ADJ this. vvcc';r 'i i sere. arc some special BA ROAINS of fered. -v T .Sings Mountain Herald) lie Vol 12 - " ; . . A Kinjrs Mount:!.:..:?. 0.. Thursday, March 25, 1915.- No. 7 i G. G. PAGE; Editor and Owuer , PRINCIPLE FIRST , . . . $1. A YEAR in ADVANCE THE FOUNTAIN AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION i THAT SYK8JUZES THE BUILDING OF THE PANAMA CANAL SECRETARY N0.4TOWNSHIP iJVVUUW ITEMS Of INTEREST J. M PATTERSON PRELIMINARY CONTEST Gathered by the reporter on bi rounds. Miss Kate Turner of Grover visited her sister Mrs. Clarence Comwell, here Friday. J Mixs Bessie Turner of Grover was taknn to a hospital at Ruth erfordton last Thursday . for treatment. Mrs. C. F, Hunter was called t Cuarlotte Friday to see her . titer, Mia. J. D. Camel, who v as very sick. ' Mr. tT. L. White of Gaslonia sited his daughter Mrs. M.. L. ummers, here Friday. Misses Ella and Annie Mc- viilKn and Susan White of Jastonia visited relatives here l'riday. Mr. and Mrs. Doris Littlejohn nf near Bessemer visited her , arents, Mr. and Mr. J. S. Hord, i, ere Sunday. - jV ; Mi s. Saliie Cox and two Child r n of ThomasVille have been v siting at It. H. McCullough's. Press Jenkins child has been ery sick with bronchial oneu i.nnia. . Miss Mary Bell Bridges of ; Ktonia is visiting relatives in . st King Mountain. Be suiv to' read that whole one ad of G. H. McDaniel's , ecials for tomorrow and Satur day. It's all there too 9veryth i g mentioned in the ad. Just ake the Herald right with you. go and buy ' what yon reed. McDaniei's is the place. Mrs. Geo. Brooks and childreu left for their home at Marion. Georgia, at the first of the week after spending two weeks with her perents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .E McLaughna. here. ; ; Rev. C. K. Bell attended . the faneial of Rev. J- H. Wanna maker at Hickory Saturday. Kev.Mr. Wannamaker w8 pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran church of . Hickory. He was stricnen with apoplexy and lived only a: . few days.- :-''.-: i ':; -Mr. H, G. McFalls of Newton was in town Friday and renewed hie fciihertrlnrinn trv. the Herald. He hid been out to hi' farm necr. Hooy's store. He, sold his last years rents at a good figure. He got a dollar a bushel for corn and 8'A cents for cotton. Mr Mc Falis states that our cotton mark et is a half cent better than the Newton market." ' . . Local Wireless Station Llc'nsed. ' The local- wirefess telegraph station in the building of the Piedmont Telephone & Telegra-. ph Company , has receptly been licensed by Ahe United States Goverment. The Bureau of Nav igation of the Department of Commerce Issued ' the" license which bears thft number '7is03, General, Amateur Radfo.Station. ' the official Government call -assigned to the station is "J O A," and Mr. Kenneth Babington is designated as operator as he holds Amateor Radio Operator LicenseNo; 6952: An ihteresfing euusen the station license is that which stipulates' that'.' the president of the - United States, in time of war or put lie c.'peril or disaster, fans the right to close tWUtion,"or may authorize the usiTcontrol of the station or apparatus by Any department of the Government upon just cou jjenaation to ti? owners; as fnt Gaaettf, '' " . . . .. f&tfyskWJr fell.' iVT-fe tK? knti t & '&ti 'tufa The labor that went Into the-building of the Panama canal Is gjrmbolizod In the Fountain ot Energy, br A. Stirling Calder. - Thla heroic sculpture stands in the centor laRoon of the three lagoonB of the South Gardens and faces the mala entrance gates. The waters were first released on opening day, February 20. coincldently with the opening of the portals of the exhibit palaces and by the same means: the electric spark transmitted across the con tinent when President Woodrow Wilson opened the great exposition at San Francisoo by wireless. : BESSEMER Bessemer City, Route 1, March 17. Carolina school ' will close Saturday, the 20th,!witb a picnic. The term has been taught most suecesslully by Miss Violet Al exander, t,f Huntersville. V ,i The little Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rayfipld died Saturday and was buried at Con cord church Sunday' afternoon. Mrs, M. F. Pasoor and daugh ter, Mrs. S. E. Beam, spent Wed nesday with Mrs. G us Stroup. ; Mrs. Lee Hager, who under went an operation at a hospital in Charlotte a few weeks ago, has- returned home.. Her many friends are glad to learn that she is Improving. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spencer,- who - has been verV ick 'witfi '.pneumonia. Is some better at th writing. ' Mbs Violet 'Alexander" spent Saturday at the home of Mr. T. S.'LEbyster, 'visiting her sister. Miss Lelia, the latter being one of Jtbe' teachers of Sunnyside aqhool". , ' ' . - ' ' Mr. Ervin Beam is erecting a nice dwelling on bis farm and be ready to move into it shortly. Mr. Hart Spencer was in Gast- onia on business Monday. - : -. Miss Helen Pasour spent Wed nesday with Miss Blanch. Beam. ; Mrs, W. F,1 Pasour was , in Cherrvville shopping Tuesday. Card Of Thanks i- In behalf of my brother', Frank, and myself I wish to express my aopreciatlon'of the kindness and sympathy shown hs and our fath er during his recent illness here. ."-EC. Caldwell GROVER- The Grover Hiiih "School 7 had a Recita' and Boi Supper- last j Saturday nignfc, 'i - , Erj. Wil'eford Entertain'. . Miss-is Irma and E-stolle Will-, ford entertained charmingly on 'ast Saturday evening with pro-li-essivo rook. The guests were I't-clV'; Ikvf"'- ?rii- i sly by the hostfs assisted by Mrs. "U.K. VVille'ord of Greenville, S. C. a id conducted to the cloak rcoin bv Misses Aileen Ormand and Louise O'Farre! mi Mrs. B. R. Wi'ioivird. -; '' :r. The ball,' parlor and living rjoms were mast -artistically decorad for the occasion with CBrnations, potted plants -and lowly trailing smilax, the coif r scheme of pink and green being most aKiictivoly carried out. .' on . n. arrival, of all the gnest-s partners were; selected and! wviili aiiich merriment the playing 'i"g vi yun Irma, Es telle and Eloise Wi He ford pass ed from table to table lending aid and advice to each player, there- bv adding much pleasure to the evening. V v.- .. At the, close of the game de i'.'Idus refreshments were servt d wiioh t'0 isisted of oyster cock tail, -ollo ved by a salad course with coffee, then a course of sweets, all of whicn was suggest ive of the color scheme. The invited gussts were Mrs. K. C. Provepce, Misses Martha Simonton, 'Malrie Moss,1 Jettie Plonk, Esde Kester, Cirlyle Ware, Sue Cannon, Daisy Car penter, Gertrude Wai e, Miss Lucy ' bell Jenkins of Charlotte and Mrs. B. K. . Willeford of Greenville 8. C., Dr.. O. G. Falls Messrs Will Maune.rOtto Hord, Caspar Smith, Luther Harmon, Grady King, - James McGill Er nest Neil, George Modena, Joe Thompson, Mr. Wird of Green -ville and MrV'B. R. Willeford. ' E. W. Barnes, one of the drug clerks at the Maiinejr DrUgsto.e, spent, the week-end at Vinedale FarmnearwTaroro, in . Edge--combe Coudty, where be, attend ed the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Chs, y.'Cobb. . HAULING IT IN : Sometliiu happened at Pio"k & Floyd's barn about a mile from town Sunday niht about eleven oclock. Shortly after wards something else haupened up town aod a little latter there was another happening across the mountain about seven miles a, ay.. It was about like this: George Aiams, a colored tenant on the farm of Plonk&B'ioyd, saw a light at the barn. He went out for to see; and what be saw was another daikey en gagad iu loading his dashless buggy with grain. He hurried up town and reported his find ing. ' ' ' Mr. Plonk bestirred himself until he had bestirred Deputy B. F. Lindsay. The two mount ed and fled away to tbe place where tbe Sabbath had been severely cracked and the eight Commandment shattered to pittces. The offender had gone his way. The chase was resnm ed and a close scent kept upon the track; In the time it takes to to tell it .the steeds had broght their riders to the habhat of on- Ezell : Worthy, a dusky sire. It's useless to rehearse tl.e remainder of the program for Ezell hadn't yet unloaded the grain nor removed bis overcoat but swore he : hadn't "been no where" and that thd ifrain was made on his own farm. But bis worthiness soon coughed up the trtith and at this writing, Mon day, his negroship is snugl couched in the city lockup wait ing to seo what "de white fdlks g wine to do'wid" the unworthj, Worthy. : : : ,n attempt was made Sunday night to burglarize theMauney Drig store.', An effort was made to gaii entrance by the back door. This failing the man went on toiVof the buihling . and was working at the skylight when diseovared by Dr.- Hood.,.Tner Cf the Kings KoonUin Progressive Association. J. M. Patterson has been e'ected secretary of the Kings Mountnin Piogressiye Asswia on. This action was taken b lie executive coum.ittee last veek. Mr. Patterson is one of Kings 'lountain's most industrious and itei prising business men. H It member of the Patterson Gro c ry Company and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Kings Mountain Cotton Oil Company. He is fiiihiliiii with the- neei'a and riM-oliit''S of oui c-omruunitv ind is h lo)-t Ijt a plesisant and e;ii!irnt I'tirrss n an. Tl.e Iiei- ald julrs il.r lovi-iaof progress in congrstulat'-tig thr association jpor their koiI (o-tuno in secur ing N-r Psttt rron's m rvicns in t'ie ci Hi il.v of nci'Ptnry. iVi -i i-'l cxiKct to sre the ar-sociation contlnns to grow and lis UM-iuiiii ss lio:ideii. Its per- ii-A-!l (.nld n- t be im.rocd mon. The fiov cr of its member (hip are in charge of its tnachin pry. Tlie association has a splendid record behind it- and unlimited possibilities- ulitud. Let every body join the sfscciution and th 'ii let nil the members join the officers in leading the orau i i.ition to its goal. Dallas Items. Dallas, March 17, The mem bers of tl'p Independent. Book Club were delightfully entertain ed last Friday evpnin by Misses Mav and Helen Durham at the hospitable horr o ther s'atei Mrs. Fred- Robinson. Progress ive Rook was played and' M ss Sarah Hoffman recieved the prize a dainty little handkerchief foi making the highest sooie during tae evening. A salnd course ws served at the close of the games, and was i.cli e o, c. l, till. 'J he decoi itior s eoi sisted of big puiplt violet, and the fragrant bios itcs were given as favors to lacn guest, carrying out the lea cf "vio'ets, Tiolets, violets very where. " Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lewis ntertaitod a nnmbeof the tea cfiers of the graded school at a very delichtful supper Tuesday evoniu r- The teachers present were Misses Bertha Herman, Marion Miller, Myrtle Swindell and Mabel Bulwinkle Miss Bessie Blakeney, aVnem ber'of'the IlighSchool faculty. left today for her . home near Pineville on account of ilm ser ious illness of her father, who is suffering from a stroke of para lysis.,. The friends of Mr- and .Mrs. Clemmer and family are glad to have them move here from Bes- remer. They moved today and expect to remain permanently in Dallas. . The fr'ends of Mr, John C, Pnett are clad to know that he is improving from a spe'l of sickness he has had since he returned from Raleigh. Miss Nellie Craig was chos en to represent the Dallas school in the spelling match to be neld here Friday. At that time a con-' tosti-nt wiill be chosen to repre sent this township in the conn -Good Miss Winnie Vera Mauney ot the Kins Mountiiiu Graded School and Mr.Bryce Hambright ot Grover Ilifih School will rep restnt Io. 4. Township in the Reading and Declamation con test at the Cleveland County Commencement which will be hsld in Shelby April 3. The preliminary contests were held in the era (led school audi torium here Inst Friday niulit. It vras a spirited contest hi each department. Each piece had been well selected and thorough ly prepared and the contestants, although coming from the sev en'h grade anl below, werecoin poscd and showed splendid skill. The judges were ' as follows; f r Reading, Prof. Byerly, Miss Pearl Harrellson and Miss Surah Miller; for Declaration, Prof. Byerly, Miss Peirl Harrellson and Miss Margaret Ccstner. Prof Byerly Is Superintendant of Besemer City graded school and the other in '.in hers of the respect ive committees are of his faculty. The contestants wore as fol lows; READING 1. "A Scono From The Secret 'Jarden." Miss-.Louise CornwelV Kings Mountain Graded School. 2. "The Maiden Martyr" Miss Eva Shcppard, Grover High- school. ; 3. "Female Education," . Msy Aucilie Falls, Elbethel school. 4, "Naughty Zell." Miss1 'Jwenie Rollins, Grover High school. 5. "Marguerite," Miss Jannita Mauney, Kings Mountain Graded school. G. "Pollv's Surprise Party," Miss Winnie Vera Mauney,. Kings Mountain Graded School. (This was the winning number in ttie rending contest.) 7. "Buyine- a fellow". Miss Lela Westmoreland, Grover Hijih school, ' 8. "The Lie," Miss Pearl Ful ton, Kings Mountain' Graded ' School, DECLAIMING 1. "Give Me Liberty or Give' Me Death," Mr. Bryce Ham bright Grover High school, (This was the winning declamation), 2. "The Constitution, The Safe ' guard of The People," Mr. Ellis -Turner. Grover High school. 8. -"We are One," Harvey Keeter. Grover High school ' In the of Supt, R. A. Yoder of the Kings Mountain " Graded School, Miss N. Meldon na Livingstone, principal of tbe ' Grover High school and Presi dent of the Cleveland County Teachers Association, presided over the meeting. Tiie Grover school evinced great interest in the contests. Besides entering - si;, contestants the whole faculty and a number of pupils . were iu - attendance. Mrs. Green Dead (Cleveland Star) On March 7th Mrs. J. H. Green' passed into the great beyond. This good woman was a native of Cleveland county, and always lived it this county. She wu a devout Christian, and a member of Trinity Baptist church, wneif her body was laid to rest Mrs. Green was the tnothr of only'; one daughter who Is now Mrr - (Continued y baclf page.) Held here last Friday night-program. Vs oo clue, ,