'A, . rafJwWJ-oa,found. its way to tne Hearts or almost Every ore The oraaftd '(jf&unjf Seemed to Wl ViVTli? cry for jnerpy was heard All ove Ahe encamDment ana in the. grove while others appeared as dead. Many couvert IT! ard the existence of ElBothel urch was'wjffirrsomwsjHjd. the Rev N Talley of the 8 Oonferenne who hannilv foil this way. He preached in thjv use of- Sjimirel . Collins in- the cimty 6f-EIBethel. Bro Talley eached witrupower his woitls emeaw reaBuiB newts at edjaO this nigeffngfQ tttat rrfsri any tho-uli others confoundea. would praise' the Lord' for his - " -r-rrprrKnftBas5rT. me cnuaren of u"' "" rMllfTft 'jS " "lun( tfnee was av this ft an aDiwlWiilnt!tr'3ie;ftoas WAprndeting. old. ijiole1 Joseph f David Collins nearby for the Parker Dr Mabryaodthe circuit isuing yearJ0(ii wmcn was ao Haefa'a able ministers and ramgiy niiea (oy me .-lij&ff-iHShedjwith power, This meet- noon, which were attended, by a large number of . relatives and friends of . the deceased, inter ment was made at St. Mark's graveyard. Deceased was a nati ve of Gas ton county, havimt been horn a.-. fKH r.. . . . . -r me mi mi on which ne d ur with the exception of the ti rne spent in the hrm v and .-wiurv penon ne resided at Cherry yille'he had lived at that place all his life. He was .. a of Christy and Susan Maune'y, ae is surviyed by three sons and - three daughters. . . . .. ." " wr. ivianon Mauney. of Morintn county, Ga.: t. W. 8. Maimov at the old hooie place; Mr. Luth er Mauney, of Cherrvville: Mrs Ida Beam, of this county; Mrs. May ixwtner. of Kinis Monnin- and Mrs William Rhodes. Deceased was a Confederate Veteran. Imvinrr rlrknn . trnllj.. .... . uvui vaiijuilb perVice for thdcSouth during tlie W.: Sioopu. Mr. JIoyle married iviisur jiiiza Honl who survives with four childVpn, Clarence, Maggie Lulivaiid Rash. . 6. E. Case of Soirtanburi S r nj I t,'...,.ici. , .. . . .... 'v. omul ui ciizauein. Pit J were .nsi.nly hurled to dtalh whrn (raft Hid. 1 1'Wuck iheir automobile ii - .nil (o. E Cnsoor'm.rn.N V m,t no icpww O- Uana J. V . Stout,, of K!jm.iriumi-..,l lis 11....1..., beth, N. ...T. ,'wcre , killed liem'i suiiiod UiA Aavw.i Monday .afternoon wIioji (u.Li.h. ! m:i.r v -ifti M :.. bound train No, Um.uA 1 e, V T? o cr iis'lf Wl, I aiutoniobile" at tl,e Cora Mill --.- - Chaies Deal oiomlftg. StoutVwas Nli.'d.a.nd Case lived out v about f)ftein mimites. bffnoh' were tiaveliuir in a lYrd tniwimr nMi,,iM.tutuj f v.. i" fitjiiitjMit i uriMimu a and were en-rouln to (Jaslonin. mm s(nli,r..AiVf,.- "I " :Mi-.J. Wi' ftiRitir An.V., employ about Amy xlni htra nflrHier ih'-NeJ Only a shoit: di.staiji-e from where the awful accident 6ecur- rod they had stopped nuired the way to (Juptoniii umf.jn- and Charles Deal, weaver in Lorav Mill Gastonia,..- was iiiisKtourIj fhot and killed Kridiv Aug 7th Shortly after 2 o'clock on the. Lmwpod road near Mr. Mr D .Anthony'saboutseven miles east ui ...iviiigs iviouniain., following an inquest held over the body by Coi'onertH. S.'Sellors the iurv rendered a verdict to the effect that ' Deal cftuie to his 'death 'by a gunshot from a gun in the hands of Erastus Wall." The latter, at theinstauce of Solicitor -Wilson, was placed under a bond Of $400. and was given his liberty attorneys by tlfn nam Wire them' alr'and be sure to Itfc-ate hi William M. Slfjut, 21 P( ilenr.y '. Slout 27 Street, Ralph Stout -165 wa, William '-KmstuK Broadway. ' ' Karo. lin civil war;iHe was an industrious pending trial at the next term bf liiimei- mm was ne (l n hun MC.'KAatAn nfawt1 c.,, .;,. n . . ---n-- .v.. -umiut utirilUL KJVUllf I leem oy mi wno Knew him. Ga- which convenes the 24th y.ette. - . 1 houarh there.were six others 'n the party,, besides the dead man when lie was killed not one of them .las given any connected min BellaMrcniti)reach:eofJ-iii,ionL,,he remiTmWoi k.." io S. C. Conferenqewho "faith-" many afibil? ElBeihef ChurchA nv jjreacnetf. 5iw wenujuptn rfTjyijseeda ijQWeA sre.beacing wer, and success cnltivatine fruit to the A-esen day. LettSod mproving yie iiearw oi tne omffPifdil38 The Rev, .David - --,cfta"-artiW good .Ya - ttivw-wn"!(ii50(ifiicjea.i AriH mm ivA'l :r i'1IiD"ifr?u'lu.rt;0 earned. jHore in. possesion. jOiu,c radJL16n andehildren ha,Wiofl wer w(Godmanittis,ir-d.-.- v tffcetiug-and'ldvefksfe attended W. Mcuouvn cncuii nitwimcjJt adm n stPred WBt!n mnns. , anl a bstirienoe, lira va!te and mj ltr,W " V " A"14- his BtllM-5-li ...11111 ,-v, x-,viim,tMityai1d.crjurcli fallow " "j i; 'Jjf LXVU uro. oeai was a u.a. l' veS! i-innvalfst.'ftnd- i hi ,...'Tu ,' vS' maaiikW by the. church 'wjio. to ''" M yet Survite, 1839 The BenjaTnJri' 'vt oJ wi, fCuc1Va4t, rpj-eacher. Bro .i.AQesnofrcjbitreaclHrnrtnn nntVr. ' t .""Y t I '"" V " auiiuij. H SOuie luUi glwrflde..J tl is Te-ic ;Mvrrn ftdled . tO the Evelyn Abbott .lr. Qraham - Wheeler of Ox !(Jr intefJiffiblc accountof how the ioru, x. u:-ana miss Ji'velvn Ab bott of Kings ; Mountain were married on Saturday night Aug ust first. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .E. J. Abbott of Kings Mountain and was livinir at the time of liermarrage with her sister, Mrs.i J. Ben Comer in Oxford. . . -The groom , is -a. i)rosperous young oUsmess'i'tnan, of Oxford and,jg:i,l3e soni of ex-sheriff S. M, Wheeler ofjGranv.LUe County. A WeBarbef " ' burg has,ac35'a"p6siUon 'in .Tvtjb.e tjeaiiiig-ilareBfeop and. ,qual to the 'taste ?Ie-carf j ust do you upall right. Try him:" ' ,7 killing ocoured. The party was composed of Charles Deal and his two sons, Robert aged li) and Cletus' aged 14; Erastus Wall; William Ward and Miss Burgess a sister of Mrs.. Wall The case seems to be shrouded m mystery and the state mav have difficulty in establishing a case against Wall. ... .... ... .Q. ' Chief Lindsay Rcsims Chief of Police B. K. Lindsay tendered his resignation ' to the City Council Monday night which was aeeenrnH. The office 'of Chief Police is uien ior applicants and.- a; suit anie man is very much in demanh . ;Pra,nk Carpenter of Stanly was n town Monday. after geiting their diirVcfloiu sed on down to the. crossimr where thoy met their -trugic death. Their baggage and pock ets were linmcHiatl'ly plundered for the purpose of identification vutfe. whs easily identified his name in books and 1 grapn and name on advertising C mutter. 1 lur-o was some tUfl'i -r, li,n,itU'..i, : 1. . .. ' f"."" "-l'. ciinv 111 tlie Klen ilu-ation of1 ' tlie.other man, some claimed toT ' Rovs Of Tliw ; FimUJ.. : .ecogime him, iis a Mr. .Daven iTheDixonscf Cltveand, tongs and" toi l a piano timer, btit in. the IWt. of nJ r . ,,- (CONTINUKD ON EDITORIAL. w vfw- - - ( isphotdl- .Wss "AlvijRurber'-of Kings.' vcitising;Cieek is visitihg Mr. and Mrs.. ( "o .dirL. LoifirnMiftiWek : .A . derby hut, which vns icnnd "J. W. S." aiiptaied and finallv MR. J. T. KENDRIGS IS DEAD (h, and rhili'rpH bapH !"VS COI1V icwju miers.ithouii oi-T. Tin.t...i , I Veached thnVm.i i i' A. iai's a. oNfe- additionX to the church. J "1 OnliBued i ,lSt (-nt-e). k .. ... ". wy 1 .: , "Sohn Thomas 'Kendrick died &X his hdmtt0!KugS"'Mountain orMon.d!y.fiej;no6n, Augusts 7. tn ; ff& p'9lt5ft(Aj; Kendrick had been -in failinsr health for a. year oi more 'and his death was expected.' If lie had lived until 1 . . .... 'Saturday he wouldhave been 64 yeirs oiti. Ke.was one or Kings Mountain p old established citi. zens having jived here, for' the past) 68 vears. i( . " Cteverand'Ceuntjrv BeJwas born ! l utuu-.. viiucirauu HiMiaii iiie eariy part of bis life in' that SedtiorS Forty years ago he was" married to Mws Uell Lviu and two iear . later " moved, to" Kings where he took "an active:part ia tne jnterosu. m the. little' com. mUnitv which; WJn-mniHltfAmmi ling into a'tfjfage. He- hps. ben ncra-vun huh'.h. nn.n.Mrainnn, nil a of the mosb popular i4mlliear0ii town and has seen the town f- ' ' steacnly grow from community to village and fitjirt -village to ti-wn. Indeei one otthttalijUand- marks is cone aiid.thoi,n'1 n vo. I .., ; ... . . - ... r." -' ,-" r iant chair that can nev-er be fill- edi Mr. Kenerick affiliated with the, ftantist filmrrli in 1 . ' j runn er daya and. endeavored to Jive and exemplary life. deceased is surViyer? hv.'-iAdi widow; two Ijalf broEljeilfs,? '-'BJ ffi wnnsay ot, Kjags .Mountain ajid children-as f6i'6Ws Mrs. J. B: iv IVVtAll Uflll 1J , Mrs. J P. Weir, Grover,' N. M.' Kendrick, Bailintr Snrinira Mis.. T. L. WaTeMt. Holly,, Mra. J. tu. juupioiu, uu. mips. Margaret Kendrick, of Kings Mountani.'i ,' Thefuneral, was-conductod at. fiorne on 'Peidmont 'Street atl 4.7lO'Tl1p!lfln It-hiiUinnU' Hi. tJrjl ..,,,t u,,.,, T1 n , ttxi . I !j n-,'Muier' nfl-ithe"-femain a card was found which bore,the name of "Mrs. J. W. StoutHar" iiiuan, N. "V." It was therefore believed that "J. W. S." stood for J. W: -Stout. - i The accident accuriod at 12.17 Monday afternoon according n the- conductor and the wateh of one of the dead men wjiic'h .was stopped by the shock. I.! A-ltap .t.lnn;.nrT.IIC ' automobile lJroa3sII!eir'tra"velecT u yarns wmn tne-greater pa.rt' of the car and one of the 'men. Mr. Case, on the cow .catcher.. A small Dart of the ton and a door of the car were left wljcre the,, collision occurred. Exactly lifta'vards down the road the first man, Mr. Stout,' was flfbp ed on one -side ot the tracli arill on tne other side 1) vaifdsfnrther down one-oi tiieSisMdrfs!.'rrioliefl like rear cushion., -at . a, distance Of .21si, j'iirds aiittlixwitlea wa. foond aivl the llWHh. yard was v. ,r"i " --.v i.itii a.jjf iiLi:eiijLa-uuv end.ot 4i)l yards Monroe Journal-:"-. " V ' " ' Cleveland Countv has firnilnp., i.jjd.thiee famous brothers pieadh-"'t' via, vie jJixotis..iranJfi.iUix6n bemo famous on- the Paclflu'-' coast. Tom, who r began as a lawyer,, then "preacherl", aiidd hnally therfjithocand playwriBht' ' filled many bitr nulnits heforA hn ,quit..eiareujje, the elder brother, . hlled the biggest preaching jobs . m tins country, and is now pas-' ffffoftfpurgeona-old -church jn 1 MRniiim Ti,..,, in , .11 ' lii.T- . - 1 J - I. 1 M(US uiv stalwart oiu- coufttttpwafcherv,. Wlhle the three brothers, .wiich, -' Union (Jouuty has giyeff to the" l.laptist ministry, "Msrs Janes,-. - hdward and Sam Long, sons of. ,' , Esq. W. .(. Song,' will' perhaps '. never be asMamoiis Ah the Dix on - brothers. : they . wilf bo an. useful in thcirresput!tife places. ji , " .juuj4r "uw pas. t . tr '(t tforth W il kesboro, preach- ml -in,. Monroe eliurch Snn.W . Ilis-'ibiothliis- had oreviouslv tilleAthe saute puhiit this sum- i.-1 men,nd I rjiero is-, considerable- slopped' ana the' bftlpnco of the W9. members of wreckage was du.mV'f tYtk' on?w' then backed up to where the r ?5i6regradu- first mnn dvW -fr m 'FT Case taken .to'm Jhefebnti ?U',ul,'' of the engine and was still al.vV !''Long the- hilt. I UI it lin r1--n Ml S.l. -. ..' ., .... .. 1' " -zr " -i"'"'v-.' v-. .-, : wiifriM i',,'.r,.,t ..i..... ...... . 'J'Mft-twn manir e71 Tnrfr'itiA UHS!"" 't wuk. Wiivmis in placed In tihe vfta-irfli7i9.i4Miirir,. .... . , J nc-n-- . -irrj bi-oullt on up town and tnrnrJ MtJU. ...-t. .,,., 'A. -'. uci ivwi.-viiv ,iiuui'i,iiaimi(,.Ll . M ventoryof' Uic 'bagaaiter'wrioJi hnrl hepn tf.airoVr ,'fi1v: .wn I OMn'l-A I- y..;S , ;V( ,"'1 ITUT5 and Case jdenllcdjtivrreSs.' f.inti twraci moritntn1 iit-1 Case'm Biiai tniiDug WfifrWW to shQ? thwbody oij the-neJtt train Th frtllntaiViir-T rl r f ; 1 - ' ,V,if Kinia-nd Sotth Gg-rolina be f(ife'""reftirhnn?' to; hfl aat'-ve SSjIftp Re.SfSufn joncr.i ahe JOUnsfc'Jset in tlieininarir Riun mor - VJiJi hiijf ,fMint 'Had peeping. , in touch with .the' soil, by right ing,riisjSifoiia';tiuio.v;.There has . ' JjCi.ffiS?,,op ' 'tl10' -f . brother preachers -Irnni tli?s countv- tlboay-citha-rt rs ,;-".T, 'he followiViglfrlltni' P1'- i5"m'Bellt well ehanired in JZrT Z Met'd,st lacher,-Dr. 'ag a card sneffffna J. Wi'StoMUvawd .v v ,1. your firm was kille and bodv beintr held , ... J . . - wu'v- HJ... 141 ffrTO1' .eS,u4vl!l. RevJU.JSbiderV. . dhero today a,ctJlfrU' 1 'r 'v vi;iao Avuicnii . ail lit 11 yU Of Hie LttrtiffVftl4aWimittir.;. t-r .w,vT 191 , Rei and 1 P.-L. AVArd " . . . C "CTaw ""county.. , r-i Z v I ""' -,,bj4"11;;,1?!;J; on ie others. r i'V'lit'ol! VrA?';, , . ?; "Hie ifcthatjtjiej rre son8 ot ' A similar ms4ltgeVdert'i)afeber,l, i,'l-. r - . ' i"i"fi uinjjiieremains 1 m Hisge "(m."voeen"jjeiictier,j,n Vaidtorest In the City cemetery i'aat tj"Mig,- Jj'itutj.j, Hrr(A fhet" ' mm.

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