SUNDAY- SOIIOOIj CONVENTION AT ELIZABETH' - . SINGING' c 'xvp ; "j,;- .:,,;' ' T r l 'F ": Vol 11 Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday January 23. '1913. N.51 . Hemember Sunday .1 . KM IS n ' it'- - 111 :.iioiaio -PROGRAM BOILI SPRINGS t Is Celebration of Eighth Annual Celebra tioa UteraVT Societies ' v. uvifiaij . . - '. Springs cLigU School. L The JCJoiling Springs School is ViJftilTuD among the best sccon ' -dairy schools of the county and wo understand that the work of thtise societies is commensurate with the- high standard of the other work of the school. This occasion is tho Eighth Annual Celebrat'on Athenian and Rhamsaeui Literary Societi es and will be held in the sc'.loo! auditorium January 30th .it 7:'.I0 p. ai. . PROGRAM Address by President K. M Mitchell. ecita'aon "'Judas of. Kerioth' ""Seola Humphries. '"Original Dialogue, Misses Gooo and Bridges. Quartet, Messrs. Ware, Allen, -McMiirry, McEntire. Oration "Pleasure and It's Fffects" R. E. Harrill. -Recitation "Sal lie Ann's Ex perience" Vada Jones. Quartet Misses Jarrett. Love, Allen, Allen. - ' . DEBATE . ( : Query; Keeolved, that the Fed eral Government should appro priate to the south-a slttieient -amount of money to enable the cotton farmer to hold his cotton in warehouses for favorable pn- . cer. ... AKFIKMATIVE Reed Lovelace H. S. Bailey NEGATIVE L. N. Hatton . James McBruyer . Piano Solo, Rinda Goodu. . -.MAIISHALS , John C. Allen, chief Palmer Caldwell, Inez McKee, Herbert Champion, Nina Gold. . DIED AT 97 MRS ELVIRA KENDRICK Died at home of son '.at Waco last we.k Mrs. Elvira Kendrick, widow of the late Thomas Kendrick, of Waco, X. C, died Tuesday Jan uary HI, 10 13 at twoo'ciock a. m. at the age of nearly 07. years. Mrs. Kendrick was 'noted for tier spryness and conceal metit of her age. Up iintill a short whi before her death she did chores I around the house and brougl 111 wood but old father time call ed just before she reached the century mark. IJeeeased had been a member of old Capernium Baptist Chum! (now Waco) for about 8;i years and was known as a staunc Christian mother and noigh bor. The following children survi ve; Pink Kendrick, Mcpherson Kansas; Abb Kendrick, Char lotte, G. W. Kendrick, FCintf s Mountain, Pete Kendrick", witli whom deceased made her home at Waco; Prank Kendriek, Waco Mrs. May Miller, Waco: M Mike Borders, Charlotte; Mrs Hill Miller, Waco: Mrs. W. A Goode, Rutherford College. The funeral wits coi.dtuM.ed by her pastor and the remains were laid to rest in the Old Caperni urn Cemoterv. Will Ask Legislature to PassjCORNCRACKERj HONOR ROLL Two Important Bills lib CHAPEL HILL jT Bob Kendrick Shot by Negro '' (Shelby Star 22) -. Bob Kend rick, riightwatch man, was shot through the right shouldej; Tuesday . night In an attempt to arrest Dave Willing ham. a necrro who hat1 been In a tight with an other negro near the Southern Depot on East Gra ! tm street. Mr. Kendrick was taken tp the. Ruthford Hospital Wednesday morning where the bullet was extracted ana tie is now resting well with hopes of recovery uuless complication - arises. . j- ' " Tun TTnmrliti I" n r I lid nai uui vmw Mrvlra Hardin of B'acksburg, C- died of anoplexy at the ageSIRast Saturday and was hnrimAiT Rlnr.Ufltiur'ir Rnnnu afteiMRev.. Mr.;. Barry of Cowfenseonducting the funeral. Deceased was wellknowh by a large circle ot. friends , and rel atiyes In Kitgs: Mountain. ' He is survived by: a widow and sev ral noted sons., One is -a Phy-; an,. in ,. Aitlanta,. another ,is ected with the Pennsylvania roJ fn New ybrk and the siuift.t Otntions of trust. "". . '.Tj.tending-.the funeral 'fere,' Mr., and I,vlrs,. . ultorvj Rufie. Baker, ! W. I er, Go," Bun.. Ira,; and I Patterson - 1 Chapel Hill, Jai. The re portNf . Prof. N. V. Walker, State inspector of puolio hiuh schools, shows a steady growth in the rural public high school system of North Carolina "during tho year 101 1. The expenditure of money for new buildings and for the remodeling and unkeeii of old build'ngi is one of the sig nificant earmarks of the contin ued educational advancement of the State. One hundred and ninety-pight schools iu the State aporaise their buildings (not in cluding dormitories and appara tus) at the valuation or $1, 085, 834, 00; 20 of these . reported dormitories owned by the school coRtihg $123,900. 00. "Twenty-five Vural hTgh schools in the Stste made provision for the erection of new buildings during 1914, representing a financial ovtlay of $265,000,00. Twelve schools expended money for tho remodeling, renovating, enlarging or otherwise improv ing their buildings. The sum thus disbursed amounted to $81,000, 00. The total investment for buildings anc equipmegt lor the past eighteen months amounted to S34fi,000,00. . The following are the twenty five 'schools "that have; provided for out and-out new buildings: Sylvan, Atamauce county ; South Mills, Camden;;; Startown, Ca tawba; Waco, Cleveland; Chlad burn, : Colisoibus; Vanceboro, Craven, Popular Branch,, Curri tuck; Churchland,; Daviison; Bunn, " Fraukliti; Gatesville, Gates; Lillington, Harnett; An tibch,' Hoke; KehlyV Johnston; lotla, MaconjMaryon, McDowell Troy, Montgomery Red- Oak, Nash;- Alliance ' and Oriental, Pamlico; Lumber Bridge "and Philadelphus, RobesoaMadl son, Rockingham; China Grove, Rowan; Townesvilje, Vance; Cary, Wake. , v The Schools that have-. votad bonds for buildings, yet uiierect - (Continuest Oft Back Page) ONE rUOVIDING, FOR A RECORD ERS COURT VANI) Tin: OTHER ASKING FOR AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHICH COUNTY THE TOWN SHALL BE IN j j . WEEKLY LETTER ! : Thicks :hc town shuuld he put ia sue i couiiiy GRADED SCHOOL List li . Softfcijnors fourth i. Kin;?s Mountain'will ask tht L:cislati'ru to imss t .v:) b'lls; on pi'O.'iding for " recorder's Court aU'l the other for aa election which world put the town'iwholly in one county Oi tlie other. The bill provides that the people of trie town, insU'e. the incorporate (imits, vote as to wluch.Cotinty u preferred. It the hill il will moan that the'County line Till be renin cd st, ::s to roincifh' with the city boundary Hue and the election will determine which county shall have, the town. The bill for recorders court provides that Kings Mountain virt'ntr nreeinct be c instituted a recorders district and that the fn! re order be elected.itthe'nmnicipal election in Miy but all 911 be-, ipient recorders to be elected at tho irencral elect ions. 1 ne re w .-i;v;!i! In t lit!.-.. While in lies xmn the articie I sent you pretty I.-epr.-ss" i my ; 1 1 : t . : n . yet ii!istak!s cn-jii. ,:, by u:rsii bad sixtlling and otrissioiisj In stji-akiii; m hi.nor roil of I of my .ichool, I tii'aiit to s-.v tii:il lf'w A.n-il'- i-'..!;-, ,l..!ia i'ali. 1v.I:h!'. H.u'b-r I'eari livers, and l,..lan. lii)i last ill v '.;in.' - of l-'irst. t-rade B. Krancis Mnnn ey, Jnmes Neal Bragaw, .Ki'th rine Mc.M'iist-T, Pay MetJinnis, KlizaheMi t'cslner, Maivar.'t I'oruweil. itright Uichardson, hrnest A'lerho!!, l'cVl Corn ,ly- Smith (lal'iii.oi,.,- p-in! War li I ill! hi hv; a heated debate ul the meeting last Thurs.lav, night, as to whether i M:;;-;;1 the ri'st recorder should be elected or appointed. ".Those for n; I Hen I iio.-e jMar.v S-i.on.ia).-.e and s.- on'! K!.;-.-, !) lirst. In MXlh jir:i, far ;niT!i's ! Had iuv S.- . I- present ;;t ' VI tl ill o' ! would nol I '.a '1.,-r. 'V oel I'lillon, I'rt Ol ' Ml.' All, ey i't gan. Chai ie Honser. l'ir.-t l.'i-i'. Iv, Ploilif, '.Viilk "', l.-.irc:.o (''if 1 lii .'in'-'. .! -s:.. t' u' 1 li.- i'all-t, I'i'e.J Unit's Uullend-:. :irii;li i- nink C ;)'" .v. '.!. h i:-.ri!i Ijr... t.'lvdc '.Vrij;ti ! ill 1 Neil A. Norma aln:k Pavi: i, r, l.o;, IV :rl K illr ,ian ' iT.-e 1 ;oe !.;la i" ieen MouiiTaii), 1 11 r.M.-, they let J Vi . A as tile ,i;;ii. I, l.aei' pointment argued.that all recorders everywhere were 'appoint"-! for the first term and thereafter elected . The advocates of election contended that two years was too long a term for an appcir.tre that the first Incumbent elected by. -'popular vole. Those contending for appointment finally offered a compromise wherein all those who aspire;' to the-office of recorder should he named in the bill and that said bill should head, a petition to be signed by the voters and thai each voter select fromthe number Kiindidatts his preference and so enter, but tlie measure failed to arry and the election advocates won nut. The details of the meeting may be gathered irom t':e report of Secretary R. A. Yoder which fodows. SKCROTAUYSREIORT According to adjournment the previous, weeK, anotner uiums meeting was held last liiurs- da.vl night. It was called to order by the chairman. Editor Pag. i lie minub-B of the previous meet ing were read and approved. The first item of unfinished business was the report of com mittee on , amendments to the act; authorizing a, recorder's court for Kings Mountain dis trict. Mr N. P. McMillan made the report for this' : committee. He reported that several amend ments had been read into the act. The Act was then taken np section by section. Every sect ion went through smoothly Un til See 4 came up which related to the appointment of the first recorder. It precipitated quite a hot discussion which resulted in the section, being amended bo as to provide for the election of the first recorder at. the" regular town elect Bi in May. 'the rest of the act was passed with a few minor amendments. The corn cnitlee was continued to write lew more amendments into the act. This committee is Mayor A. E. Cline, Mr. N. F. McMillan, and. Mr. H. T. Fult on.- :.. Y . i The next item was the report of the committee on advisability of removing County liue outside of incprpoaatiort which follows: '"We, the ; undersigned. com mittee,., hereby recommend that the question as to wheth er the whole town of Kings Mountain ' shalP be . situated in eithe Cleveland or' Gaston County shall be su omitted to the qualifled.r voters..: .within' the corporate ; limits ' of said Signed W. H. McOinnis A, E. Cline E. L. Campbell 7 he report- was adopted. It was then moved and carried that a commute be appointed to dfaft bill, to be : submitted to the legislature, submitting to the qualified voters of Kings Mountain the question of chang ing the county line. The former committee was reappointed for this work. It was then decided to authorize committee to. utilize any available aid in carrying out its; wont. ----- The Secretary reported that the letter authorized by last I meeting, to legislators regard ing the prohibition of whiskey shipments into the State, had been written and mailed. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R. A. Yoder sec. Opening Sale That "Openinu Sale" we ad vertised for Nick Abdeliiour last week was a howlinjr success from the moment the door opened. At eight o'clock Satuiday morning there was quite a bunch of pros pective shoppers gathered around the door awating admis sion. Business started off with a whoop and all day did the people throng the store and kept five clerks as busy as so many bees in a tar gourd. In other words Nick Abdelnour knows that' tt col urns of the local paper is thu surest;t5jiannel through which to sell goods. One mail from the mill section said to the Herald man "I've seen lots of bargains come from that new store today, why the people just took the Herald down by their own fire- a no as . town.Xfiis the S0th"day of 'Jan. sides' last night and picked out 1915! " " ' ' , , whtttube-y wanted".' 'Nut ed,"" kniuht of tie- 'I'i; ., .-. No, sir jei'l They can -!il "civet", "brier ' am! then Kme If you eali on y.-im- unel'': ( lorn ( Vac Iter, hiMDce revelled i:: t!m lihle-bhek "peiler, ai'.il etn re inember every land mark ami mile po.-l. "Huiver" hean iin i:ifpprtant era, as'-did "hoise back". "I'liunn.n v", '";:,.v.e", and he has wondered im-'inif the green pastures- are! beside the stii; waters of i !i- "'ilie.d spellini.'". lie can ..pel! ' n , 01 ' ia 1 v ' un in tel-l! (,-! bi-i ty iii-coui-pi-n-hen .si -nil i -tj well as "peutateueh" : Besides spelling we have .met) here who can out-danee tile most pronounced -French teach er of the poetry ol motion. If 'any body du'ibts Huh slateineni, lot hill witness a ocfonnaiiee by Simp Ratcree H. W. and Smith Galiiinoro. Eitnor of this trio can out-janee Hon. W. A Mauncy, and if '.necessary can put it all over Dave Bak- r. ' Your unrt'generated scribe is kept busy half his time making mistakes and the--.other half - is devoted to trying to clear them Up' Ou Wednesday night, of the past week, he was the grit of Thos. C. Black of this r.-.-ion. as. was Mr. Billy Emruorson, a popular and distinguished citi zen' of Gaston county, just over the line. A . most tasty' and bountiful repast was served for supper, ana. laser me music arose with ' its 'voluptuos swell. . Next morning I-arose'- early from the table hied mo to the temple of krowledgc, While per forming the arduous but hum ble duties of a pedagogue in stopped Mr, Emerson with my four dollar overcoat.- "This" said he, I found hanging where I left mv.ovarcoai", I Xelf. like a man caught invading the privacy Of a 10n roost, and bore a strrtng family resemblance t a sheep,at a shooting nnntch. I told hiai to search inc, search the school ljuilding, and all the adjacent forests of the domain. This was done, the pupils sid ing and abetting in the search. Finally tidings came from hospitable home of T: O. Black, that a very gorgeous beaver overcoat had been hold as 'an tContinuedn Hack Page) Third tirade.. Okiil' i lri'-aw, Tlit'ina.-. Fultoi. Kails, Julia '.'allierine Mauncy, .1. M. MeGint'.is, Ava ' Fourth ( 'l.illii.' li.l:rio;i. Ijiii.ll-j Cm nweil. il I ; 1 : 1 1: iii'iker, lm.'Z Al'ijoia, !l'.ii"l ilari sielier, l-'loia Beilu Forf'im., l-'red Mercoi, Tho'.nas Mei-ci, Gwruo.isoo H-ione, Fndriik Ware. Vrill'atiii I'mker, Manron Mmjiuntii.-Neli WaVi'soii, Kmc. tyn Dilliiig, M'ary liC'liord iSessiu UainsCnr, Nina Huberts, Fo'ih I'imdi'. N'e'iie t .'iin-li-r. Miriam Gofrth, 'Odessa Got' jrlh Gnssiie liulTstetler, Winnie V'ei t Mai'.ni.'y, l.e.vter War..'. .S-'.lliQ May hohr. Gertrude Kine;, i'.etli Plonk. Ad;i Wure, .1. l. Uoid, Carleston I):".vids'in. Sixth Grade. "Lawrence FalH, J'aunita Muiuiey, Lee McDimhsl, Kiitu Harmon, 'Ellen . Peterson, Uuth Baker, Edith Davidson, Seventh Grade. Aubrey Man fiey, Marvin Ledford. Eight Grade. Lillian Putn sour .. Ninth Grade. Mary Fulton, Mary King, Kathleen Hord, Nina Hunter, Tenth Grade, John Floyd. Elbetliel OorrcBjioniionce of The Herald. (Crowded Out Last Week) We aie always glad when tlnv Herald arrives. Miss Deda Ware spent Satur day night and Sunday with her parents. '. Mr.- and Mrs. G. S. Ware. . Mr. Tom Black and daughter, MifisJeuMe spent the week end with his sisitsr, Mrs. Albert Hal -rell, near Patterson Springs. Jasper Ware visited at A. W Emerson's Fiidaj'. ' ' There was a singing Ht Mr. Henry. Gallimore'i Saturday . night. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0- Uamrick of Salem section s Den t Tuesday in the home of Mr. '.Go.'" P. Bar ber' 1 -V ".' Miss Ruby Glenn of Rock Hill S, C.-is visiting relatives .in this community. ;-'i;;-; '.'.' Misss Gertrude Ware of Kings Mountain spent Saturday night and Sunday ' with her p.-.reats Mr. and Mrs. G. b. Wiue, Miss Bessie Harmon of . Pair- cloth, Ga. daughter of Mr. Rush Harmon was married January 1915,,to Mr. JJon Sawyer of Geor-;

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