I. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. 0 "CASCARETS" FOR LIVEBJ0IL5 for sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Oct a 10rent box now. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; buw mtoli your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able, you are from constipation, Indiges tion, biliousness ami sluggish bowels ynu ul wave get the desired results villi rascnrets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels tnako you miserable Tako Cnsrarets tonight; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress: cleanse your Inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which Is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months, No nioro days of gloom and distress If you will take a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Casearets. Don't forget the children tbelr little in sides need a cleansing, too. Adv. A Clelebrlty. "You say he's the inun who put this town on the map?" ' That s hint, stranger. He just fin ished serving his sentence about Hix months ago." THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Dand'Tine. you cannot dud a single truce of dandruff or Tailing hair and your sculp w ill not Itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few weeks use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at firat-yes but real ly new Lair growing all over the sculp. A little Imnderlne Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, lust moisten a cloth with Dauderiue and carefully druw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is Im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an -appeuruuee of ubundance; au incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. Poor Fidol Knlcker Do they lead a cat-and-dog life? Docker Yes, only the dog Is muz sled. BIG EATERS HAVE BAD . KIDNEYS AND BACKACHE Take a Glass of Salts at Once If Your Back Is Hurting or Kidneys and Bladder Trouble You. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou ble, because we eat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood Is filled with urio acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the ellml- native tissues clog and the result la kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline ln health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; It you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu matism when the weather Is bad, get from your pharmacist about tour ounces of Jad Salts; take -a table spoonful in a glass ot water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and has been used for generations to Bush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids ln the urine so It no longer is a source of irritation, thut ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent Uthla-water beverage, and belongs ln every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. : - Not Supplying the Two. The Angry One For two cents I'd knock your block off! .' v The Calm One WelU you won't get your working capital from me. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds or aches and pains Neuralgia, Cramps. Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sorts, Burns, eto. Antlseptio Anodyne. Price 25c. Adv. . s ", - Stung.- ' ' "After you rlfused Jack did lie pro pose again!" - ' "Yes; but it was to another glrL" . ES BILL STATEWIDE DOQ TAX INTRODUC ED IN HOU8E. SEVERAL OTH ER IMPORTANT BILLS. V ' LATE STATE CAPITOL NEWS Review of the Latest News Gathered ! Around the State Capitol That Will Be of Interest to Our Readers Over North Carolina. Ralelsh. I 8enate. Senate. Raleigh. Power to hold as much as The first legalized primary bill df ! flvs mllllon dollars endowment Is pro the session was offered in the Senate ' v,lded t0 llnParta to Wake Fore8t by Senator McNeely of Union County I Colle through a bill introduced in It provides for Drimarie. for ,11 nor. i'n Set" Senator Ward, who ex iles on a common day and for all of - Bees, the state to bear the expense of the primary for all state and leglsla- tlve offices and the county for the county officers. The two highest of each party are to run in a second pri mury two weeks later In eases of fail ure to nnmintLtn in thn fi.Hi n,lma. The Senate read from the Commit-1 terei ln tne Senata a ,,m carrln tee on Rules the substitute for the Mc I 25'000 appropriation for buildings Itae Joint resolution to -create the and $5'00l) annual' for maintenance standing committee on consolidation ,nr a North ('arollna Honle of Refue of private and public local bills in'the and tetotmntory ' Wonien tc be. Interest of economy and saving time e9la"ll9l'e0 wlth a governing board of of the Legislature and passed on its - seven meniber9- one of wLll0ra sl,aM readings, sending It to the House for , be a P''.v,,iclan f not les9 tlftn l yea concurrence. experience as a practloner. The Senate Indulged In two lively ' Tne bl" Provlde ,nat the board ' debates; one over a Joint resolution to I H0"0" 8ha11 elect ,lie Nation for purchase sets of Pell's Revlsal for tne In9'1""'0" aUer receiving offers the Assembly ,and the other over a I to d0,,at8 "es or funds for tlle nome hill to abolish the requirement to kiss ! and that "!e board sha" 09 a board the Ulble in administering an oath 1 of parole in the matter ot re'61"'" The Senate Judiciary Committee had : wo,11,n 8cnt t0 tl,e lnstUutlon when cut the wimber of TeH's Itevisal to be ! tne!, are de,'med flt subjects for pa purchased at 115 a set from 50 to 1 rol' n lnma,e t0 be retained in the 18, and Senator MrMlchael offered an ' home longer tnan "iree years amendment to make the number 30 The courts are ,0 nave ,he poweT The resolution passed as it came from ' to wnience women 15 to 30 years old the committee ' i 10 ti,e institution. The board is em- The outcome of the debate over i powered t0 con"'01 tl,em Just 89 3aM" kissing the Hlhie wa n,. .), hiu rs or other custodians of prisoners passed final reading 33 to 17, and was forced over to another day for final reading on objection to nal reading and Inability to suspend the rules. An Important bill was that of Mr. Allen, of Wayne, repealing certain chapters of the laws of 1893 and 1899 relative to the consolidation of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad and the Atlantic Coast Line Railway. When the bill, which it is now sought to re peal, was passed It is alleged that the Atlantic Coast Line people agreed that they would remain a domestic corpor ation if allowed to take over the Wil mington and Weldon and allied rail roads. For a time everything went on merrily but now the Atlantic Coast Line claims to be a foreign corporation and It Is Impossible to sue them in the state courts for any amount over $3, 000. If a suit for more than this smount .is brought they immediately set up the claim that they are a for eign corporation and have the suit re moved to the Federal court. The pur pose of Mr. Allen's bill is therefore to domesticate that part of the At lantic Coast Line formerly the Wil mington and Weldon. House. Representative Currle of Cumber land featured the day in the House with a bill to Impose a tax on dogs throughout the state. Representative Galloway and Laughinghouse offered a Joint bill to abolish the homestead exemption by constitutional amend ment. There came from the Judiciary Committee No. 1 a favorable report o nthe hill for full salaries to solic itors in the several judicial districts. New bills introduced: " Capehart Joint resolution to prtv vide sanitary drinking cups for the members of the General Assembly; passed Immediately and sent to the Senate. Currle To levy a tax on all dogs In North Carolina. Foster To compel holder sof paid up Insurance to Mst the same for taxes. Bowie To require railroad compan ies to pay shop employes twice each month. QnJloway and Laughinghouse To amend the Constitution so as to strike out the homestead exemption. Some Reasons For Lower Insurance. At the request of a number of the members of the Legislature, Commis sioner of Insurance J. R. Young has ascertained the number of prosecu tions and convictions during the past five years that the department . has Instituted against people ln the State on the charge of burning property for the Insurance or for other purposes, the number being 151 prosecutions In stituted and 55 convictions secured. There were 14 others charged with these crimes that fled the state and there are now nine cases pending. Cherokee Night Schools are Success. Supt. A, L. Martin of the Cherokee county public schools writes the state department of Education of fine sue. cess being attained ln the holding ot night schools for men and women who are ln need of education. He sent a letter that was written by a man 25 years old who could not read or write when he entered the night school, the letter being written after he bad at tended the school for 12 nights. It shows ' remarkable progress and il- .. ... . ,k. vMAt miuint nf cnmit the work la accomplishing. .. 1 he Senate, beaded by the Lieuten ant Governor met wHh the House In joint session for the purpose of can vassing the vote for the state officers and United States Senator. On a roll call 31 Senators and 108 Representatives answered' to their names. Senators Johnson of Duplin, and Fisher of Harnett, and Represen tatives Cougheuhour of Kowan, and Falrcloth of Sampson, were appointed tellers and reported the following re sult of the November election. For United States Senator, Lee S. Over man received 121,343 votes, A. A. Whltener, 87,101 votes and H. J. Olive 42S votes. For Corporation Commis sioner, Edward L. Travis received 120,997 votes, Orler Parsons, 86,901 votes, H. C. Jenkins, 425 votes, Frank- lln McNeill and H. J. Olive one vote : each. Senator Overman was declared to be elected for a term of six years and Commissioner Travis for a term I OI Iour ear- ' Palnel tliat the college now has auth "ru lo "om un" u" million. He called attention to the fact that not a great while ago Davidson College lost a considerable sum through not hav ing the power to hold the amount that there was a chance of getting. Senator McRae of Mecklenburg of- would. Drunken and prostitute wo men are fit subjects after convictions in the courts. In the home they are to be given I work calculated t0 ieacl them a trade and they are to be allowed wages $2 a week of which goes to the Institu tion for the keep of the Inmate and the remainder which shall have ac. cumulated at the end of terms of ser vice Is to be paid to the woman when released. Roll call bills passed final readings as follows: Authorize the city of Raleigh to Is sue 1100,000 bonds to take care of cer tain notes outstanding in connection with the condemnation of property ln widening streets and other purposes. Senator Ward procured for Senator McRae and Senator Thompson of On slow, leaves of absence. House. A remarkable bill by Laughinghouse of Pitt, ln the House would impose a tax equal to poll tax on all revolvers and make minimum punishment for carrying concealed weapons (50 fine and six months Imprisonment. Wltherspoon of Cherokee County ln troduced a bill tor the Asheville-Mur- phy Scenic Highway, providing for a board of trustees of two members from each of the counties traversed Buncombe, Haywood, Jackson, Macon Swain and Cherokee, the trustees to serve without compensation unless each county provided some compensa tion for its members. Commissioners of each county are authorised to ap propriate (50 per mile and towns the highway passes can appropriate fl, 000 and $26 additional for each thous and Inhabitants. All funds are to be expended In the cltjr.in which they are donated. Also the county road forces whether convicts ere hired, are to be used ln road construction. The trus tees are to be appointed at the April meetings of the County Boards of Commissioners and are to be organized at Bryson April 16. The board of trustees is empowered to designate a "road day" to be observed each year in each of the counties tor receiving donations of work or funds or road building material. Counties and towns are also empowered to make annual appropriations toward maintenance of the highway, Forestry Association Elects Officers. The North Carolina Forestry Asso ciation elected as officers for the next year: Nathan O'Berry, president; J. S. Holmes, secretary: E. A. Schubert, Julia A. Thornes and Charles Herty, members of the executive committee. The association Indorsed a bill the Legislature is, urged to pass creating a system of fire wardens under, the State Forester and appropriating S20, 000. Officers and members declared even $5,000 would be acceptable as a start in this work, as the Federal Government would cooperate. Receiver for Newbern Bank. R. A. Dunn of Newbern has been appointed .as the receiver for the Mu tual Aid Banking Company of New bern, the negro banking Institution which "ran amuck" a tew days ago. According to a statement of the cor poration commission, one of the prin cipal causes of the failure of the bank was poor management through which here were loans made on houses and lots the titles to which were not clear as tJ the rights of the parties, to 'whom thn loans Wflm maita. The lv. solution will be closed permanent!? News Items of Old North State COMING EVENTS. Annual I.iv stnek Msoting, Ntatasvllls January 19-21, Trl-Htats Medlrnl Asunelatlon. Charles ton, 8. C Feb. 17-18, 1V15. Official Poultry Show. The North . Carolina branch of the American Poultry Association, mem bership of which is composed practi cally all active poultrymen in this state, held Its annual meeting in Ral eigh In connection with the annual Wake Poultry Snow and Harry M. Lamon addressed the largest gather ing of poultrymen ever assembled In the state, Mr. Lamon is chief ot the poultry division of the Animal Hus bandry department of the United States government. The Wake Poul try Sbow this year was the only offi cial poultry show held In North Caro lina under the auspices and rules of the American Poultry Association. The American Poultry Association yearly has Jurisdiction of one poultry show in every state, which means that the official how takes higher rank over all poultry shows and that the Wake Poultry Show was the most Import ant of all poultry shows ln North Caro lina. V. M. C. A. Convention. The annual Interstate Y. M-'C. A. convention of North and South Caro lina will meet ln Winston-Salem on January 29, 30 and 31. More than 125 delegates are expected to attend the convention which will be featured by a banquet at the Hotel Zlnzcndorf and by addresses by several prominent speakers. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS BRIEFS- Cotton rec?lpts to Jaruary 1st for Mecklenburg county were 2.163 bales or 7.020 less than last year. Catawba county board of health will recommend to the commissioners ln February, the employment of a whole- time health officer. A debate between Wale Forest Col lege and Richmond College has been arranged for April 2. Citizens of Monroe lave been at tending mass metlngs and warmly supporting the cause of prohibition. Cotton 'armers ln Halifax county are going to cut their cotton crop ln half. Rocklngharrt rouuy has 13.929 school children between the ages of 8 and 30 and 56 9 per cent of them attend school. State Senatrj John S. Eflrd of Stanley County, has made glad the congregation of the Raleigh Luth eran Church since hU arrival there for the Legislature, by giving to the Church (100 with which to buy a reading desk. Asheville citizens are making an aggressive effort in behalf of a train ing school for the western part of the state. , "Ten thousand members" Is the slogan which the corn club men are adopting as the New Year's slogan for the work in North Carolina. This past year there were between 6,000 and 7,000 members In the State. The Baptists at Klnston will soon complete a modem $50J,000 church building. . Mecklenburg county Is Just com pleting a 175.000 Jail built of brick and concrete and fireproof. John A. Campbell has purchased (00 acres of virgin timber land near Asheville and will develop a big ap ple orchard. Twelve of the Buncomb County schools have formed a county-wide de bating union with a view to selecting candidates to participate in the contest conducted at Chapel Hill each year un der the auspices of the University of North Carolina. Concord will begin In a few days to extend her white way for several blocks. ..:.....; Frank Wood of Dunn raised 134 bales of cotton on 134 acres of land at a cost of Ave cents per pound. There are 343 students enrolled at Wake Forest for the spring term. . The corporation commission has or dered -i new set of tariffs on glass jars from Pittsburg Work will soo be begun to replace the Presbyterian Farm School near Asheville, which was destroyed by Are recently- ; Joseph A. Baldwin, aged 71, promi nent citizen of Columbus county died of paralysis recently. : The supreme court has adjourned until the opening of the spring term the first Monday in February. Tbe prospects are good for an In creased strawberry and vegetable crop In Eastern North Carolina. A party of Greensboro people will call on President Wilson January 28th to Invite him to attend the Fourth of July celebration at Guilford battle ground. : ' The Buncomb County Board of Health recently elected Dr. D. E, Se vier as health officer for Buncomb County, the present official being chos en to succeed himself unanimously. Republican State Chairman Llnney and a score or more prominent Re publicans from various parts of the state attended the special conference of the state committee end other Re publicans and the Republican mem bers of the legislature held at Ral eigh a few days ago. : A charter was issued for tbe Kings Mountain Manufacturing Company at Kings Mountain, Gaston county. The capital Is $95,090 authorised and $48.- 000 subscribed by W. A. Mauney, J. S. Mauney and others for general tex tile manufacturing business, woolen mills and mercantile business. Mlmiional SiiiWSaiooL Lesson Bt E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director ot Sunday Bcaool Course Moody Bible In stitute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR JANUARY 24 GIDEON AND THE THREE HUN DRED. LESSON TF.XT-Judges M-S, 1C-2S. GOLDEN TEXT Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, s<h Jehovah of nosts. seen. :. k. v. This was tbe period of Israel's transition from a nomadic to an ag ricultural life. The record we have Is an alternate succession ofldolatry and subjugation with a return to Je hovah and to liberty. I. "Gideon and All the People," w. 1-S. Ral tug about him his clansmen Gideon chose a position at the spring of Harod near Jezreel, his back to Mt. Gllboa and the Mtdlanltea to the north next to Mt. Moreh. He thus con trolled the fords or the Jordan and could prevent the enemy from return ing to their homes ln .the desert coun try. Outwardly the great discrepancy of numbers made the situation look dubious for Israel, but In reality the danger Was that the army was too large, since when the victory was gained they might "vaunt themselves." Individuals and churches usually count their strength according to num bers. (See II Cor. 12:9.) If we desire God's strength It must be as we our selves are weak (lsa. 40:29). God is sometimes limited by having too many and not enough of the right sort. When God delivers he leaves no room for boasting (Eph. 2:8, 9; Rom. 3:27). God can save as well by the few as by the many (I Samuel 14:6), and fre quently uses the weak and despised things to confound the mighty (I Cor. 1:27, 28), that "no flesh should glory ln his presence" (I Cor. 1:29). These were two tests whereby Gideon was to select his warriors: (1) "Go to, proclaim . . . whosoever is fearful . . let him return" (v. 3). It is not well to criticize too severely the 22,000 who returned; even ln the Gar den not only Peter, but all the disci ples forsook the Master and fled. God does not choose men because they are heroes, but to make heroes of them by the power of his might. (2) There is yet another sifting. God gives Gid eon the clue (v. 4), viz.,, to decide by their method of drinking. Those vwho drank "as a dog lappeth," were those not to be taken off guard even while drinking. V II. Gideon's Second Assurance, w. 9-15. It was absurd, humanly speak ing, for 300 men to expect to defeat 135,000. God "strengthened" Gideon (v. 11). Gideon and Phurah, at God's command,, entered the valley and drew near the Mldlanlte host. Avoiding the guard, If any, they drew near enough to hear a man telling his dream to "his fellow." The latter interprets this as nothing else than the "sword of Gideon" (v. 14). Gideon worshiped God and at bnce returned to arouse the camp of Israel. III. The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon, vv. 16-23. In all probability these men wore their usual weapons as soldiers and carried food for their use In pursuing the enemy. However, tor this midnight attack they needed only three weapons, lamps, pitchers and trumpets. Each of these have a spiritual suggestion for the Christian. (See Matt. 26:4; Ps. 119:105; also II Cor. 4:6, 7, and Ezek. 33:3, 6; I. Cor: 14:8.) Gideon's stratagem of dividing his men Into three companies and then as the pitchers are broken to blow the trumpet caused a lively panlo among the Mldianltes. That Gideon had faith and courage ln himself, and in the, word of Jehovah, is suggested ln his words, "Look on me and do likewise." We are to look to the "cap tain of our salvation" (Heb. 13:2) and by our lives ot obedience prove the devotion of our life (John 15:14, 14:21). As already suggested, there Were probably no defenses surround ing the enemy and in the darkness Gideon and his men easily approached the camp. It le easy to Imagine the scene the midnight hour, the army suddenly awakened by a deafening shout, the blasts of trumpets, the 300 torches flashing forth amid the crash of earthenware, and all of this in dense darkness. The Mldianltes in the confusion turned their weapons against each other and fled toward the Jordan and Into the regions be yond toward the desert Others fol lowed by the ten thousand, fleeing to ward Succoth and Penuel. We of this day have our wan and battles against the wrongs, the principalities and powers of evil, which are around us and within us. Such battles re quire the same courage, and skill, and consecration of ourselves, as did the wars of those ancients against the enemies that threatened the very ex istence of the people of God. : God's work ln this world Is often done by a few persons who have had a vision of him, who have grown in character and devotion; and who use the simple weapons of lamps, pitchers and trumpets, even as that small com pany of one hundred and twenty on the day of Pentecost, filled with the Spirit of God. led the forces which ultimately overthrew invincible Rome. The reformation under Luther, the work of the Puritans, Carey m India, the Wesleys In England, and count less other Instances are (Ilustratloni of this truth, that "one with Hod Is m majority." DPERATIOH Tell How She Wat Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville. Kv " I think If mmnf. feting women would take Lydia rinkham'a Vi bl Compoui health, k-ufferea from a fela trou ble, and i doctors . dead". I ! ? tumrci grown. and mm be grated opn, but .refused as 1 do . wv in opera- lions. I HmimUnffl'P",",,,","ul and could hardly stan? m. left aide. My busbar.-,'?1 J,1 try Lydia E. PinkhanT Compound, and I am to tiflf.1 for I am now m well woman. r?' better, do all my homework amfjj long walks. I never fail to praise Lfi,, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for my good health. "Mrs. J. M: RESCli, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Since we guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is It Dot fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering in a like manner? If yon are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Write to Lydra. E. PInkham MedIcineCo.,(conildontlal)LjTin, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Magnificent Volume. The most sumptuous copy of Shake speare's "Romeo and Juliet" in exist ence waB recently sent from Kngland to a purchaser abroad. The value of the book is between $5,000 and $7,500. It has been reproduced as an illu minated manuscript ou vellum, and . the volume is notable as being the entire work of one artist, Alberto Sangorskl, who was engaged upon it for 18 mouths. Tlie title is In pearls set In gold, and the cover is embel lished with 214 rubles and 36 ame thysts. SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR DARKENS YOUR GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger! Try Grandma' Recipe of 8age and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. Almost everyone knows that, Saga Tea and Sulphur properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which la mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Every body uses this old, famous recipe, be cause no one can posslsly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your -hair becomes beautifully dark, thick ' and glossy and you look years younger. Adv. Too 8mal to Harm. The Mother I see a triangular tray to hold a piece of pie unharmed ln a lunch sbox has been invented. The Boy But who would harm such a little piece ot pie as you cut, mam ma? DON'T ITCH I USE RESIN0L Just put on a little of that soothing, antiseptic reslnol ointment and tba Itching and burning stop at once. Soon all trace of eczema, ringworm, rash, or other tormenting skin trouble ia gone. Every druazlat sells mat not ointment and reslnol soap. Prescribed ny doctors for 20 years. Adv. Rock from Which Portland can be made has been discovered in the Philippines. For sorains and bruises annlv Han- ford's Balsam thoroughly. Put It on, and rub It in. Adv. The New York thief who stole a bar rel of ink will probably get a term in the pen. . . - When Croup Comes v Treat Externall) The aid method nt ArMrinev iUIim 11MU stomachs with nanaeana dmtn i - and harmful. Try ths external treatment Vick's "Vap-O-Rob" Salve. Just rub a pors. released by the body heat, loosen the ' vuvKiug puiegu uu ease tne aimctut breathing. A bedtime application insures sound sleep. 85o, 60c. or SL00. w wtter 'fLJ