1 JT i TIT 1 1 . .Jf r II 1 : ' :," II ; v ne 1 r ' JMngs ivi Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, November 26, 1914. N. 44 MEET FRIDAY TO GROYER TRADE DAYS PASTOR C01.E is gooo: rot nis mercy enourein i1 lorever. . ?,ACHEU SUIXAY AT THE SCHOOLHOUSE A PLEASANT TRIr' WERE SUCCESSFUL oimiain Meraia5 .'.:-.' .tir-. , ' ; ,' . .. i. . t , r - - , , Vol 11 Make Arrangements for "Cftn'mtmlty Service Days" Dec. 3 and 4 PUna are making far a great observance of Community Ser vice Week", December 3, l, 5, ' turoulioui, our county nnd throughout the State. Ta et the movement going every where State buperinti nd ant J Y. Jovuer has seit a not Ian to public sehoil tenuherM ask ing them to notify all pareuts to attend it parents meeting to be held in each school district, Fri day, November 20, at 3:30 p. u Tie object of tins meeting is 'o make plans for the proper ob servHEce of the thr ''Commun ity Service Da.s" two weeks lat- "?ublic Koads, Grounds Buildings Day", December 8, ''School and Neighborhood Im provement Day", (North Caro lina Day) December 4 the two just mentioned to be obered 'n eoch school district and then a county meeting at each coun y seat, "County Progress Day " December 5. On Thursday, December i, ' Public Roads, Grounds an Building Day", the people art: to meet In e-.ch school district u do some physical work for thi improvement of roads, schoi 1 nd church builbings nd grounds, cemeteries, etc, Tlio. umy'work on the roads,, npalr tVie church or acho-ilhouse, ci' an off the cemetery or school f.rou nds, plant trees and shruLs, etc' etc.. On Friday, December 4, th ; big' da.Vi to be observed a "School and Neighborhood Im provement Day" l'i every public school from Currituck to Chero kee, the older people, as well as all the boys and girls, are urged to meet together at every school housn in all-day picnic mee tings, hear the reports of the local sur vey, and discuss the following ten topics: ' 1. Report on rural census and - discussion of it. 2. Is our school term long e nouRh? If not, how can we lengthen it, und get more teach ers if needed? 3. Should we have more alten , (Continued on back page) WITH THE' PRIDE 17 lit Vi finer pmKfmtmwLt I ' i , Xotoi hae mtq , ' " And wmi wad But W ha wt . . , . llliii mm l"-i s'j-'-lBli' ww ar - 1 :w'4 . ..-s-s-'' J.-i" Editor VUits Storing School at Grovei Friday Night The editor nut on bla over coat and slipped off Friday night for to have a good time, which by the way hud been guaranteed bv the promoter of the scheme. The atmosphere was dry and hard and cold. The vind warped around the corners vith such a "whew" as to re mud fo th fancied ghosts and iobliiiS of yule tide. Two tickets to Grover aid 41 n tli9 yard told us that thi time was up. In a jiffy Prof. C. P, Gurd-ier and the scribe were, eated on the red plush and sizzing acioss the country. In twentv minutes Urover wa .nnounced and a double-quick march order fas executed until the hungry pair had reached lie cozy home of Mr. and Alia Jim Hardin just beyond tit Baptist church. After the time of day had been passed and the i.xious travelers had been hlA-ed out sufficiently io enj. he hospitality of t.ie home ai d tin bountiful repast that wa awaiting them on the tiste ooard in the adjoining rooir .ve were ushered Into tin lining room by our host where wife and daughter wer presented and the fept enjoy id. Not a finer supper ever greeted his. editorial ivory or assuaged his morbid appetite. We were having a gcoi time. As soon as supper was over wt made a dive for the ' Baptlbt Church where Prof. Gardner has the largest music class we have ever st en or heard of the. niim ber of whiiih sounds almost fablous for a small town.. 152 is is the record attendance. But not that many were present Fri day night when we reached the firing line. As stated before the weather was severe, the .frost lice was lurking around the door, but in the very face of the weather about a hundred anx ious learners were awaiting us (or him) with a heater red hot in the midst. They were there from ttie cradle to the grave ana everybody sang. Even to the (Continued on back pane) OF THE FUCK If em) Mt, - at that wart It, w am w.,,. w, Robert Bum JVA V w'ft waiei-rlh fl hill from his cHajnbrar5! wflaJifiJ with ih fnill GfW cjittk. arui hftb fcr th service cf Pjfi , aWl rnikn Qiii inay trinj fcrtil food Bethlehem Baptist Church, 10. a. m. Devot'onal 10;15. Routine Singing 10;50 "Nearer My Home," (Male Quartet) 11. ADDRESS N. F. McMillan, Subject "The Supreme Lesson Which Music TeacheR:" "We Are Going Down Th? Valley." (Male Quartet) 12. ro. DINNER 1. p. m. Getioral singing by all the choirs of old and familiar fons i :30. Businesii Meeting : 2. Routine singing , , 3:80. Adjourn, - - There may poissibly be 6tl.fr Rpt-cisil music inch as duets, trios and quartets List Of Songs OAK GROVK He Will Keep Mh A Reeping By-Arid By Then Shall I Know Praise The Loid, O. My Soul Hurry And TellJItm What Shall The HbrveNt Be? When I Hear The Angels Calling Di'irt From Ma Be Thou My Guido Clinging To The Cross PATTERSON GIOVE Oi; What Have I Done?.' It We Do Our Best Happy and Free. Witness Todav 3a Thou Mr Guide . Run Not, The Risk - O? Win!. T ion? 7;T)i!i rftll i ."V ;' l I ! To 1. : --.j. rJbsf."Td S:i Vrf't a t?5t bike-Mr Farting Hand" CORA MILL ' ' H v I L " T S'li ? Of Jos is J. ' Ho Died Fr .5,iin.-r.--li:;.'v -vtt. Sin. M v Br.a'i m- - Wli'-.i T. :.'tr::. i'..- If The-SiViOr in t.';i'f: V-i ,. -.. : '--Vf ..1 : . ,.. ;,,: -' - , 'Joiii 1: ': L.ir,n Or T.ii' i.ii.v"v.: ' "1 ' ( v , 't Or j 1 . 4 I I ? 1 j. o' v , - - 'i''.! Or-. x-O;' Civstu,..-,'; ' ..'';' .:,' 'onJtans-'i'h.-i Road . ', C 'ft- I'o i v- A 1 Jr , 1 , . : V. .1- Till lift KUCt. t 'S-lOV-Jitut?-.. -' Mrt , .v. M., ' Solo. Things Will Aij CJiuo lttftiif Ii tf.e- End. C P.Gardner) .". Sunday, November 2, 1914- exercises L ri Crowds Ecj'ned BiKccn Exhibi tion Good B n s The throe trudo days Ins Tuesday, Wcdnrsdiiy anti Thuri- lay " very Microssful. O ourse as close as money Is ni ody I'xprcted H" pood a pci :arita trad,1 ns they would ii financial conditicrs had be( ri netter. The 11 crci ants who mad. xpfcial preparation enjoyed 1 swell bu.-inoss. Tiie crowds wen atgeiKl dn.v mh' tin- rxliit tions w re enjoyed. The flight 'i'' i.is(':iy was far the bet. It was as hi; h n; inybody cared about for it wa :ibout as h't;li as they comUI sec The baKoon soared lei?urel ver tlie business part of tl.i town and came down about, th' ntersection of Kings street hih Railroad Avenue the aviut ilighting in ft nice open plan near the Ilighlnnd Hotel. Ma.iy wimed another e libition Saturday and Capt. JufTstickler remained over for '.hut purpose. Everything wa. 1 cringed for the flight but r.iflieieiit funds were not in ideiice ami the exhibition was .ailed off. "Corncracker's" Services engaged Prof. M. h. White, known to r.he newspaper worid iuseveial states as "Cornc.racker" is teach ing the 131 bethel school, tie was ih the Herald nanctum Saturdav in.1 entered si contriict w ti 1 s tj give us so.ne of the fruit cf Ilia fertile pen.-. "Oorncrackei ' is one of the most fluent par- agraphers and space writer's Known to modern journalism and we esteem ourselves exceed ingly fortunate in capturing some of ins productions. Prof. White is k native of Kentucky but iorthe past sever al years has lived in Cleveland County near Lattimore. He has in excellent f unily all tin mem bers of vhlch are doir.g well. He has been paragraph and s.iace writer for som! of the biggest publications in this and otlur states, Charlotte Observer and Newsnd Observer includ ed. : THE ANNUAL DOWNFALL . h wuaaeunett humoriit who vowed a tolemn vow; ' "I will not write a turkey-hh-ind-oup joke, anyhow! , I wiD not do that (earaome thing, I wiU not pen a jett n About th bird whoM remnant rite to mock the tUying guert. He nude a postscript to ha vow, he nud a codicil, ' He wai at icrious as though be framed hit final wii And tlien he tat him down and toiled, and thought with, all hit tajhl About pottThanktghring joket he did not liave to wnte ; ;j r. ' - J.h " a La 11, . mmitita nimr ani) Btrmnim. - ' '. uih hi uj w m - -1 w A ittheu tomething held hit mind, be hankered lot a chango. He uked tm doctor whtt wat wrong ; me aoaor guire a pu . - - And made a memorandum to add twenly to hit bilL . ' '';'.; - Then all the jolet dut grace dua time came flockint to hit brain; -. .... - ' Fach ancient quip and jingling thyme marched ttenuy in the tram, -; " Vuwl each ofthem and all of them ccmrjelled hitfflien toffiiji - ,,, Jjaj u a man thkkt when he aiya he thuU off -amcer dnak.; i s:.' f At ktt hemldj " WeJL juJ one more-a faieweB jeat ITl'wrto, ' f ? It thai be aothing acriout, tome fancy oSia and light. - " ' 'r r : He wrote the iett, jot at a man who tayt he hat twom off ,;iri Take nckraacWye or tome auch thing to aoothe a.latle cough. . , 4 ' , But why pumie fhi. toirjr tale) Why tell of,whatoMKt - yi; Twm like the, "one more" drink or tmoke that throw awty the 1 ,f V He wrote of toritey bath, and toup, of turkey meat croquettea, I;.--' He wrote of bonet that bad been grilled, wanried-upentnanett, ' He w'el Vwter Jwkwfeiew, .of cowiiiame, ' He wrote a turkey-joke debauch untU the break of day. ; - -;' ,.;. 1 ;;.vAodwheMhivcanMncy(iindlumilL , They atid: ?.Hie,.latte..jb turkey broth.-, Jt will, be good for you y -... . $ atfsfittf Viat IMWi : - -"V V.: ;v . ' .:)Mr . avM .trWSTij, ... - :' i;.,-:-'-. ' . ", ' .-'"'-'-'-J'JLiLMJinrir-ii"--"---- ...,t.Mi1M1'',. New Ktihodi't Priori is -Os The iidi'. At W :1k1 Tin1 nw V!i rh;;:!i:,l , !I.'V. E. O. Colo. tt-bR h:. ;-, )ay i:n,l ;.rt-;'(-;,. .1 niui uni nd night. He Imd k;o'd ciiiTr-m l o:i .t earn service.- Tlieie was no s ! vice at tin1 A. '.. P. t'hurcr Su'l,ij n iil.l a:n floVlc pi. id their Su'l,ij n iihl a:xl tlie pr.stoi i;.J pi.id their resnec. f ti11 n -w Methodist Minister. Ijot'.i t n-iuoiis veie psp'cmliy i od mid ijinrcssra '.i ln 'l -i-r l tneiri of the w.lr.e of what may ex'.-oi.t. Amoi;m of Co'.ton C..u:', T .ere wi'i" 1 J.75,7 ',1 -s of o-ton giiiiied 11. i'Iiv.'IiihI i.'oant.Vi from t'"1 i i"i m HJ 1 rior to Novemlier 1st, m 2oma: ed with J;l.b..!i lvl( rm- 1 ,11 or ::; i.i . J L,. S-'H'U, S.i-ai.0 AS. ffinss Moantain Wins Over Pcidmonf. The baf-ket ball U.-ams cf PeidmontIliy:h Scliool ai'd Kiri.s Mountain Graded School played a very interesting game hecer Saturday afternoon. It resulted' in a score of 1)1 to 20 in favor of Kings Mountain. Chief Fisher Moves Here Chief of Police J. H. Fishtf; moved his family here from Char lotte Tuesday. They are res.ding in the five room house of Dr. J. ' G. Horj c rwr King Mroet and1 Railroad avenue Mr Kislier nC itep'ted tlie office of Po.ice here early in the fall and hvs Ailed the place most acceptably ever sit.ee. He has a large family con sisting of Mrs. Fisher and eight children and we are glad they are to live among us. Dr. Hunter Rejecteu. Dr. B. R. Hunter formerly of this place, who sailed for Eu rope a few weeks ago for the, purpi.s; of enlis.ing in the cause .A the Kaiser as a surgeon was rejected and he will return to America. - Sulwrrltie tr IhB Hurald. Fublialied every Tbursdar '(I .!. -J ' ::vA-'iir '-': .-vt :-:,

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