1 Be "Kings Mountain "Herald r 4 V)1 - Kii'igg Mountain. N. Crhursc'ay, March 18. 1915. "" " No. 6 '; G. G. FAGK, tditor and Owner ,. PRINCIPLE FIRST . ., . $1. A YEAK In ADVANCE 1 vf E. Y. WEBB .V S ACC EPTED Unless oiiii'lliii)! unlor.'R-.'ii develop between now ami tiit fifth Sunday in May Hon K. Y. Webb will be in Kings Mountain a.id addresk the Un on Sunday School Singing Convention which will be In session at the First Baptitt Church. Prof. C. P. Gaidner, secretary of the -convention, hai correspondtd With Mr. Web who has accept d the invitation if it be possible to come. Mr. Webb Is a great lover of music and has a reputation for putting himself to troub.e in or aer to attend sucn occasions as this will be. He also has a broad reputation as a speaker on the ibjectof music". Considering that the occasion cornea in 'Hai py Maytime" and that Webb is to speak, the time is looked for ward to as a red letter day Id the life ol the coo-ntion. An ki To Change The County Line Between APRIL FIRST NEW FIRM Ths Counties Of Cleveland And Gaston DRIES TWO COUNTIES J. H WILLIAMS. MANG'R THE TERRITORY INCLUDES -THE TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN BOOK CLUB CorrespondMc of Th Haraln. A very enjoyable meeting of the Book Club was he! with Mrs. O'Farreli on Thursday af ternoon March 4. After the usual business ses sion, cai.ia the program indud ing the following. ' German Life Mrs. Goforth, Reading, "At long Range" Miss K. Moss, "Germany as an In dustrul Po.r". Mrs. Hood Piano Solo, Mis lino Ormand. Reading, "Mainelle" Miss I lulse O'Farreli. Thee -umbers wore interspersed w'th vocal se lections by Miss Margaret ic Laughenand Mr. Horace Ru'i Sill. . At the conclusion of the prog ram a delicious ice course follow ed by mints in the club colors was served by Mist Ailleen Or mand, Louise O'Farreli, Kath nne .Moss and Margaret Mc Laugben. The invited guests were Mrs. Rudisill, -iiK Provence, Mrs. Simonton, Mrs. 1 G. Hord. Mrs. M. L. Plontc and Misses. Irma . Willeford, Sue Cannon and Laura Plonk. . The General Assembly of Nort1? Carolina do Enact: 8ectiou 1 That the Chairman of the Boards of Commissioners of the counties of Cleveland and Gaston, North Carolina, shall, and they are hereby jequired to cause o be submitted to the qualified vofcrs within the terri tory described as follow: Beg'nning at a stone on the Cout.ty line road from Kinifa Mountain to Cherr. vi"U. the as follows: Iteginning at a stone where the present county line between the counties of Gaston and Cleveland intersects the South Carolina line nmr John Well's residence, and runs thence N. 25 8 4 W. 315 chams to a stone near Mrs. Dovie Wier's residence in Cleveland County, thence N. 17 W. 125.50 chains to a post oak on south side of sand clav road leading LINWOOD CorraapondeiiM of Tbe Herald. Mar.h 10. TbeY. W. C. A. and Y. M. 0. . A. have elected new officers. The following are the Y. W. C. A. officers; Prsldert, Miss Kate Purselej; Vice President, Miss Alliene Gassette; General Secre tary, Miss Sue White Mills; Re- . cording Secretory, Miss Juliette Pollard; Treasurer. Miss Lois white. Tbe Y. M. C. A. officers . are: President, Mr. A. K White ides; Vice President, Mr. L. R. Nell; Genoral Secretary, Mr. Todd Garrison, , Corresponding Secretary, Mr. W,E. L; Treas ure, Mr. C. G. Castles. AU the students seem to have a deep In terest in this work and it if hoped that these' associations will do a greater work next yfeftr than ever before. . ; ' . Re.' A. T. Lindsay went over , to Charlotte Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of last week. It seems that he en joys tbe frequent trips. , Misses Lois White, -Ethel. Sooggins, A""' McCarter and Eihel Greer t bbatt and Monday will ,ds in Gaston- corner of no. I and no . o Tow n- j from Kings Mountain to Shelby, ships of Cleveland County, near thence N. 21 E 213chilnto the Ebeneser Church, and running beg.nning,(stone on county line S. 67 E. 156 50 chains to a stone rua(j lading from Kings .djunl near James Payne's residence in lain to Cherry vill i, t'ia corner of Gaston County, thence S. 5 W. no. 4 and no. 5 Townships of 444.00chaina to a stou on top of ce eland County near Eoenee mountain; thence S. 10 W. 110.00 r Church), therebi transfer- chains to a stone where the pres ' ring to Gaston county all that ent County Jin: between Gaston portion of the territory of Cleve j and Cleveland Counties intorect( and C JUIty wliic! is now be the South Carolina line near tweeu the lust above described line in Cleveland Cjunty and the pivsent c )Uiily line l.Mng be tween Giston aud Cleveland Counties. ; Section ,ir .Thai on or before h: lSLhfday of M:ircii 1915, the Chairtnau of the B iard of Coin smsMtoners o( Cleveland county and the Chairman of the Board of (Commissioners" of Gaston .shall meet in the town of Kings Mountain and shall oppoint legally qualified voter residing within the territory set forth in Section 1 foregoing lying in Cleveland County, to act as regiftai for those voting in the territory iu Cleveland County, i:.d shall also appoin. a legally q i.ineU voter resiaing witiiin V':) 9 fiieuaid territory lying .villi: n Gast in County, and at Oil- tiii.np time said Chairmen of John Wells's residence, thiintie I,. 25 8 4 W. 815.00 chains to a stone nerr Mrs. irovte eirs residence in Cleveland County; thence N. 17 W. 125.00 chaiiiH fj a Post Oaken south side of sand clay road leading f'OJi Kiugs Mountain to Sneloy thence N. 24 E. 213.00 chains to the beginning; at artelecton to be held within said territory on the Fourth Saturday in April, 1915 the question as to whether the said territory shall bp whol ly within the county of O'.eve lane or wholly within the coun ty of Gaston- 1 ' Section 2. That at the said el.-ction as above specified, those favoring that tbe said territory shall be wholly withiri tLe j county of , Cleveland, , sha. I j vote a printed or written ballot with the words ''Fdr-G mnissi.-vwrs shall apponit Cleveland County" Upon it, and'.woqnal'fi.'d, voters residiug thosd favoring that the said ter j wiMuu the aforesaid , terrilo -y rltory shall be wholly within tne lying within Cleveland County Cleveland and Gaston counties have an air tight prohibition law at last JuMt as the Legislature was finishing np it business and mskirg ,eadv to adjourn a bill was Dassed which nrnhihlta the same is hereby changed to run ! existing, out standing bonded shimnent of indebtedness, butln the event either of the counties mentioned. the msjo-ity of the ballots pst L-t Fridn.v's Guiette import at the election hereinbefore pro tiie information to us and hns vlded forshall be "For Gaston the following to a: County", then that portion of "Gaston county is, or will be the territory transferred to Gas. soon, exceed.ngly dry. A bill in to County thereby shall assume troddced in the House on Mon-i liability lor, and be liable for all day oy Representative Puett its p-oportion of out-standing prohibits the shipment of any bonded indebtedness. Including liquor of any kind or quality in the Precinct Road Bonds author to Gaston County. Tho bill pass ized chapter 429 of the Public led the Senate on the following Docal Laws of 1911, and laws of day, Tuesday, the last day of the 1913, chapt Legislature. A exact duplicate Section 6. If a majority of the I of the bill was passed as to ballots cast at such election shall Cleveland county. The Gaiette be "For Cleveland County", a is unsble to get in touch with commission shall be created con. I Mr. Puett today and hence !s un sisting of two ' persons, one of I ble to state positively just when hom shall be appointed by the the bill become effective. It is Couct.v Commissioners of Cleve currently understood born that land Cornty the : other bv the M' goes into effect tbe first of County Commissioners of Gaston I April. The full text of the bill County whoso duty it shall be I will prouably appear in Tues- to ascertain definitely the a I day's Gazette. This legislation mount of such bonded indebted was passed in compliance, by county of Gaston snap vote: a printed or written ballot with the words ''For Gaston County" upon it " V Section 8. That if the majority of the ballots cast at sueh elect ion shall " be "For Cleveland Countv then the county line between tbe said counties of Cleveland and Gaston shall be and the same is hereby changed to run as follows: Beginning at a stone on the County :ine road leading from Kings Mountain to Cherry vllie, the c . erof no. 4 and no. 5 Townships of Cleve Countv near- Ebeneewr Churoh and running tbenceS. 67. E. 156; 50 chains to a stone near James Payne.s residence in . Gaston Comty: thence S. 5 .W. 444.00 chains to a stone on top of moun tain; thence. S. 10 W.- :", 110.00 chains to a st jne where the present county ' line between Gaston and Cleveland counties intersects the South Carolina line war John Well's resid nue, thereby transferring to Cleve land county ail that portion of the territory of. Gaston County which is now between thy . above described line in Gaston County and the present county line ij ing between Gaston snd Cleve land counties, but if tbe major Ity of the ballots at such election be "For Gaston County" then toe county Une between the said counties of ulev4.an ioi Guieboa shall be and the who shall, at such election herein provided for,: act as poll holders or jugdos. of such election at the to'vn hall in Kinir Mount ain, and shall also appoint tw.r qualified voters residing within the aforesaid territory; lying in (t.iston County, whi shall, at such e'eati-in In rem provided, act an it'll' holders, or judes of such election at the Dilling Mill Store in tne , town of Kings Mount lin, and ni l Chairmin of sai l . li iHrl-i of ' 0 i n n ssioners shall at he said time and place f the .aforesaid ne t' a ( pro vide I fir uni give notice of said elect! in .i j 1 registration by caus ing such noti i to be published in some newspaper in Cleveland County V for , f.vi s ii-iieive weeks next pr jol"i.f ct Ion'; and by causing a 'ike rxi tice to be published in Gaston County for four successive weeks next proceeding said elect on, and said Chairmen shall cause a copy of their n1 at iii i,1 !;d the notice aforesaid, -to be spreal upon the .ninnte of the Bjard i' ) n-nn-":') nv.-! of th -'r respective Counties. : '; bection 5. That in ' the event tbe majurity of the bollots cast at the election hereinbefore pro y.ded for shall be "For r0leve. land County", then that portion of the tei rftory transferred to Cleveland county thereby shall assume liability for, and ue lis dte forslllt proportion of tho the General Assembly, with resolution adopted by the Detno cratio County Convention last summer," Following is the bill as it re lates to Cleveland and was in troduced by Representative ness for which the said teititory I the county's representatives in and thd county ot Cleveland are liable to the cou-ity of Gaston and the manner in which such liability shall be liquidated. In the event the two persons thus appointed fail to agree, they shall select a third person not a resident of either cuunty, who Smith shall assist them in determining 'The General Assembly of the liability as above provided I North Carolina do ?nact f jr. And in case such third per- Section 1. That it shall be son cannot be agreed uuon bv iwinwrui lor any nerson. Orm, or the said coramiision. then Buch coriioration, or any agent, offic third person shall be appointed eror Ploye thereof, to ship, by the 'Jovenor of t.h S.- f transport,, carry or deliver in The "Cash GrAcry" i, ih style of a new firm wlilcl, l,'.a (een organlred here for the pur nose of conducting a retail ctwh grocery business. Th'; new Put. nam building opprmiio the Herald office has bwi sim.-uivi ' and as noon as a lit.ilc pn.-.l-i.; nary work has Uev ri vi. ',!, doors will wen for bnsnuv.-. J. Harvey Williams, one of Kings Mountain's iK'st Icuotu voung men. will b iurrr! manager of the new firm j)' Willlims is well liked an J wn predict for the new entrpr so prosperous lusliirs authorized to say that ri'io m uuuncHmeniOI llie pcrill;; be made through tfocoluu" the Herald snd that the will be well advertised. will : or Hl7' . Hiss WsIsmi Gds Hels Miss Flora Hrrdon of Union Level. Virginia, bii accented position with the Watson Mi'ti uery Company here snd has hi rived in the city. She i n sister of Messrs. Elmer and Pitr Herndon of the Peoples fouu A 1'runt Co, iortn Carolina, who shall not e a resident either of the coun ty of Cleveland or the county of Gason. And if a mnioritv of the ballots cast a: such election shall e KorOasto Co uty ,a like c (imi'ission shall, be created con s sting of two parso.iv one whom shall be appointed by C3unty Coininissionois of Gaston cjuuty the other !y Hi- trinity Commissioners of Cleveland county,, whose duty it shall be. to ascertain df finitely thu union nt of such bonded indebtednos for wnich the sild erntorv and the county of Guton are liahl to the county of Cleveland an I the manner i i which such liabil ity shall bo liquidated. In tbe e vent the two portions thus sd- any manner or by any means whatsoever, (or hire or other wise, sny spirituous, vinuous, ferme ited or intoxicating liquors or intoxicating; bitters, from point within or without this State to any nerson, firm or cor O( or any agent, officer or employe iiiht ii snail ue uniawiui lor any person, firm or corporation, or any ageut, oflioer, or employe iiiereo:, to receive any spirit sous, vinuous, fermented or roa't liquors, or intoxicating bitters within Cleveland county, N. C, for his, her, or their, or its own use, or for the use of any other person, firm c corporation. EXCEPTIONS Sections. That the provis- pointed fail to ng-ee, 4hey shall ions of this act snail not apply select a third oersjn not a resi I to wines intended for sacrament deatof eitiier oi;ty, who shall M purposes when received by a asssit them in determining the minister or any other duly auth liability as p ovided for. And, in orized person of such church; and caso such third mm cannot be tlia person, firm or corporation agreed upo.i by t!w said com mission, then sui .h third peron or umpire siiail bi ap.j jio d by ine tovea ir ar t ie state of North Carolina, iwho shall not. oe a resident either of the county of 0;vV i t lor tlu urm so de.iyenng mat same shall have in his or its possession, before ';e or it receives for trans portation or transports such win, authority in writing from the church to such uiin.ster or other agent to receive or procure ty of Gaston. Pr ividal, that tun ch wine for sacramental pur- Board of Conissloiers of eitiier ooaity in eithsr eva it my p peal to the Supjrior Cirt or either County as provided for appeals from boaros of county poses, and shall rutain such writ ten authority in bis or its possession.- ' "Section 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person to re- TomJcnt!asEcAJ. Tom Jenkins o' Kings Kor.nf sin died after a long limes witrt tuberculosis Friday, .March 5tli, at the aire of 40 years. Hu was a brother of Mehsrs. Ntwt and Press Jenkins; oommiseloners, and the same ceive any wines under the pro- shall be bearl as other causa visions of Section 8 of this set and may be removed to son-al when such wines are not intend other-county npan m xion, novi ed for sacramental purposes. affidavit filed, if the judge pre siding shall deem It proper or expedient to remove the same. Section. 7. That at such else "Section 5. That the provis ion of this act shall not apply to compounding, mixing, or pre serving medicines or nmtiitiil preparations, w ien outauiod. is hereliiafur provided. . "Section 6. That uianufactnr- era of incdiclue. uulv liccii.d physicians and -: druggists cmy make a written apijiioation to tbe clerk of tho Superior Court ff the countv for a permit to re ceive by transportation, by a com mon carn;r, ciain uicolio! in tended to be used tu coui)ound iug, mixing or preser"iug tuudi- cines and medical prepai aiions. Such permit shall then U; grain ed by th9 clerk or hi duly up.. pointed depaty, who shad mil the seal of his office tlwreio and1 said permit shall contain thu names of the applicant to whom tne shipment in to bo delivered, tne place from which the ship ment is to be made, the amount to be shipped and the date of granting that permit Tho said permit shall da executed in du plicate. The original shall be de livered to the applicant to bo bent br him to the shippers, to pasted on the outside of the package containing the alcohol. ..Section 7. That a permit, is sued as above, when attached to a pUinly affixed in a conspicuous place to any package or parcel containing grain alcho) transport d within this Suite, shall sutli- . oi ise any coxmon carrier within the to ti ans ort the . ..tacit age or parcel to which' such" permit is uttaclieii oh afflixe, cojitaining oaiy alcoeol mention ed id said permit and to deliver the same to person, f i rm ,or cor- poratim to- which such permit was issued. - ; .: -: . "Section A. That the duplicate copy of thesald permit, together with tbe application therefore as herein before provided, shall be Med iu trie office of the Clerk irrain alcohol received by duly: of the Sapetf-jr Court, chrojil licensed- physicians, druggists, oglcally and los;b'8triy y . wi'h- tlon ah aforesaid, there shall be na "ctarr or medicine. egsra w im : iai i -it? : yc-mra on hck osre) ; (Ctiool ni im

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