iiQ Mmm Mountain Herald ' ' . C J Vol 11 Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, November 19, 1914. s N. 43 iflAMP CLARK TEACHERS A.R.P. SYNOD EARL WELLS fO SPEAK IN SHELBY A Kan of Rational Reputation makes . bis first North Carolina speech ; Saturday night. . f, - Hon. .Champ Clark,, speaker of the National House of Rep. resentatives,' and famous from i mean to ocean as a master orator, i will deliver bis great lecture on I "R'cher ; . Than Golconda," in Shelby on next Satur Joy nlgnt, November 21st. V . 7 Suelby '.people are anxious not i- only that a strong representation I of our promlnieut citizens attend 1 tbe lecture, but that leading people from all over this territory should attend, as this will per haps be Mr. Clark's only lecture in North Carolina this season. Hi lecture time ts confined to I the Interims between sessions of congress- ; ' ' Indeed this appears to ba 'Mr. Clark's first lecture In North J Carolina, his connection with the Kidpath pecture oureau uavits brought him into nearly every other State of the Union, except Nortn Carolina. " . . Shelby is indeed fortunate In securing Mr.Clarli.baving boofce 1 ' him early last summer., He conies to Shelby direct from Savannah ' Ga. .i.-" - Reserved eaj may be secured - by writing or wiring Mr. : H. E. ; Kendall, Shelby. . Better get J Stopped ' I've stopped tho paper, yes I have,. v'TI didn'riikei to do it, : ,. But the editor begot too smart, ' ".: Atyl allow he'll rue it. - ' : . 1 . ; VI ata.a man who pavg his debts, : " - And will not bb insulted, V " " ? '. So when the: editor gets mart .. ' ' V. I want to be consulted, i ; -- ' f. .-' -.f vv;.':-;-;-...-: I took the' paper 'leven years :jy : : ' i- :And. help him all I could sir, ; r- l But when it comes to duilnin" me -, V - ' I didn't Wnk he would, sir. . But that; he did, and ypu can bet lirat&o vaei hpt vtbunUt-F;.Ni;ii !l says: "I'll stop that sheet, I.-wilU" Hthe blessed thing eoes xxiitetS t hunted tip th editor ';r-r i And fer hTsctihnin,' caper : -, I paid him 'LEVEN. years and qqitt "" ,! ; ,;- Yes, sir, I stopped the papef. ;ii yfa-- MET AT BESSEMER Teachers of Crowdersllotintain Town ship held first monthly meeting November JOlh. :. Bessemer Citv. N. C. Nov. 10th The teachers of the schools of Crowdera Mountain; Townshii met in the graded school build ing last Saturday.'Nov. 7th 1914 in their first township teacl.ers meeting, The following officers were elected: Professor R, C. Byerly, Pres. Miss Carlvle Ware Vice President, Miss Bain Hen Person Secretary, .. Miss Erie Stewart Frits Co respondent The course of study for .public schools' was discussed together with plans for adopting it to the one.teacher school. Those discus slons were intersting, and will doubtless prove valuable in help ing f lie teachers to make out the course of study tor the res pec tive schools. , The following program was arranged for the next meeting:- Professor P, R. Owen will lead the discussions tn "Every Day Problems in Teaching." The teachers are reqneeted to read the first three chapters and the following teachers, Miss Alexander, Miss Ormand, and Miss Willi ford, are to present papers on the first three chapters respectively. ' . " Teachers present were: E. C. Byeriyr -JW-Qwen , j.JMiss Henderson, Miss Horn, . M ss Ormand, Miss Miller, Miss Har ralson, Miss Erie Stewart, Miss Huron Stewart, of the Bessemer City graded school, Miss Kester Miss weir, Miss Cannon, of the East Kinirs Mountain Graded School, Miss Wolf) of Snnnyside, lUI.. D.l nf Ttalroi-a ' Mill Mloo Ramseur of Long Creek, Miss Sellers of Sparrow Springs and Mr. Clark of 'Mountain View. The next meeting will be held lit the Graded School building Saturday Dec. 5th 9:30 a.m. all the teachers of the township are requested to be present. Miss Erie Stewart, Press Corospondent, . , : M.B.CLEG6 Rev. M. B. OlegR, for the past four years pastor, of Kings Mountain Elbethal ; : charge Methodist . Episdapal . Church South, has been appointed to the nenrieMa and Carolen Charge inthe Morg'onton District Mr. Clegg'nd family " will move Tuesday of next week. Jt J9)id. -14". . - Littlejohn flord A very beautiful home wed ding was celebrated last Wednes day nifrht at the home of the bride's parents in Kings Moun tain when Mr. Doris C. Littlejohn and Miss Jennie V. Hord were united in holy matrimony. It was a quiet home wedding there be ing present only a few of the closest relltives and friends ,.to the contracting parties. . As the clock was striking the hour of seven, with Miss Ethel Davidson at the organ, tur strains of Lohengrins Bridal Uhorus burst forth from the instrument in the corner of the parlor and as iXwtatic notes were filling the air the two whom God had already joined together emerged from tho sit ting room across the hall into the parlor, where they faced Rev. J, ' R. Miller and heard the words and took the vows that made them man and wife. The ceremony was beautiful and impressive. The parlor was tastefully decorated with ferns and cut floweis and the friends who. witnessed the scene were lined up em trying asmallopen ing in the center of which ws a table covered with flowers. The bride is tin- daughter of Mr anil Mrs Joe Hord She is voung, beautiful and accomplish ed. Her sterling worth in whole- annriA i;nr!8Mn society 3 ioik wherever she is known and Mr. Littlejohn is to be congratulated p.hiS-good.fortune.', Mr. Littlejohn is one of the, best all round young men the writer has ever had thtj pleas ure to know. He issober, indus trious and possesses a most noble Christian character. He is a farmer and lives a few miiee from town. : ; The popularity of the couple was clearly evinced by the num- rous bridal presents, xwirei does. one ever see such a splendid collection -M useful gifts bestow ed upon a pair of newly-weds. Immediately after the mar riage the couple left by automo bile tor Gaswnia wher3 they visited , relatives and they are now at homeou Mr. lyttlejohn's farm, -. Tbe Herald joins with the other friends of the couple in wishing them many happy re turns of the day. : Black-Beam " Mr. ' Perry Black and Miss Eugenia Bga'm vere ' united in marriage on Wednesday night Not. 11th; 8 1 Grover. Mr. Black is an industrious farmer of Gro ver Rout 1. While the bride is the attractive daughter of Mrs. N. E, Beam of Kings Mtn Rout 5 Our best j wishes follow them as they v together srtoll down ife's pathway." ' ; r Rcks 523 Pounds In Three Hoars Mr; R..S. Thoraburgv ot Oak Grove; Section .' comes forward with the following cotton pick ing record for himself and his very own. y '.. . . Wife and I, 198" lbs, Robert Lee Lackey, age 18,' 83 lbs, Ida B.' Tbornburg, ,age '13, 82 bs, Wray Thornburg, age 11, 89 Effle J. Thornburg, age 8, ; 44 lbs, Fioid.E. Thornburg, age 6. 25 lbs; making a total of 623 lbs, in three nours, If they had work ed a full ,day (10 hours) they would have picked 1748 lbs, V Among, its other ; resources this country is Certainly noted for cotton- pickers, turnipes and Wllleford Thompson Reported to the Herald from Blackstiurg S. C. . : " . -. "... A very brilliant event that will be of unusual interest to a wi do circle of friends of the contract ing parties' was the beautiful wedding of Miss Bess Thomson. and Mr. Ben Wllleford, which took plc.ee at the Baptist Church, Tuesday evening Nov. 10th at 8 oclock. The church was; most beauti fully adorned for this event. Stately palms and ferns forming a nost effective background for quantities of large white Chrys authemums which gave an air of dignity and simplicity to the highly decorative effect. Thirty p-inutes before the cere mony a beautiful and impressive mnsical program .was executed. Miss Lainuel Sarratt of Gaff ney S. C, Sang "I Love you Truly" after which Miss Katharine Thomson, a cousin of the bride, of Union S C., Most thrilllngly played two selections on the violin. Shortly thereaft3r the wedding rarty entered to the strains of "Lohengrin" play ed by Mrs. Montgomery. Little Misses' Vivien Whisonant and Llda Mae Osborn made an aisle with ribbon through which the bridal party eutered. They both wore lovely white lingerie dress es lasntonea alter tne same model, ahd pink ribbons, First came the ushers, Messrs Lawrence Sherer onl Ben Ram- seuriiextr -; two ' groomsmen, Me.rs Joe Thomson and George Modbna, of Kings Mountain. Then the bridesmaids entered in single file. First, 'Miss Irene Whisonant of Charlotte, then Miss Irma Willeford of Kiugs Mountain., sister of the groom. Both wore charming Nile green Crepe Meteor gowns and carried lovely "vhite i chrysanthemums tie with white chiffoD. Next came the maid' of honor, Miss Jean Whisonant of Charlotte who wore a handsome gown of pink charineuse with gold net over dress and carried an armful of huge pink chrysanthemums, the same shade of her gown, tied with pink Tulle. Last, the bride entered on the arm of her broth er, Mr. Perrin Thomson, and was met at the altar by the groom and best man., Mr. Will ? Warren of Gastonia. The bride looked very beautiful in an exquisite ereation of wuite-Crepe-Meteor; with pearl and set trimmings, made entrain with a veil of soft tulle. She carried in her arm, tlib conventional shower of brides roses and lily of the valley tied with white tulle. The groom's gift to the bride was a loyeiy ia v ainere oi pearls. . Rev. A. B. Kennedy of Col umbia, S. C, a friend of the bride's family, preformed the most beautiful and impressive ceremony and the party retired tjthe strains ot Mendellsohns Wedding March. Mr. and Mrs. Wllleford left Immediately after the ceremony ,on an extended wedding trip north.' The brid wore a becoming . costume of blue cloth with hat and gloves to match. They will be at home to their many friends on their return, at Charlotte N. C. ' " Among the out oi town guests ware Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Charlotte, Miss Lucy Balle Jenkins of Charlotte. . Mr. and Mrs. ; Durham Thomson of Lalidrum, Mr. Webb Thom s i' of - Spartanburg M isses MEETS AT DUE "WEST Grand Session at Little Rock, Arkan sas, Many attended from the East Coast. (Charlotte Observer) Delegates to the annual S.ynod.of the Associate Reform ed Presbyterian Church of the South which has been in session at Little Rock, Ark. are expect ed to return tonight or tomorrow morning. Only a comparatively few delegates went from this community and immediate territory of the denomination owing to the exceeding distance from here tothe point of meet ing. TUose wno attended were Kev. Dr. G. R. White, . Rev. Dr. R. G. Miller, Rev. W. B. Lind say, from this city, in addition to Elder A. B. Hood of Sard is. Doctors Miller and White will will stop off at Memphis today as representatives of the board of home missions fur the pur pose of taking part in the dedi catory services of the A. R. P, Church in that city which has just been completed. The pastor there is Rev. E. P. Lindsay and under his effective minis trations, the congregation w'th the aid of the home board has erected an excellent and com modious house of worship. The dedicatory sermon will be preached today by T, Rev. Dr. Miller corresponding secretary of the board. . . , .. The session of the Synod which has been in progress at Little Rock since last Wednes day was fairly well attended in the face of the rather mitigat-1 ing conditions against a full at tendance;- Private Information that has reached the city indi cated that there were about 70 delegates present. The next session of tho Synod will be held with the Due West, S. C, congregation and the next moderator will be Rev. W M. Hunter, D. D., pastor of the church at Little Rock. NEW RATES The mw schedule of freight rates which were to have gone into effect November the tenth and were held up dy- the Inter- sta e Commerce Commission will go into force December tenth; , !Jke Zftnocker s Prayer. : Lord please don't let this town grow. I've been here for thirty years, and durihg that time I've fought every public improve ment. I've knocked everything and everybody, no firm or indi vidual has estao'ished a business here "without my doing all 1 could to put them out of business. I've lied about them, and would have stolen from them if I had the courage. I have done all I could to keep tbe town from growing and never have spoken a good word for it I've knocked hard and often. I've put ashes on the children's slide and I've made the marshal stop the boys playing ball on my vacant lot. Whenever I saw anyone prosper ing or enjoying themselves I've started a reform to kill the busi ness or spoil the fun. I dontwant the young folks to stay in thia town and I will do all I can by law, rnle and ordinance to drive, them away. It pains me, .0 Lord, to see that in spite of my knock Ing it is beginning to grow. Some day I fear I will be called upott to put down sidewalns in frontof my property and who' knows but what I may bave to help keep up the streets that rnn by my premises? This, Lor 1, would be more than I could bear. It would cost me money, though all I have was made right here in this town. Then, too, more people might come If the town- begins to grow, which wonld cause me to lose some of my poll, f ask there fore, to keep this town at a standstill, that I may continue to WRITES FROM P. I' Kings Monutain Boy is well pleased1 in Uncle Sam's service-mutt have . the Herald After so long atim I will try to jot you a few along with en: closed money order for one $1.00 dollar for one year subscription to your newsy paper. I am very much delighted with my new home in '.ne iropics. and with few minor difficulties, such as getting used to the vertical rays of solar energy am very much tickled. I have found the Islands Identical to stories of previous service men with the exceptions of minor detaiis"whicli would nterest one most, not being told, but could write many lines of possible intei it but in the end the sum would equal the article published through your columns of September issue, by one of our Kings Mountain boys who had just arrived lrom the Philip pines. I am real sorry indeed that I did not get to see Mr. .barber, for upon my arrival in Manilla, K I., I was stationed in tho amapost (Ft. Win. McKinley) with him, and how true the com posers were when he Gee'! but it's great to meet a friend from" your own home town, . As the notes of tattoo are ring. ingont over the Subic my, I Will be compelled to "retire with beat wishes to all, Respectfully, Earl Wells: 23rd Company. C. A. L. ; Fort Wint, P. I. Rev. E. 0 Cole Assigned to the Kings Mountain Charge. Elbethel Rev. E. O. Cole has been ap. pointed by the Western North Carolina Confrence Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ; as the snccessor of Rev. M. B. Clepg is pastor of the Kings Mountain Elbethel Charge'. The Harald extends a hearty welcome. Mr. Co'ie is a brother of E. A, Cole of Charlotte and" was transferred to the Conference' from Montana, JJeViCole wilt preach at the Methodist church here Sunday. umpUiis. ; ,he .chiefs AmB( . , i-,-v:ii,; .l; Mi it:-'