KINGS MOUNTAIN HZRALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. 0 LC::.EL IS MERCURY, IT SIGKEHS! ' (r : STOP USING SALIVATING DRUG " jn't Lose a Day's WorkI If Your Liver is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone." It's Finel - You're blliooil Tour liver It slug ek! .You feel lazy, dizzy and all nocked out. "Your head U dull, your mgue is coated; breath bad; atomach our and bowtli eonsttpated. But dont ak salivating calomel. It makea you lok, rou may lose a day' work. Calomel 1 mercury or Quicksilver which cauaes necrosis of the bones, oalomel crashes Into aour bile Uko lynainlte. breaking It up. That's when vou teel that awful nauaea and cramp on. . .-. i If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel eleanatng you ever experienced Jutt take a apoontul of hannleaa Dodson 's Llrer Tone. Tour druggist or dealer eelll you a 50-cent bottle of Dodson 's Llrer Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that each apoontul will clean your DEFENDS POPULAR REMEDIES Speaker Say Newspaptra Should In vestigate Merita of Medicines Be , fore Barring Advertisements. That an organized attempt baa been bade to blacken the reputation of the popular family remedies of this coun try,-and to mislead the newspaper publisher Into rejecting the adver ting of . such medicines, was the harge made by Carl J. Balliett, of udalo, N. Y at the convention of the I vert I ting Affiliation at Detroit vfr. Ballieit to a director of the Pro letary Association of America, which ludea In Its membership two hun d Anna which make the popular oared medicines of America, r. Balliett . pointed out that It Is duty of the newspaper publisher f fuse the advertising of any fake fVaniltilanr m.i4li1n. 4,,t mm U tm 8 duty to refuse any fake or fraudu at advertising, but It la not right to hut down on 411 medical. advertising eoause there have been some ny more than It would be right to .'3fuse to publish all department store drertislng . because certain stores are made practice of lying about argala sales. ! Disease and death .are mysteries, 'eople who are perfectly well are keptleal.. They laugh at the time ran patent medicine Joke, Just as hey laugh again and again over the nany variations of the operation. Joke -"The operation was a success but he patient died." This so-called hu ior has perhaps hurt -the medicine uslnesa with well people, but when ie hitherto healthy man feels a a 'ere -paii) or Illness, he Immediately ants medicine, and will Mesa tie re whether K be at the tuuxU of a "ular doctor, a homeopath, aa oeteo h, a Christian Scientist or patent dtclne. -There Is nothing, mere idly than disease; nothing mere lorable than to cure It fr. Balliett refuted the Idea sought be spread about that pateast medl . are unpopular by showing that a 1900 to 1912 the amount of pre 4 medicines consumed in America eased from 1100,000,004 to ?160, '00 annually. He showed Out, al gh the American Medical Aaascl n la trying aa an organisation to inmate so-called . patent anedj i, the family doctor. Individually, it fighting them but preserTbrng He estimated that 40 erf foe i iptlons written by doctors today 1e proprietary medicine. e writings of Dr. Harvey W. he said, have also aimed to de- y confidence in proprietary medl ; but that Dr. Wiley's Idea are qfalllble is shown by eaaea where nalyses were entirely wrong. Mr. att mentioned a case where, with he flower of the Government he lit a preparation as being danger to health, and was Ingioriously iped. . .. ; ,r., .::'.-;";-.i.s' 'v:-... ' tere has been spread the idea that over faker can mix a few useless sdlents and, by smart advertising, tons of it and win, sudden wealth; reea, aa n matter of tact, the medt- business is notoriously difficult I, where there has been one success It, there have been a hundred faU n. Any medicine, which has no It cannot live,, because persons 3 are duped into buying it onoe will t buy it again, and the profit from qrtlslng a medicine can only come a repeat sale to the same, : satls t people. . Thar .re, any medicine h has been loe market for a bcr of yearj.Tuid Is still adver I, must hav merit behind ft to ao t for It success.,- ; v. THE VJ BRAND EVOLVES MID PISTOL j lcz' rR?vclverandri3tclcart - ii f " r-'.'jers prove tixfr s-p- T t 'i 1 "7 r"ke. lugglsh liver better than a doae of natty calomel and that It wont make you lick. Dodaon'a Liver Tone la real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn ing because you will wake up feeling One, your liver, will be working, your headache and dlzilneaa gone, your tomach will be aweet and your bowel regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. . .... v Dodaon'a Liver Ton la entirely vegetable, therefore hannleaa and can not salivate. Give It to your children! Milliona of people are ualng Dodaon'a Liver Tone Instead of dangeroua cal omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the aale of calomel la almost stopped entirely here. In conclusion Mr. Balliett declared that no newspaper Is doing Justice to its readers In the matter of medical or other advertising, unless It investi gates, not only the wording of the ad vertisement offered for publication, hut the merits of the article adver tised. He pointed out that the few newspapers who have been deluded Into the policy of barring out medical advertising have adopted this general policy, rather than to form an inves tigation bureau of this kind which could, in a constructive and useful ef fort. Investigate and decide what la a good product and what 1 a fraud, In not only the medicine bualneaa, but In every other business which adver tises its wares to the public. The audience seemed to agree with Mr. Balliett's Ideas on the subject and the chairman decided the question at issue in his favor. Litany for Week-Days. From elderly ladies with sure cures for toothache, corns and tonsllltls; boiled potalft.1, sjsJilsbi m and the military "experts" of newspa pers; and from all femalea more than twenty-three or less than eighteen years old; and from persons who know the exact difference between "who" and "whom" and are willing to tell It; and from provincial para graphed who Imitate Franklin P. Adams; and from old and bad cock tails under new and seductive names; and from gilt chairs; and- from dogs with loose hair good Lord, deliver us! Owen Hatteras In Smart Set Rub It On and Rub It In. For lam back and soreness, sprain and strains, sore throat aad Kilt neck, you must rub on and rub la thorough ly HanforV Balsam of Myrrh. Re member that one good application at first I better than several light ones. Adv. Like Sensible Women. ' Montague Glass, the author of "Perl- mutter and Potash," says that h would not marry a woman who did not have aense enough to want equal rights for her sex. He has a wife who, needless to say, cosies up to his expectations of what, a sensible wom an should be. If you can't get Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh write: O. C Haafard Mfg. Co, Syracuse,' N. Y. Twc eizez: SOc and $1.00. Adv. ' .. . Guilty. . The Justice of the peace aa a town in Ohio, in pursuance at his duties, had to hear and Judge cases that were brought, before him and also to per form occasional marriage ceremonies. He found It difficult to dissociate the various functions of hla office. - Everything had gone smoothly un til he asked one bride:' "Do yea take tfhls man to be your husband?" - The bride nodded emphatically. . "And you, accused," said the Justice, turning to the bridegroom, "what bare roe to say In your defense f" . ' A Reformer. Twobble Is noted fbr hla passion ate striving after perfection." '. , "I must say that's a commendable trait" "In some cases, yes, but Twobble spends all 'his time trying to achieve it In other people." 1 ' -' For obstinate sores use Hanford's Balaam. - Adv. The skeleton In the wife' closet I apt to be another female of the spe cies.'' ' - -:-:..'"':. -e Be no kmsr a Chaos, but a World, -Produce) produce I Were it but the pttlruleat Infinitesimal traction of a product, produce It I' la Qod'a name! Tie the utmost thou hast Id theol out ' with It, than. Up, upl Wbatmver thy hand And to do, do It with thy whole might Carlyle. FOR THI SWEET COURSE. There are so many dainty little wests which make a good finish for a heavy meal when a hearty dessert Is out place that In the follow- big may be found some suggestions; Cream puffs tilled with any de sired filling, like Jam, Jelly or preserves, powdered with sugar and heaped In a standard dish make a pretty as well as toothsome dessert. Apple Trifle. Make a good, well seasoned sauce sufficient to make a pint Put through a sieve and reheat Have ready half a package of gelatin softened in a cupful of cold water and stir this Into the scalding hot sauce. When It is dissolved and the sauce la quite catd, fold in a pint of whipped cream and flavor with nutmeg. Turn Into a mold that has been wet with Ice water and let stand tor several hour In a cold place. Serve with plain cream or a custard sauce. . Orange Cream. Beat until stiff a pint of cream. Soak a half package of gelatin In a cupful of cold water un til dissolved. Beat the yolks of three eggs, add the strained Juice of two large oranges and the rind of one. Stir Into a cup of boiling water, adding the eggs, and when hot and thick atlr In the softened gelatin and a cupful of powdered sugar. Pour Into the halves of oranges to mold, or serve In sherbet cups with cream. Kumquata make a good garnish for this dainty dish. Chocolate Junket Bring to a luke warm heat a pint of milk. Let cool and Wta'tii a, haM ewtfttl o sugar and a third of a cupful of boiling wa ter, a quarter of a cupful of grated chocolate, and when dissolved add a crushed Junket tablet and a pinch of salt Flavor aa desired with vanilla and let stand In a warm place to aet Be careful not to scald the milk or the Junket will loae Its virtue. Serve with nuts sprinkled over the top or with whipped cream. Rice Is so well cooked In a cooker that It If a favorite dish with many. It may be served with cream and sugar as a dessert or with butter a vegetable... . AU men whom mlshty genius has ' raised to a proud smlnenco Id the ; world have usually some little woak nem which appears the more conspic uous from the contrast It presents to their seaeral character. Pickwick Pa - per. SOME BEST DISHES. Here ts a dainty dessert which Is good enough for the best of compa nies: Mix together two and a half cupfuls of su gar, one cupful of water and a tablespoonful Of flour, boll and strain with the Juice of three lemons, three oranges three mashed banar and a can of grated pineapple, with three cupfuls of water. Fold la three egg whites beaten stiff and freese as usual - Marshnullow Cream This is a most delicious dessert which may be easily made and takes the place of a frozen dish. Cut half a pound of marshmal low In fourths, add to a cupful of cream beaten stiff, and two stiffly beaten whites of eggs, one cupful of walnut meats broken in bits, a table spoonful of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt Flavor with any de sired flavoring and serve In sherbet cups. Garnish with cubes of Jelly or with candled cherries. -- Filled Cookies To a half Cupful of shortening add a cupful of sugar, one egg and half a cupful of aweet milk In which one teaspoonful of soda is di solved.- Sift three and a half cupfuls of flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar add a teaspoonful of vanilla and mix well, roll out thin and cut with a cooky cutter.? Cook a cupful of chopped raisins with half a cupful of water, a tablespoonful of flour and lemon Jules to taste. .When thick re move and place a teaspoonful on one Cooky, 'cover' with another and bake until brown. A filling of fig and date may be used Instead of raisin If so desired.'? .-.i;." . k.-v.-;.?;.,-"- - - ' . .-.'. String beans either canned or fresh ly cooked make a most satisfying salad. with a bit of chopped onion and any salad dressing desired..- .. First Flsld Artillery.- :'r The first field artillery was devised by Uustavu Adolphut. : Hi beaten copper guns,' wrapped In leather, could be fired taster than a man could fir A musket. . It was due to the profici ency of bis artillery, more than any other reason, that he was able to cat ry on the Thirty Years war. -w , Wonders of the Shallows. :"';1ns of the wr.Mura of the deon, a fre;i!is h: Put That Pain to Use The network of nerves In your body, like the network of wires In a burglar alarm system, gives quick warning when anything it going wrong Inside. Looking at It in this way a pain la a useful alarm. Now, kidney weak ness I a dangerous thing a condition not to be neglected and It 1 wise to know and pay attention to the early alarm signals of sick kidney. rickache I a common warning of c ngestlon or Inflammation In the kid neys. It may be dull, nagging pain or a sharp twinge when stooping or lift ing. . There are likely to be disorders St urination, dlulnesi, headache, and rowsy, despondent, tired feeling. It is very hard to strengthen weak kidney at first, but neglect Invites rheumatic or neuralgic attacks, gravel, dropsy, and fatal Blight's disease. As a special medicine for weak kid neys Doan's Kidney Pills have been used for years all over the civilised world, and surely are considered reli able. The patient can always help the medicine Immensely, however, by diet ing lightly, using little or no liquor, tea or coffee, keeping regular hours and drinking lot of pure water. LIMITED CHOICE OF VIANDS Ousat Who Didn't Care for Salmon Was In Fair Way to Have Hot Breakfast , In some parts ot the Canadian back country the recurrence of boiled sal mon, broiled salmon, salmon cutlets, und salmon ateak at every meal be comes, after a few weeks, a trifle monotonous. To the native palate, brought up on It, this constant, reap pearance of the selfsame dish Is a matter of course; but to the newly arrived tourist It grows at last Into a feeble Joke. "Ia there nothing else for break fast?" said one such victim of colonial hospitality, as a whole Ash and a pot of mustard were laid before him on the UW! - "Nothing else!" repfrvL the host, In surprise. "Why, there's salmon euootfa there for six, ain't there?" "Yes," responded the guest mildly; "hut I don't care for salmon." "Well, then. Are Into the mustard," was the rejoinder. - .' . Accuracy First ; Far down In the basement Is a ma chine of particular Interest to astron omer and scientists. It Is the cele brated dividing engine, which makes It possible, to the delight of mathema tlciana, to divide a circle accurately. even to within one second of an surpassing the records of all previous dividing englnea. This degree of ac curacy was accomplished after years ot experiments in a room heated to 80 degrees, or aa near practicable to the heat of the body of the operator, for even a breath might Interfere with the tiny scratches on the silver bands ot the revolving disc. An Afternoon with Ambrose Swasey, by Joe Mitchell Chappie, in National Magazine. Preparing for Eventualities. Shortly after the declaration of war la Germany, the cashier of the largest bank in Berlin received from a strang er the following letter, .postmarked Dresden: "Dear Sir: A few weeks ago, while la Berlin on my vacation, I found my self temporarily in need of money and pawned my diamond ring. I enclose the pawn ticket to yoa, asking that yoa redeem the ring, sell It for what yoa can and turn the proceeds over to the Hied Cross fund. It may be that I shall tiave no further use for Jewels." - A REBELLION -Food Demanded. The human body will stand a lot of abuse, but sometime It will surely re bol and demand proper food in place of the pasty, starchy, greasy stuffs on which It has been made sick. Then Is the time to try Orape-Nuts, the most scientific and perfect .food in the world. A lady of Washington says: "Three years ago I was very ill with catarrh of the stomach and was given up to die by one doctor. I laid in bed four months and my stomach was so weak that I could, not keep down medicine or hardly any kind of food and was so weak and emaciated after four months of this starvation that my daughter could easily lift me from bed and put me In my chair. ' "But weak a my stomach was, It accepted, relished and dlgeated Orape Nuts without any difficulty the first time that wonderful food was tried.. "I am now strong and in better health than for a great many year and am gradually growing still stronger. I rely dff Orape-Nuts for much of the nourishment that I get The results have certainly been won derful In my ease and prove that no stomach in so weak It will not digest Orape-Nuts.- . . . ,v . "My baby got fat from feeding on Orape-Nuts I was afraid I would have to stop giving the food to him, but 1 guesa it is a Healthy fat, for his healtn is just perfect'' Nam given by Posture Co, Battle Creek, Mich. . Look in pkgs tor the famous little book ''The ? Road to Welly!!!. -"''-aso..w- 'Y: - "0 "BrttfPlttar " can hardly tlraighten up."y When Your Back b Umo Remembeflho Name" DOAN'S IaTONEY PILLS Sold by all Dealers, rrlee SO cenh, forteMllburn Co, IViffalo. K V. lprietoff. Another 8ort ' "I gather from what he said that Jim's wife is the gray mare." "She Is more ot an old nag." EASY WAY TO CLEAR - BAD COMPLEXIONS Pimples and blackheads disappear, red, rough, blotchy complexions be come clean, clear and velvety, and hair health and beauty are aided by the regular use of Reslnol Soap and a little Reslnol Ointment They do their work easily, quickly and at little cost, even when other methods fall. Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap stop Itching Instantly and speedily heal skin humors, sores, wounds and chaf Inge. Sold by all druggists. Adv. A mouse scares a woman almost as badly as a milliner' bill scares a man. Made atiiwt 1846 Hanford's Balsam. Adv. ' ... .. A youth always wants to ma IT) J pretty girl because hla parents want him to marry a sensible one. For sprained wrist rub on and rub In Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv. ' Occasionally a man's sense of hu mor may head off the doctor. TOUR OWH DBI'UniST WTIX TRlt. VOTT Try Marine are Kenedy for Hed, Weak, Watery H fee and Gnutulau-d Hyelldflj No HmarUriK Em Bye Comfort. Writ for Book of the Mr j atail Free. Murine By Eeaiedy Co- Cbiomgu. It takes a lot of confidence to en able a man to enjoy hash. -Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experience shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart is not suflicientlv Btron ir to numo blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands and feet, of poor appetite because of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart toolo and alterative should be taken which baa aebadaftar-efleet. Sochls Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery " which oontatu no dmaeerou mtroaitlam or aloobol. - IttWipSflM 1 fcfttpa tb tomach to Bssimilato or tak op the proper cleiiMnts from tlM food, tbcraby lM.jAing difMtion and earing dyspepsia, beart-bam and nans' xmccmtoriMbl ajmp- loma, acopa mxemairm ussao wuu in UuaMoodea peopia, uxa tmthmU or takUt form mt memt Jrmm ttwrma r amtd 80 an owf mmm for trial W to Dr.Pimrtm't ImrmUdm' Hi BmffmU. N. T. Rheumatism Muscle Colds "It is easy to use and quick to respond. No work. Just Apply. It penetrates without rubbing." Road What Others Savt fHsve assd roar Liafanent vstr suscssrtullr ia a eass of rheumatism, and MM! Good for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains and Bruise. ''rV:,:, AB Dealers 25c m EArJL S. SLOAN, Inc. OeptB IdelobJa, Pa. A to Doan's Kidney P1IU, read the following enthusiastic endorsement by one who has tested them. LOST WEIGHT STEADILY Htthmf BrmmgU UUmf Urni! Don't Were IW 11 It Ttekl. Bloa Collet. N. C. oarer' "Som jure 1 la a trala wraokj and mr kidneys war. Injured. 1 hid awfua pains la th smell ot mr back and wtraa I' iVopad or lifted Ihe attacks were to bad I , could hardly itrslthten. My hock ache mr-1 rlblr at nltht and when t (at up In the. morning there was lameness through -mr) loin I tired easily, wse Isnsuld and aarr-j ous and had such bad dlssy spells that nor sight berime blurred, nie turner secre tions were ailed wlla Sediment aad I was; ebllged to ret up three or four tlmee at ntsht to pees them. I had a constant thirst and though I drank large quantifies of wa-t ter. it was not quenched. I lost twenty-Svo pounds In welsht and gave up all hop of recovery. Plsettra liniments snd medicines i failed snd I was told that mr can was da veloptns Into Urlght's dlseese. Finally 1 learned of Doan's Kidney PHI and they r-' llcved the awful misery In four or Sve dara I I kept on using them and three boieo ru.d m up in good shape. I Intend to keep mm oalng Hum and I can't be too grateful Cor the Improvement they have mada." Objected to the Statement. "We all make fools of ourselves at times, your worship," said a man who waa charged at the Lambeth police court with Insulting behavior. "You can only apeak for yourself." retorted Mr. Btron. London Tit-Bits. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of ail antiseptics Is st A soluble; Antiseptic Powder to be) dissolved in water as needed. A a medicinal antiseptic for douche In treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration ot nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills It has no equaL For ten years the Lydla E. PJj2bam Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlue In their private correspondence with, women, which proves its superiority. Women who .have been cured ay t I "worth it weight In gold." At druggis. B0c. large box, or by maiL The PaxtonToUet Co. Boston, Mass. SAYE YOUR MONEY." P1??..0 "tt'i v many dollart In doo tor'ibiU.. A nrliMMithtiivtr. ICK stWiMWH! Uysusill, &MltlplttOfl Wivmmm- ss Bmissstmi pavrM sHMOrrM ma an Pills IIH.'8 BHICUM ATISM CCBB-A nrepan. '., merit, fonaalaao. . B. STU1JS.TBI , K'VJ3 W. N. U-, CHARLOTTE, NO. 4 M I. vanrmtmcmeu irotn xeTars; xor ua tid -Vfcowmj" U Kxraabing ana Titaimnc. always asm a bottle oa hand to esse of a eold or sore throat. I wias to sgr I taink It one of the beat of household remedies. I would not have used U only Jt was recommended to aw by a friend of mine who, I wish to say, one of th hast boosters tor your liniment I ver saw." V. fr. roller. Ou,. "Just a lias la pralae of Sloan's Unuawt. I hare been ill nearly foul teen weeks with rheumatism, ban been treated by doctors who did their bast. I had not slept for th terrible pain for several nights, when my wife sot me a small bottle of th Liniment and three appiiea cations gave mo relief ao that I oould sleep." Joerp Tamblyn, SIS Cos ma Street, McKtuport, Pa. - KJf M .mnss7nBBSs 1 1

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