.lings Mountain B erald I Vol 11 r i CCll) Ml ' TO OPEN AT CNCE A two-year option has been secured by local capita!. ':"' The old Catawba gold mine situated about two miles South east of .Kings Mountain is to be opened up right away. In fact, work is to begin this week. This : will mean much to King- Moun tain as it will give employmei.t to about fifty men at good saia lies. Tho mine belong. to the Ca tawba Gold Mines Incorporation of Richmond, Va.. but a local firm lias secured an option for two ' ears on it. The deal was of unusual niagniude as all pre vious option were for terms of six month?. The local firm didn't care to start operations on a basis of less than two years and after much negotiating and two trips to Richmond by the secre tary of the' Progressive Associa ion the contract was closed. XM AS GIFTS. If you want to give your friend a Xmas gift of genuine value and one that will bring joy and happiness for a whole year just fend us $1.25 for the Herald and a club of three high class standard magazines for a whole year. Mrs. Jenkins Dead ' Mrs. Berties Rhyne Jenkins, wifeof Dr. J. H. Jenkins of Gas- ' tonia, died Sunday night Decern ber 13 at that place following a serious illness of two months or more from appendicitis, periton itis and other com plications. The remains were taken to her'form- erhorae at Stanley the following afternoon for interment, the fun- '- eral services being held in the Lutheran church by Rev. J. 0. Deitz, pastor of the Gastonia Luthersn church. Dr. Yount of Catawba, Dead Newton, Dec. 16. Dr. A. Yount died at : his home (Sreensburg, Pa., yesterday telegram was received by J Yount announcing his deathrDr. Yount was reared inCatawba county, being a graduate of Ca tawba college, and for a number of years he taught school in this county. After leaving here he went to Greenland, where he lived for several years before going to Pennsylvania. He was an important Lutheran minister and held an important pastorate in Greensburg. Mr. Edwards Dead ... - (Shelby Star) .- Mr John Edwards who liveli in h4,( Polkville section died . Wednesday and - was buried yesteroayVat Palm Tree church ' so The Star Is infotme.d. Mr Ed wards was reared from- a child " in dresses by the late Albert G. - Weathers of the Zion com muulty "He was married to MisS . Belle Peeler daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Joe Peeler, ; who survives with two children'. Mr. Edwards was a bard-working respected and widely .admired citizen aout -10 yearaf of age. For several years he haf teen in ooor health - and partljVileaf; The cause of his death Wild not be learned. ' ' SANATORIUM FOR CONSUMPTIVES One of the best to be found anywhere at Abjrdeen, ;N. C. State Sanatorium for the treatment cf Tuberculosis, Aber deem. N. C. is by all odds the best ub-co in North Carolina to get well from tuberculosis. It i right in the heart of the sand hills and amid tli' finest scenei east ot the Blue Kiuge. it mis the purest air in the state, I'i! tered through miles of long- leaf pine forests. ' ''Here's to the land of th lor.g-Jaf pine, . The summer land where the sun doth shino Whore the weak grow strong and the strong grow great; Here's to down home, in the Old North State" There you get all the rest. fresh air and sunshine tl.ete is, and the best food, nursing and medical attention that money can buy. Patients pay only $1 a day, the State pays the rest. Treatment not so good costs $20 to $25 per week in private sanatoria. . It you have tuberculosis don't lose any time in beginning the cure, if you suspect t uberculosis, go ti the Sanatorium for a free examination by experts on tuber culosis. If .ou have not the dol lar a day, ask about the free treatment. If you know of any j one who has the disease, tell him ahout th's institution, under the management'. of the State Board of Health. Address all inquiries to . Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Superin tendent State Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis. Aberdeen, N. C. Buy Red Cioss- Seals and thereby help to fight this dread ed disease. -'. . TUBERCULOSIS is the most appalling disease of modern limes. It is the most terrible that- the people' of North Caro lina hove e.'er known. I am pro foundly apDreciative of the in- teret the peoile of North Caro lina are themselves taking in the fight against this terrible disease. Perhaps the most 'm- Iportant Single.thingjhejeople, of our state have done in this right is the raising of $10,000.00 last year by the sale of Red Cross Seals. This 's something in which all the peo ple can 'take part, I commend it to their thoughtfurconsider atiou and trust we may more than double the amount during the approaching holiday season. (Signed) LOCKE CRAIG. The. end of the .year is upon us. We have heavy financial ob ligations to meet and are depend ing upon our subscribers to help us to meet them. . What any one person owes us is very small a dollar or twobut if the four or five hundred wha are due us these small amounts would pay up it would greatly relieve us. A great many subscriptions ex pire with the year and a renewal of each of .these will be greatly appreciated. ' THE; HERALD. , Kings Mountain, N. C Tliur:av, Docombr .24. "SURE, SANTA CLAUS HAS CXI- -.; r- -S u-Y ? ?f ' ill , f o-ipT ?1 u- fsll I IS' I V f'"x Xi uirfcM'' - J- r ASS fi! fH (J A Li , Lb lMm InEAR BESSEMER 9 carsof throngh freight Ko. 74 drai' ed last Tfcmsdav. Through freight number 74 was Wreclf 'l between Bessemer City and Gastonia Thursday afternoon aljout three o'clock and nine cars turned over. No lives were lost and Bo serious dimitge done. No train couM pass tho wreck until well in the night but traffic was not wholly blocked. Transfers were made from passenger trains from each way and while all . passengers were belated all finally went through. ... . . Meeting Of Executive Committee The " executive Committee of the Sunday School convention is Lereby called to meet, in the office of the Kings Mouniair Herald in Kings mountain N. C. Saturday January 2nd. 1915, at 2 p.m. rtJ." Pager Prs" Mrs. Lewis H. Kerr. . Gastonia- D-c. 18 Special. Mrs. Lewis H. Kerr died at her 'home on North Marietta street yesterday - morning at 5:30 o'- jclock. 'For several Weeks, her condition had been critical and it was known that she might d e any time. '; Mrs. Kerr was, before her mar riage, Miss Alice Virginia Allen of Lenoir. She was born ' at that place JunVl3 1868 and was hence 48 years of ageY'st the time of her death. She carte to Gastonia after her marriage in Mr. Kerr and had resided here 'ifor'" about 18 years. She, was a loal mem ber of the first Prsbyterian Church. J Thje funeral was conducted at the hone this morning at ten o' clock by her pastar, Rev. J, H Henderlib, v an interment was made in the in thd family plot in Hollywood Cemetery. r ; Mrs. Kerr is survived. by her husband,, Mr. Lewis H. : Kerr, and one child. Carrol besides nu merous other rati-ve. . -.,- ' TEMPERANCE BY REV. G. L KERR A. R. P. Pastor makes ftroog appeal for public sentiment Rev. G, L. Kerr, .pastor' of Boyce Memorial A. R. P. church here, preached a most power ful and practical sermon in his church here Sunday on the subjitel of Temperance. After defining temperance and an alyzing his subject thoroughly he went into the sermon proper, In conclusion, Mr. Kerr made a strong appeal for public senti ment suflicicnt to drive whiskey out of business in King Moun tain, "I want it made so un popular for a mm to go to the express office and come out with a jug that if it be a white man he will black his face and M it be a black man he will'' white wash', before showing himself, Liet it be so unpopular that a man claiming a jug at the ex press office will come at mid night and '.n his hesitancy en circle the city several times and theu snd the express agent word to meet him half a mile from town with the jng." said the speaker. In ej.pressihg his determination in flgliting the giant evil the pwtor said he was right much like Sam Jones said upon one occasion 'I'll knock it as long as I have a liani; I'll kick it as long as 1 have s foot; I'll bite it as long I have a tooth, and when my teeth are a'l gone I'll gum it." The.speaker didn't try to makeout a case against anybody but stated that he was satisfied that the pronibition law was being .violated right here in Kings- Mountain and that it was the duty ot Christian people and good citizens to rise up againsi it and create a pub lic sentiment sufficient to en force the law. Following is the text and a few excerpts from the sermon; Isa 27: 1, 3. 7. More is fequir-1 ed of the children of God than of j those who are not bis children. ' We are o live soberly, righteous y, and godly in- this present r . (Cont'd on Editorial page. , 11)1 1. BEEH HERE" P ANQDET AT GASTONIA Gaston County Alumni and University students assemble The annual banquet of the Gaston county alumfr'i and students of tho University of North Carolina will be held in Gastonia on Wednesday evening December 30th, This event promises to be of much signili cance to the county as a whole as well as to the alumni nd students directly concernoc1. Through her various activities and outreachings the Univer ity is serving the State now as never before in her history. She is proceeding well towards her ultimate goal, which is the es tablishment of helpful relation with every community and every person in North Carolina. In keeping .with this spirit of prog-'ess which characterizes the work of the University, It is the purpose of the alumni and students to have a gathering on December 30th, which will set the pace for all others o their Alma Mate) '8 associations throughout the State and Na tion. :'. Dr. A. H, Patterson pro fessor of physics and dean of the school of applied science of the University, will be nresent for the banquet as guest of hon or and will make an address. Doctor Patterson is a, native of Winston-Salcx, a graduate of of the University of North Caro Una and of Harvard University and a well-known North Caro lina educator. He is an able speakei, and will be a welcome guest, A-feature of interest will' be the presence of a number of high school boys for the oc casion, all oi the boys; in trie county who will be prepared to enter the University next Fall are invited to bo present and get well acquainted with the Uniyersity, its advantages and opportunities, and its alumui and students. The officers of the connty alumni- association are;. P.-esi- N. .48 GASTONBONDS Sl50,0C0 RwAD FIIKDS Gastcn Comnilsioners will ask Legis lature for special ;ct. At a mooting ' Hie Gaston County Coininissio-ers it was de cided to increase the road reve nue by issuing bonds. A dispatch to the Chnrlolti Observer wilder 'date of Dec. 18 gives the foiiow ing account. "T" issue bonds or not to is sue bonds will be a !ie ipjestioM' in GiiMon County foi the next few months. That to issue bond will be the most economical ami best way to handle t!,e financial problems which the county faces was the unanimous opinion of the members of the Board of Count v v..oumiissioiins Mid a largo num ber of influential citizens who' considered the matter. "Following a leiiRthy discuss ion as to the advisability of is suing bonds a resolution was ad opted by the board asking tin State Legislature to pa.-sa spec ial act allowing the people ot Gaston to vote on the proposi tion of issuing bonds in the sum of $150,000. Tho pun oso of the issue is to pi ovidrt for the con tinuance of road work and for tlu establishment of a sinking fund to take eare of outstanding bond issues. At present the county is out to the necestdiy of borrowing some money to keep' the county's road and other work going. This however, is due in large measure to the fact tlrjt tho collection of taxes for the year 1914 is proceeding with an unprecedented slowness. "Another important miliar which was thrashed out at Tues day's meeting was with refer ence to a new svstem of work ing the roads in the several townships. It was decided to establish two tree-labor road forces to t.ako the place ot the ; work dv.ne heretofo-e by the township supervisors. After going into the matter thorounly, mating the cost of f'eo-labor for as compared with the present' system, it appeared fa the satis' faction of the board that tho new plan would not enly cost the county considerably less monev but would also result in the coun ty securing far mo-e satisfactory results in the ciass and ainouut of road. .work done. .The details : of the plan;,are to bo workod out by a committee comhesed of "' Chairma" Q G. Falls, Commis ioners McArver and Davenport and Supe-indent of roads Ware. This committee will make its re port at the regular monthly meeting the first Monday in Ian. Lest we iorget we say it yet you can get three magazines for one year bj renewing your sub scription to the Herald and pay ing 25 cents extra for the maga zines. This is a real bargain and we want all of our" old supscf ib- ers to get these magazines. You can get three splendid magazines one yearJtpr, 25 cents- extra by renewing your subscip- tion to the Herald. ; ''':, dent, A. G.Mangum; Vice-President, Geo. B. Mason; Secretary, E. R. Rankin. The officers of the connty club at the Univer sity are' President, J. A. Capps; Vice-President, Earnest War ren; Seeretery. M. A. Strorp: Treasurer, Poster Huffstetler;- Historian,- Robert Rankin.-